Published Date : August 24, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Faith Hill joins Oprah in singing, I SURRENDER ALL. Faith can flat out sing!

Oprah not so good.

With tears of joy, Oprah tells her story of auditioning for the movie, The Color Purple.

Oprah desperately wanted a role in this movie directed by Stephen Spielberg.

Oprah became convinced she was not going to get the role. She had done all she could do. Prayer seemed to be her last hope. It was at this point Oprah began to sing her go to song, “I Surrender All.”

Soon after Oprah’s song, she received a call from Spielberg. The Lord had done for her what she was not able to do for herself. The Lord gave her peace. The obsession with The Color of Purple ceased.

Getting the key role was a result of surrender. First comes the peace, then the desired object or a new desire replaces the former. God is mysterious.

To surrender has the same meaning as “time to give up.” This is not the same as the idea of never, never, never quit.

In a battle like war, an athletic contest, fight with cancer, struggle to save a marriage, training children, or living holy lives, it is never time to quit. Never.

It is never too soon to surrender all or take time to give up, to turn everything over to the control center of ABBA Father, His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

As a teen, I longed for the day when I could be my own boss under the authority of no one; especially my father.

Becoming a head coach, not an assistant coach, was a dream come true when I took the head basketball coaching job at the University of Alaska.

The notion of becoming totally obedient, to surrender all, to give up to a person or entity was beyond logic to me. It was stupidity.

Not until I experienced the majesty and the grace and the love of Jesus, did I willingly surrender all and become willing to give up.

It makes perfect sense, choose to make Jesus the captain, the head coach and the absolute leader of my life.

He and he alone is worthy to be followed to the end of years.

For me, each new day is time to give up, surrender all to Jesus. This is the only place on earth I find true freedom.

If you have never surrendered you’re all to Jesus Christ; if you have not taken the time to give up and let Christ lead you this may be the time you might want to surrender all you know. It is time to give up.

Let go. Let God really work.

The martyred missionary, Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives up his life for what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.”



Published Date : August 23, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

1. Will

2. You

3. For

4. Give

5. Me

75 years of life experience confirm to me that “will you forgive me” are the four most difficult words for people to say to those that have done wrong.

Imagine the husband and father who dumps his wife of 40 years and he says goodbye to his children for a younger woman without remorse.

Children say, “I hate you dad!” Wife in grief. Dad has no concept of repentance. The ex-husband and father actually said, “I know that I am in sin, but I have to do it anyway.”

Five simple syllables, so difficult to say and mean.

Imagine the businessman and his business son who convince others to join them in a venture based on false promises. They totally miss manage the financial affairs; threaten to sue partners if they object to unfair demands. Their final act of betrayal was demanding 30% on money they mishandled.

Not one ounce of remorse. Five stakeholders escaped these two dishonest men’s moral code.

Imagine the father who abuses children in every conceivable way, yet when confronted years later, could only say, “Why are you here, to crucify me?”

Impossible for this selfish man to say five simple syllables.

photo-1Imagine a person killing both his wife and her friend in a brutal way but never taking any form of responsibility for his actions. 5 wise syllables foreign to his tongue.

Once in awhile, I have some wonderful discussions with young men who are entering the business world. On one occasion I recall telling two young men these thoughts. “When I am long gone from this world, remember my two favorite words. These are words I seldom hear, “MY FAULT.”

We live in the world of blame, not my fault, you made me do it. I would not have done it if you wouldn’t have…

“Will you forgive me” are beautiful words because they bring healing, restoration, and freedom.

“Will you forgive me” is the first in restoring relationships. Without forgiveness, there is no possibility of restoration.

“Will you forgive me” are not words that indicate personal weakness. To the contrary, they are words that speak strength of character and integrity.

“Will you forgive me” is the key principle of the Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…give us this day our daily bread, FORGIVE US (me) AS WE (I) FORGIVE OTHERS!”

True forgiveness begins with forgiveness of self. Lord will you forgive me. Will you give me the power and the strength to forgive myself so that I can, in turn, forgive others?

If you want to eliminate terminal anxiety, “will you forgive me” will become words easy and natural for you to say when it is appropriate and necessary to do so.

So easy, yet so difficult.    

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. -Paul to his friends at Galatia



Published Date : August 22, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Nearly 16 million views for the song I CAN ONLY IMAGINE by Mercy Me. That’s a ton of views.

As a boy, I mastered the skill of imagination to the point I could escape any difficult life situation. There were many to escape.

The baseball field, basketball court, and my ability to escape life through my imagination were the only places I felt confident, secure, proud, and successful.

When the supernatural love, grace, mercy, and power of God became my reality through Jesus Christ, it was necessary for me to find my identity in sports or in my imagination.

The Lord gave me the tools to live in reality 24/7 and live life in good and bad times. He and He alone gave me the tools to overcome failures and difficulties.

The notion that imagination was a gift from our Creator did not enter my mind until I became a student of the Ignation Spirituality.

The founder of the Jesuit movement taught his followers to use the gift of the imagination in the study of Scripture and in their prayer life. My beloved spiritual mentor Father B (Bernard Tyrrell) was a phenomenal teacher.

Over the past 15 years, I have come to believe that the gift of the imagination may very well be the greatest gift to humankind. No other creature on earth has the gift of imagination.

It was imagination that put the first man on the moon. It was imagination that helped develop the first airplane and the first atomic bomb. Imagination is a gift, yet it must be used wisely to be beneficial.

Hebrews 12 provides an excellent opportunity to practice imagination.

The author begins the chapter by challenging us to imagine a large crowd of witnesses watching us run a race. We are instructed to remove all excess weight that would hinder us from running the race God has set before us.

In my mind’s eye, I can only imagine having a large backpack weighing me down as I attempt to run a dash in front of thousands of people watching me. My backpack may include such things as self-pity, anger, worry, fear, resentment, laziness, etc.

The challenge is to get the backpack off so we can run life’s race efficiently.

Elegant Questions:

Who do you imagine is watching you in your cloud of witnesses?

What’s in your backpack?

Are you ready to run the race set before you today?

Take some precious time to listen to I CAN ONLY IMAGINE. As you listen, lighten your load so you can run smart today.


Published Date : August 21, 2017
Categories : Uncategorized

Inland Capital is a private money lender, providing short-term loans to residential and commercial real estate investors, in the Washington, Idaho and Oregon markets.



Published Date : August 21, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Years ago when I was in full-time marriage, family, and personal counseling I had a teenage client who was very defiant towards her parents. 

I explained to her the concept of “Shortcut to Increase” and this was her response:

“I would rather make my own mistakes then learn from the mistakes of others.”

Not only are these words of stupidity but they are words of tragedy. Three years later, this former teenager, now in her early 20s alone with a child, her teen love had trashed her for new pursuits.

mouse-shortcutFact is, failure is a great teacher. We can learn from failure both personally and also vicariously through the failures of others.

Some of the worst dads I know had wonderful fathers. Some of the best dads I know had terrible fathers or no fathers at all.

Shortcut to Increase is a principle or a rule that everyone can benefit from if they are willing to listen, learn, and act. 

One of the most remarkable things about the Bible, the written history of both the Jewish and Christian religion, is the detailed reporting of failure after failure.

No one in the Old or New Testament is spared of their failures. These failures turn into more failures or they turn to great successes.

The lesson learned here is that we can learn from the failures and the successes of others. This is the principle of Shortcut to Increase.

Name the thing you wish to conquer or master; then research all the failures and successes of those who have done this before you.

Now you are ready to embark upon your plan for success. You know you can take a shortcut. You don’t have to go the long way.

We can apply the shortcut to increase principal to any area of our lives. It takes humility, willingness to listen, and commitment to learn and act upon the wise counsel of others who have gone before us.

If you think you know, you probably don’t. If you think you’re the best at it, you probably aren’t. If you think you’re the first to ever discover it, you’re probably deluded.

The following Bible verse is a great admonition for all of us to follow:

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war. 2 Chronicles 16:9

Look for the shortcut before you begin the journey. It will save you from pain.



Published Date : August 20, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“He comes to me in the silence.” – Mark Forrest

Knock knock

Who’s there?

Silence, I’ve come to see you because you need me!

Please come in,  because I don’t know how to experience silence.

Ever taken a class on the subject of silence?

Do you know how to enter into the sacred, peaceful place of silence?

The Crowell’s “go to” song is, A Moment In Time by Mark Forest. 

The song is the product of a painful experience. Forrest lost his son. The devastation of this loss drove him to silence.

The success teacher does not lead us to a place where we crave silence.

A big fat bonus teacher does not move us to long for silence.

The Academy Award teacher or World Championship teacher does not motivate us to seek silence.

It is the pain teacher that has the classroom where we come to seek, value and practice the skill of silence.

The skill of silence is as difficult to master as the 3 pointer in basketball, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony on your instrument of choice, hitting a 99 mph fastball, or being super parents.

The Silence Reward is coming into the presence and into contact with Abba Father, Jesus, the Alpha and Omega and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.

Sources of Silence:
Psalm 23
Psalm 46
Romans 8



Published Date : August 18, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Sounds too good to be true. Well, truthfully it is priceless but it is not absolutely free. This priceless vacation does not cost one red cent; however, it costs your time and your devoted attention.

This priceless vacation which costs absolutely nothing monetarily is called the vacation to your secret garden, your sacred place.

This priceless vacation is named a secret garden because it is your place and your place alone. No one can enter your secret garden without you being there.

The Secret Garden must have a Sacred Place. The two together become your priceless vacation. It is here you experience peace, restoration, energy, hope, and your best self.

All vacations demand planning. All vacations demand effort. 

getty_rm_photo_of_couple_unpacking_automobileToo often vacations are hard work, too expensive, and leave the vacationer exhausted. They come home too tired and in need of rest.

Not so with the Secret Garden and a Sacred Place vacation.

Instructions in planning and preparing your priceless vacation:

First, choose a sacred place. The ideal is a place in your home or yard where it is peaceful, quiet, and restful. 

Second, enter your sacred place with the intent to be quiet, to be still, and to listen.

Third, practice the art of slowing everything down in your being. This can be done by listening to your breath, repeating. Slowly repeating wonderful phrases until you find yourself centered.

Fourth, be mindful of the gift of imagination. Use this gift to take yourself to places of joy, gratitude, thanksgiving, and love.

Initially, finding your secret garden may be difficult.

Some days the pressures of life is so great it won’t be possible to find your secret garden. This is why the sacred place is so important. We can control our environment.

One day it will come when you look forward to your daily priceless vacation. When you have missed a few days you actually miss your priceless vacation.

In reading the great Saints of history, it is my conviction we find The Holy Trinity, Abba Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, in our own, personal Secret Garden.

If you and I ever have an opportunity, you have my invitation to join me at my sacred place where we will vacation in my secret garden. It would be a privilege.



Published Date : August 17, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The law of attraction means what we attach ourselves to will multiply and expand. Therefore, what we purposely choose to delight in will grow into greater delight.

Delight is not on automatic pilot in our lives.

To delight is a conscious act; eventually by choosing at the conscious level to delight, it will become a subconscious act. 

Delight and disgust are at odds with each other. Delight is a relationship builder. Disgust is a wrecking ball of relational destruction.

Both delight and disgust are choices at the conscious level. 

This is where Emotional Intelligence (EQ) comes into play. EQ is the skill to be able to diagnose both what is happening in one’s own life and the other people in the room.

Too often people are unaware they are living in disgust, yet those around them see and feel it.

It’s like the man who told me, “I am very angry but I don’t know it.” My wife often asks me, “Why are you so angry?”

Logical Steps To Grow Delight and Diminish Disgust.

  1. Search your heart. Take moral inventory. Ask someone to give you an honest evaluation of your level of delight and your level of disgust.
  2. Identify specific areas such as marriage, children, career, and other relationships that you wish to improve. Begin the process of choosing to delight in these areas.
  3. Writing is magic, therefore write down ways that you delight in people, your career, your life, or the world we live in.
  4. Confess and ask forgiveness from God for those areas that you have disgust. Eliminate negative thoughts and words.
  5. Speak the light to that which you choose to delight; write notes of gratitude.

As you delight you will become delightful.



Published Date : August 13, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

A noble challenge in leadership is to forge diversity into university.

Initially, centers of higher learning were called colleges; i.e. Harvard College.

Over time, they formed multiple departments large enough to have independent status, so multiple colleges lived within a single institution. Masters and doctoral programs were added and a new term was needed to avoid confusion.

With the goal of keeping to the mission of the institution they needed a word to communicate each college was dedicated to the same mission. The word University was chosen.

From The Lord Jesus Christ’s final and remarkable prayer, John records in his gospel the value of “oneness,” the goal of achieving unity, is clearly stated.

In essence, Jesus taught that when we are able to take our diversity to the level of oneness, we prove His reality.

The creation of university is a leader’s highest calling.

The qualifications for leadership are crystal clear in Paul’s Servant Leadership Manual he wrote to three of his students: Titus, Philemon and Timothy.

Home is the most important classroom to teach the concept of taking diversity to university.

To be qualified, according to Paul, the home is the most important college at Fred and Susie Crowell’s University.

We were fortunate to be students of the late Dr. Howard Hendriks. Fortunately, we were young in our marriage.  

One of the many principles Doc Hendriks taught, that we took very seriously, was “if Christianity doesn’t work in the home, it doesn’t work.”

Often through the parenting years, I thanked my family for the privilege they gave me to speak publicly with the hope to be an ambassador of Unity, not Diversity.

My family was keenly aware that if we failed the unity litmus test, Dad would lose the privilege of telling others His Good News.

Coaching basketball teams, counseling hundreds of families, leading an international sports company has proven to me that unity out of diversity is leadership’s greatest challenge.

Unity is fusion, creating oneness. It is powerful. The antonyms of fusion are separation, war, destruction.  

True unity is not identical thinking or one race living. A grave danger is having 20 people in the same room with no dissent. Universities best serve when every person has a voice. Families thrive when each member, young and old, have a valued opinion.

When it gets time to act, to get in the rowboat each person needs to embrace unity.

This means, do your best to be a great team member.

If you find that getting in the boat puts your moral integrity at risk, never get in that boat.

If you wish, I will develop the game plan the Crowells have lived by for home and profession. Email me at fred@nbccamps.com

For serious unifiers, take a deep dive into Titus and John 17.



Published Date : August 10, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The two essential qualities of mentor leadership are proven track record and worthy of being imitated. For rapid recall of these two dynamic, life-changing principles I call them PTR & WOBI.

Special words of encouragement from Mike Weaver, Spokane’s noted Videographer. 

nbc-basketball-camps-coachingI cannot emphasize enough how thoroughly impressed I am with the CIC staff. Professional, full of integrity, compassionately confrontational, all in, with laser sharp focus even at the end of the day. Men of honor, grace and strength, every one of them. You are establishing rock solid foundations for young men, one at a time, discipleship-style. I’m ONCE AGAIN, honored to know you and the people you consistently surround yourself with. Jay, R Jay, Justin, Rhett, Logie, Thomas, Josh, Geoff… ALLSTARS, ROCKSTARS! I love them and their hearts.

Mike, the Dreamweaver, inspires us to examine our own PTR & WOBI.  Mike spotlights the value in “hanging out,” with the right kind of folks.

One of the cornerstones in my life, has been and will continue to be, Psalm One.

“Blessed are those who do not seek the counsel of wicked people nor walk in the path with sinners nor sits in the seat with scoffers.”

“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither– whatever they do prospers.”

These are the kind of trees we want to train up for the next generation the only way this works guy is if we become that kind of tree, what kind of tree you are you what kind of tree am I?

The choice of the kind of tree we are become ours and ours alone. Let’s join Joshua who said, “But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”

CIC is Crowell Intensity Camp, the college prep NBC Camp experience.


Jay Crowell senior VP Cornerstone Home Lending
RJ Barsh men’s. Basketball coach Southeastern University
Rhett Soliday athletic director men’s basketball coach Vanguard University
Matt Logie men’s basketball coach Whitworth
Damian Jablonski associate men’s basketball coach
Justin Downer Head coach CIC, high school coach
Josh Barsh assistant coach University of Puget Sound.
Thomas Jones NBC master coach student at University of Alaska Anchorage
Geoff Macintosh assistant coach Cal Baptist University



Published Date : August 9, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Every child has a destiny. God ordained each child to be His precious miracle. Adults help children discover that miracle and their destiny.

There is nothing like a small child. Young children make even the old young again. 

Children are a gift to us because they bring joy and excitement, energy and fire.

Children believe big; children have high hopes; children have incredible imaginations.

Every child has a destiny. A child’s destiny does not belong to parents, coaches, or friends. It is theirs alone!

Our adult job is to make the route to a child’s chosen destiny possible within our limited power. We can’t do it for them but we can train them to win. 

Kingston James Crowell is at his first ever NBC CAMP.  Whether or not Kingston becomes a basketball player of great success is irrelevant to Papa C. My hope and prayer is for Kingston to know God created him to be a miracle and the Lord Jesus Christ has a plan for his life. 

The prophet Jeremiah said, “I know the plans that I have for you, plans for your future not for destruction but for great success.”

The purpose of these Words of Hope is to inspire my beloved readers to fight to win to reach their destination for the glory of God and to help all those we love experience the joy of reaching their destiny. 

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Published Date : August 8, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Never used before, smells new, clean as a whistle, fresh, one of a kind, made just for you… no wonder people like brand spanking new.

Josh Burton was looking for a special basketball camp for his daughter Brandee.

NBC Camps kauaiHe heard NBC had a basketball camp in Maui.

His beloved island of Kauai did not have a quality basketball camp. After a week of basketball camp Josh and Brandee had much to talk about. 

Brandee played a ton of basketball and father Josh delighted in watching the entire camp experience.

A week after the camp Josh was driving to work. Josh had a revelation; he needed to make serious changes in his life.

Josh Burton asked Jesus Christ to be his Savior and Lord. Being a chain smoker and blackout drinker the entire extended family was in shock and joy when husband and father quit both cigs and booze cold turkey.

the w

The miracle of the Christ life is that he doesn’t repair or renovate He crucifies our old nature and gives us His nature and we become clean, fresh, and brand spanking new.

The Josh Burton story doesn’t end here. Burton called NBC headquarters with one question, “How do I bring NBC basketball camps to my beloved Kauai?”

