Crowell 99.9. Cancer 0.1

My dedicated oncologist gave the Crowell’s this news. These are the best scores you have had in 3 years. The drugs are doing their job. 

We join the psalmist in singing, “Bless The Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name.”

Remarkable, loyal, loving friends thank you for your prayers, emails, phone calls, letters and visits. I am alive today because of you and God’s grace!

Key statement: For nearly 8 years cancer has been knocking at Crowell’s door. Actually dirty player Mr. C has been trying to kick my door down. Fact is cancer CANNOT steal my joy, my peace, my love, my hope, or my DESTINY.

Jay Crowell’s loving challenge to me on one of the darkest days of my life. December 2010, Spokane, Washington.

The bleak news Fred Crowell had 4th stage metastatic cancer devastated our family.

It was at the darkest hours Jay Crowell stepped up to the plate to inspire his father. My boy who changed my life was now a man said with firm resolve,

“Dad now we are going to find out if everything you have been teaching us is really true.”

Keith Lauwers, Anchorage, Alaska, a spiritual giant of a man, who has been used by God to influence thousands and thousands of lives over the past 60 years said to me,

“Fred, people will be watching you. These thousands and thousands of people want to see how you handle this cancer challenge. They need to see Christ in you, our hope of glory.”

Winning the moment sounds so trite and simple yet is terribly difficult to do. Living in the past promotes depression. Living in the future fuels fear and anxiety.

Living in the precious present brings a life of ease and peace.

Today I have breath so I breathe. Take a walk with Fred Crowell today. Use your imagination to be with me in my secret garden where you will find the Love and grace of Abba father the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.