Winter Break

Published Date : December 17, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Hello Miracles!

Soon we celebrate the greatest miracle of all, the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If Words of Hope has encouraged you in 2017, give it as a free gift, share Words of Hope with 1 friend by the New Year.
Just send them this link in a text or email. Too easy!
Words of Hope will be taking a break for the next 2 weeks, and will return in 2018.
For the next couple weeks, please visit the Words of Hope archive and share with me the title of your personal favorite.
You can find the archive here:
Recommendations will receive strong consideration for inclusion in a book that will be published, and with your help, prayers, and support we can bring daily words of encouragement to so many more who are in need of oxygen (encouragement).
Have a blessed Christmas and wonderful New Year!



Published Date : December 16, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Key Statement:  The IT of life is anything and everything that is on our radar screen. The IT demands our time, energy, and attention. The phenomena is that each time we eliminate one IT, another IT takes its place. Too often multiple ITS pop up.

True story:  this past week I worked early as usual. The difference this morning was my mind was being bombarded by The IT Phenomena 

With thoughts racing through my head like grasshoppers hunting for food, my joy and peace were starving for attention. 

Like in basketball, when things get out of control, and the team is not playing well it is time to call timeout. 

Emotional and spiritual timeouts for me force me to go back to my home plate. For me, baseball is a great metaphor for my spiritual and emotional life.

Home plate for me is Psalm 23.

Thoughts become words, words become habits, habits become actions, actions become destiny.

“The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.”

This means letting go of all THE ITS.

“He makes me lie down in green pastures and sets me beside still waters.”

Stop, think, this is not white knuckle time. 

Breathe, relax. Win the moment. 

“He restores my soul.”

He gives the resources to win THE ITS.

“He leads me in the path of righteousness for his name sake.”

Jesus put his reputation on the line when He called me his brother, His son, and His ambassador. My only task is to surrender and let Him work in my life today.

By the time I have thought and spoke each word of Psalm 23 THE ITS have become its. 

My joy and peace are well fed and the strength to pick off each IT from most to least important is attacked with renewed energy.

Bring on THE ITS one by one, for one day there will be no more ITS.



Published Date : December 14, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Adversity – Abundance – Appreciation

Is it possible to go through life without adversity?

Are learning valuable life lessons possible without adversity?

In your life experience, how has adversity shaped you?

With bold confidence, I proclaim adversity is vital to success in every aspect of life.

The bond between mother and child is formed in the adversity of nine months of pain, joy, pain, excitement, pain, exhilaration, pain, delight then PAIN then the miracle of miracles, a baby!

Great sports teams are most often the product of pain. The Chicago Cubs suffered for 108 years. The 2016 World Series Cub Champions were down 3 games to 1. They had to win 3 straight. Talk about adversity.

Three ideas to make adversity work for you:

  1. Welcome adversity. Don’t resent it.
  2. Show up. Get busy. Work hard. Phrases like “Put on your big boy pants, Cowboy Up, Game On and Battle,” help create a warrior mentality.
  3. Expect to win. Never quit. Reject self-pity and blame. If you think you can, you can; especially when you know God is with you.

Living in a mindset of abundance moves you to a place of strength not weakness, whereas living in scarcity puts you in a place of weakness.

Abundance is the dance of ease and grace; the wonderful room of more than enough.

Scarcity is the frantic gyrations of hurry and panic; the harsh; cold room of neediness.

Abundance is not the accumulations of wealth; it is a mindset. Abundance comes from being, not doing. Abundance is found in your personal sacred garden, to be discovered in times of silence.

Appreciation. O my, what a magic word when lived often. Folks who have appreciation in their life skills toolbox are to be envied. They have the world by the tail.

If appreciation were a muscle, one would go to the weight room and get busy. Appreciation is an attitude. Attitudes begin with thoughts that turn into words. Words become action.

Practice appreciation and your life will never be the same.  

Start now. What do you appreciate? Now that you have a few, tell others what you appreciate. Soon it will be a habit.



Published Date : December 14, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

you're a miracle




Slow the bus down. Relax. Breath. Call Time Out.

Dr. John Gottman, in his research at the University of Washington, came up with this fact:

Three simple, effective steps to begin the process to develop the skill of relaxation:

  1. Practice the discipline of silence. 15 years ago I forced myself to be motionless for three minutes. It was very difficult. Years of practice made it possible to do a solitary retreat for up to eight hours.
  2. Practice relaxation techniques. The breath is crucial to relaxation. Learn breathing techniques.
  3. Practice gratitude. Write five gratitudes each day.

The Psalms are my primary source of inspiration. Psalms 19, 23, 63 and 103, soft music to my spirit. Study them. Breathe slowly.



Published Date : December 13, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“If we are BUSY, we are too BUSY.”

The problem with being busy is the second we finish one task, we add another busy task to our to do list.

Crowell’s Law of BIZZY. (Yes that’s B-I-Z-Z-Y)

BIZZY – There is no time to:

All peace and joy robbers in our lives.