For the past five years Josh and his fabulous family have inspired hundreds of youth to discover how to win.  The “W” of Kauai is Josh’s non-profit. Each child in Kauai can attend an NBC Basketball or Volleyball Camp for just $50.

Fred Crowell on Josh Burton, “I love Josh because he is one of the most generous and caring people I have ever known. He truly lives a brand spanking new life through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.”

Josh Burton lives the two qualities that are necessary to be a true Christlike leader. He lives a proven track record and is worthy of being imitated. PTR & WOBI

You can become a new, in fact a brand spanking new person through Jesus Christ!



Published Date : August 7, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“To be successful or victorious in a contest or conflict.” – Dictionary

To win is a verb; a verb connotes action; action involves work; work is learned behavior. Therefore to win is learned behavior.

Fact. Children are not being taught to win!

I believe the first duty of education is to train a child to win.

One parent said, “I don’t know how to teach my children how to win because I wasn’t taught how to win.”

My personal research comes up with these responses. 

“I never thought about teaching my child how to win.”

“What do you mean, “How to win?”

“I’ve never been trained to win.”

“Sounds like a great book to read.”

We teach subjects. We teach knowledge but we don’t train children how to win.

If we are going to compete successfully in this tough, unfair world of rapid changes, we must teach children how to win.

Teaching is not telling. Teaching is not a monologue or lecture. Teaching is not homework.

Teaching is training. Training is the creation of habitual acts of success. To train means to win life in all arenas that will lead to success and victory over the contest or conflict at hand.

Some specific examples to illustrate how teaching must be accompanied by training:

1.) Bashful Son! Bully problem.

davis20with20studentA Father is very concerned about his son who is shy and has been being bullied. The father seeks counsel.

Train children in the way that they should go and when he is old they will not depart from it. This is my advice from the book of Proverbs.

Application of this principle of training for parent to train a child who is dealing with bullies.

Training Skill 1: Father Time –  one on one role play! Practice confronting bully. Dialogue back and forth role playing bully’s and child’s role. 

Training skill 2: Enroll son in Marshall arts training. 

2.) Mathematics Problem.

i-love-mathChild dislikes math. Child’s language is defeated talk.

Training Skill 1: Destiny training. Speak positive words. I love math. Write a mirror note. I love Math. Grade A. Post at eye level.

Training Skill 2: Parents hire an excellent math tutor who trains child to love math.

In the basketball world there are players who are excellent shot makers when the score is 60 to 40 but can’t make the crucial shot when the score is 60 to 59.

Why? These players don’t know how to win!

Do you know how to win?

James in his excellent book. He gives some keys to win. James writes about the big wins in life.

As a 75 year old who sees the oncologist each month there are two wins I want total success and victory.

Win #1 for Fred Cowell. Win the moment. This means being right here right now. Living in gratitude and contentment is my choice. Cancer cannot steal my joy.

So easy to say so difficult to live.

Hey, who said life was easy?

Win #2 for Fred Crowell. Win the final days of my life. Live in such a manner that those who love me are inspired and know heaven is for real.

Winning is trained behavior. Winning is an attitude. Winning is a choice. Now, let’s win!

Three things to know and do:

  1. Be right here right now.
  2. Know you are God’s miracle.
  3. Believe with all your mind and heart and soul that Jesus loves us and will never ever leave us.


LIFEBALL - Wanna Play?

Published Date : August 6, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“By far the most beneficial game ever invented.” – FJC

Dr. James Naismith invented basketball to give children something to do during the cold Massachusetts’s winters with the hope of developing Christian virtue and character.

The equipment was an old peach basket hung high in a wall and a rag-ball that didn’t bounce. A ladder was even needed to retrieve made baskets.

Basketball has exceeded Dr Naismith’s imagination for winter time fun for youth, now millions escape cold winter weather in cozy gymnasiums to play the game.

As far as basketball being used to develop Christian virtue and character it seems to me the good doctor would be appalled at the current state of affairs on a whole.

My life time love relationship with basketball has motivated me to invent a superior game. Life ball – a better game than basketball for many reasons in my thinking:

  1. Anyone can play LIFEBALL at any age.
  2. It requires no equipment or a facility.
  3. The rules are few and easily understood.
  4. Every one wins.


Need only one person to join you. No limit on participants.

  1. Warm up your imagination – one of your most sacred gifts.
  2. Use your eyes to see all that is good around you from the most to the least obvious, and select a subject matter
  3. Take turns with other player(s) to speak gratitude – positive statements about the subject matter you have chosen.

The subject matter can be simple or complex.

Take something as simple as the following. At breakfast, home or restaurant choose toast or pancakes or bacon or eggs. Take turns quickly extolling the value of this item.

For the intellectual crowd choose something complex. I could not understand a thing while two relatives played LIFEBALL with back and forth praise of Quantum Physics, so chose a subject both players can relate with.

Sports minded people can have great fun talking about their favorite sports team. A great LIFEBALL topic for football enthusiasts would be taking turns extolling each virtue one by one of their favorite football team, player or game. The options are endless.

LIFEBALL defeats boredom. LIFEBALL deepens conversation. LIFEBALL is a great game.

Wanna Play?

Recently daughter, Jennifer and I drove hours to an NBC Camp, for one hour we played LIFEBALL delighting in the Psalms. Jennifer quoted a Psalm; we popcorn (rapid fire taking turns highlighting key passages). Then it was yours truly to come up with a Psalm. The hour sped by! It was LIFEBALL at its best.

Wanna play some LIFEBALL? Only takes one person to invite, give it a try.



Published Date : August 6, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

God’s mercy is for everyone.

“And so dear brothers and sisters, ‘I plead  with you to give your bodies to God because of all He  has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will find acceptable” – Apostle Paul (Romans 12:1)

We live in most difficult times.  

It was said to me yesterday, “Fred, did you know there have been 326 radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the USA in the past three years?”

22 days after my wife, Susie Crowell, was born, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. She did not see her Dad Walt, for nearly four years. During the war Walt hunkered down in a foxhole for 76 straight days in Asia.  

Kathleen Crowell, my guardian angel Mother, suffered for five months fighting pancreatic cancer. She died August 23, 1963; I was told she weighed 62 pounds at the time.

From 1963 to 1966 Fred Crowell lived in the land of bitter. Hatred toward God enveloped my mind and heart. To exist, all thoughts of my mother were eliminated. I refused to think about her. At her funeral my priest told me I was going to hell.

Bitterness empowered me to respond in defiance of God, “I’d be glad to go to hell as long as you aren’t there.”

St. Paul understood God’s mercy because he was an expert, as I am, in bitterness. On the road to Damascus, Paul had a transforming encounter with Jesus. He was never the same again.

My encounter with the Savior took place in Fairbanks, Alaska. I had not as much as dropped one tear in three years when God’s mercy became my reality, when I discovered the love of God, when it became crystal clear Jesus Christ died on the cross for me.  

Today as I write these words, I grieve for all who are suffering. My heart cries for the daily pain I see being inflicted not only by what terrorist are doing, but also what people do to destroy themselves.

The one place I go to find meaning is to the cross where I find God’s mercy. This is the only place I find true hope and hope makes me better.  



Published Date : August 4, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

One of the greatest losses a child can experience is father loss. Father loss comes in many forms.

A three-year-old boy’s father dies in a plane crash.

Two sons whose father is convicted of sex crimes are removed from their home.

A high-level executive who travels the world making millions yet has no time for his children.

A Man who leaves his family but pays only $17 in child support over a two year period.

A father who trades his 30+ year marriage in for a younger woman and his children feel totally rejected.

An angry father who erupts in rage and verbally or physically hurts child or mother.

Over my 50 plus years in coaching and counseling I have seen every kind of father loss.

The result is always the same. Loss of a father. Loss of a hero. Loss of a role model.

I know. I am one who experienced father loss. The loss never goes away yet there is HOPE.

We can have a new father. His name is Abba Father.  His beloved Son is Jesus. When we come to Christ in faith God becomes our true Father.

I know. Abba Father has filled my loss. He has adopted me as His son. 

These are the five things I know to be true:

  1. God is who he says he is.
  2. God will do what he says he will do.
  3. I Fred Crowell is who God says I am not who I might think I am or what my father might’ve said I was.
  4. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives me the strength. Period!
  5. God’s word is alive and active in me.

I Fred Crowell believe in God, I am his adopted son and this realization makes all the difference in the world.



Published Date : August 3, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The difference between a covenant and a contract is as wide and deep as the Grand Canyon.

A covenant is a commitment that can never ever be broken. There is never a circumstance which permits one to break covenant. The God of all creation is the author of covenants.

Contracts are commitments between people. They can be broken altered and changed based on the effectiveness of lawyers.

Often the contract is only as good as the honesty and integrity of the people involved in the contract.

God in his wisdom was not interested in forming contracts. God makes covenants which can never be broken. 

Fact is when Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected He formed a new covenant with us. The new covenant is our absolute guarantee that He will never leave us or forsake us. This is why this covenant is called GOOD NEWS.

Marriage can be viewed from two perspectives. 

One option is to see marriage as man’s idea. This means marriage is a contract and it can be broken for any reason.

The second option is to see marriage as a covenant. It cannot be broken or altered for any reason.

imagesWith contract marriages being so popular, no wonder so many see marriage as a liability; as a failed experience and choose simply to live together as couples.

The biblical view of marriage is a covenant with the idea that two individuals become one. This mindset gives couples the conviction to weather the hardships every marriage faces.

With gratitude I rejoice in the knowledge that marriage is a covenant. The reward for those who see marriage as covenant is to have grandchildren on their laps and children who love and honor their parents because of their commitment to family.

How do you see marriage?

Do you see marriage as a contract or a covenant?

When life gets tough, when things go wrong, when suffering knocks at our door, when love is hard; it is at these times when our view of marriage makes all the difference in the world.

The contract marriage has a high likelihood of breaking. Where the covenant marriage will whether the storms life presents.

As I close this Words of Hope I think of the principal, what we appreciate APPRECIATES.

Love for family love for God and love for life will grow as we appreciate them.



Published Date : August 2, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

In the early days a baby spends the vast majority of time in a crib.

The middle years of life are spent grinding it out for the accumulation of stuff.

The final days or years are spent in a small room, in bed, in a nursing home to the tune of $7,000 dollars a month; if you can afford to pay for it.

Seems grim doesn’t it? Why? Because it is grim! Keep reading because hope is coming.

That beautiful dining set that cost 14 grand sells for $1,800 at the estate sale. The kids want none of the photos on the wall or treasures you held dear; unless they can be sold at a good price.

Too often the heirs fight to get more than their share of the inheritance, even though they seldomly, if ever, visited their parents in the last years of their lives

Ironically, many end up needing the identical care a six week old baby demands. From spoon feedings and toilet duties at the top of the list in the final days and even the last years of life.  

Grandma King, 98, Susie’s mom said, “Old age is not for sissies!”

My wife Susie’s Grandma Jessie Williams was remarkable in thousands of ways:

Once she had a garden filled with flowers and edibles of all kinds to be envied.

She baked bread and rolls bakers of the world would die to know how she did it.  

She asked for a push lawn mower at 84; refused to wear depends at night until they locked her in her bed at night.

She was 108 still fighting do get to the bathroom in the night on her own. In her eyes ladies didn’t wear diapers.

In her tiny room, Grandma Jessie wanted Susie to see something, special to her, hand in hand she led Susie to her one window.

With gratitude and joy in her heart Jessie said, “Susie I used to have a garden and now I have a window.” She turned to her and entered into what Wendell Berry wrote in his poem, The Peace of Wild Things, “… I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.

These past three months, this 74 year old man, husband, father, teacher, coach, Jesus follower, lover of God, life and people has been privileged beyond words to live in the midst of kids who want to be great basketball players and win at life. They have helped me be a kid again.

Relentlessly my life experience message has been to carefully teach what I know about basketball and emotional intelligence to others.

The course description for living the second and third stages of life is all there in Psalm 23, but it takes a life time master.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

– Psalm 23



Published Date : August 1, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

There was Aristotle, Socrates, and then there is Lazaros; all famous in their own right in the nation of Greece.

Aristotle and Socrates were famous for their brilliant minds; Lazaros for taking Greece to the 2006 Olympic Championship games.

The 2006 Greeks defeated the USA team in the semifinals. Lazarus scored 16 points against San Antonio star, Tim Duncan.

Lazarus brought 14 players from Thessaloniki to NBC ITALIA in Castel di Sangro. The 7-foot giant of a man was a lion on the basketball court and a gentle shepherd off the court.

The life message Lazarus lived out before our USA team of 37 motivated me to study Paul’s writings to the Thessalonians.

1st Thessalonians is a powerful letter of inspiration and encouragement for both Paul’s friends and to those of us who read his words today

For me the beautiful part in reading these inspirational word from Paul is the fact that Lazarus is living exactly in the same manner his ancestors lived 2000 years ago.

My encouragement and Words of Hope for you today is that you would take some time to read 1st Thessalonians and apply it’s truths to your life. I believe you will receive the same kind of encouragement that I received after studying His word.



Published Date : July 31, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Life Skills. Imagination. Imitation.

If we don’t teach, we cheat our students because they don’t learn skills to win.

The life of a deadly serious basketball coach is no different than the diehard Lieutenant. Think you can lead the troops door-to-door to find terrorists committed to killing people?

The basketball guy coaches to win, not to lose games. The military leader, leads to eliminate the enemy, not lose his soldiers.

In this analogy there is a huge difference comparatively when it comes to losing; basketball players don’t die when they lose, soldiers do.

The commonality of basketball coaching and soldier leadership is preparation, discipline, organization, and motivation. These qualities also apply to parenting, business, and life just as well.

Teaching is not telling. Teaching only happens when your student becomes a doer.

This summer, Crowell is so blessed to be in teaching mode. Preparation for me is teaching students to fill up their basketball tool box and more importantly their EQ tool box. Teaching “L-E-I-I” has been having profound impact and results.

L-E-I-I (pronunciation; lee-eye)

LIFE – grow the gratitude for life
EXPERIENCE – learn from past experience
IMAGINATION – the ultimate win begins here
IMITATION – the best teacher. Find great examples and imitate them.

“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”  – Philippians 4:9



Published Date : July 30, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope


Few historical figures inspire me, enlighten me more richly and speak to my inner core than the best artist the world has ever known in my opinion, Van Gogh. 

For this reason, this WOH is dedicated to the honor of Vincent van Gogh who died in poverty. 

Through the depths of poverty and rejection Vincent never lost hope. 

“I can’t change the fact that my paintings don’t sell. But the time will come when people will recognize that they are worth more than the value of the paints used in the picture.” – Van Gogh

Lesson One: Never lose hope never quit. Peasant Woman Against a Background of Wheat sold for 63.5 million dollars.

“Whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.” – Vincent van Gogh

Lesson Two: Love well. It is jet fuel for our motivation engine. 

“Your profession is not what brings your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you’re put on earth to do with such passion and such intent that it becomes a spiritual calling.” – Vincent van Gogh

Lesson Three: Find your true profession. It is not money driven. It is your passion; what fires your ME; Motivation Engine.  NBC Camps and crowellu.com are my SC; Spiritual Calling. 

“If you don’t have a dog–at least one–there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.”

― Vincent van Gogh

Lesson 4: Master having a masterful sense of humor. Married to a dog lover beyond logic has been a joy to me. A sense of humor is vital. 

“To suffer without complaint is the only lesson we have to learn in this life.” ― Vincent van Gogh

Lesson 5: This is a difficult Van Gogh lesson to live out. 

A mystery is we humans think life is supposed to be easy. The reality is that each stage of life gets progressively more difficult. Don’t believe me? Well then, you have have not passed the 70 years of age mark. 

Lastly: As you read Van Gogh’s lessons be warned.  

If you know it and don’t do it you don’t know it. – Mike Nilson



Published Date : July 29, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The photo is a crafted pewter anchor. Following a lifelong tradition buying a treasure to help remember the experiences I purchased this keepsake in Nova Scotia (New Scotland).

Like a ship or boat I need reliable anchors in my life. Fishing on a 56-foot seiner in Alaska taught me the value of a trustworthy anchor.

As St Peter joined hope and anchor together, I see many miracle anchors in my life.

My first anchor is Susie. I vividly remember the first time I laid eyes on her. I was 19. For 54 years this truly remarkable woman has been the anchor of not only my life, but our kids, who know well mom is a strong anchor.

Second is The Lord. I place you as the second anchor to come into my life because you chose Susie to lead me to make you my Master and King. You are THE ANCHOR of my life. YOU are the one and only one who has lifted me out of the dankest of days.

Children can be either anchors or lost ships in the seas of life. My children Jennifer and Jay married worthy anchors. These four together are powerful anchors who motivate me to live above my circumstances.

And there are grandchildren. Susie says “If I would have known grandchildren are so wonderful I would have skipped being a parent.”

Thank you Lord on a dark day four years ago, then 6 years old, Isabella said, “Poppa you have to live long enough to see my first baby born, but not my second one.”

NBC is a daily anchor.  Basketball is the tool the Lord has given me to teach youth to find the miracle in them the way a professor at the U of Idaho did for me.

Time does not permit me to name anchor friends. They know who they are because I have told them often.

Today I hold fast to God’s holy and life giving WORD. I know God’s Word is alive and active. I believe God. He is the anchor of anchors.



Published Date : July 28, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The second of two WOH’s on the destructive habit of second guessing oneself.

The biggest little word in the English language is the word “if.” Two letters that can make a big impact. 

“If” can be used in various ways:

1. An introduction to a conditional clause. “If I would have listened to my gut, I would have brought my ace reliever into game 5.”

2. Despite the possibility that no matter what.  “If you try to stop me, I will still win.”

3. Expressing a polite question.  “If you have time, please get me a cup of coffee”

We will focus on the first definition listed above; the use of the conditional clause. 

Second guessers, like me, have mastered the use of the little big word in conditional clause situations. 

If you wouldn’t have, I would have…

If you didn’t nag me, my decision would have been…

If I would have known, I could have…

Fact is, if I would have known Denver would defeat Carolina in the Super Bowl, I could have made millions. 

Fact is, if I would have known X was the best choice, I wouldn’t have chosen Y.

If we could know today what the stock market will do next week, we could be billionaires.  

