You His mighty angels doing His bidding.  – Psalm 103

Today Jan Foland emailed her drawing of her vision of a sacred place. 

Of all the people Susie and I know, Jan is one who goes daily to her secret garden to be with the Holy Trinity. Jan has a sacred place to make this daily journey.

Jan Foland is a true modern day angel.

After a teaching career of 32 years, Jan started a ministry to the poor in one of Spokane’s most depressed areas. It is nicknamed Felony Flats. 

Every Monday over 200 people are served a hot dinner. Recently Jan raised enough money to convert an old pole building into a place where displaced people can have a hot shower and wash their clothes.

 Jan beat pancreatic cancer and several other serious health issues. Jan is a miracle. 

Retired Lt Colonel Don Frieze said, “You get a compliment from me you earned it. Jan Foland is the most amazing person I have met in my lifetime.” Officer Frieze is 82 years old. 

Jan reminds me of the promises of Psalm 1. 

People who do not seek the counsel of wicked people, walk the paths with committed sinners and lounge in the seats with critical people will experience the blessings of the Lord.  

Jan meditates on God’s Word and He has planted her by rivers of living water.

Life’s struggles don’t stop Mrs. Foland. She never stops thanking God and serving the poor. 

Jan is rich in joy, abundant in peace, and overflowing with gratitude. 

Do you have an Angel like Jan in your life?

Do you know you are one of His angels?

Don’t take my word for it. Read Psalm 103