NBC Camps Delivers Hope

A great high school coach told me many years ago, “If NBC had a finger painting class my 3 children would be there. NBC is this valuable to my kid’s education.”

Never in my 48-years with NBC Camps have children needed NBC more than today! Never say never as they say… unless you sincerely believe it and mean it.  

I sincerely believe it and mean it!

Am I fearful of the Coronavirus? Heck Yes! Have I been, at times dreadfully fearful, during some of my 240 plus appointments at oncology clinics over the past 10 years? Heck yes! 

Gracious gratitude gives me a 15-20% increased chance of beating my cancer! Likewise, it seems to me, gracious gratitude gives all of us a 15-20%+ boost to the defeat of Coronavirus!

Long ago it became crystal clear playing basketball does not build character; nor does success and winning. They simply reveal character!  

For this reason, I welcome the late Coach John Wooden’s philosophy, “If basketball is not used to build character it is a waste of time and energy.”

NBC is hope and hope is NBC Camps. At NBC when the going gets tough the tough get going.

In 1971 the very first NBC Camp brochure stated, “Basketball at its finest in a Christian atmosphere.” People laughed, people, told me, “You will never be successful. You can’t bridge the gap between basketball and Christianity.”

The fact of the matter is NBC Camps married basketball excellence with biblical and psychological principles to develop a life-changing educational system unlike any other sports camp in the world.

During these days of self-imposed or government-imposed quarantine, you have time to spend diving into the NBC Camps and Crowell U websites to build your hope factor.

You and I can beat coronavirus, cancer, depression, and any obstacle in front of us. We may have to go around it, over it or under it but we will get through it.

Feast on the powerful words written by the Psalmist in Psalm Chapter 20, the very Psalm Mrs. Crowell prayed daily to give her hope when medical science gave her no hope for our son Jay. At his birth, I said to myself, “Now I know the depth of God’s love for me.”