I admit as I write these words, I am thinking, “This isn’t rocket science. This isn’t new information.” 

Why am I taking two WOH’s to talk about the futility of second guessing?

Well, since I asked, I will tell you the answer to my question. 

I am at a decision point. I say, “Crowell, stop it!  Stop second guessing yourself.” I am making this a big deal in my life.

If the 80/20 rule applies to second guessing this means 8 out of 10 people second guess themselves. Pretty fair odds, it means you second guess yourself too. 

I promised you Second Guess Success Principle #2. 

I learned it from the finest addiction counselor I know.  Mrs. Crowell taught me the most important anti-addiction skill is to learn to be “right here right now.”

No one teaches us to live in the past or present more effectively than Jesus. It doesn’t take much skill to live in the past. All we need is an average memory. It doesn’t require much, if any, effort to live in the future. 

Matthew 6:25-33 is the second principle to stop the habit of second guessing. 

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you-you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:25-33

If you are serious about mastering the art of being right here right now, then follow the exact homework I gave in second guessing #1 – “SECOND GUESSING IS UNPROFITABLE.”



Published Date : July 26, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Commitment begins with an act of the will.

The difficult challenge is the choice to decide to make the commitment.

50 years ago I learned we have only three choices. Yes, no, or Maybe. These are the only three options.

Do I want to make a commitment? Yes, no, maybe!

Alaska Airline’s slogan is, “Commitment to Kindness.”

The Crowell International Basketball Tour’s is, “Commitment to Contentment.”

Kindness is an excellent character trait for a travel service. Travel is stressful. Kindness is healing, kindness comforts, and kindness is good for business. No wonder Alaska Airlines is so successful.

Contentment is the secret attitude to a life of ease and grace; a life of enough is enough.

Contentment is a simple concept yet so very difficult to achieve at times. Life often gets in the way of contentment.

The words of the Apostle Paul, who spent the later years of his life in a Roman prison learned the secret attitude. Paul said, “I have learned to be content with and without.”

Ironically the Delta flight from Seattle to Paris was delayed over five hours.

This delay was the forerunner to two days of contentment testing.

Finally Delta got us to Paris, but far too late for a connecting flight to Naples. 

The next day the Paris airport was over crowded.  The long lines tested the 38 Crowell travelers. Just as we neared the final security gate the police shut down the airport for the second time in two days.

Paris policed backed hundreds and hundreds of passengers over 50 yards to the back.   It was beyond mismanagement. It was leadership at its lowest level.

Then it happened, the most incredible thing! The guards gave approval to proceed.

Athletes, mothers, children, elderly ladies, and old men were in an Olympic style dash for the queue to be permitted to pass security.

If contentment tester could have devised a better way to test us, there would have been lots of planning meetings.



Published Date : July 25, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

What if people loved other people like people love puppies?

What a wonderful world it would be.

Puppies are like people in so many ways.

Puppies and people need oxygen.
Puppies and people need water.
Puppies and people need good food.
Puppies and people need encouragement
Puppies and people need to be taught how to win.
Puppies and people need to learn self-discipline.

What kind of day would it be if we dedicate our selves to give puppy love to those special people in our lives?

What if you and me were tender, kind, and gentle with all those we come in contact with today?

What if we protected those people with the same tenacity we protect these little tiny puppies?

It’s really this simple. It is not Astro Physics to be tender, kind, and gentle. We don’t need college degrees to dish out tons of encouragement.

The only hard part is in the doing! You have read these words. Now the question is, What will you do with these Words of Hope?

You win or lose by the way you choose. Choose kindness, tenderness, and encouragement today.



Published Date : July 22, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

A human flaw is our overpowered magnetic attraction to negativity. Negative people disrupt and influence us more easily than positive people and the beautiful energy force we receive from them.

Why is this?  

Following the Crowell 80-20 rule, 20% are going to love and respect us while an equal percentage will dislike us and never be satisfied with us. It is impossible to please them.

The middle 60% could take or leave us.

They really don’t think much about us, until we have something they want.

At each NBC Camp, the campers rate their experience.  

The average score for a summer is usually between a 4.4 to a 4.6, I estimate.

For many years Mrs. Tucker would go through the file of complaints: most were about getting a refund when their child did not come to camp. Typically there would be less than 200 complaints.  

Yet to us, the sky had fallen. “What have we done wrong?” We would ask ourselves.

The healthy thing to do when the bottom 20%, the miners of negativity, bash us with their worm tongues (see WOH July 11) is to pause, listen and ask, “Whose problem is this really?”

Secondly, we can help solve their issue knowing they need to be appreciated and respected. These folks live in the land of the shallow grave and need a hand to lift them up.

Third, we pray for them; if it turns out we too are a bottom feeder, we qualify for help too, as we apply grace to others we receive it in turn.

The grace and love of Abba Father becomes our hope and foundation.



Published Date : July 21, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Knock, knock! Who is there? Destiny, I’ve been expecting you. -Bolt

Destiny is what one can become, as opposed to what one is at the present time.

Michelangelo saw the David in his mind before he began chiseling a large slab of Marble. His ability to see beyond the flaws in the marble and make them into an asset instead of a liability was genius.

Destiny mastership is the skill of focusing on the final product or result. This skill separates the average from the extraordinary.

The average sees and focuses on what is; they see the flaws, the imperfections, the challenges, the obstacles. The destiny makers see the miracle, the possibilities, and the opportunities of the joys of winning, which is making the most of what is and what it could become.

Genius is the coach who sees all the greatness in a young person, not the imperfections.

Genius is seeing a miracle in every person and encouraging this person to find the Miracle within.

Every human being benefits from a miracle maker in their lives; a person who sees our destiny not our present condition.

Coach destiny and amazing, remarkable, life changing things happen to the people we are privileged to coach.

In my opinion, the greatest coach of all time is no other than the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus saw greatness in Peter, Paul and all the other great men and women in his life.

God’s holy word is powerful, active, and sharper than any sword.   

These are destiny maker WORDS:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! – 2 Corinthians 5:17

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. – 1 John 5:14-15



Published Date : July 20, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

One of the core principles we taught 18 USA players on the Crowell Italian Basketball Tour was the principle of networking.

The common, ordinary way of living is clinging to the comfortable, the normal, and the people you know.

The uncommon, extraordinary way of living is to embrace the uncomfortable and to reach out to people you don’t know.

37 USA citizens gather together for the first time to form the Crowell Italian Basketball Tour.

This tour presented each of us an opportunity to network, to build relationships, and to form long lasting friendships.

This network opportunity was not limited to the group of 37. At NBC ITALIA, in Castel di Sangro, we spent days with Greek and Italian coaches and basketball players. At San Di Giovanni, more opportunities to network with more amazing Italian athletes.

The beauty of honest, loving, and generous networking has given 37 of us new friends in the USA, Italy, and Greece.

In the USA alone, each of us have made new friends in Alaska, California, Washington, and more.

The ranch family in Montana can now visit the Alaska village in remote Alaska.

No one was a better master of the network principle than the king of kings, the Lord of lords, the prince of peace, the Alpha and the Omega, that’s Jesus Christ.

Psalm 19 begins with these words “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them.”

Rome shouts loudly to the glory and majesty of Jesus Christ for those willing to slow down, watch, and listen.

2,000 years ago Jesus began networking.

Charlemagne remarked, of all the navies that have ever sailed, all the kings that ever reigned put together, no one has impacted this world like Jesus Christ

For me I can say without reservation that Jesus Christ has impacted my life far greater than all other aspects of life combined.

The NBC Italian coaching staff picture is a living proof example of the power of networking. Today is the day we can network, with love we can serve people, we can encourage people, and we can reach out to new people. What are you? What joy and what a privilege to network.



Published Date : July 19, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Everybody is selling something. The questions are what are they selling and what is the cost?

My children love the story about the richest man in the world who when he saw Jay and Jennifer asked Father Crowell, “Wow what amazing children you have, are they for sale?”

Of course they are for sale, but I don’t think you can afford them.

This angered the very rich man because he was the richest man in the world. He shouted, “Name your price!”

At this point I said, “The cost for my two children is this sun, the moon, and all the stars,  all the rivers in the world, and the mighty oceans. Before I got to all the silver, gold, diamonds, and rubies, he yelled. 

“That’s ridiculous you’re asking way too much!”

That’s what I told you in the first place you.You can’t afford my children; you are not rich enough. Jennifer and Jay are priceless.

My point is that everybody is trying to sell something. The question is what does it cost and I are you willing to pay that cost?

Imagine for a moments this scenario; a corporate office filled with brilliant people. They are planning to make you want to buy their product.

Ring Ring. The telephone is beckoning you. A friendly voice tells you that you have just won an amazing opportunity all you have to do is send them two thousand dollars cash via wire transfer and you stand to make $100,000.

Sounds like a stupid deal doesn’t. Know why?

Because it is a stupid deal, yet thousand and thousands of people get suckered into this scam year after year.

Three factors every person should consider in making a purchase of any kind:

What is the cost?
What is the true cost, and can I afford to pay this cost?

Do I really need it or is it just another piece of luxury? Examine wants vs needs.

In this world of give and takethere are not enough people who are willing to give what it takes.” – Clebe McClary.  Clebe lives 100% each day for His Lord.

Elvis in a fit of rage shot five bullets into his 1971 collector car because a woman scorned him. Dead at age 44!

Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. Murdered by tribe in South America. Lives with Jesus.

Tiger Woods owned the world of golf with fame and fortune. His Ex hit him in the face with a golf club. Has never recovered.

Jesus Christ crucified on a Roman cross at 33 years of age. 3 days later resurrected from the dead. Lives with His Father and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is for sale. The price is free. He is a gift. 

You get love; you give obedience.

You get grace and mercy, you give yourself.

You get the Holy Spirit living in you; you give up resentment, anger, and bitterness.

Too good to be true? Yes, it is so good, and it is so true. It is so easy yet it is so difficult.

Is it worth the cost?  You must decide for yourself.



Published Date : July 18, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Confidence is like a slippery fish – one moment you have it, the next moment you lost it.

Confidence makes the act fluid, motionless, and effortless.

Confidence covers up lack of talent and trying too hard.

Confidence inspires others to follow and emotes the best in others.

Confidence is winning from the inside out, not the outside in.

Confidence begins and grows with imagination.

Confidence is solidified and cemented with the love of hard work, relentless repetition of correct skill building, and a never quit attitude.

The one question I most often ask a parent of a child attending camp with me is; “If your child could get better in one way, what would it be?”

Far and away the most common answer is, “Confidence.”

The best ways I know to get confidence are;

1.  Believe what God says about me; not what I say or anyone else says. Study Psalm 8. Psalm 19, Psalm 139, Colossians 3: 13-18, and Philippians 4:13.

2.  Act as if; fake it ’til you make it, claim the victory.

3.  Write your “I am’s” and quote them with daily examples: I am a winner, I am a hard worker, I am a 4.0 student.

4.  Learn to love to work hard to make your dreams come true.

5.  Never ever give up on your dreams! Disney didn’t, Michael Jordan didn’t, George Washington didn’t, Thomas Edison didn’t, and Jesus didn’t.

When should we quit? NEVER!



Published Date : July 17, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

For 13 days 37 basketball players and adults toured fantastic Italy.
These are a few of the lessons we learned and hopefully live out the rest of our lives.


GOD our Abba Father gave us the power to take control of our attitude and our effort.


Preparation is the key to a winning mindset.

Teaching a child to WIN is the most important skill in the game of LIFEBALL and in hoops.

Elegant question. Do you know how to WIN?


  1. Rule of 72.  (If you go more than 72 hours without doing a skill you begin to diminish your ability to do the skill).
  2. Magic number is 6. Repetition is the critical “learn factor.”
    Meeting a new person and want to remember their name? Say their name 6 times to yourself. Read a book 6 times. Tell someone you care 6 times.
  3. Want to, trumps how to, every time. Once you quit it is very difficult to start again. The only way you will fail to reach your destiny is if you don’t want it bad enough. You must bleed to reach your destiny.
  4. Ask for more. Text or email and I will give you #4. It is a dandy.

italy-assisi-basilica-san-francesco-and-groundsLife’s most important win is knowing the Son; miss him and you miss the essence of your existence.

He, Jesus, is the visible expression of the invisible God. All things were created in him by him and for him.

The heavens declare the glory of God… All of Italy shouted the glory of God whether it was in Rome at the Sistine Chapel or at Assisi with Saint Francis or on the magnificent Amalfi coast. We saw the creator of the universe and the Miracle Builder of our souls.



Published Date : July 16, 2017
Categories : Coaches Corner, Faith, Words of Hope

“We should have won that game.” – New York Mets Terry Collins

Reading USA Today Sports, Bob Nightengale’s interview with Manager Collins brought me back to the Royals-Giants game 5. 

Matt Harvey took a 2-0 lead into the ninth. Collins was at a crucial decision point; yield to Harvey or bring in his ace reliever. An even tougher call when his star says, “This is my game. Let me finish.”

Like me and many others I know, second guessing becomes an ugly habit if not subdued.

Susie’s dad liked the saying, “If candy and nuts were where shoulds and buts, oh what a great world we would we have.”

The Mets lost the game, leaving Collins in second guessing mode and blaming himself.  Thinking, ”We should have won that game.”

Yet, nothing changes! The Mets still lost the game. Each time I second-guess myself, I feel the defeat of whatever unsuccessful decision that led me there again and again, like Collins. He keeps losing game 5 over and over. 

This baseball story captured my attention because one of my goals is to stop second-guessing myself.

It’s unprofitable. It doesn’t change the circumstances; doesn’t give me a chance to win the moment, and if I don’t win the moment, I don’t win the day.

There is also a psychological principle, whatever you stop doing creates a void and this void must be filled; though it can be filled with a negative or a positive. 

It’s not enough to say, “I’m going to stop second-guessing.” That’s only the first step. 

The second step is to have a solution. To come up with a prognosis. We’ve done the diagnosis. Now let’s move forward with a solution.

I learned quickly in the family and personal counseling profession 5 years ago that psychology is a wonderful tool to  diagnose a problem. Psychology can undress you emotionally, but it can’t dress you. 

Psychology is not very effective in the prognosis solution arena.

To change to be transformed, I have discovered God’s word provides the prognosis, the prescription, the solution.

If this sounds simplest guess again. Identifying a problem is much easier than finding the solution. 

God reserves truth, the solution, only for those who come to him with a sincere heart; Jesus said  it best, “Come to me as a little child.”  If we don’t come as a child running to the trustful arms of a mother or father, His solutions are impossible to discover.

The two ways I find most effective in stopping the destructive act of second-guessing are: in memorizing and repeating these principles. 

Brothers and sisters do not consider myself to have taken hold of it but one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God called me heavenward in Christ Jesus . – Philippians 3:13-14


Do you second guess yourself?

Do you you want to reduce second guessing yourself?

If yes to both, write on a card Philippians 3:13-14.

Post it where you read it am and pm.

If you are really serious, commit it to memory.



Published Date : July 14, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key Statement:  Photos and pictures are worth a 1000 words. The placement of meaningful and inspiring pictures or motivational tools to give us the will to prepare to win the moment are important.

In the Crowell Secret Garden, is this photo of the three boys who bear the Crowell name.

Kingston James Crowell is my only grandson.



Published Date : July 11, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

A rich lesson in courage and commitment.

ANTHROPOID is a WWII historical movie about Czech resistant fighters. Courage and commitment make this a spellbinding movie.

General Reinhard Heydrich was the main architect of the Final Solution and third in command after Adolf Hitler.

Heydrich was in command of the German occupation in Czechoslovakia. Seven resistant Czech warriors assassinated this merciless and evil general.

In retaliation, Hitler murdered 5,000 Czechs.

The seven resistance fighters held massive numbers of Nazi soldiers off in a cathedral in Prague for six hours.

As I watched this movie on a flight to Italy, my mind was moved to expect more of myself in the arena of courage and commitment.

My heart was moved to sadness at the historical meanness and cruelty of human behavior. Thankfully, watching heroic men and women fight evil, joy and gratitude filled me as I watched these heroes give their lives for their beloved Czech country.

Courage is earned by doing courageous acts. Commitment is an act of the will.

Joshua was such a man. He lived both courage and commitment because he obeyed his Lord.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9



Published Date : July 9, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

If 7 out of 10 calls to me are asking for something, it is not a friendship, it is a transactional relationship.

An example of a  friendship killer call is, “Hey Fred, Zechariah here. Been a long time. How are you? I’ve really missed you. How is Susie? What’s Jay up to? . . . Before we hang up I want to tell you about my new business. You can make thousands if you sign up with me.”

If a friendship is not mutually beneficial and if a relationship is not close to a 50/50 give and take, it is not a true friendship. 

The acid test of a true friendship happens when you have absolutely nothing tangible to give, yet this amazing person stands with you. This is a true friend. 

A true friend of mine was fired from his job. He became very depressed. This is what he told me after I called him often over a period of months, “I thought I had leprosy, so few friends called me.”

These past five years have taught me a great deal about my true friendships and my transactional relationships.

I can tell you this. We have less true friendships than we think we have, and we are a true friends to less people than we think we are. 

Don’t believe me? Read the account offshore, many stood with Jesus on his walk to the cross. 

So what is my point?

Take serious time to identify true friendships in your life. Now make sure these precious few get the first fruits of your life. 

Three action steps to treasure my true friends:



Published Date : July 8, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The crucial question!, “How much does it cost?”

My amazing son-in-law gave me a book on the life of Martin Luther King Jr. As I reviewed chapter headings the one that intrigued me the most was “Freedom is not Free.”

This took me back to 40 years ago when I learned the best definition of freedom I had ever heard. It took me some reflective time before I fully understood.  

“Freedom in the length of rope between your neck and any given stake.”

Strain on the rope, and your neck will get sore; get close to the stake, and you have complete freedom of movement, and absence of pain.

What is it about us that we don’t want to get close to the stake? What is it about us humans, that we don’t learn from our mistakes?

It is recorded that after the brutal world wars, WWI and WWII, we had learned our lessons. No more wars!

Where did we learn this notion that freedom is free or at best, cheap to acquire?

Where did we learn to expect free lunches? What is it about us humans, that we expect life to be easy, to be free from hard work, disappointments, failures, suffering?

