Happy Thanksgiving and Giving Tuesday

Give Thanks
One of the best ways to praise the Lord is through the prayer of Thanksgiving. Thank you for loving Fred Crowell. Share his legacy by being a person committed to gratitude and joy.

WORDS OF HOPE BOOK FOR CHRISTMAS Do you want to give “Words of Hope” to someone for Christmas? There are only 400 left. RESERVE FINAL COPIES NOW GIVING TUESDAY — HONOR THE FRED CROWELL LEGACY FUND Consider giving a donation in honor of the Fred Crowell Legacy. Funding goes to helping underprivileged students attend camp and to help fund Christ-centered sports education in poverty areas of the world. DONATE FOR A HAT Check out “Help us help the next generation” from Jay Crowell |

Also, the video is available for you to view at https://vimeo.com/775322534/88e9f3b6f3
If you know me, I only like nice gear. These hats are high quality and will make a great gift for anyone who loves Fred Crowell, CIC, and/or NBC. We appreciate any and all donations, but we only have 30 hats so move quickly – they will go fast.
If you want a hat, please take the three following steps:Make your donation of $250.00 or more at https://sportsleadership.net/donate-and-support/
select in the drop-down the Fred Crowell Legacy FundSend me an email with proof of donation & your mailing address for your hat delivery. (see below)Pray for the legacy of RPE that my dad started to continue and positively impact the next generation.Please feel free to share this email with friends – thanks!
All the best,
1206.795.9268Donate for HAT

FRED CROWELL CELEBRATION OF LIFEGet Words of Hope sent to your email on weekdays. http://crowellu.com/words-of-hope/

Did you receive one of the RPE4FJC shirts at the 50th or the Celebration of Life and still need to pay/donate? Please select Fred Crowell Legacy Fund and make your donation. Thanks!
Please do so here.
Have You Seen Fred Crowell’s Celebration of Life?
Welcome and prayer from Real Life Church Pastor: 1:15
Testimonials Part 1- 4:48
Poem and scripture by Kingston and Gia Crowell: 16:30
Speech: Jay Crowell -19:05
Fred Crowell Family slide show: 36:37
Testimonials: Part 2-41:24
Speech: Jennifer Crowell Ferch-53:29
Ferch Family Song- Goodness of God: 1:04:58
Testimonials: Part 3: 1:09:40
Video testimonial: Fred Crowell 1:21:49
Communion and piano solo: Bobby Moore and Gail Wright: 1:24:42
Group Singing: 1:34:00
Closing Prayer and announcement: 1:40:00
Bonus video: more testimonials: 1: 42:15
Relentless pursuit of excellence in honor of Fred J Crowell and his legacy.
May we live with more hope in desperate times. May we live with more peace in times of war. May we live with more joy in times of difficulty. May we live with more love for God and everyone we meet by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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