Lamps and lights are favorites of mine, more than the average person. My wife will agree with that. She will tell you how an extraordinary desk lamp at a Spokane home show caught my attention. I wanted to purchase it, yet parting with my money trumped my longing. To my delightful surprise, a few days later that lamp was in my office… and, with appreciation, it still is there.

In Spokane’s current culture, lawn lights illuminate a path, and they make a yard come alive. You should see what it does to my honorable 25-foot flag pole in front of my house.

Can you believe the psalmist puts a lamp and light together? For him, this was the perfect imagery for the Word of God. It then becomes clear signposts, right life-maps, plain directions for life. In Psalm 119:105, the Word of God is called a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. What a flashlight!

God’s lamp and light never become obsolete and help me to avoid ditches with its beam on dark paths. They even direct me occasionally to hidden treasures.

World history is proof to me without the WORD human beings wander. Our present-day world trials prove when nations and individuals do not heed and obey God’s written precepts, personal decisions are made in darkness. However, there is not a trace of darkness in God. He is pure light, and Jesus magnified this as the Light of the World who came to banish darkness forever.

I am grateful for God’s Word. It is bright and enlightens my eyes. This lamp and light keep me from swerving an inch from God’s perfect course and the completion of my journey. It is my forever book.