Scott peck, a famous psychologist and author proclaims, “Life is no longer difficult once you realize it is difficult.”

Patrick Henry’s famous cry, “Give me liberty or give me death.” Resonates with me as I walk freely through the cold winters of my life.

My theological hero and mentor, Ignatius of Loyola, father of the Jesuits spoke the desires of my heart so beautifully.

“Take Lord and receive all my liberty.
All my knowledge my understanding and my entire will.
All that I have and I call my own I give back to you.
Give me only your love and your mercy that is enough for me.”

Freedom is not the result of doing what we want to do, rather freedom comes from doing what is the right thing to do. No jail on earth can rob us from the kind of freedom in Christ St. Ignatius modeled for us to imitate.



Published Date : July 5, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Thank you Jill Logie, daughter of Coach Ed Pepple, one of the USA’s most successful high school coach and leaders of young men. Jill is mother of Whitworth University’s men’s nationally acclaimed basketball program. Crowell loves these amazing people.

Key statement: The question is not do you have a head coach because everyone has a head coach. The crucial question is, who is your head coach and is this coach worthy of your total obedience?

True story: My ultimate goal as a teenager was to grow up and leave my home so that I could be my own head coach. I desperately wanted to be free from my father’s domination.

Ship captains, military officers, and sports coaches know better than anyone, the value and importance of the role of a head coach.

37 people are traveling to Italy with me. My role is to be the Head Coach. 37 people will be trusting me to be a trustworthy Head Coach.


Hi Fred! This is Jill Logie texting from France! We are just finishing up a two week vacation celebrating Kelly’s graduation from Whitworth. We are soaking up the sun outside of Paris! Wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying re-reading your book. Your words are so encouraging! And, thank you also for taking Matt to Alaska with you to work one of your camps. It is something I pray for every day… God bringing mentors into my children’s lives who will help them to live more like Jesus did. Thank you for being such a wonderful role model for my son. Sending my love…

Meet My Head Coach is a book dedicated to helping people discover the wonder and privilege and joy of having Jesus Christ as their Head Coach. The miracle of this book is the fact that it was written by a very average English student that has been reprinted seven times with over 50,000 copies in existence.

If you don’t have your copy, you can order one at crowellu.com. I would love to see this on your bookshelf, but more importantly in your heart!



Published Date : July 4, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“Soldiers keep by your officers, for God’s sake keep by your officers!” spoke Washington in a deep and soulful voice.

It was 21 degrees on December 24-25, 1775. Washington’s army was in shambles, experiencing defeat after defeat. As the Continental army suffered in brutal weather, the Hession army rested in comfort in Trenton, New Jersey. The brilliant Hession army hired by the British celebrated Christmas with too much booze and food, while Washington’s beleaguered troops walked 18 miles through the night crossing a dangerous river.  

No one in their right mind, except George, would lead His warriors in these conditions to the first USA victory over the Brits.

Washington did not flee with his troops, or hide from Britain’s General Charles Gates’ 8,000 strong British troops. No, on January 3, 1776 Washington’s inferior army in terms of size and experience secretly hiked 18 miles to give General Gates a bearing that made it necessary for him to ask the British Parliament for more troops.

A fulfillment of a dream was having a special friend set in place a 25 foot flag pole. The USA and POW flagpole is a reminder to me of the men and women who gave so much of themselves to give my family and all of us the amazing, miracle gift of freedom.



Published Date : July 3, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key statement: There is something both spectacular and fascinating to be the very first. The first is often the most difficult. The first is a memory maker.

Elegant question: What are some of the firsts in your life that are in your Hall of Fame memory book?

This question presents each of us with an opportunity to go into silent mode and dig into the past experiences of our lives that qualify as memory makers.

As I look at this picture of Matt Logie, the Head Basketball Coach at Whitworth University, I see two things that really touch my heart.

First and foremost is the joy I get watching Coach Logie reel in his first fish. This fish is not just an ordinary fish, it is an Alaskan King Salmon.

Many Alaskan go an entire lifetime without catching one of these magnificent God created creatures.

Second, I get to see what you don’t get to see. In my memory bank I have the privilege of seeing Coach TJ Scott, Head Coach at Metlakatla High School, loving and delighting in the opportunity to skipper his fishing boat with the sole purpose of helping four of us coaches catch a king Salmon.

My hope for my beloved WOH readers is to review your bucket list. Coach Logie has one off his list; however he has signed up for Metlakatla’s 2018 Basketball Camp.

Elegant questions: What is on your bucket list that you would like to accomplish this summer?  

What is on one of your loved ones or dear friends bucket list that you can help them accomplish this summer?

Coach Logie and Coach Scott will be friends forever because of this one time life experience.



Published Date : July 2, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

One of my favorite hobbies is playing cards with friends. Bridge, Hearts, Pinochle, Casino, 10 To 1, Rummy and Cribbage are all card games I like. 

Knowledge of the game rules is the first step to being a winner. Card smarts are a must. One of the most important winning skills in Bridge is when to lose a trick. Poor players lose a trick early in the game only to lose a bunch towards the close of the hand. 

Card games that make a trump suit all powerful complicate the game further. When a 2 of diamonds beats a king of spades, hearts or clubs, players better learn how to master this aspect of the game. 

Likewise in life:
Love trumps hate
Love trumps envy
Love trumps fear
Love trumps failure
Love trumps pain
Love trumps sin
Love trumps death 

My favorite artist; Vincent Van Gogh, though he died in poverty and obscurity, said some remarkable things about love. 

“I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.”

 “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”

“Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more.”

The author of Love is God, our Heavenly Father who provided us life by giving us His Son.

Therefore, I would be remiss if I did not name at least five of my favorite Bible verses on Love.

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8

“For God so loved the world,that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16 

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. – 2 Timothy 1:7

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. – I john 4:18

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:37-39 

I close with Sir Vincent ‘s quote on courage, because to live demands courage. I choose to love God, to love life and to love people no matter the cost.

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” – Vincent Van Gogh


Fred: Great words on one of the most significant days in history...the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who trumped sin and death with the 'hand' our Heavenly Father gave Him to play. His sacrifice means a royal flush for us all. I pray God will continue to disturb you to greatness and the year ahead the greatest in your life. My best, "Western"


Published Date : July 1, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“Which one comes first?”

In reading through Van Gogh quotes one stood out because of the fact NBC Camps hires more than 400 coaches each summer.

“Your profession is not what brings your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you’ve been put on earth to do with such passion and such intensity that it becomes a spiritual calling.” – Vincent Van Gogh

Vividly my brother, Mike, and I remember a scene in our living room. It was one extremely cold winter night. We had no heat in our up stairs bedroom, and it was one one of our three sisters turns to have the coveted hot water bottle.  

Standing in front of the oil stove heating two bricks to take to our individual beds. Believe me, we cherished our towel wrapped heated bricks.

Seems funny now to imagination, two teen age boys heating their bricks to cuddle during the night.

Dad was in a foul mood. Who wouldn’t be! His job was to drive an hour to work grave yard in a plywood mill at minimum wage.

He opened the front door to leave then abruptly shut the door. He yelled with force and intensity, “Look at me!” My brother and I were at full attention.

“I hate this job and I hope to God someday you have a job you love.”

Well thanks Dad. Mike was superintendent of schools, loved his career, won 2 state championships as a basketball coach and one as a golf coach.

NBC has been my passion. Passion drives one to seek competency, love your job and life is sweet.

Jesus said whatever you do, do it with all your mind and heart for Him.



Published Date : June 30, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

NBC Camps – 3 Generation Family

Key statement: The legacy we leave will impact our children and their children’s children. The way we choose to live our lives will impact the next three generations.

True story:  Larry and Carrie Walker are legendary at NBC camps. As Head Basketball Coach at Lewis and Clark High School in Spokane, Washington, Larry brought hundreds of these athletes to NBC.

One of the most notable is Roger Smith, who now is Vice President of NBC Camps and has never missed one camp in over 38 years.

Kelli, Julie, and Darrell grew up at NBC camps. All three were sensational basketball players.

This week in Auburn, NBC camps has the entire Walker family as either coaches or players.

I delight in looking at this whole Walker clan. As usual, Carrie and Larry stand out in the spotlight. Larry was Athletic Director and Head Men’s Coach at Everett C C for 30 plus years; Carrie served thousands as a nurse.

img_0679Inspirational challenge:

There is nothing more precious than family. Family is the bedrock of our society. This Walker family photo is inspiration for all of us to do whatever we can, with whatever we have, to have a wonderful family legacy.

Thank you Walker family for all you have done for so many!



Published Date : June 29, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

KEY STATEMENT: The will to win is not nearly important as the will to PREPARE to win.

Preparation, the discipline, focus, concentration, and commitment is the prerequisite for success in any endeavor. Whether it be in sports, law, family, business, or any life pursuit.

This video was fun for me to make at the North Park Racquet Club in Spokane. This video was made for 18 basketball players touring Italy with Crowell Basketball.

The amount of time each of these athletes have prepared to be prepared, will correspond to the success and the experience of their tour.

This is true of every area of our lives. Let me ask you some elegant questions. Elegant questions are ones that have no set answer.

What stops us from preparing to be prepared?

What prevents college students from planning early in the college experience, what they plan to do after they graduate?

What prevents young married people from developing a master plan of how they want to raise their children with specific goals in mind?

What is the reason folks in their 50’s don’t begin planning their retirement long before they’re actual retirement days?

What makes discussion in preparation for death so difficult? It’s going to happen, why not have a plan in place for those who have to pick up the pieces after you are gone.

I will close this Word of Hope with my favorite quote:

“The more clear we are in what we want, the more power and control we have in getting what we want.”

Italy here we come!



Published Date : June 28, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

KEY STATEMENT: encouragement is oxygen; encouragement is water. Without encouragement and water the human body cannot survive. Without encouragement, humans cannot thrive.

NBC Thailand was founded by an amazing man. His name is Diego Sierra. Diego has passion and love for children, basketball, and our Heavenly Father. Today in history, basketball camps in Thailand are alive and well because of this wonderful friend.

Words of encouragement matter! Diego and Kristin’s words inspire me to fight and win the moment.

Diego writes:

Hi Fred, every morning I wake up early with my wife and do a devo. We just finished your EQ crash course and it has really helped us have a plan for the day. Thank you for your words of wisdom. The Sierra’s are grateful! God bless you my brother.

Diego and Kristin praise God for the awesome news!!! We thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom through this situation… Your commitment to God has made a huge impact in our own journey… Love in Christ…

Who can you encourage today? A day that you do not encourage at least one person is a wasted day.

If you have received any encouragement from being united with Christ, make my joy complete by encouraging at least one person today.

Words of Paul and Fred.



Published Date : June 27, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key statement: The martyred missionary, Jim Elliot, has often been quoted with this amazing statement. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

True story: Fairbanks Alaska 1966.

Fred Crowell has come to a fork in the road.

One road leads to a life believing God is irrelevant and unnecessary to live a successful life.

The other road is a total all-in commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

This may mean giving up on basketball and becoming a missionary in the four corners of the world.

What I didn’t know then and do know now is that God, Abba Father, has not offered us a takeaway religion, but an amazing and remarkable personal relationship with the most fabulous person that has ever lived, none other than the Lord Jesus Christ.

What I didn’t know then was that if we surrender and give Him our life without reservation, He will return the blessings 10, 20, 30, and even 100 fold.

The fact that Eastern Oregon University is offering both Bachelor and Masters level courses in Fred Crowell’s philosophy and psychology of basketball skills coaching is proof of God’s goodness mercy and blessings.

EOU Online Basketball Coaching

dummy-copy crowell-ballEASTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY is
offering up to 6 Bachelor or Master credits in School of Education credits on the PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY of BASKETBALL; THE CROWELL BASKETBALL SYSTEM.

TRUE STORY: Roger Smith, a highly esteemed fifth grade teacher in the Puyallup Washington school District and Vice President of NBC Camps challenged Fred Crowell 20 years ago with this request:

“Coach Crowell, the vast knowledge of basketball philosophy, psychology, and spirituality that you have developed for NBC camps is based on oral tradition. Please leave us your legacy in written form so that it can go on for generations to come.”

This challenge was taken very seriously because Roger came to NBC as a nine-year-old. Roger Smith is the third most important male son-like man in my life, right behind my son Jay and son-in-law Shann Ferch. Therefore when Roger the Dodger speaks, I listen, learn and act!



Published Date : June 26, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Crowell 99.9. Cancer 0.1

My dedicated oncologist gave the Crowell’s this news. These are the best scores you have had in 3 years. The drugs are doing their job. 

We join the psalmist in singing, “Bless The Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name.”

Remarkable, loyal, loving friends thank you for your prayers, emails, phone calls, letters and visits. I am alive today because of you and God’s grace!

Key statement: For nearly 8 years cancer has been knocking at Crowell’s door. Actually dirty player Mr. C has been trying to kick my door down. Fact is cancer CANNOT steal my joy, my peace, my love, my hope, or my DESTINY.

Jay Crowell’s loving challenge to me on one of the darkest days of my life. December 2010, Spokane, Washington.

The bleak news Fred Crowell had 4th stage metastatic cancer devastated our family.

It was at the darkest hours Jay Crowell stepped up to the plate to inspire his father. My boy who changed my life was now a man said with firm resolve,

“Dad now we are going to find out if everything you have been teaching us is really true.”

Keith Lauwers, Anchorage, Alaska, a spiritual giant of a man, who has been used by God to influence thousands and thousands of lives over the past 60 years said to me,

“Fred, people will be watching you. These thousands and thousands of people want to see how you handle this cancer challenge. They need to see Christ in you, our hope of glory.”

Winning the moment sounds so trite and simple yet is terribly difficult to do. Living in the past promotes depression. Living in the future fuels fear and anxiety.

Living in the precious present brings a life of ease and peace.

Today I have breath so I breathe. Take a walk with Fred Crowell today. Use your imagination to be with me in my secret garden where you will find the Love and grace of Abba father the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.



Published Date : June 24, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

In this world of people and things, we can either love people more than things, or things more than people.

If we love things more the people, we will use people to get things. If we love people more than we love things, we will use things to help people.

Using the Crowell 80-20 Life Rule, this means 20% of the people get more and more things by using people. Another 20% use things to help people.

The existential self-diagnostic question is which 20% do we fall into? If we don’t know, it is likely we fall into the 60% of the human population who are just walking through life living a C average existence. Nothing right or wrong with a C; it can be quite comfortable.

My conviction is the King of Kings calls us to fully live. “C” living is half living; living for things is rat race living because enough is never enough. Just a little bit more becomes the daily grind.

Without being super spiritual, my life experience has taught this grandfather the joy of joys in this life is a life of giving more than a life of getting.

There is no place on earth that centers me better, helps me set realistic goals, and fuels my engine, more than the Holy Book.

These passages truly bring joy and delight to my bones:

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you-you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  Matthew 6:25-33

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.” Phil 4:4-8

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18



Published Date : June 23, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

One gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds. Grace weighs less than a feather.

Key statement: it was not until I passed through the Panama Canal on a 1,000-foot ship with over 2,300 passengers did I realize the enormous weight of water.

What I now know about water:

Water can elevate a ship 85 feet above sea level, float it across a small country and slowly drop the vessel 85 feet to a different ocean.

Water makes up 60% of human body weight. Fact is, a 200-pound man’s body weight is 120 pounds water.

Water usage on a daily average basis for each American is 757 bottles a day. This includes showering and teeth brushing.

31% of human bone weight is water. No wonder my health giver admonishes me to drink over 8 pounds of water each day. She says, “Fred’s bones are thirsty.”


In the spiritual realm, sin is heavy like water!

Resentment, bitterness, and anger weigh more than water.

Hurt collectors carry their self-pity like ladies in older times who carried water jugs home from the city well.

Worry is heavy. One gallon of worry weighs 10 pounds.

Anxiety is really heavy. Box cars at the train station are not strong enough to carry the anxiety that people manage to carry on their backs day after day.

God’s grace is weightless. Imagine the magnificent WORD’S we can read and memorize from the Holy Book.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Personally, these words and promises our Lord Jesus Christ told the apostles after his resurrection, are pure joy to my heart.

Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.

This living water is God’s grace; it is healthy; it is weightless.

As for me, in the Crowell household, we choose to live in weightless Grace, not heavy water!  Forgiveness is our get out of jail free card. Gratitude is our gold card to experience God’s gift of weightless grace.

Thank you, Abba Father the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. You have faithfully packed my water for 51 years and without doubt, I know you will carry my water until the day you choose to take me home.



Published Date : June 22, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key statement: America’s number one Airline Company is Alaska Airlines. This claim is based on two factors: Exceptional customer service, based on professional excellence at every level, and personally. Alaska Airlines has provided airfare for NBC camp staff to villages and communities throughout Alaska where countless young student athletes have experienced life changes.


Alaska Airlines board rooms can be found throughout the company’s extensive USA network. If you purchase a membership then you become entitled to a comfortable place to relax and enjoy a rest while waiting for a flight.

Crowell University is your personal opportunity to become a no fee, member of the Crowell Life Skills Board Room. Like Alaska Airlines the purpose is to provide rest and comfort.

Words of Hope with Fred have become a labor of love for me. WOH has been a source of joy; a way to connect with people who are very important to me.

When friends ask, “how do you feel?” They should not ask me “how I feel,” ask me “how I am doing.”

Writing Words of Hope reveals how I am doing. The deep and priceless joy, gratitude, and love experienced in my journey to the secret garden, where the holy trinity is waiting for me, is my reward in writing these daily words.

Thank you. Welcome to the Crowell Life Skills Board Room. Bring friends and loved ones with you.

Fred, Papa Suave, Crowell



Published Date : June 22, 2017
Categories : Uncategorized

Show picture of Crowell Coaching Book
And photos Crowell ball
Major email blast to take course
EASTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY is offering up to 6 Bachelor or Master credits in School of Education credits on the PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY OF BASKETBALL: THE CROWELL BASKETBALL SYSTEM.
TRUE STORY: Roger Smith, the highly esteemed fifth grade teacher in the Puyallup, Washington School District and Vice President of NBC Camps challenged Fred Crowell 20 years ago with this request:
“Coach Crowell, the vast knowledge of basketball, philosophy, psychology, and spirituality that you have developed for NBC Camps is based on oral tradition. Please leave us your legacy in written form so that it can go on for generations to come.”
Quote in italics
This challenge was taken very seriously because Roger came to NBC as a nine-year-old. Roger Smith is the third most important male son-like man in my life behind my son Jay and son-in-law Shann Ferch. Therefore, when Roger the Dodger asks, I listen, learn, and act.


