Esperanza is HOPE and EXPECTATION. Wonderful words!

The picture has a red balloon with a rope tied to an anchor. The red is LOVE, our positive emotion for life. The rope is our FAITH. When we believe, the rope will keep the balloon from drifting afar. The anchor is our HOPE, the precious foundation to keep both the red balloon and our personal lives grounded.
Soul and heart-breaking illness is the absence of HOPE. The all-time bestselling book tells us that HOPE deferred makes the heart sick. Even American prisoners of war tell us the enemy mastered stealing away hope. Love and faith become powerless when hope robbers steal our HOPE.

Los Cabo’s Mexico
This begs two questions:
- Is it possible to protect our hope?
- Is it possible to grow hope?
A strong “YES” is the answer to both of these crucible questions.
HOPE is protected with a worthy, reliable anchor. Yet, as in the boating industry, there are cheaper anchors out there. You get what you pay for. The same goes for our heart anchor. You get what you develop through faith based on reliable facts, not emotions and good intentions.

The HOPE anchor grows when the following life skills are mastered:
- CONTROL your environment so far as possible; your personal bedroom should be first.
- SEEK trusted mentors who have PTR (proven track record) and are WOBI (worthy of being imitated).
- PRACTICE repetitive positive behaviors daily, not doing what you should not do and doing what you should do.
- LEARN from life experiences, including failures.
If there is pain or heartaches, be assured God is with us to give us HOPE. Psalm 34:18 promises the Lord is near to the heartbroken and saves those who are crushed in spirit. He quiets us with His love.
HOPE is like a muscle: Use it or lose it.