Live in the yesterdays, and depression is your reward. Live in the tomorrows, and anxiety and fear will haunt you.

Live in precious present, the right here, right now; and light, love and life will shine from you because Jesus Christ destroys BIZZY.

Take a moment to rest in Philippians 4:4-9.

P.S. BIZZY is not business. There is a dramatic and costly difference. Wisdom is accurately being able to diagnose the difference.



Published Date : December 12, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope


Thomas Kelly, while a student at Haverford and Harvard in the early 1900s, made a yes decision. “I am going to make my life a miracle.” Indeed, Professor Kelly realized his decision to be a miracle even though he died at the early age of 48. Kelly was a “game changer.”

Dr. Kelly came into my life in the late 1990s. On a cold winter day in Spokane, I boarded an ALASKA jet for the umpteenth time, working to keep NBC Alaska alive and well. I dreaded leaving the family.  

I recall vividly, the loneliness and despair I felt seated on a long flight from Seattle to Anchorage.

NBC Alaska has been dear to my heart and for this reason, in spite of many challenges, “never quit” and the relentless pursuit of excellence (RPE) have been my charge.  

It was in this dark hour the Lord spoke to me. I was reading Devotional Classics; Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups. Page 173 introduced me to Dr. Thomas Kelly.

It was a decision point. I said, “yes.” I dedicated myself to be a miracle for the remaining days of my life. Obviously; this does not mean perfection. It means to have goals and a meaning & purpose with a crystal clear destination in mind.

20 years later it is natural for me to say to any and all, “You are a miracle.” If asked, “Why am I a miracle?” the answer is decisive and accurate: you are a miracle because God made you.

Since I embraced being a miracle on that lonely flight to Alaska, my life took on new meaning and direction. It never ceases to amaze me how people of all ages respond positively when I say, “I know something very special about you; you are a miracle.”

Knowing God created us to be His miracle, our gift to Him is to act like a miracle.



Published Date : December 11, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

This is the ultimate difference between contentment and discontentment.

Contentment is living in abundance.

Discontentment is living in scarcity.

Contentment is living in – “enough is enough.”

Discontentment is living in – “it is never enough.”

Contentment is – “I have everything I need, not necessarily everything I want.”

Discontentment is – “I do not have what I need or want.”

Life is hard when you live in the “have not” world. Life is hard when you don’t have enough money to pay the bills. Life is hard when the car is broken down and there is no money to fix it.

Life is hard when illness is an everyday thing. Life is hard when you feel poorly every day of your life.

Life is hard when you lose your job and can’t find employment.

Life is hard when family is in conflict and confusion.

Life is hard when anger, resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness become commonplace in the heart of the home and in the business world.

One of the great mysteries of life is how is it possible for people waking up each day in the world of the HAVE NOTS to have uncommon contentment.

Look no further than the slums of Africa or India which define people living in contentment in the midst of dire poverty.

Look no further than oncology clinics to find people at the doorstep of death, still fighting the battle with joy and contentment.

Look no further than to my friend who in seconds was quadriplegic. To see uncommon joy and contentment, no longer chasing the rabbit of being discontent, with an “enough is never enough” attitude.

Where are you living today? In the HAVE or HAVE NOT world?

It took cancer for me to discover the beauty and joy of living in the HAVE WORLD. Psalm 23 and 103 describe this world. It awaits all of us. Please join me.



Published Date : December 11, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Moses said, ”Teach us to number our days.”

St. James said, “Your life is like a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow.”

The Psalmist said, “Life is as short-lived as grass. It blossoms like a flower in the field.”

34 years ago Jay Crowell was riding on my shoulders around Australia on a basketball trip. Those days with my two amazing children were the golden days of my life.

Those 34 years evaporated like a mist hanging above the Spokane River on a cold morning.

For 14 years Kiki our beloved Pom, Mother of five, was the best dog I have ever had the privilege of calling our own.

Fourteen precious years with Kiki ended so quickly. It seems to us Kiki would live for a few more years; within a two day period her tiny 5-pound body shut down.

Cocoa Channel, CC, is today’s precious joy giver. Life experience tells us to treat each new day as a gift.

Time is a mist
Time is like gold
Time cannot be recovered
Time evaporates
Time is energy
Time is money

Early in life, most people have more time than money.

Ideally late in life, we should have more money than time.

Basketball is like life in miniature. To win in basketball you must know both the time and the score. Late in a close game time is more important than the score.

To win in life, time and score are equally important.

When we live right here right now, we maximize the gift of time. Each day without exception without any favoritism we all get 24 hours no more no less.

Days are long, life is short!
Life is here gone in a second.
A second can determine your destiny.
A Gonzaga U student took 1 second to pull a trigger.
Life evaporated like steam from a teapot.



Published Date : December 10, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The secret of this attitude.

An elegant question from Jay Crowell:

Dad, if you could visit one site in Rome what would this place be?