OLOGY-Crowell's Five

Published Date : June 21, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope


KEY STATEMENT: These five OLOGY’S are the five disciplines that have played a significant role in my life.

Two principals that have deeply embedded in the way I think and act are:

  1. The challenge is to take the complexity out of each OLOGY. Know it. Understand it.
  2. Take simple, effective steps of action. Complete mastery of each Ology comes down to one thing – a lifelong pursuant of hard work. There are no shortcuts.

Definition of terms:

PHILOSOPHY is the study of meaning and purpose. Philo means to love; Sophie means to study. To love the study of meaning and purpose should be education’s primary mission. If you know the why you discover the reason to learn and live. Why study math or English or history? Teach the why and education happens.

PSYCHOLOGY is the study of humans. To me, this means to love knowing and understanding human performance. Few academic disciplines are more fascinating than the study of human behavior. Psychology teaches us who we are, whereas spirituality teaches us who we can become.

BASKETBALL-OLOGY is the knowing and understanding of a sports game. Sports games DO NOT develop character. Athletics reveal character. The REAL YOU emerges quickly in physical competition. Basketball is a tool to teach OLOGY.

LIFEBALL-OLIGY is loving living life. LIFEBALL is the best game on earth. It requires no equipment and you’ll be playing anywhere, anytime, anyplace. When one is truly living the precious present I call this LIFEBALL. A walk, a sweet conversation, delightful silence, a meal with family, singing in the shower, and a nap are all LIFEBALL games.

SPIRITUAL-OLOGY is God’s relationship to us and our relationship to God. In my view it is the most difficult OLIGY to know, understand and put into action, yet a deep meaningful and personal relationship to Abba father, the creator of the universe, and his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who became flesh have lived among us so that we could experience the glory of his Majesty, which is the sweetest and most valuable experience life on this earth offers us.

Fred Crowell’s meaning and purpose for life:

Love God with all my mind, heart and soul. Love people and live in forgiveness with a grateful mindset.

Win each moment with an attitude of gratitude in such a way that ease and grace describe my actions.

For me, to live is Christ, the powerful words Paul described how he has chosen to live LIFEBALL. I choose the same. How about you?



Published Date : June 17, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Colors are powerful symbols of emotion and can fuel our M/P (Meaning and Purpose).

Today is a red shirt day for me. Red is courage – I have an oncology appointment.  

The wristband on my left hand in blue reads, ”gathered to grow; equipped to go.”

My bubble is blue today. Why Blue? Blue is a color symbolizing true character; true blue.

At the Ketchikan Airport, I met a remarkable man and owner of Alaska Divers. His company repairs ships. He has dived to 220-foot depths and the motto for his team is, “make your bubble blue.”

“Why did he choose blue?” I asked.  

“The sky is blue; the seas are blue; they are calming colors,” he said.

Seems a wise choice when you are welding 50 feet under water.  Blue calms. Blue reminds us of peaceful places. Blue is truth.

Colors are good reminders that the greatest artist ever, is the Creator, the living God. We are so privileged to be able to call Him, Abba Father. He has adopted us as His own sons and daughters.  

Psalms 8 and 19 are colored in blue. Words that paint my bubble blue today.

What is man that you are mindful of him that you would make him a little lower than Angels and give him dominion over…

The heavens declare the glory of God…



Published Date : June 16, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key Statement: It’s so simple, yet so hard to do; open ears and mouth shut!

Three keys:

  1. Slow to speak
  2. Quick to listen
  3. Slow to anger

Telling people to shut up is not acceptable in the Crowell household. This is rude and not the way we choose to honor each other.

In my 50 years of coaching I vividly recall two instances where I shouted as forcibly and clearly as I could to tell a player to shut up.

Darby, England was the scene. We had two excellent guards, Jon Coon and Jay Crowell.

The center was a 6’10” D2 player.

With a 3 point lead and less than a minute to play I called TIME OUT! The instructions were crystal-clear; the only shot you take is an uncontested layup.

Big Bruce decided to leave his position near the basket; caught a pass outside the three-point line and chucked up an ugly shot. Darby attacked the basket. We foul the shooter.

Those of you who have seen Crowell coach in action are probably laughing. My level of intensity is at its max. Darby makes first of 2 free throws.


We set up an inbounds play to ensure our best shooters get the first pass knowing Darby must foul to stop the clock.

The best passer is instructed to take the ball out of bounds. Big Bruce is told to go to the far basket. I want him out of the play.

Darby makes the second free throw. It is now a one point game. Suddenly our big boy grabs the ball and steps out of bounds. The designated passer starts to step out of bounds. Big boy realizes his mistake. He tosses the ball as high and far as he can.

If the ball goes out of bounds Darby gets the ball at the point of the pass which is under their basket with enough seconds to win the game.

Fortunately, one of our players was a track star from Haines, Alaska. Miraculously he covers over half the court and out jumps a Darby player to catch the ball for the win.

Now was the time for Crowell’s second loud and declarative SHUT UP as Big Boy flaps his yap spewing excuses.

“Shut up” was the only tool in my Life Skills Tool Box to silence my giant.

Later Bruce told the team, “When I realized I did not run the play, the only thing I could do was toss the ball as high and far as I could. I am so thankful the ceiling was so high.”

The team erupted in laughter. It was a sweet win against much older players.

Where does this story leave us with Shut Up Mode?

Don’t! Don’t tell people to shut up!

Do! Do tell yourself to shut up!

Sounds so simple yet is so hard to do.

Win the moment beginning with the thought. Thoughts become words, words become acts, acts become habits, and habits become our destiny.



Published Date : June 15, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key Statement: if you don’t keep your mirror clean, the mirror cannot do its job to tell you the truth about yourself.

When you look deeply into your mirror you will be looking at enemy number one.

The enemy is the face in the mirror.

Goethe the famous Austrian said, “The only person you can change is yourself and as you change, others tend to change in reaction to you.”

Mirror management starts with cleaning the glass so that you can see your face clearly.

Mirror management involves respecting what the mirror tells you. The mirror does not lie; it only reflects the reality of your face.

Your management goes far deeper than an external examination of the face. The face is the window to the heart, to the soul. Kind face, kind heart; happy face, happy heart; mean eyes; mean heart, etc.

St. Ignatius called mirror management The Exame. This brilliant spiritual giant used his military training to develop the Ignatian Spirituality known today as the Jesuits.

Like soldiers in battle, weapon inspection is a daily task; often multiple times. The Examen is the fruit of Enre Ignatius’s military training.

Twice a day his followers examine their thoughts, words, actions, and habits. This is mirror management. Recognize both failures and successes of the day. Make new resolves.

God speaks to us through his Word. We don’t have to guess what the Lord Jesus Christ wants to say to us. He has told us Jesus is our own personal mirror. Know Him and we will look more like Him as we see our faces in the mirror.

Mirror management, like brushing teeth, is a multi-day operation.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:12-17



Published Date : June 14, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Mirror Mirror in my hand who has a pure clean glass that can show reflection in two directions; first at me; second to my world set before me.

Key statement: One of life’s most difficult EQ, (emotional intelligence) skills to master is the two-way mirror. It seems so simple but is so difficult to master!

One way mirrors take little or no training.

One way mirrors are totally self-focused and self-centered.

One way mirrors have no regard for the interest of others.

One way mirrors see life and people as tools to make them successful.

Babies first discover the one-way skill mastery of mirror watching.

Babies delight in looking at themselves through mirrors.

Baby mirror watching prevents the child from seeing, understanding or having an interest in bringing joy to anyone other than themselves.

This is exactly the way it should be with a baby. You can’t give away what you don’t possess.

So a baby becomes a toddler; then a child; then a teen and all too soon an adult.

retroladyOne way mirror watching is no longer an admirable trait. Adults hide their attraction to mirror watching.

Imagine if your entire body is a two-way mirror. When you look into the mirror you see yourself. You see the piece of lettuce stuck in your front tooth after eating a salad; you see if your trousers are unzipped and other blemishes.

When other people look into your two-way mirror they see themselves in you and you now are able to see these people more clearly.

Suddenly your self-focus becomes two dimensional. You see both your needs and the needs of people.

St. Paul said it so well. Clearly, the apostle was a two-way mirror ambassador for our Lord.

I truly delight in God’s WORDS, they make it possible to know Him as Abba Father. We are His adopted children.

Take 7 minutes to read and reflect on St Paul’s beautifully crafted WORDS. Philippians 2: 1-11

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death-even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Effective Parenting Part 1 - Three Master Keys

Published Date : June 13, 2017
Categories : Family, Words of Hope

Crowell’s Life Skills for Effective Parenting

by Fred Crowell


The Difference: A Relentless Pursuit of Excellence

The difference between poor and good; good and great; great and excellence is a “never quit” mind set. The difference between success and failure is a thin line. The relentless pursuit of excellence is the single most important life skill for children to learn. It makes all the difference. As Paul Meyer, author and founder of Leadership Management International once stated, “Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.” As you read the following Crowell Life Skill for effective Parenting, practice integrating it into your life, and begin to set specific goals starting today that will lead to success tomorrow.


3 Master Keys: Opening the Door to Successful Parenting

  1. Teaching is not telling; teaching is clearly communicating accurate knowledge and understanding. Knowledge is the art of knowing; understanding is the act of doing. A child cannot do it unless they know it; they cannot understand it unless they can see it in action. Parents must master the art of knowing life skills and modeling these skills in their own lives.
  2. Encouragement improves listening. The most effective way to teach is to speak LIFE, not death, to your child. Praise is always superior to criticism. Encouragement is the art of bringing courage to a child. The wise parent becomes a master in bringing courage to their child.
  3. Correction is guidance; the light in darkness, the rudder on the ship. Without expert guidance, a shuttle would miss the moon completely. Without, correction, a rocket would be off-target ninety-nine percent of the time. The self-correction devices guarantee that a ship will reach the correct target. Encouragement without correction is flattery. Likewise, correction without encouragement is cruelty.


When a parent fails to teach the child, that parent cheats the child. The child does not learn to compete in a very tough world. Similarly, when a parent fails to encourage, the child competes from a position of disadvantage. He/she inevitably experiences a lack of poise and confidence. A parent’s failure to correct may result in a child’s self-indulgence while over-correction often produces a destructively defeatist attitude. Thus, a parent must find a balance between under and over-correction.



  1. Today set a goal to “Coach” your child to accomplish a task or understand a principle you want them to learn. The task maybe to brush their teeth regularly, “Coach” them based on the “Teaching” definition in the first Master Key above.
  2. Today set a goal to encourage your child three times for accomplishing a task. Maybe it’s brushing their own teeth without being asked.
  3. Today set a goal to compliment your child three times to every correction.



Meet My Head Coach, by Fred Crowell



Published Date : June 12, 2017
Categories : EQ 101, Words of Hope

To develop your personal  “Crystal Clear” concept of EQ go to the Crowell EQ 101 7 Day Crash Course at:http://crowellu.com/category/eq-101/

EQ Iceburg

Thank you for taking the initiative to dig deeper into my crash EQ learning expletive. EQ is fascinating and my hope is that you join me in making this a lifelong pursuit.

The purpose of this information you are about to study is for you to write your own definition of EQ.

The clearer you are in knowing and being able to articulate EQ the more likely your mind will grow your EQ through life experiences that in the past may have gone unnoticed.

Study the following three definitions. Then write your own. To cement the concepts in your subconscious mind, practice explaining EQ to those in your sphere of influence.

  1. Enough is enough. All we need is right here, right now. Live yesterday’s and your sky will be dark, full of clouds of disappointment and depression; whereas living in the tomorrow red and bronze clouds of fear, weary and anxiety will rain on you. Live to win the moment, so you can win the hour, so you can win the day! Your PMA (positive mental attitude) winds will blow away the gray clouds of depression  and disappointment along with the red clouds of anxiety and fear. Your skies will be blue, the sun will shine and you will be filled with wonder and awe.

  2. Guard your heart. The male human heart weighs about 11 ounces, females 8 ounces, yet I am told they can pump blood from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic Ocean if a blood system circulatory system was lined coast-to-coast.

    The emotional heart is every bit as important as physical, damaging the emotional heart can destroy it. Your heart is the spring water of life, protected it at all costs.  

  3. Embrace failure, because failure is the stepping stone to success. Failure and pain are brother and sister, they make a remarkable learning team. Faith heals through the pain of failure, because it produces endurance, that endurance creates and develops character, the essence of a high level of EQ. This character fully developed gives us the tools to solve nearly every human problem.



Published Date : June 11, 2017
Categories : EQ 101, Words of Hope

To develop your personal  “Crystal Clear” concept of EQ go to the Crowell EQ 101 7 Day Crash Course at:http://crowellu.com/category/eq-101/

EQ Iceburg

Thank you for taking the initiative to dig deeper into my crash EQ learning expletive. EQ is fascinating and my hope is that you join me in making this a lifelong pursuit.

The purpose of this information you are about to study is for you to write your own definition of EQ.

The clearer you are in knowing and being able to articulate EQ the more likely your mind will grow your EQ through life experiences that in the past may have gone unnoticed.

Study the following three definitions. Then write your own. To cement the concepts in your subconscious mind, practice explaining EQ to those in your sphere of influence.

  1. Chose qualified mentors. The two requirements are PTR-proven track record and WOBI-worthy of being imitated.  If they lack these two leadership qualities they are not qualified to be your mentor.

  2. The law of homeostasis – what you change wants to go back to its origin. People resist change people hate change; the human body was designed to be in homeostasis. The earth the moon and the sun are in rhythm, break the rhythm and you have earthquakes hurricanes tornadoes and floods.  Embrace change. Realize when you seek change resistance is a reality.  

  3. No is more important some times than a yes. It is not an obligation to keep toxic people in our lives.  It is good to say no to those who hurt us.



Published Date : June 10, 2017
Categories : EQ 101, Words of Hope

To develop your personal  “Crystal Clear” concept of EQ go to the Crowell EQ 101 7 Day Crash Course at:http://crowellu.com/category/eq-101/

EQ Iceburg

Thank you for taking the initiative to dig deeper into my crash EQ learning expletive. EQ is fascinating and my hope is that you join me in making this a lifelong pursuit.

The purpose of this information you are about to study is for you to write your own definition of EQ.

The clearer you are in knowing and being able to articulate EQ the more likely your mind will grow your EQ through life experiences that in the past may have gone unnoticed.

Study the following three definitions. Then write your own. To cement the concepts in your subconscious mind, practice explaining EQ to those in your sphere of influence.

  1. Be a life-long learner. Discover how you like to learn. Is it books, is it travel, discussions or documentaries? Doesn’t matter, just do it out of a longing to learn.

  2. Delight in people. People are fascinating, far more interesting and complicated than restoring old cars or furniture although these are wonderful skills. People skills change lives. Changed lives change the world.

  3. Existential self-diagnosis – imagine taking your eyes out of your end and doing a 360 three-dimensional study of yourself. What will you find? It’s like going into a dark closet in your home. Some people won’t open the door for fear of what they may find. Open the door.



Published Date : June 9, 2017
Categories : EQ 101, Words of Hope

To develop your personal  “Crystal Clear” concept of EQ go to the Crowell EQ 101 7 Day Crash Course at:http://crowellu.com/category/eq-101/

EQ Iceburg

Thank you for taking the initiative to dig deeper into my crash EQ learning expletive. EQ is fascinating and my hope is that you join me in making this a lifelong pursuit.

The purpose of this information you are about to study is for you to write your own definition of EQ.

The clearer you are in knowing and being able to articulate EQ the more likely your mind will grow your EQ through life experiences that in the past may have gone unnoticed.

Study the following three definitions. Then write your own. To cement the concepts in your subconscious mind, practice explaining EQ to those in your sphere of influence.

  1. Meaning and purpose. If you know where you are going you probably will get there. Know your M/Ps for career, family, person and faith. 
  2. Love of hard work is far more important than just being a hard worker. When we love it, we can’t get enough of it. Loving to work hard makes hard work no longer hard. 
  3. Passion and competency are vital, one without the other is incomplete. Passion is the fuel, competency is the result; master the ball.



Published Date : June 8, 2017
Categories : EQ 101, Words of Hope

To develop your personal  “Crystal Clear” concept of EQ go to the Crowell EQ 101 7 Day Crash Course at: http://crowellu.com/category/eq-101/

EQ Iceburg

Thank you for taking the initiative to dig deeper into my crash EQ learning expletive. EQ is fascinating and my hope is that you join me in making this a lifelong pursuit.

The purpose of this information you are about to study is for you to write your own definition of EQ.

The clearer you are in knowing and being able to articulate EQ the more likely your mind will grow your EQ through life experiences that in the past may have gone unnoticed.

Study the following three definitions. Then write your own. To cement the concepts in your subconscious mind, practice explaining EQ to those in your sphere of influence.

  1. Encouragement is oxygen. People die quickly when they are deprived of oxygen. Same goes for dogs and cats and all other animals. People and the animals crave, no, demand encouragement. Without encouragement hope dies, when hope dies suicide knocks at the door.
  2. Self Discipline is our best friend or our worst enemy. Why? Because SD is a tool to solve problems. If you have an abundance of SD your tool box has the right tools to solve problems. No SD, no way to solve problems.
  3. Freedom embraces obedience. Freedom is the rope around your neck attached to a stake that cannot be removed. Get close to the stake, freedom is the reality. Strain on the rope, your neck hurts and freedom vanishes.



Published Date : June 7, 2017
Categories : EQ 101, Words of Hope

Welcome to part 2 of this 7 part series on Emotional Intelligence.

My life experience message has been centered on EQ (emotional intelligence), my relentless goal is to carefully teach what I know about EQ and basketball to others.

Most of us did no inherent EQ from our parents and many of us have not had a mentor who has taught us EQ over an extended period of time.

So what can we do today?

We can make a personal commitment to study, learn, and practice EQ success principles.

