Words of Hope: Meditating on Comfort 

There is a bridge in Prague that is one of the most famous in the world. Near one end is a metal statue, most of the others are entirely of stone. It is Christ on the cross looking down...

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Words of Hope: Hopeless to Hopeful

Imagine the hopelessness one would experience under the following conditions: Stay of execution although standing before a firing squad Ten years in prison Death of wife Death of a favorite brother A debt of approximately $850,000 Obligation to write a novel within a year or...

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Words of Hope: Heading to Tarshish 

Jonah was heading away from the place God asked him to go. He was asked to go to Nineveh and call people to repentance.    Instead, he headed for Tarshish, a location in Spain 2500 miles in the opposite direction from...

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MENTORS – A Worthy Coach

“A worthy mentor is one of the most valuable people leaders, parents, coaches, and peoples of all professions can have in navigating through life.” – Jennifer Crowell Ferch The two vital qualifications of a mentor are one who has a proven track record (PTR)...

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Words of Hope: A New Legacy 

What is a good father? What attributes would you list? A good listener, compassionate, thoughtful?  Dad thought often about the qualities of a good father and was intentional about wanting to be a good father. He believed he was a good...

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This is to be very personal, so let's approach this as a personal one-on-one conversation even though it is a monologue. My dad used to say, “Fred was vaccinated with a phonograph needle.”  The elegant crucible question: Who is your Lord?...

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Words of Hope: Fulfillment

Our family line had a burning desire to be remarkable. I know my dad wrestled with this internal drive. He continuously worked to move his sense of self-worth away from achievement and into being. He shifted to an intrinsic...

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Words of Hope: Collecting the Pieces 

I love art museums. They are one of my favorite places on the planet. I can spend hours there. I love the stories behind the works of art just as well. Recently, I read about two friends, Édouard Manet...

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The incredible human machine has an approximately 10-ounce heart that pumps blood through the entire body. Can you imagine every 24 hours our arteries, veins, and capillaries deliver blood the same distance as Seattle to New York and back? A miracle machine!...

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Words of Hope: The Cost of Love 

One of my favorite things to do is go to a beautiful church and pray. If Shann and I are together and we are the only ones in the church, we will sing together. I love the house of...

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