Words of Hope: Creative Affirmations 

Scripture tells us, “In the beginning was the word and the word was God.” I consider the coding of our DNA, I consider the world of words, the messages that speak to us day and night. Some words fill...

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Words of Hope: Wintering 

In Spokane, the winter strips the leaves from our deciduous trees. I notice without the garment of green, the trees appear gnarled and exposed. I think of this image as a metaphor for difficulty. When the green vibrancy is...

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Words of Hope: Timeout 

My dad loved timeouts. This is not a punishment and it’s unfortunate that this language is connected to punishment. Timeouts are crucial for our health, for taking a step back, and for reevaluating.   In basketball, there are strategic moments to...

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Words of Hope: For Goodness Sake 

For New Year’s Eve, our family members selected a lovely card to write down our yearly intentions. We mediated on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 reading it slowly aloud twice and then considering, “What is God asking for us in the...

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Words of Hope: RPG  

I have been signing cards recently with the acronym RPG. It’s my true north right now. When I get confused, anxious, unsure how to spend my time or focus my thoughts, it is my way forward.   It is the simple...

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Words of Hope: Quintiles of Life  

I am currently in a Bible study that is reflecting on what God is doing in our journey on earth. It’s a beautiful notion that God is working in the painful and beautiful aspects of our lives to bring...

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Words of Hope: The Outcome of Unity

At the NBC Camps Christmas party, we took red and white pipe cleaners and wound them together to make a candy cane. While doing so, the prompt was to pray and consider a relationship or a country that needed...

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Words of Hope: Marian Point of View 

I am struck by the obedience and willingness of Mary to become the mother of Jesus. Her song of gratitude to God for this blessing stuns me. She must have had to grasp the reality of the intense suffering...

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Words of Hope: Which Side?  

The word challenge originally meant to accuse. Have you ever been accused?     I think about Christ standing on trial. Witnesses attempted to bring accusations against Him, but they kept contradicting their testimony.  Recently, I read in Revelation that Satan the accuser...

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A man has joy by the answer of his mouth - Proverbs 15:23 This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead...

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