Wallace and the Whale

Wallace is a high school student in Unalakleet, Alaska. This is a celebration day for this wonderful village. Many families will have delicious food for many days to come. Take note of the precision taken to harvest the meat and all the precious things this majestic animal brings to so many.
Key Statement: What you treasure becomes precious, important, and brings great gratitude from your mind into your heart
Many years ago at NBC, a coaching team was invited to speak in schools at Barrow Alaska. Barrow is the Northern most city in America.
Early that morning a whale was caught near the village, nearly every student rushed out on the ice to see this mammoth.
Words cannot describe the excitement, the enthusiasm, and the joy capturing a large whale brings to an Alaska village. It is an amazing experience, I will never forget the memory of seeing so many excited people.
This picture of Wallace on top of this gigantic whale reminds me of the majesty and miracle of God’s creation.
Too often when I tell of my experiences in Alaska the response is, “I could never live there, it’s way too cold.”
Well, the village Alaskans think living in Arizona is way too hot.
Last night Mike Crowell and Delitha Spear attended a seminar on discovering how to live life at its maximum.
This morning I asked Mike and Delitha what there one takeaway was; remember the LLA principal? To Learn you first must listen, then learning doesn’t take place until you act upon what you hear.
The takeaway was, the act of learning for both Mike and Delitha. They said, ” living in the present moment with gratitude was their takeaway.”
Study the picture of Wallace and the Whale.
What do you see?
What don’t you see?
What you don’t see is often more important than what you can see.
Fred Crowell sees:
Pure joy
Professional excellence
Lots of food and provision
Fred Crowell doesn’t see:
A grateful widow receiving lots of food
Mothers cooking some whole soup (it is delicious)
Men using oil for many things
Celebration in the village
What is your take away from this Words of Hope?