After many trips to Italy, this wasn’t an easy question for me to answer. Without a blink, I said, “The Apostle Paul’s prison cell.”

downloadThe book of Philippians has been my favorite for the better part of my adult life.

The book of Philippians inspires and encourages me more than any other book in the Bible.

For years I marveled at the possibility that one could be content counting it as joy living in a Roman prison cell.

How was it possible for the apostle Paul to write these words; Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

How is it possible for the apostle to say things like I have learned to be content with or without.

Candidly, this was not my experience. As much as I wanted to be joyful, or to be content, that was not my experience.

This brings us to today’s words of hope; contentment. What is Saint Paul’s prescription for each of us to experience the secret of this attitude?

Be warned, the prescription is so simple yet so difficult to experience.

Contentment is not doing; not working hard, not achieving. Not anymore.

Contentment works against our nature. To experience contentment is to live in the land of enough is enough.

Contentment is not giving up and not caring. To the contrary, contentment is an attitude. The two things that we can control are our attitude and effort.

Therefore we can choose contentment because it is an attitude; it is a state of mind.

This is a simple truth. What makes it difficult is that it requires a moment by moment commitment.

Fighting cancer these past seven years has been my laboratory to experience the mercy and grace of contentment. Psalm 23 has been my fortress, my strong tower, and my hope.

There is no better place to be than to be living in contentment.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters. Psalm 23

This is where Fred Crowell wants to live. Where do you want to be today? Contentment’s secret is in our attitude. It is our choice.



Published Date : December 8, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Truth is what we need to hear, a lie is what we want to hear.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. – John 8:32

In 1971 Ray Burwick and I founded Northwest Counseling Services.  A cornerstone of the practice was our 12-hour seminar called, The Institute of Family Living.  

There, four years of intensive family and personal counseling were the best educational period of my life. It far exceeded my U of Idaho bachelors and masters degrees. 

To this day I often use an effective technique I learned at that time when asked to give counsel. 

I ask this simple yet profound question:

“Do you want me to tell you the truth or do you want me to tel you a lie?”

Too often when I told the truth, the reaction was anger. It is clear to me most people don’t want to know the truth; they want to hear what they want to hear. 

People in need of help always say, “tell me the truth.”

Anger, blaming others, contempt, excuse making, and stonewalling are all common responses.

Thus my reason for the simple yet profound truth or lie question. I then say, 

“I thought you wanted me to tell you the truth?” “Guess I better tell you a lie, is that what you want?”

When a major health issue knocked at my door truth and lies became serious matters for me. This is the reason I call Mr. Cancer a heartless and cruel teacher. Cancer is brutally truthful, has no respect for its victims family or one’s life. Yet cancer can be an effective teacher.

Words of Hope today is not about cancer, we are visiting the ideas of truth and lies.

These are my realities about truth and lies:

Crucial Others – People in our lives who have proven track records and worthy of being imitated are the only qualified ones to tell us the truth about our lives. Crucial others are a rare breed. 

A worthy wise question to ask:  

“What is the truth about me that can help me become a better me today?”



Published Date : December 7, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Tell me, promotes learning – I know, stops learning.

The other day at the Oncology clinic several of us were in a conversation. One of the staff was interested in Fred Crowell’s Daily Words of Hope titled LISTEN WELL.

Our conversation, though brief, was enlightening. 

Without judgment of the person, I presented the following.

Fred – I’ be been practicing my 6 ways to listen well. Would you like to hear them?

Person – Oh, I know all about listening. You have to be engaged.

Fred –  What does engaged mean to you?

Person – Oh you know…you have to be there,

look at the person…..

At this point, the conversation shifted. We smiled and said goodbyes.

This is my reality.

The movement, I know slides through the lips out through the pie hole, learning stops.

Hey coach, idea for you, “Encourage your players to yell shot when an opponent takes a shot.”

Coach, “I know.”

Hey Dad, “Your son needs personal, alone time with just you.”

Dad, “I know.”

Hey Fred, “If you would move more; eat less you would feel better.”

Fred, “I know.”

Mike Nilson, “If you know it and don’t do it, you don’t know it.”

Person – “I know.”

Next time we start to say, “I know,” shut the trap as my dad called it and focus on – tell me more.

Tip to basketball coaches:

This one pearl of wisdom may save your job someday.

Tip to dads: 

Just might save your marriage or keep your kid from going astray.

Time for me to practice what I preach here on eating less moving more. More fun to tell you how to live than live it myself. 

When people ask me what I do the quick answer is all too often, “I like sports because sports builds high character.”

I know, is not the best response.

Tell me how sports builds high character…

Fact is, sports does not build high or low character. Coach John Wooden said, “Sports reveal character, in the same way, missing a flight, and bad news at the doctor’s office does.

Wow! Tell me more…



Published Date : December 6, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

31 days of precious presents in December

Savor is a great word. To me, savor means to enjoy to the maximum.

