With many mental parts moving about in the “Crowell Cooker” today, I wonder how do I find peace where there is so much pain in our world, both micro and macro? The world is circling and colliding with fears, panic and doubt. It is almost chaos. So many questions. So many “what ifs.” What if all of this never blows over?

I look at the days of Nineveh. What did they do? They fasted to express their grief (not anger or bitterness). What did this do for them? This:

  1. Detoxed their souls of negative issues by letting go.
  2. Made room for God, exchanging what they needed to survive for what they needed to live.
  3. Created an atmosphere for heaven to touch earth and their world.
  4. Brought a deeper sensitivity to hearing God’s voice.

You say, What kind of fast? In our world, it can be physical, mental, spiritual. You know what you need to leave out: unhealthy foods, negative meds, inactivity, critical thoughts and speech, overtime entertainment consumption, lack of appreciation and praise for God in our world, fighting on the path to peace.

For me, my desire and hope are quality days. If these provide more quantity of days for me, that would be a bonus. What can I do to experience a quality day today?

  • Commit to living in the moment, not past issues.
  • Commit to being silent with a time period.
  • Commit to fasting with the written protocol.
  • Commit to viewing external criticism as signals to eliminate internal clutter bugs.

Good immediate positive action steps for me to take:

  • Live in my 25 gratitudes.
  • Speak life not death.
  • Serve my wife and others with joy.
  • Experience God’s promise written by the psalmist in Psalm 37:34, “Keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season He will honor you with every blessing.”