Here are today’s ways to get EQ:

  1. Be a giver not a taker. Clebe McClery, a US Marine Purple Heart said, “In this world of give-and-take there were too few willing to give what it takes.” Start small by giving small things so you can learn to give big things. 
  2. Laugh and Cry. Laugh well, cry when appropriate, be fun to be with and  silent more often than not. It takes real mental focus and intent to do these well.
  3. Forgive freely. Forgiveness is your get out of jail free card. Anger turns to resentment resentment turns to bitterness and bitterness boils up into vengeance. When we fail to forgive we shoot ourselves in the foot and wonder why it hurts.

Freely give, forgive, and share both laughter and/or tears today.



Published Date : June 6, 2017
Categories : EQ 101, Words of Hope

Emotional Intelligence is the most important, yet least taught skill in education in my opinion.

EQ has been proven to be a far greater predictor of success than IQ. Some universities even place greater value on EQ than IQ scores. Yet it isn’t until we see the value in investing in our own EQ that we take action.

Through this past season of Words of Hope I have written a lot on EQ. My hope is as a WOH reader you already see the value in developing your own EQ, as I want to take the next 7 days to share with you (and would like you to share back with me) 21 ways to get EQ.

Knowing, understanding, and managing your feelings, is the foundation of emotional intelligence. 

Are you ready? Let’s begin!

  1. Attitude of gratitude – The camera to see and experience life is gratitude. The better the camera the better the picture. If you want to see beauty, harmony, all the colors, goodness in people and endless possibilities, choose an attitude of gratitude. Ingratitude is allergic to all of these, and all you end up with (after sneezing on the lens) is a ruined image.
  2. Want to trumps how to! Talent is important, yet desire is even more important. EQ excellence starts with the want to factor. If you seek EQ you will find it.
  3. Ask! Learners ask tons of questions with an intent to implement. Ask then ask some more!

Over the next 24 hours, as you see opportunity, put these first 3 ways to get EQ into practice. If you discover something you would like to share, drop me a line, or share your discovery with a friend. Be breath and life to others and you will find your own refreshment.



Published Date : June 5, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

image1The Logical Deduction:

God the creator is the ultimate artist.
Humankind was created in the image of God.
Therefore all humans are uniquely created to be artists.   

God’s gift to us is artistic talent.
Our gift to God is to become a master artist with the gift He gave us.

Tom Brady is a quarterback artist.
Stephen Curry is a basketball artist.
Susie Crowell is a grandma artist.
Steve Altmeyer is a man builder artist.
Jon Coon is a financial advisor artist.
Scott Blake is Copper River Seafood artist.
Eva Makk is a world famous artist.
Gary is our lake house builder artist.

My dream is to be an emotional intelligence artist.

This is your personal invitation to spend the next 7 days taking the Fred Crowell EQ crash course.

Thoughts become words, words become acts, acts become habits, habits become your destiny.



Published Date : June 4, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

LIVE spelled backwards comes out EVIL.

It is my belief that anything that robs us of life is evil. Sin is called missing the mark. To be alive, yet not actively live, is missing the mark.

Life is so much like the recent Cleveland – Golden State basketball game. Challenge, struggle, hard work, ups, downs, and finally a climatic finish. One team wins and one team loses.

The winners shed tears of joy; the losers were heartsick. I see the same emotions at the oncology clinics. I see these same emotions all too often as we try to be alive as we live in the daily grind.

In basketball terms, “love the grind” is an important concept to grasp if you want to win. It is true for life as well. Love the grind of living and you will succeed.

Just being alive, on a consciousness level is a big and important step in being truly alive; which is so much better than just existing.

Embrace the daily grind, be thankful for each breath, delight in body motion and encourage every person you meet today.

I can tell you kindness is good medicine. Being alive is a conscious choice! It makes the grind meaningful and purposeful. M/P (Meaning and Purpose) brings joy and satisfaction.



Published Date : June 3, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

What are the two most important qualities of father excellence in teaching Lifeball to children?

My life experience in being a teacher/coach and a father, tell me children crave father figure leadership.  

These past 3 weeks in Alaska, once again, youth of all ages amazed me as they sought adult male encouragement and quality leadership.

When young people find an adult worthy of being a leader there seems to be no limit of hard work they are willing to exert to gain a father figure. This is why children are delightful. A pure joy to coach and inspiration to keep coaching for years to come, Lord willing.

This brings me to what I consider to be the father, teacher, and coach’s, two most important qualifications:

1. PTR – proven track record over an extended period of time. Tell us your track record.

2. WOBI – worthy of being imitated. The best way to teach is imitation. Just watch very young ones by the pool. Parents hesitant to get the child to put their face in the water. Other very young children show up with their parents and these kids are splashing and going under water. Soon the fearful child is imitating those braver children.

Frederick Douglass had it right when he said, “It is better to train up a child right, than to fix a broken adult.”

Children hunger for father figures. No question, to have PTR and WOBI is not only a worthy ambition; it is so challenging it forces all who aspire to seek the Lord’s guidance and leadership to receive His strength. Philippians 4:13 comes to mind, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

If God is for us and we trust Him, He will give us the power to have PTR and WOBI.



Published Date : June 1, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

camper Key Statement:
Winning begins will the moment the right now the precious present, if you can win this precious moment right here right now you have begun the process of winning. Winning the moment enables you to win the minute, when you win the minute you get to win the hour, if you win the hour you get to win the day, that’s the key to success when you win many days in a row. img_0563



Published Date : May 30, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Attitude is the King of of EQ – emotional intelligence at NBC camps and in the Crowell Household.

As you read today’s Words of Hope, it was written in two settings.

Setting #ONE – A boardroom in Portland, Oregon.

For the past two days Naselle, a town in SW Washington, has been my residence. The Comets’ started their basketball season, and the boys and girls coach invited me to consult.

Lyle Patterson is a dedicated, quality coaches; for 29 years he has coached basketball at Naselle. His boys basketball team won 623 games. Patterson was also a tail gunner on a B-29; shooting downs Russian Migs over N Korea. I refer to him as a national treasure.

Another highlight was staying in the beautiful home of Tim and Sabrina Wirkala’s, nestled alongside the Naselle River.

Tim called his folks to make sure they came to the basketball game so we could visit. First thing they said to me was, “The best thing we ever did as parents was send our boys to NBC Camps.”

I asked Mr. and Mrs. Wirkala why they hold NBC in such high praise.

Wally was quick to respond, “Because when the boys came home from camp they were different, they had positive attitudes.”

“How were they different?” I asked. Mrs. Wirkala jumped in with, “the boys were more grateful, worked harder and best of all their love of and obedience to God, along with there appreciation for us as their parents improved.”

Setting #TWO – While in the Portland airport for two hours I became engrossed in writing about PMA.

Oops, missed my flight to Spokane!

Enthusiasm about getting home evaporated as I took the shuttle to a hotel, and my PMA was being severely challenged.  

The challenge before me was what I call the rebound factor. How long was it going to take to get my PMA back. I gave myself 10 minutes to win it back.

Here are three strongholds for maintaining PMA:

1. Make PMA a focused choice.
2. Hang with PMA People.
3. Embrace the Master of PMA – Jesus Christ.

Read Philippians 2:1-11 six times.

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.

My PMA is high as I head home this a.m. Don’t think I will miss this flight.

PMA is a trademark at NBC. How is your PMA, is the question, “Boy am I enthusiastic” is the answer.  

Changing your attitude causes you to change your behavior. Attitude is a choice. We can all choose our attitude as well as our level of effort.  



Published Date : May 30, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news.”

As remarkable and beautiful as the Alaska’s magnificent mountains is the notion of God’s promise that He, God reigns.

Our lives are in His hands. It is appointed once for us to die and after that the judgement. We are totally in His hands.

Yes, how lovely are the mountains the feet of Him who brings good news. Paul said, “all who place their lives in Jesus Christ will never be disappointed.”

For 5O years it has been my privilege to recommend Jesus Christ to every human being regardless of their life situation. He does not disappoint! Even in a fierce battle with naughty Mr. cancer, He alone does not disappoint! Who else in this world is more than able to bring good news and never disappoint?

My life experience of 74 years, joyfully and boldly, claims Jesus Christ alone is worthy to be the premier mountain in our lives. He is worthy to be called My King. The song “Majesty” is my song.

Mountains inspire me unless I am trying to climb one. Mountains are symbols of the major power and strength of God, Abba Father.


Thankful For Your Service

Published Date : May 29, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

I am thankful for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms here in the US.

It is recorded that after the brutal world wars, WWI and WWII, we had learned our lessons. No more wars!

Where did we learn this notion that freedom is free or at best, cheap to acquire?

Where did we learn to expect free lunches? What is it about us humans, that we expect life to be easy, to be free from hard work, disappointments, failures, suffering?

Scott peck, a famous psychologist and author proclaims, “Life is no longer difficult once you realize it is difficult.”

Patrick Henry’s famous cry, “Give me liberty or give me death.” Resonates with me as I walk freely through the cold winters of my life.

My theological hero and mentor, Ignatius of Loyola, father of the Jesuits spoke the desires of my heart so beautifully.

“Take Lord and receive all my liberty.
All my knowledge my understanding and my entire will.
All that I have and I call my own I give back to you.
Give me only your love and your mercy that is enough for me.”

Freedom is not the result of doing what we want to do, rather freedom comes from doing what is the right thing to do. No jail on earth can rob us from the kind of freedom in Christ St. Ignatius modeled for us to imitate.



Published Date : May 28, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

This is a valuable rule for aspiring basketball players who come to NBC Camps.
Actually, it is valuable to all people. Personally, I delight in teaching it to those who come under my coaching influence.

Here it goes with the Crowell 80-20 rule:

First the bad news. Life is tough. Life isn’t fair. Competition, sometimes better than you, awaits us every day of our lives. Hard work is necessary, failing is inevitable, pain is normal. Show up always or lose. This is life. Now the good news. 80% of the population just want to get by. If you want to dream big and actually make your dreams come true you only have to compete with the top 20%

I personally asked kids if I am wrong, or only making assumptions. When I presented: 80% of the students at their school didn’t like school and don’t want to be there. They Agreed. That 8 out of 10 of the people they know dislike hard work. They agreed.

Here are some more provoking thoughts; 80 percent of the freshman entering college cannot clearly tell you their meaning and purpose for being there, and in most sales professions, 20% of the salespeople are selling 80% of the business.

Mather 13:

Mathew records the parable of the farmer who threw seed on the ground.
Guess what! 75% failed! Only one in four won!
There is a second lesson from Matthew’s words.
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
He tells us he wants only those who sincerely desire to know and live the truth.
The fact of the matter is this is not based on talent, pedigree or intelligence.
It is based on want to. How bad do you want it?

Personal Application:

The Doc says to Crowell. “You have cancer on 3 spots on the spine.”
Crowell asks, ” If there were 1000 Fred Crowell ‘s with this diagnosis what is the average expectation”?
Doc says, “Worst case 2 good years, then rapid decline. Best case 5 good ones, then decline.”
Crowell’s response. Thank God I am not average and neither are you.

God ‘s promise written by St Paul
But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness…”



Published Date : May 27, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The most precious gift a child can receive is given during the first seven years of their life. These are the formative years when the self-image develops and your blueprint is created that will last a lifetime unless transformed.

An amazing emotional intelligence discovery of recent years is the theory that the way a child is abused or terrorized during this period of one’s life, during this formative time period, is the way they will abuse or terrorize themselves the remainder of their lives.

Abuse and terror are often misunderstood. It is becoming increasingly clearer that emotional abuse or terror may be even more destructive than physical abuse.

To take a deep dive into the interior life is not for the faint-hearted. Like mining for gold, self-existential diagnosis can be scary. Yet the rewards can be transforming.

It is my conviction, psychology can undress us emotionally and reveal what is wrong with us, but it can’t fix us.

This is where the spirit life comes into play.

The miracle of the Christ life is that He gives us a new nature. He changes our heart.

Jesus who knows no sin became sin for us that we could be righteous. Paul encourages us with these words of hope, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.”



Published Date : May 25, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

hqdefaultKey Statement: Like health, a job is never fully appreciated until you lose it. Lose your health and you run the risk of losing everything. Lose your job and you run the risk of losing meaning and purpose.

Atlanta Restaurant 1977, Crowell coaching staff was served by an immigrant from Cambodia.

Coach asked the lady server, “Do you like America?”

With complete astonishment, the woman declared, “I HAVE A JOB!”

The body language was, “Are you kidding me; what a stupid question.”

Dan Mortimore who owns Mortimore Productions, one of Spokane’s best places to shoot and produce advertising, delights in teasing me.

Dan sent me a list of all his jobs growing up to let me know he worked harder than me growing up. 

As you read his grow up jobs think of all your grow up jobs. These jobs make us into the person we are today.

Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits. Grow up jobs are one of the precious benefits in our memory bank.

Dan Mortimore’s Grow Up Jobs:

Age 8- Lawn Mowing

Age 9- Paper Boy/Walla Walla Union Bulletin

Age 10- Projectionist/Dayton Liberty Theatre

Age 14- Projectionist/Dayton Drive-In, thru age 18

Age 15- Green Giant Company/ASPARAGUS and peas

Age 15- Snow removal roofs

Age 15- Dayton Hospital/janitor

Age 16- Wheat Truck Driver/Buck hay

Age 16- WSU extension Spokane

Age 16- Texaco Gas Station

Age 18- Jesus changed it all

Age 19- Kings Table/janitor

Age 20- KPTV Portland




Published Date : May 24, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key Statement: Happiness is one step around the next corner and the next corner and the next corner and the ….

Factual question, not an elegant question.

Fact question has one correct answer; an elegant question has multiple answers.

Who was Cain’s father? Fact question.

What did Adam feel when Cain killed Abel? Elegant question.

Why did God ask Cain these two questions?

Cain, why are you so angry?

Why does your face look so dejected?

Are these fact questions or elegant questions or do they have an element of both?

Elementary diagnosis of Abel and Cain story:

  1. Age old story of jealousy and greed.
  2. Origin of violence in homes. Most homicides today are with family members.
  3. All actions have consequences.
  4. The face, the countenance are mirrors of the soul. The Happy heart produces a happy face.
  5. The eyes are windows to the heart. No light in the heart makes for lights off in the eyes.

Walt King, Susie’s father, had many pity sayings. One was “The face doesn’t show age; it shows the mileage.”


Too many faces, like worn out cars, have too many tough miles on them.

Cain had some very tough miles on his face.

St. Paul gives profound counsel in his splendid letters to the Galatians.

Be not deceived, God is not mocked whatsoever, what a man sows he also reaps.

No need to look around the next corner for happiness; happiness is right here, right now. The fact is, happiness is not a worthy goal. Doing right and making the right choices produces happiness, therefore happiness is a byproduct, not the end result.

It’s really that simple but it’s not easy.

Do good and happiness will come to you!


THE CROWELL GARDEN - Spokane, Washington

Published Date : May 23, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

tree“As long as you have a garden you have a future and as long as you have a future you are alive.” – Frances Hodgson Burnett

Welcome to my lovely secret garden and my sacred place on Horizon Avenue in one of America’s most remarkable cities, Spokane Washington

May my words of hope inspire you to design, plant, and grow your own garden. Whether it be a single plant or many flowers, your future has hope.



Published Date : May 22, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“You can’t break a bad habit by throwing it out the window. You’ve got to walk it slowly (and deliberately) down the stairs.”

When people purchase my book, Meet My Head Coach, I encourage them to read chapter 10 first.

The title is No Longer a Slave. Based on the premise everyone is a slave to something.

Over the years I joke about chocolate being my slave master.

chocolatecuffs2Chocolate is a track star; it runs faster than me.

Chocolate is a great football player; it tackles me to the ground.

Chocolate wins oscars; it never takes no for an answer.

Chocolate is confident; it believes it is the solution for both celebrating success and soothing one’s pain.

Each person has a “chocolate” in their lives. As Mrs. Crowell loves to say, we all have bags of troubling faults!

Years ago I learned a new definition of freedom. Freedom is the length of rope between your neck and a stake in the ground.  

Freedom is not cutting the rope. Freedom is moving closer to the stake.

Paul called himself a slave. The sole reason Paul delighted in being a slave was the integrity and value of the stake!  Jesus was worthy to be Master of His life.

Often when I am on away on retreat, my purpose is to pull some stakes, cut some ropes, and remove some collars from my life.

My purpose is to drive at least one new stake, repair others. Ropes will be repaired or new ones made for new stakes, and collars will get the same amount of attention.

Freedom to love life, love people, and love God is my hope.

I encourage you friends and readers of Words of Hope. Going on a retreat with these things in mind means returning home in greater freedom from some of those “troubling faults” Susie talks about.



Published Date : May 21, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Webster defines Word as a, “Single, distinct meaningful element of speech or writing used with other words or sometimes alone to form a sentence.”

Words fascinate me. Etymology, the study of the history of words, is a hobby of mine.

These are some of my Ideas and thoughts about, words and the Word.

In Genesis, we read God created the world by the Word of His mouth.

We create our world by the words of our mouth as well.

Thoughts become words.
Words become sentences.
Sentences become actions.
Actions become habits.
Habits become reality.

Reality: if you think you can, you can; and if you think you can’t, you can’t.

Reality: words define who we are, what we do, how we do it, and how we make people feel! People remember how we make them feel.

Reality: words we speak are more important than the thoughts we think.

Thoughts form words and spoken words become habits. Habits become reality.

Reality: you can’t directly control your thoughts. Proof: don’t think about a black horse this very moment. Gotcha! You just thought about a big black horse. But we can control our words.

Reality: words have power. Words build up, or words tear down. Words wound, or words heal. Words have consequences!

The ultimate word is The Word. The apostle John wrote, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”

John was an eye witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  

This reliable martyr said, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the only begotten Son of God.”

Reality: thoughts become words. Written words become alive and powerful.  

True story to verify words have power!

A student who was struggling in math listened to my coaching.

Here is the scenario: C+ in calculus and the student hates math. Question: would you like to get an A and study less? Yes or no?

“Of course.”

Ok, then you must do exactly what I coach.


First, say I love calculus.

“I can’t. I hate calculus.”

So what! I don’t care if you hate it. All you have to do is love it for 10 hours each week. Love it the five hours in class and 5 intense hours you study calculus. Agreed?


Now, make a sign. I love calculus!  

Make a large A. This is your new grade.