To savor each day in December as Christmas is pure delight for me. I cannot imagine not having a Christmas.

12 years ago the family was gifted with a precious present; the birth of Isabella Alexis Crowell Ferch. (Check out Bella as a 3-year-old reciting poetry – HBO gifted the five Ferch’s with an all expense trip to NY to make a poetry movie for kids.)

Isabella was a surprise. They make the best precious presents. Life just wouldn’t be the same without our Bella.

Precious Presents come in all shapes, sizes, forms, and value.

The best precious gifts cost nothing:

With all the simple kinds of precious pleasures, it baffles me when I hear statements like, “I’m bored” or “There is nothing to do.”

Today is full of precious presents if we believe they are precious.  

For me, it is my 6th day of Christmas. I have 24 more precious Christmas presents to celebrate.  

Please join me. Make today a precious present.

Isabella reciting poetry–“I heard the Bells” Christmas Bells by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow



Published Date : December 5, 2017
Categories : Basketball, Words of Hope

I – Imagination
C – Conscience
E – Exercises

Catchphrases and acronyms are effective tools in teaching young athletes the principles to success in basketball and Lifeball.

Greatness begins with imagination, if you can’t imagine it, you will not be able to do it. The good teacher/coach/parent imagines the highest potential; the ultimate possibility. They see greatness in the student, long before the student becomes the reality of the leader’s encouragement.

5 years ago a giant of a boy was not having success in basketball. He was getting beat like a rag doll by more experienced players.

One day we pass by each other. I stopped and said to him, “Someday you are going to be an All American.”  This tiny seed I planted took root. No longer is he the rag doll! Now his opponents look like rag dolls flailing to keep up with him.

Imagination is uniquely human. It is God’s special gift to us.

Conscience is the control center to the subconscious mind. It is the tip of the iceberg. The want too, the EQ (emotional intelligence), is housed in the massive iceberg below the water. We grow EQ with positive words.

Exercise is the doing until the goal is reached. It is the hard work. No pain no gain.

Clearly the Lord lived I.C.E. for each of us. He calls us chosen, holy and dearly loved. He told us how to dress and He exercised faithfully for us, to the point of going to the cross willingly.

Paul has amazing words in Colossians 3:12-17.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”



Published Date : December 4, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

No discipline seems pleasant at the time but later on, however, it produces a fruit of righteousness for those who are trained by it. 

One day while channel surfing a program I came across showed the devastation of not being able to feel pain.  

Imagine leaning with your backside against a hot stove. You don’t feel the heat. You burn your body severely without knowing it. 

 This condition is called CIPA:

Ashlyn is among a tiny number of people in the world known to have congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis, or CIPA — a rare genetic disorder that makes her unable to feel pain. … “Pain’s there for a reason. It lets your body know something’s wrong and it needs to be fixed.

In reality, pain is not a bad thing it is a good thing. Instead of seeing pain as a dreaded enemy it is wise to welcome pain as an indicator that change is necessary.

Fortunately, we have been given a nervous system that tells us what we need to know to change.  

Unfortunately, all too often we run from the pain. Serious athletes embrace pain, in fact, they love the burn.

Dedicated academic students enjoy the mental pain to learn to excel and grow their minds.

People with serious injuries or illnesses do better accepting the pain that those who do whatever they can to run from the pain.

Fact is, pain is as much a part of life as it is a pleasure. Metaphorically speaking, the back side of the hand is pleasure, the palm is pain. 

Four ways to make pain work for you:

  1. Recognize the pain – know what it is, try to figure out what caused it.
  2.  To feel the pain – Let it play out, don’t run from it. 
  3. Do your very best to fix the pain. Seek the best help possible from wise professionals.. 
  4. Find promises from God’s word to give you the inner courage and strength to fight. 

Crowell’s bottom line cancer-fighting motto:

Be joyful always

Pray without ceasing

In everything give thanks

For this is God’s will

In Christ Jesus

Concerning Fred Crowell



Published Date : December 3, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

1. Are you ALL IN?

2. If ALL IN; all in for what?
All in for living life to the max?
All in for family relationships?
All in for your career?
All for what?

3. WHY? Why are you all in? Why are you not all in?

Todd Duitsman and I took a tumble in the surf in Hawaii. Mine was in 1983. I wore a neck brace for six months. Though in need of constant massages and tons of money spent with Chiropractors, I was very, very lucky.

Todd was not so lucky. This handsome, strong man is now quadriplegic. Todd came into my life at NBC in 1984. I was his coach for one week. We reconnected three years ago when he sent his son Kaleb to camp. Amazingly, Todd still has the letter I wrote him in 1984.  

Todd is an avid reader of Words of Hope. If you have the opportunity, please make friends with one of the bravest most positive people I have been blessed to know.

Todd Duitsman’s answered some big questions I posed in a recent Words of Hope:

Why am I awake, rather (alive)?

