“The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want, I have everything I need, all I really want is God.” – Crowell

It’s been said that when John D Rockefeller was asked how much money was enough, he replied, “just a little bit more.”

I think one of the prize virtues we can embrace is to know that we have more than enough.

“Enough is good enough” is not only a great motto; it’s a wonderful way to live. The reality is, if we live long enough, our world will be reduced to living in one room, sleeping in one small bed, maybe have a TV and own a few sets of clothes.

Let me be honest, it took cancer for me to come to the conclusion that enough is good enough. I have discovered, there is no better place to live than in the truth of Psalm 23.

When St. Paul challenges us to be joyful always, pray without ceasing, and to give thanks for everything, even in cancer, for this is God’s will in Christ Jesus concerning Fred Crowell.

This has become possible because Psalm 23 is so often on my mind. When I go to sleep at night, when I wake up in the middle of the night when I drive my car when I have idle thoughts. Home plate for me is Psalm 23.

My promise for 2021 is just to live in the reality that enough is good enough.