Post it where you see it first thing each morning and last thing you see before bedtime. Repeat with conviction 6 times, “I love calculus. I am an A student.”

“But it’s a lie.”

So what? Act as if. Fake it. Make it.

Does this surprise anyone? The student’s grade at end of the semester was an A+.

Genius is not seeing what it is, genius is seeing what it can become.

Who God says we are is far more accurate than who we say we are.

Cancer has taught me to believe His Word is the ultimate truth. The challenge is to mine The Word like a gold miner seeks treasure.

If what He says through The Word conflicts with what the oncologist says, what you say, or what I say about me, I am going with the ultimate Word.

Fact: Jesus, the master teacher, taught through parables.


Because His truth is reserved only for those who come with all their minds and hearts to do His will.  

Here I am Lord Jesus Christ. I am all yours.



Published Date : May 20, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The older I get, the more I learn about life.
The happiest people I meet and the most unpleasant people I observe confirm to me that it is not hard work but loving to work hard that is crucial to a fulfilling life.

Loving work ranks in my top 3 most valuable skills.

Hard work is a legitimate skill set. On the Regal Princess, over 1200 workers serve 3500 passengers.

Amazingly less than 10 Americans work the ship. USA citizens represent less than 1% of the work force.


I asked this questioned of many workers from Croatia, South Africa, and the Philippines.

The answer was always the same. The work is too hard!

Yesterday we walked to a Broadway play. Each time I passed a beggar I asked myself this question, would these beggars be happier working the 13-hour shift on the Regal Princess than they are sitting on a cold curb hand stretched out, sad-faced, asking for money?

Loving work, any kind of work, is a gift. We, humans, were born to work.

“The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” – Genesis 2:15

The words about work in Genesis encourage men to embrace work with joy.

Thankfully my life partner for 52 years comes from a family of hard workers. Susie loves to work. She says, “I was born for speed, not comfort.”

We don’t just make the bed each day. We make the bed really quick!

Attitude is the difference maker with work. Years ago Susie asked me to help paint a bedroom. I was too tired. Soon after a friend called to invite me to play basketball. I wasn’t too tired then.

It really hit me. A game of basketball demands much more effort than painting walls.

The fact is, I was lazy. This event was the beginning of a life-long journey to not just work hard, but to actually love hard work.

It makes all the difference.



Published Date : May 18, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key Statement: The Apostle John wrote, “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome the light. Jesus is the light of the world.” 

A Spokane woman says loudly to a friend, “I am so sick of this weather; when is it ever going to stop raining. I am getting depressed.” Spokane’s annual precipitation is 20 inches. Yesterday it was pouring rain; the estimate was one inch. In total, Spokane has had over 22 inches of rain; we still have 6 months to go.

Compare the lady’s complaint about Spokane rain to the Finnish saying, “There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.”

Gail Wright and Fred Crowell met in 1967 at Arrowhead Springs, California, home base for Campus Crusade for Christ. Gail was my secretary and spiritual prayer warrior! Gail has been with Susie and Fred for 50 years. Gail brings the Bible alive to us often. This is her contribution to this WOH.

Meaning of Light:  enlightenment, luminous, radiant, beauty.  In the Bible, it is applied spiritually from the physical world.  The contrast is darkness which makes us helpless with the possibility of stumbling.  In the Bible, light is good and God is light, signifying His presence and favor (Ps. 27:1).

Qualities of Darkness and Light

  1. Both are evocative – brings something to mind.
  2. Both are metaphorical – symbolizes something else.
  3. Both are antithetical from each other.   (as evil vs. good, righteous vs. wicked)

a.    Darkness = anti-light, chaos, blindness, night, judgment & death, causes non-existence, extinguishable, unreality

Birmingham, Alabama Story: After closely observing 88 year old, Dr. Joseph King for a year, this was a question I asked him one morning, “Dr. King, I admire you. What is the single best piece of advice you can give me?”

With hesitation, the doctor said, “You make your own weather.”

Action: Often I have difficulty knowing if my auto lights are on during the daylight hours. To be sure if the lights are on it requires me to take action.

People have lights; they are called eyes. Dead eyes mean the heart has been damaged. Mean eyes mean the heart has been hurt. Kind eyes usually mean the person has overcome trauma through forgiveness.

One of my favorite compliments to say is “you bring light to our world, your eyes are full of light!”

Crowell’s favorite quote… “In light of the resources of God, I refuse to accept my limitations.” In the context there was light, we are exploring the joy for us when we let the Light of Jesus Christ shine in and through us. Like attitude, living in LIGHT is a choice. It is ours to make.



Published Date : May 16, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

KEYNOTE: “Isn’t She Lovely” is a song that brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart.

The oncology clinic must require their employees to practice smiling.

Smiles must be part of the job description at Tully’s Coffee at Yarrow Point, Bellevue as well.

Smiles with gentle laughter, to me, are the best medicines for diseases.

What a wonderful world it would be if adults looked at the other adults the same way they look at a baby.

Soft eyes, huge grins, gentle words and a caring touch warm my heart as nothing else can do. 

Smile Coach God Loves You, title of chapter 8 of my book, MEET MY HEAD COACH.

My 1968 Athletes In Action basketball team lost a heartbreaker to Bowling Green University. Bill Westphal, the best small forward I ever coached, made a steal to score the winning basket. Sadly a ref made a home cooked call. We lost the game.

There was no smile on coaches face. Mack Crenshaw former captain of the Georgia Bulldogs saw my anger.

Big Mack with his toothy grin said, “Smile coach God loves you.”

The year I spent with Mack motivated me to learn to smile and rest in God’s love.

Smile readers of Words of Hope; God loves you.



Published Date : May 15, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

KEY STATEMENT: The artist of the universe not only created the earth with the majestic mountains, life-giving rivers, plains and valleys covered with all manner of grains and fruit trees, God crested each human to be an artist.

Story of Norman Lowell:


On the Alaska Kenai Peninsula rests one of the world’s most remarkable communities. Folks from all over the world travel to Homer; it is that awesome.

On the highway to Homer, if you look carefully, is the Norman Lowell Gallery. The best way to describe the artistic sanctuary featuring, in my opinion, Alaska’s greatest among many, is GOD IS THERE TO BE WITH YOU!

Norman Lowell, now legally blind at about 89 years old, continues to use the “artist gift” his heavenly Father gifted him with at birth. Artist Lowell worked hard to become a Master.

Have you discovered the ARTIST IN YOU?

20 years ago I was given a new artistic gift.

This gift came to me in a very special way. Jennifer invited me to be present in the birthing room with her mom, Brother Jay and of course the love of her life, Shann Ferch.

December 19, 1996 Crowell became a Papa Artist. What kind of artist would I be?

As the amazing speaker, God often states about living abundant joy, SO SIMPLE-so hard.

It is so simple to be an artist but so hard to master.

So simple to be a parent, so hard to be an artist at parenting.

So easy to start a garden, so hard to be an artistic gardener.

As I write these Words of Hope my heart is so full of love and peace and joy.

Why am I so filled with Abba Father’s fruits of the spirit?

Because I see so many readers of WOH in my mind’s eye and I see the Artist in you.

I see my dear friend in Honolulu riding the surf with delight.

I see a loved one working on a new poem for his book. I see a mom dressing her little girl, placing a bow in her hair.

I see a young lady trying on a wedding dress.

What does the artist in you see?



Published Date : May 13, 2017
Categories : Faith, Life, Words of Hope

Then God said let us make human beings in our image to be like ourselves… Then God looked over all He had made, and saw that it was very good!

Even in the midst of living in a magnificent garden the Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”

Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and He brought her to man, “at last!” the man exclaimed.

For Crowell, there is no greater gift from the Lord God, than being a father and papa. Jennifer, “resident butterfly,” carries forward the legacy of grace, beauty, purity, servant, tiger, mom, and elegance her Mother Susie lived out for her. Isabella, giver of life; Vaneassa, angel like, role model; Ariana, giver of peace and the eldest Ferch, Natalya, being worthy to be imitated by her sisters.

My Hope for today is to honor women, the first woman of the Christian faith is the mother of Jesus. Imagine a 15 year old girl being told by an angel, she was pregnant. No less in a day where the custom was death for unwed mothers. Yet Mary believed God.

In 1963, my mother and me said our last good byes. 52 years later, my Mother Kathleen Crowell stands tall in my life. I fully plan to see her again. Susie my wife has been my helpmate for years. The witness of her greatness is on display in her daughter and grand children’s lives. 

This is a strong conviction. If men focused on the purity, elegance, and grace, of Godly women, abuse, pornography, and all manner of degradation of women would vanish. 

The more we see God in women, and treat them as God’s gift, the more we elevate our own humanity. 

Adam yelled, “at last!” when God gave him Eve. 

I, too, shout “at last!” there are women who love God, love life and love their family. I know I have lived with such a woman for 52 years and such a  daughter for 46 years.

What you appreciate appreciates.



Published Date : May 12, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

History is a valuable teacher when and if we choose to learn from it.

Twenty two days old Susie King’s father, Walter Willis King, went to war. Four years later Walt returned home alive but very ill. For 76 days Captain King lived in a fox hole on a tiny island off New Guinea. Their ship had been sunk.

Not too long ago, my wife Susie and I took the Pearl Harbor Tour for the first time. Imagine the mighty Arizona, 608 feet long, 106 feet wide and 34000 pounds of steel and iron. The Arizona could fire huge shells 20 miles with uncanny accuracy.

December 7, 1941 three words: Torah, Torah, Torah, were the green light to attack the USA. Over 300 Japanese airplanes swarmed over Pearl Harbor. 21 ships were sunk, 2390 were killed and that night Arizona sunk in 8 minutes instantly killing over 900 of our finest. The average age was 21 years old.

Each 30 minutes about 150 visitors board a Navy boat to go to the Arizona monument. Few people talk. It is a sobering experience. Hundreds of tourists from Japan visit the site. Respect for each other is awesome to behold.

These are a few of the lessons I want to hold dear to me in the days and years ahead.

Profound gratitude for men and women who  have served and now serve the USA. Our freedom is in their hands.

Another gratitude is grace and mercy: the USA helped rebuild Japan. We did not occupy them as Russia did. Today Japan is our dear friend.  We too can make former enemies friends.

So thankful we were able to defeat both Japan and Germany. This fact brings high hope to me as we face the evil enemies ever seeking to destroy America this very day. We have HOPE.  



Published Date : May 11, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

KEY STATEMENT: Too much to do. Spent the past two months trying to clear my plate, feels like running in quicksand.

In what way or manner would any or all of the quote above describe you? I hope you find yourself in some of this quote because if you don’t you are either in denial or you are a sluggard. (Did you read Bella Crowell-Ferch’s Words of Hope titled CHREIA? It’s worth your read.)

How would you mentor or counsel the one who told me he feels like he is running in quicksand? Your wisdom is welcome at fred@nbccamps.com.  

snakeMy friend’s metaphor for TIME TRAP is quicksand. The metaphor for my TIME TRAP is roto-rooter; the mean machine that chases me down the inescapable tunnel of life. Stop and you get eaten.

What is your metaphor for your TIME TRAP? Send it to fred@nbccamps.com. It would be fun and very interesting to compile a list. One common one is alligators; another is greedy in-law (smile).

Ready for some sage wisdom from a 75-year old who no longer can outrun his personal roto-rooter?

Step One: Stop running from the roto-rooter; stop running in quicksand. BE STILL; BE SILENT. WAIT on the LORD.

Step Two: Give it all up. Release your destiny to the one and only worthy Shepherd. Let the Spirit work for you.

Step Three: Give thanks. Put on the clothing of kindness, gratitude, and thanksgiving. For me, it means go hug the roto-rooter. Play with the quicksand.

Step Four: Make your IT LIST – read WOH titled the IT PHENOMENA.

Step Five: ASK for help from worthy Crucial OTHERS. Those with PTR; proven track records and WOBI; worthy of being imitated.

Finally, breathe if you have breath. 



Published Date : May 10, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

KEY STATEMENT:  Each person has life skills toolbox. Skillful living demands having the correct tool to fix the difficult circumstances life presents day by day.

What’s in your life skills toolbox?

Introduction to the Apostle James:

Like Fredric James Crowell, James did not buy the Jesus story at first. The resurrection was the turning point for both Fred and James.

In today’s world James may have been a basketball coach because his five chapter book is not theoretical. “Walk your talk,” is the message of James.

Like a great basketball coach James does not say, “I recommend that you do,” but, “You must do!”

James gives us 5 “Must have tools,” to have available in our life skills toolbox.

  1. People Treatment:  be kind and respectful to all people. Don’t favor the wealthy or look down on the poor.
  2. Tongue Control:  Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.
  3. Work Ethic: Love hard work. Avoid being lazy. 
  4. Prayer Power:  Not by night or strength, your true power comes through patient prayer.
  5. Be Wise: Wisdom enables us to live skillfully. Wisdom is found in God’s Word. Mine for it; hide the gems of the Word in your heart.

Elegant Questions:

How many of the five life skills tools do you have in your toolbox?

What are you going to do to get them? If you already have them do they need sharpening?

What’s in your wallet?… I mean toolbox?



Published Date : May 9, 2017
Categories : Basketball, Words of Hope

KEY STATEMENT: As Deuteronomy suggests, write it on your forehead, place a string around your forehead, so you never forget what God has given you in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Remember this!


The Mind is the Master of the BODY. Thoughts begin in the mind. A thought is a seed. Everything noble or destructive begins with a thought.

The body must submit to the mind. The tongue is the most valuable player in the muscles, tissue, tendons, and ligaments of the body.

One of the cruelest punishments in all of history is to cut out a man’s tongue. Metaphorically the tongue is fire. It warms us or destroys us.

Actions are the results of thoughts and words. Actions prove the reality of your philosophy and belief system. Actions verify your thoughts and words.

Habits operate out of the sub-conscious mind. The formation of good habits is the responsibility of the conscious mind. The conscience guides us in knowing right and wrong.

Destiny is the finished product. Destiny began with a thought. Change your thoughts and you begin the process of creating your destiny.


6th grade, Central Grade School, Anacortes, Washington, 1953. A classmate says, “Hey Fred, there is a free throw shot contest in the gym/cafeteria; you going?” I had never heard about it until this moment. I decided to go. To the amazement of me, I won!

It all began with a thought – think I will go to the free throw contest.

53 years later. Thought, “How can I teach kids how to shoot the basketball more effectively than I have been the last 35 years at NBC Camps?”

Words to actions to habits turned the Crowell Basketball Shooting System into my destiny.

Today at age 75 it is my deepest and most sincere conviction the Crowell Basketball Shooting System is the best ever designed. I will give any university or NBA basketball team a non-refundable $10,000 payment to guarantee this claim. Advancing one round in the NCAA is worth millions.

These are the Crowell Conditions in return:

Four or more players who shot under 70% at the free throw line.

For each 1% point improvement Crowell Basketball receives $3000 per player.

Crowell Conviction.  Point guards should make at minimum 85% of their free shots.

One of Coach Crowell’s defeated Conference champs at Kansas State. To hand them their one home court loss. No shot clock, point guard took last 10 shots; all at FT line. 10 for 10.

Best Big Guy needs to be at 80 or better; for under 70% this player needs to be on bench
The 57% guy I spoke of earlier will be on the free throw line against my team

What is in your mind right now? What do you want your destiny to be? It begins with a thought; then carefully selected words; then positive, consistent actions.

Apply these truths to your life in any important area from parenthood, to work, to shooting a basketball, or hitting a golf ball.

What is your destiny for the rest of your life? I have a new thought that was presented to me by Bella Ferch, when she was 6 years old (6 years ago), “Papa you have to live long enough to see my first baby born but not my second…”

Therefore I have to live long enough to see my first Ferch granddaughter marry and have a first child. That puts me out about 12-15 years. My destiny is to live to be 88 years old, so my thoughts, my words, my actions, my habits are going to propel me to reach 88 years of age. Inspite of Cancer.



Published Date : May 8, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

KEY STATEMENT.  To encourage someone is to give them oxygen. 12-year-old Bella Crowell Ferch gives us an education on what 6 graders are learning at the Oaks Classical Christian Academy. Bella delivers tons of oxygen to her Papa.

“Chreia” (from the Greek chreiodes,“useful”) is “a brief reminiscence referring to some person in a pithy form for the purpose of edification.” It takes the form of an anecdote that reports either a saying, an edifying action, or both.


The challenge to all parents and grandparents out there:

Know and understand that thoughts become words, words become goals, goals become acts, acts become habits, and habits become our destiny. 

Bella’s CHREIA is the reality of a dream that took seed in my thoughts in 1996. Susie and Fred became grandparents on December 19, 1996 – it was a joyous day. We have had four more of these joyous days as well. 

The dream:  Fred Crowell would be the most fun papa in the world.

I became a papa student. I studied the great papas. I imitated them. 

Thank you my Bella for bringing joy and honor to me. Your prayers have helped me beat cancer. Papa C is rich in your blessings. 



Published Date : May 7, 2017
Categories : Basketball, Faith, Life, Words of Hope

“Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23

In my view, basketball is not the only game, but the best game.

I began loving basketball at age 4 when my father took me to the gym during his days as the high school janitor. Swish is one the best sounds heard on the planet. S-W-I-S-H!

Early in my basketball life, I was coached to take care of the basketball, for he who has the ball controls the game. In basketball math, every possession has a point value. Great college teams score 1.4 points per possession, mediocre teams score under one point per possession. That’s a huge difference!  

Lifeball is the only game I know that is more fun, more valuable, and more challenging than basketball. Guarding your heart is the single most important life skill to master in the game of life I affectionately call Lifeball

Basketball and Lifeball have so much in common. You win games in basketball by taking care of the ball. You win in Lifeball by guarding your heart.

St. Peter says it well in his first book. 

Stay alert! Watch out for your enemy, the devil. He roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all around the world are going through the same kind of sufferings you are.

A personal challenge for today. Read and apply the advice recorded in Ephesians 6:10-16



Published Date : May 6, 2017
Categories : Faith, Uncategorized, Words of Hope

“The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want, I have everything I need, all I really want is God.” – Crowell

It’s been said that when John D Rockefeller was asked how much money was enough, he replied, “just a little bit more.”

I think one of the prize virtues we can embrace, is to know that we have more than enough.