I am sitting here thinking about you being in China. I’m looking out the window as the nurse attends to me. A single leaf floats by off of the tree and it is only in my window screen for a moment… Life is the same, its only fleeting. Be amazing today.

  1. Why am I excited about what I get to do today?
    Connect with other human beings. Make other souls shine! That gets me excited.
  2. What makes life worth living? For you? For me?
    We get 80 years, Fred, love God love other people and be the best person you can possibly be every day…
  3. What stops us from answering these game changer questions?
    Fear disables most.

I love words they interest me. I had been thinking about Todd lately and one day before I read the following section of a book I am reading, I wrote in my daily notes that Todd was …all in… Then one day later I happened to listen to this section while I was working out. Life is absolutely amazing…

“When an earthquake or great storm shook the earth, the ancient Aztecs described such power with a single word: Ollin

It is a word that can be found on the Aztec calendar and on many of the instruments used in sacred pre-Columbian ceremonies. Pronounced ALL-in, it’s an expression of immense depth that conveys intense and immediate movement. Stemming from the ancient Nahuatl language, Ollin is derived from “yollotl,” meaning heart, and “yolistli,” meaning life. Ollin means to move and act now with all your heart. It means to follow your path in life wholeheartedly. To experience Ollin we have to get “All-in”.

When an earthquake occurs, it signals it’s now time to move and act with full purpose of heart.

The Aztecs envisioned wearing your heart on your face to allow your eyes to open and see more clearly. When we view our path with clarity, we move with accelerated purpose and intent. We go forward with a full and committed heart. The Aztecs called it an Ollin heart. They believed that everyone had a sacred path that led to their life’s purpose. It was up to each individual to discover what they needed to do in their life and then give it their all. They believed that if everyone could find their purpose, the thing that made their hearts beat fast, the entire society could find its Ollin. It was not just an individual endeavor. It was a communal endeavor.”

“The words “Ollin” and “passion” are two sides of the same coin. They are companions, inexorably intertwined. Together, they produce enormous results. When we decide what it is we are willing to suffer for, and what we are equally willing to act on, the world opens up.” – Kevin Hall. Aspire: Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of Words



Published Date : December 2, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

1.  Where are you?
2.  Who are you?
3.  Who made you?

One of my highlights in Ketchikan, Alaska at an NBC basketball camp was a father telling me this about his teen daughter:

“As I walked down the hall past the bathroom, my daughter was saying over and over, “I am a miracle.”

When we learn to live in the precious present, we become alive! Right here, right now is a very difficult skill to master. We tend to live in the past or the future. Living in the past or future is an attempt to escape from reality.

When we truly discover we are His miracle, amazing things transpire. Over the years at NBC, my privilege has been to see many discover the truth about themselves.

Once we know we are miracles, we begin acting like miracles. Pretend today you are a miracle created by a loving Heavenly Father who has a plan for you. Your day will go from gray to full color.

As I write these words of hope, I can honestly say Psalm 23 is my reality. My cup runs over because I am dwelling in the house of the Lord forever.



Published Date : December 1, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Be careful how you answer these 5 how questions. Serious reflection may alter the course of your life. For the good!

Try to answer each question in writing using 20 words or less.

In hopes of encouraging you I have been encouraged by my daughter, Jennifer, to make this personal.

1.  How do you want to live today?

To love God with all that I am and to love people with kindness.  – Fred (15 Words)

2.  How do you want to do your job? 

The Crowell’s spell school J-O-B.  This question applies to youth and adults.

Total commitment to professional excellence.  – Fred (5 Words)

3.  How do you want to be known as a Crowell (your name: ________ ) ?

Respect to the CROWELL name;  gives my children a legacy respected. – Fred (11 Words)

4. How can you be a better person right here, right now?

Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.  – Fred (10 Words)

5.  How do you want to be remembered?

An ordinary man who served an extraordinary Jesus Christ.  – Fred (9 Words)


Like all Spanish boys in the 14th & 15th Century, Ignatius dreamed of being a soldier.  His dream became true; soon he was a captain. In a fierce battle with the French Captain Ignatius took a cannonball between his legs. One leg was severely wounded.

He returned home to the family Castle in Loyola to die. After reading all the books in the Castle only one was left, THE IMITATION of CHRIST,  by Thomas A’ Kempis.

Today hundreds of university’s, including Gonzaga, benefit from this man deciding how he wanted to live and how he wanted to be remembered.

The man’s name is St Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. For 20 years the fondest Christian I know, Father Bernard Tyrell, has been my spiritual director and dear friend.



Published Date : November 30, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope


  1. LEARN – Listen with the purpose to learn, not be quick to tell what you know.
  2. INTENTIONAL – this begins with asking with intent to learn, not tell what you know. Eye contact, smiles, and body position are keys to being an active, intentional listener.
  3. SILENCE – train to be comfortable with silence. This is a good time to enjoy the moment. Let others speak first.
  4. TALK LESS than you listen unless you have something important to say. 
  5. ENCOURAGEMENT is oxygen to the mind and love to the heart. Praise improves hearing.
  6. NO NEGATIVES – speak about others as if they were in the conversation. Speak gratitude.

