Here is a personal example of facing the No. 1 spiritual enemy. One night I had a horrendous dream. It was so intense and real. In the dream, an ugly human-like creature grabbed my right leg and pulled me down in quicksand. In my dream, I kicked him so hard and dove for the roadside curb. Suddenly, I woke because my face was dripping blood, my neck and head hurt, my right knee had kicked a large hole in the wall. I had nosedived literally face first into an iron lamp beside the bed in response to that creature. This is the truth.

For the next four hours in the middle of the night, I tried to KNOW, understand, what this was all about. Finally I said, “Tell me your name.” He said, “I am not going to tell you.” With the face of a lion, I said, “I command you in the Name of Jesus Christ to tell me your name.” With equal intensity, he replied, “My name is Cancer, and I am going to kill you.” My honest reply was, “You can never kill the real me. You may get my body, but you will never get my mind, my love, my passion, my hope, my joy.”

Satan knows that the origin of every negative response we face is some kind of anxiety about ourselves. That fear will keep us from knowing God fully. This fulfills Satan’s desire – DO NOT KNOW GOD! It is necessary to break down any mental stronghold Satan has constructed. St. Paul in II Corinthians 10:4 says it this way: “For the weapons of our warfare are not physical (weapons of flesh and blood) but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of the devil’s strongholds.”

Flawed beliefs will eventually crumble under the truth of the Scripture. This is the assurance I have as my 2019 Mindful Management and Self-Regulation. I will confront the lies and conquer with truth. This is what I KNOW!