“Enough is good enough” is not only a great motto; it’s a wonderful way to live. The reality is, if we live long enough, our world will be reduced to living in one room, sleeping in one small bed, maybe have a TV and own a few sets of clothes.

Let me be honest, it took cancer for me to come to the conclusion that enough is good enough. I have discovered, there is no better place to live than in the truth of Psalm 23.

When St. Paul challenges us to be joyful always, pray without ceasing and to give thanks for everything, even in cancer, for this is God’s will in Christ Jesus concerning Fred Crowell.

This has become possible because Psalm 23 is so often on my mind. When I go to sleep at night, when I wake up in the middle of the night, when I drive my car, when I have idle thoughts. Home plate for me is Psalm 23.

My promise for 2017 is just to live in the reality that enough is good enough.



Published Date : May 4, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key Statement: People have an internal compass. This compass points in the direction of people who have a compass pointing toward us. We call this the law of attraction.

True counseling story. Son has a serious drug addiction problem. The parent’s solution is to take him out of a negative environment. They make the decision to move from Southern California to Spokane Washington.

Guess what? 

What kinds of friends did the son make in Spokane within a few days of arrival?

Yes, of course, the same kind of friends the son had in S. Cal.

Applying the law of attraction to these questions, how would the person answer you if you were the counselor.

Example #1

Do you think our friends had a good time this evening? 

Don’t give an answer; instead, ask this question.

Did you have a good time?

Their answer to this question will tell the answer to the original.

Example #2

Do you think I look good in this outfit?

If you say, “You look great!” Most likely in a few minutes, they will ask, “Do you really think I look ok?”

The law of attraction is motivation to be the kind of person you want to attract.

The first step in getting people to have confidence in you is to have confidence in yourself. 

My advice to people who do public speaking is to always remember whatever you want the audience to feel you must feel the same thing.

If you want the audience to laugh you must laugh.

If you want the audience to cry you must cry.

If you want the audience to be nervous you must be nervous.

The notion that the first move is always up to us is true. It is the first move to;


Since we tend to get what we expect, why not live with the expectation to love God, love people and live life fully one day at a time.

And as a SURPRISE!!!!

We will attract beautiful, wonderful, kind and loving people.



Published Date : May 3, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key Statement: Death Moments and death are inevitable. Yet both death moments and death are subject matters seldom discussed except at funerals.

Elegant question. What is it about death moments and death subject matters people avoid like the Black Plague that swept London years ago?

A faithful Words of Hope reader said, “I didn’t like DEATH MOMENT(s) PART 1

“Why didn’t you like it?” I asked.

“Where was the HOPE? You usually end each WOH with inspiration?” Was the answer.

Indeed I did not leave Death Moments with an inspiring quote or story.


Death moments, just like death are solo experiences. Twins come into the world one by one; not at the same time. Each twin has their personalized birth experience.

At the final breath life ends. We leave as we entered. Alone, we take no one with us.

Silence is the best friend of both death moments and death.

For this reason, God the Creator designed a beautiful garden deep in our souls. My view is this is not a public garden. It is a private garden. No one can go to my garden with me, no matter how much I wish to take my loved ones with me there.

Thus the name I give it is Secret Garden. It is my secret and mine alone.

Waiting for me there is Abba Father, The Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

There is not language I can use to tell you what my secret garden is like. All I can say is that there is no place on earth like it. Yet some days life gets in the way and I can’t even find it myself.

What is the key to finding our secret gardens?

The sacred place is key. A sacred place is where you make it to be. Some days I light a candle. Some days I go to the woods, a vast and private room.

My first time journeying to my Sacred Place, I put 3 minutes on my timer, as that was as long as I could not go without anxiety or thinking about all I had to do. My times in the garden were very short in those days.

Twenty years of hard work creating sacred places wherever I might be has given me the self-discipline tools to spend as many as 8 hours in my Secret Garden.

So where is the hope in this WOH?

It is found in your own secret garden, it is found in the finding or the returning to your own sacred place.

The question is, “Do you have the willpower and self-discipline to create a sacred place, where you can begin the difficult inner journey leading you to your secret garden?”

It is really that simple, yet so difficult to experience.

Not sure you can find it? Looking for hope? Listen to this beautiful invitation to your own secret garden.



Published Date : May 2, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

KEY STATEMENT: If you have experienced a death moment you are never the same. If you have not experienced a death moment, be prepared because you will likely have a death moment experience.

Definition of a death moment: A time when everything in your life stands still; a moment when nothing else in the world matters except this moment. Most often the pain is overwhelming and nothing in life makes sense.

The death moment can be likened to a bad dream; unfortunately, it is not a dream, it is reality.

Death moments either make you or break you. Your death moments either lock you up in jail or propel you to a new experience with freedom, peace, and joy.

Have you experienced a death moment?

What was this experience like for you?

Are you presently in a death moment experience?

Do you know how to get out of these death moment experiences?

Daily Words of Hope with Fred Crowell were birthed from a death moment experience.

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer; no formulas and most often the way out of these death moments are exactly like the real deal we call death; our final breath on this earth. We go out alone. We take nothing with us.

Victory over death moments is found in silence. Of course, living support groups are precious and so helpful, yet they are not enough.

gardenThe God and Creator made a Secret Garden for each of His children. It is our responsibility to create a Sacred Place so that we can find this personalized garden where we find the tools to find life, to win death moments.

My joy has been writing nearly 200 WOH’s to help me visit my Sacred Garden daily. These Words of Hope are my gift to you.

Looking for hope? Come to the Garden and listen to a beautiful invitation to your own secret garden.


Analytical - THE LORD'S PRAYER

Published Date : May 1, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

KEY STATEMENT:  What did the Lord mean when He said, “Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”? Many of us memorized this prayer as children. Do any of us understand how in the world it is even remotely possible to experience heaven on earth?

First, the analysis is the credibility of the author of the prayer. Is Jesus qualified?

  1. Author meets leadership qualifications. PTR (proven track record) and WOBI (worthy of being imitated). Jesus is highly qualified. He lived exactly what He taught.
  2. Commit to God’s will, not my will. This is the essence of selfless living. Very uncommon in today’s world
  3. “Give us this day,” is a call to live in the precious present. Each new day is His gift to us. 
  4. “Our daily bread” is His promise to provide all that is needed for today; not tomorrow.
  5. Get RID of ALL sins. How much do I want to be forgiven for my sins? 100% is my answer; therefore, forgiving others 100% is necessary.
  6. Flee every temptation to do evil. Evil spelled backward is live. Anything that robs us of being fully alive is missing the mark.

Heaven on earth becomes our reality when we follow the truth of the words the Lord Jesus Christ gave us in the Lord’s Prayer.

This can be proven by doing exactly what the basketball coach, not the theologian has laid out analytically in the six steps stated above.

“ ‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.

Matthew 6:9-13

Difficult yes, Impossible no.



Published Date : April 29, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“Old things passed away, all things become new.”  – Paul

Early this morning in my secret garden, I was thinking of my grandson. What kind of legacy will I leave Kingston, this miraculous grandson; the only one to carry on the Fred Crowell name?

This profound question motivated me to go to my favorite book in the Bible. Romans was authored by my Biblical Hero, the apostle Paul. The foundation of my faith is solidly based on the truths and principles recorded in Chapters 6, 7 and 8.

The focus today was Paul’s words of wisdom dealing with the wars we all face between our old and the new natures. The miracle of the Christ message is that He does not command us to refurbish our old self. No, He gives us a new nature. The old nature can never become what God intends for us to be or become.

In the margins of my Bible I wrote messages to Kingston. Many years from today, my hope is Kingston will find my notations meaningful. Having received not one legacy item from my father, leaving many symbols of my life to those I cherish is very important to me. My NBC office and home are filled with legacy gifts and purchases that mean so much to me and I hope some day will to others.

Though it was 50 years ago, I clearly remember the moment I knew Jesus Christ loved me and Jesus was mine. I vividly remember reading for the first time, “But God shows his love for (Fred Crowell) in that while I am a sinner, Christ Jesus died for me.” A new journey began.

That moment is when I knew Jesus was mine, the words of the song written by Fanny Crosby, a blind hymn writer, became alive in me. 

I have sung silently or very poorly out loud nearly every day of my life for 50 years: “This is my story, this is my song, blessed assurance Jesus is mine, praising my Savior all the day long,” nearly every day of my life.

It seems to me the best legacy I can leave Kingston, is not a material inheritance, though it would be nice, it is the knowledge that his grandfather lived his faith loving God, loving people, and loving life.

Jay, at age four, yelled at me as I ran time after time trying to get his kite up high, “go for it Dad!”  I feel Kingston cheering for me, “Go for it papa!

My hope for each person reading Words of Hope is that there is someone yelling in my mind’s ear, Go for it! Make His story your story.



Published Date : April 28, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

KEY STATEMENT: There is one way to guarantee that everything is going to be all right and that depends solely on our attitude towards any given day.

Attitude is King at NBC Camps because attitude became King of the Crowell home over 50 years ago.

Through the challenges of life experiences for Susie and Fred, we learned at the University of Alaska the one thing we could firmly control.

We could not control life circumstances; we could not control other people’s attitudes and actions towards us.

Candidly, I must confess, keeping attitude in check and on the throne is a moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day challenge.

Too often, life gets in the way. All too often the hurts, the pain of al the losses that living presents us, beats our attitude to the ground.

There have been times in my life when my attitude friend not only has been kicked to the curb, it also has been mangled and transformed like the body of an automobile in a bad car wreck.

Jennifer Crowell Ferch was in one of those car wrecks. Looking at her car it appeared no one could have survived, yet Jennifer survived.

Cancer has trampled, kicked, whipped and strangled FRED CROWELL’S ATTITUDE FRIEND. At times I thought I had lost, my friend.

Gut checks resolve to embrace the relentless pursuit of excellence (RPE) trusting the words God has given me in his holy book which has become, and forever will be, my instruction book to keep attitude as king.

It’s not a matter of falling down today or getting the stuffing beat out of us; whether it be health or loss of a job or even the death of a loved one, the question is what are we going to do with our attitude?

As for me in my house, my choice is to serve the Lord with all my mind, with all my heart, all my soul, until my last breath on planet earth. Then I will be waiting for you with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to welcome you into heaven!


Hello Friends of Fred Crowell

Published Date : April 27, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Please enjoy the incredible job my amazing associate Cory James did to present my dreams and goals for Crowell U.

If you need a guru with Cory’s talents let me know so he can contact you.

If you or someone you know would like to be a sponsor partner with me please contact us.

If you wish to because Words of Hope blessed you, share and help us get to 20,000 subscribers.

If you ever wish to make a small gift to help us reach our highest dreams with greater reach we welcome you.

So grateful to have breath so today I breathe.

– Fred the Papa Suave





Published Date : April 25, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Knock knock. Who’s there?

Destiny I’ve been expecting you!

The Ferch Crowell families love good movies. BOLT is a “fam fave.”  Rhino, the hamster, who scoots around rapidly in a rolling ball is a gleeful character. I laugh just thinking about him.

Very early today I woke ‘Rhino Like’ hearing knock knock.  “Who’s there?” I asked. “Destiny I’ve been expecting you.”

Cup of coffee in hand, I prepared my sacred place for a 1 on 1 session with my Father. This is the time I need to prepare to battle the challenges of a new day.

Destiny is waiting for me and is waiting for you as well. There are three keys to control our daily destiny.

The people I meet today will forget what I did or how I did it, but they may never forget how I made them feel.

My destiny today is crystal clear. How I make people feel as I tackle the fantastic projects before me. Today the gift Abba Father and His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ has given me. “Well done” is my goal.

Knock knock who’s there?

Today’s email is written in honor of a man I call iron Mike. He was an All-American Basketball Player at Western Washington. In a fierce battle, his team beat my Alaska team. He was not my friend until years later. Mike Dahl is a great source of encouragement. His email affirmations after reading WOH daily bring inspiration.

Thanks, Mr. Iron.

Mike brings courage into my life. Who can you do the same for today?



Published Date : April 24, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope


Key Statement:  “My soul thirst for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”  – Psalm 63

Water has been the center of my attention lately for several reasons.

Spokane, Washington has experienced the most rainfall in history. For example, this region normally receives 16 inches of rainfall a year. To date, we have received 20 inches with around another 225 more days to go until 2018.

football_titans_texansThe magnificent Spokane River running through the heart of the city is at all time record highs. When the river is at maximum flow nearly 4,000,000 gallons passes through every 24 hours.

This means if you dug a football sized hole 1 mile deep it would be filled every 24 hours.

All Creation thirsts for water.

Humans can go 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, and only 3 minutes without air.

Lymph therapy is a procedure to reduce swelling in the body by stimulating the lymph glands. Twice I have experienced a $50,000 machine much like a vacuum cleaner going over my body. The humorous part of the treatment is trying to get into a full body bag.

After the treatment, the therapist has warned me repeatedly, “Drink 80 ounces of water each day or the therapy is worthless.”

It is the water moving through the lymph glands that cleanses these precious glands. It was also in my lymph glands that cancer first appeared 7 years ago.


Jesus is Living Water.

The Holy Word, the Bible, has lots to say about water. Watching my son Jay and his son, being baptized in the water of the beautiful Spokane River was one of life’s all-time experiences for me.

When I read that Jesus promised us living water that will take away our thirst in a dry any weary land, I find the comfort, the peace, the joy, and the hope to fight cancer each new day.

Prayer of thankfulness:

Dear Abba Father,

Thank you for the gift of water on the planet earth. 

Thank you for the power of water to grow trees flowers and all kinds of delicious food.

Thank you, Father, for the water our bodies desperately need to be healthy

Thank you for the precious life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave us living water for souls to fill the thirst in our innermost being where without you, we are like a dry and weary land.




Published Date : April 23, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The Roman poet, Horace, coined this phrase in a poem published in 23 BC.  The Crowell family was introduced to Carpe Diem in Robbin William’s excellent movie, “Dead Poet Society” in 1989.

Tragically, the remarkably gifted Williams was not able to seize the day in his personal life. I am amazed at the irony of being so talented at making others laugh but could not find ways to make himself laugh. I grieve for the loss of this great actor.

Though I am not a jewelry man, for the first time in my life, I wear a necklace.  The necklace is a one of a kind, artistic masterpiece. It is a gift from my son, Jay.  The oval handcrafted piece is made of silver. Eagle wings are attached to a sand clock. Careful inspection reveals these words, Carpe diem!

“Dead Poet Society” was a powerful presentation about making the absolute most of every day. My daughter Jennifer was 20 years old and my son Jay was 10 years old when we saw this movie. We have watched it many, many times. Carpe Diem has been a camp motto at NBC at various times. If we said, “Carpe diem” the students respond by saying, “Seize the day!”

Today, for me, is Carpe Diem. I don’t want to waste today. It is a gift. I have breath so I will breathe life today.

I ask myself, what can I do today to seize the day?

I could ask for perfect health. I could ask for any number of things but I know ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH. Unless I choose to seize the day with all my might, the gift of just “being” will escape into “doing” a bunch of activities.

Too much of my life I have spent being a  “human doing” and not a” human being.”  Candidly, I sense this might have been Robin William’s root of despair. How do you make one more great movie? How do you make more people laugh? How do you get more out of life? These questions may have plagued Robbin. Who knows?

This I do know: to live well, for me to seize this very day, the first challenge is to win the moment. At this moment I choose gratitude, thankfulness, joy, peace, patience, and love. Meaning and purpose is the essence of Carpe Diem.
Today I will live out my M/P which is to know God better today and to enjoy in more fully today.



95 to 5 or 5 to 95?

Published Date : April 21, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key Statement: On average the human mind is engaged 95% of the time in the subconscious mind and only 5% in the conscious mind.

Phenomenal success is limited to those who are willing to increase spending focused and intentional time in the conscious part of the mind. 

Phil Mickelson one of golf’s greatest was in contention to win one of Golf’s most prestigious championships.


On the final day, Phil woke early to practice putting on the green that had given him the most difficulty.

For two hours Phil placed the ball in every conceivable place on the green to prepare him for the shot that could possibly be the difference maker.

These two hours were spent in the conscious part of Phil’s mind.

Sure enough, the championship came down to one shot; it was a 22-foot putt on the green Phil had consciously practiced on for two hours.

Golf pro, Gary Lindeblad teaches me not to think once I set up to swing the club. Gary says, “From the backswing until contact with the ball takes about 1.5 seconds. You can’t think during this time.”

Phil Michelson had consciously practiced putting for two hours. He walked to the ball and subconsciously pulled off the 22 footer. He calls it the greatest putt of his life.

Operating in the conscious mind is exhausting. No wonder athletes dislike practice until they have done enough repetitions to perform in the subconscious

As a basketball coach and Lifeball enthusiast of the 95 to 5 or 5 to 95 mindsets, my curiosity leads me to dig deep into past experiences to reveal future opportunities.

Past Basketball Experience:

High school coached us to be in 95% subconscious to 5% conscious mode. He did not over control or over coach. We played subconsciously. Players played with peace, joy and freedom.

College Team was overly coached and overly controlled. Hence the team played at its best when they did not listen to their incessant coach. Too often we played 5% subconscious to 95% conscious. Running a complex play was more important to the coach than scoring.


Present Experience:

A father has been both overly critical and too busy for his son.

To change these habits, Dad has committed to sharing 10 compliments for each criticism. 

To make this happen, Dad must practice in the conscious until giving praise is the norm; not the abnormal.

As both a dedicated student of the Bible and psychology I find it fascinating to think the all time best psychology book ever written is the Bible.

Romans 12 speaks directly to living a 95 to 5 life.

According to St Paul, who tells us in verse 1, we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice. It is no small feat to be fully alive.

Living a focused life of light; being fully present, with immense gratitude, demands choice making. Choice making brings one’s will into play.

Thoughts become words; words become actions, actions become habits, habits become our destiny.

All learning begins at the 5 to 95 level. The intense conscious practice eventually grows strong in the subconscious.

This explains why negative habits formed deeply in the subconscious are difficult to change.

The will must drag them to the conscious level. This is the diagnosis phases.

The conscious can change subconscious thinking the same way they were formed;

thoughts form into words, words form into actions.

It starts with the body. Next, comes the mind.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. – Romans 12:1-2