When people talk about people they love, admire, and respect, listening is nearly always a character quality that sets these people apart.

You now have 6 listening skills to master. The benefit will be the people who will value you at a deep level.



Published Date : November 29, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

How do you want to live?

Be careful now. This is not a trick question!

Seriously. How do you really want to live your life?

This is a question my mind has been trying to wrap around for weeks. This is what I have come up with this far:

I want to die well and see my mom and other precious people in heaven; therefore I must live without resentment and bitterness toward those who I feel have wronged me. Forgiveness is vital for me to live well.

Again, the elegant question, how do you want to live?



Published Date : November 28, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The Finnish say, “There is no bad weather only bad clothing.”

The wise fisherman when I asked, “What kind of people live up the road?”

He asked, “What kind of people were they where you came from?”

The fisherman’s answer was also the same. “The people up the road are the same as those where you came from.”

People are obsessed with weather watching. We have 24 hour second by second weather news.

What we need most is 24 hour second by second interior weather news. Each day of our lives is our weather. These weather patterns become our climate.

Two crucial interior climate control questions.

Rate your self on this rating scale:

10-9 = A
8-7 = B
6-5 = C
4-3 = D
2-1 = F

Frankly, some days are F days. They are brutal. I saw about 15 people having F days at the oncologist office recently.

When people say, “I am happy every day!” I don’t believe them.

Weather changes daily. Climate is a pattern.

What is your climate of your energy over the past 90 days?_______

What is your passion level to go to school or work the past 90 days?____

You and you alone control your interior climate regardless of the weather.

Two powerful energy producers are.

Psalm 23 – he restores my soul

Psalm 103 – He forgives all my sins


T E A M S  + R P E =  W I N S

Published Date : November 27, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The NBC Thunder 9th Grade Spokane Champions were a great team because they were dedicated to being great teammates.

Too often it is assumed winning is based on talent. Too often coaches place winning as the ultimate prize. Too often winners are idolized both as athletes and as people.

Winning can be looked at in various ways. A common way is to look at winning is a single event, separate from the rest of the athlete’s life.

Single event winning is dangerous because when you win everyone is happy; when you lose everyone is unhappy.

After 50 years of coaching basketball, as a husband, a father, a grandfather, and a businessman, there is no greater joy in life that having a healthy, vibrant, loving, united family (TEAM).

A team is the most difficult challenge life presents. There is no challenge greater than developing unified teamwork. Using the five letters to form the word teams these are the ingredients necessary to have unified dedicated and loving teamwork.

T = Tough mindset to win
E = Encouragement is as important as oxygen
A = Absolutely necessary to have a positive Attitude
M = Motivation to embrace difficulty
S = Selfishness is poison – eliminate it

RPE = Relentless Pursuit of Excellence.

Each Ordinary task is done extraordinarily well. All excuses are just excuses.

Wins come from the inside out, not the outside in. The better the person the more precious all the wins.

One of my precious life memories was being Jay Crowell’s off school year coach. 

Crowell’s WOH Challenge:

Take a review of each team you belong to with the aim to be better each week for a month in one of the aspects of T-E-A-M-S.

John 17 is a chapter filled with team unity wisdom. 



Published Date : November 26, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

When the grind of life is so intensive, the human brain cannot process all that needs to be done without mistakes. A checklist has been proven to be an effective tool.

For many years, the checklist was the way business was conducted in my life. Friday was wrap up day; new objectives were set for the next week; Sunday nights were family “get ready for an awesome weeknight” at the Crowells’.

Fond memories of Jay Crowell walking into the living room with pencil and goal book in hand.

During our DO NOTHING retreat at Deer Lake, I spied one of Doc Ferch’s books, QUANTITIVE VALUE. It is a deep read on intelligent investing and eliminating behavioral errors.

The section that got my attention was the case for checklists.

In WWll the B-19 model crashed. Not due to automation but due to “pilot error.”  The problem was, the plane was so advanced, it was too much technology for one man to fly.

The solution was a pilot’s checklist. Each time I fly in my friends’ plane in Alaska, Mike methodically goes through a checklist.

Checklists save lives. B -17 pilots flew 1.8 million miles without a single accident. Amazing!  

When I return to the real world in two days the checklist system will be put back into

place. So thankful that Shann left Quantitative Value on his dresser.   

Three professional life and business goals:

will be more likely achieved with checklists.



Published Date : November 25, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Saying “thank you” is a noble yet often neglected statement after an act of kindness.

Sometimes when I get irritated when one of my acts of kindness is not acknowledged, I ask myself, “If there was a line of people who were not thanked by me in my lifetime how many blocks long would that line be?”

A thank you takes very little effort.
A thank you encourages people.
A thank you promotes gratitude.
A thank you builds team unity.

51 years ago, Alaska Airlines was our air carrier for the U of Alaska Men’s Basketball.

34 years ago, Alaska Airlines became a major sponsor of NBC Camps.

21 years ago, when an Alaska village had two suicide attempts Alaska Airlines provided 3 NBC air travel to help bring healing.

13 years ago, when Fred Crowell needed air travel for cancer care Alaska Airlines was there.

Thousands and thousands of Alaskan youth have been able to attend NBC Camps because Alaska Airlines has been a faithful sponsor.

Alaska AirlinesThe Alaska Airlines center is home to the OF of Alaska Anchorage.

One of my personal goals is to fly one million miles in my lifetime. This is my way of saying thank you.

Again and again, the Bible exhorts us to be people of gratitude.  The more often we say thank you, the more likely we become thankful.

No one outside the Lord Himself demonstrated noble thankfulness better than St Paul.  

In a dank cold Roman prison Paul wrote his followers at Philippi these words:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. – Philippians 4:4-9



Published Date : November 24, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope


Today is focus time on 3 impactful words!

First, is the idea of thankfulness. It is impossible to have a negative attitude and be thankful. Thanklessness is a terrible robber of peace and contentment.

Second, is the idea of gratitude. Dennis Prager’s short clip on gratitude is brilliant.

Gratitude is a mental muscle. It grows by being grateful. It diminishes by being selfish and angry.

Both thankfulness and gratitude are learned behavior.  They demand a choice.

You choose thankfulness or you choose thanklessness.

You choose gratitude or you choose ingratitude.

Third, is the idea of creation. These two photos and a painting by Ann Tremarello move me to a state of thankfulness and gratitude. Regardless of snow in Alaska or sun in Hawaii, our beloved Creator shows us His ability to do all He says He can do.

Wherever you are; whatever your circumstance, put on the beautiful clothes of thankfulness and gratitude.

With eyes and a heart filled with thankfulness and gratitude creation will be in full color for you to enjoy.



Published Date : November 22, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

As iron sharpens iron so a friend sharpens a friend – Proverbs 27:17

One of the truly great men in my life, Steve Pence, stands in victory with the majestic Mount Blanc in the background.  Recently Steve and his amazing wife Sue hiked 11 days in the Swiss Alps.

Today my nugget is gratitude is the best attitude.  A recent research study at Baylor revealed gratitude is significant in making one’s life more healthy and better in every way.  For me, Steve Pence personifies an attitude of gratitude.

Thanksgiving for the wise person is not a one day in the year experiment.  No, gratitude is a moment to moment choice.  We choose gratitude.  The proof that a parent has cultivated an attitude of gratitude is demonstrated in the lives of their children.

Gratitude is learned behavior.  We know babies are not born with an attitude of gratitude but aren’t Grandpa’s automatically full of gratitude?  Absolutely not!  Gratitude is not only a learned behavior; it is a hard-earned skill set.  Gratitude is not cheap. You can’t buy it on Black Friday at the big box stores.

Gratitude is learned in the foxholes, ditches, and tunnels of life.  Tough days, sad days, hard days that challenge us to the core are the times we develop huge hearts filled with Gratitude. Gratitude is gritty, gratitude is tough, gratitude costs plenty.

What you talking about, Crowell? My life experience tells me gratitude is not an automatic.  Gratitude is not free!

Self-pity is the other side of the gratitude coin.  Greed, blame, excuse making, a critical spirit are the enemies of gratitude.  Living in the land of “I want more and I don’t have enough,” chew up gratitude like a big bad dog devours a bone.

Gratitude is God’s precious gift.  It is ours for the asking.  With open arms, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings calls us to Himself. He and He alone is the True Shepherd who brings us to lie in green pastures and sit beside still waters.  He restores our souls and leads us in the path of righteousness.

Today Pencie, thank you for being iron in my life and showing me the richness of living gratitude moment by moment; day by day.  Iron sharpens iron and Pence sharpens Crowell.

Hope you amazing readers have many “Pences,” in your life.  You are iron in my life!



Published Date : November 21, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

At age 6 Isabella declared, “Papa you have to live long enough to see my first baby born, but not my second one.”

Bella and her two sisters, Natalya and Ariana, have been encouragement/oxygen for me in the cancer war.

Sometimes life is so difficult, all one has to hold onto is a tiny thread. One mother had absolutely no reason left to hang on; except for her 3-year-old child. 

Bella will soon play Maid Marian in the school play. The story of Robin Hood is so good for the soul. It is the underdog winning.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

This photo of Isabella, now 12, is worth more than a thousand positive words to me.

Challenge: find one of your favorite photos of one who loves you, who wants you to be alive and present in their lives.

What we appreciate will appreciate. Who we live for will inspire us to fight to live with joy.

Thank you, Isabella, Maid Marian for loving and believing in me.

I think I will be a Robin Hood in somebodies life this week.



Published Date : November 18, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The most beautiful and blessed place on earth.

Slow the bus down is a favorite expression in the Crowell home when one of us gets too busy, anxious or troubled.

The bookstores have shelves designated to self-help books. Counseling offices are filled with anxious or depressed people. Many homes are war zones, absent of joy and peace.

Too busy, too much to do, too many people need me, are some of the reasons why it is impossible to sit quietly alone for 15 minutes each day in a sacred place in the home.

This sacred place could be in a closet, a comfy chair. The sacred place should be carefully chosen.

Some self-help gurus tell us if we would spend 15 minutes alone in a sacred place we could solve most of the world’s problems.

St. Ignatius taught his followers to carefully choose this sacred place. Sort of like setting the table for honored guests. I like a room alone, good lighting, once in awhile a candle, sometimes soft music and Bible nearby with my gratitude journal.

Once you enter your sacred place and quiet your mind and heart, God often shows up.

It is at this time you find the secret garden. Every human has a secret garden. It is felt within us. We find it in solitude, silence and in His Word.

Without hesitation, the joy of my day begins in my sacred place- my secret garden. It is here the inspiration and illumination to write Daily Words of Hope come forth.

My name these next 3 months is “Happiness.” Happiness grows in my secret garden.

Your personal secret garden is waiting for you to come. You will discover the place, the most beautiful place on earth. It can be very difficult to find because silence and being alone are the ways to your secret garden.

Blessed Holy Trinity thank you. I am so grateful you patiently wait for each of us to come to our personal sacred places and secret gardens.



Published Date : November 17, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Famous motivational leader, Earl Nightingale, said, “If you spend 15 minutes alone each day, you can solve most of the world’s problems.”

17 years ago, I began an intense study of St. Ignatius theology. The former Spanish soldier impressed me because he approached religion like a basketball coach approaches basketball. The founder of Jesuit movement, which started 1400 universities, including the likes of Georgetown and Gonzaga, taught four core values.

One of the core values is called the “Interior Journey.” Each human has a secret garden deep within their interior. The place is reserved only for the sincere seeker who is willing to take the journey alone. No one can go there with us!

In 74 years, I have never had my own sleeping room. Being alone has never been my strong suit. I love people. People light my fire. The harshest discipline as a boy was not a spanking; it was being isolated. This core value has been a challenge for me to master. It demands personal commitment on a daily basis. The Interior Journey is one of the four keys to finding true purpose in life. 

It is my conviction, using the 80/20 rule, only 20 of 100 people will choose to follow St. Ignatius’s counsel, “Find a sacred place where you take the interior journey down deep inside oneself.” This is where you find peace. It is in the silence, not the cacophony of noise, where you find freedom. This is where the God of the Universe is best found and experienced.

My wife Susie’s sacred place is in our home in the den. You can expect to see Mrs. C seated on the mantel with her back nestled against the fireplace glass wall with Bible in hand. This picture is the gift her children and grandchildren will have of Lala (Susie’s loving nickname), the rest of their lives.

For Crowell, it is in my home office; same chair. Light is very important to me so the first order of business is turning on desk and floor lamps; I do not like ceiling light. Ignatius teaches that selection and preparation for the interior journey is vital. This should not surprise us. A great meal at Susie’s table is evidence of careful, detailed preparation. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” is an overused quote; yet it is valid.

Writing these Words of Hope have done something special for me. It has fortified my need to take the interior journey every single day of my life. This means I must protect both my time and energy.  When I am too busy and too tired, I have no imagination or desire to take any kind of journey.

What will these Word of Hope do for you? It depends on how you apply the 80/20 rule. 80% of my readers will read these words then proceed on as if they had never read a word. 20% will for sure take the interior journey to the sacred place they have thoughtfully prepared.

It is wonderful that the choice is ours and ours alone. We are loved just as we are, which means we are free, to take any kind of journey. We are human beings, not human doings.  Join me in loving God, loving people, and loving life today.



Published Date : November 16, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

It is not possible to stand or walk in a crowd until you can stand and walk alone. 

The best gift you can give to those you love is a healthy you.  The second best gift is to help those you love to lead a good healthy life.

Think of the joy a child has when they learn a new skill. The joy on their faces is so special.  Baby takes her first steps. Parents beam with pride.  A child learns to ride a bike. Parents brag.

Too soon many children face adulthood. Too often we face forks in the road that present us with walking alone or going with the crowd.

The crucial question.

Do we choose to be a people pleaser or a God pleaser?  Nice if we can have it both ways. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

What does it mean to walk alone?

Alone time gives us the power to be strong when we are in the crowd.

Alone time is the time when we recharge and renew our strength.

Be still and know that I am God. – Psalm 46:10



Published Date : November 15, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

One who turns the course of a life, event, or history.

In sports, Curry, Brady, Felix, Bird, Mantle, MJ, Ruth and Magic qualify as game changers.

In history, Churchill looms large as a game changer. Washington is a game changer of historic proportions.

In events like Edison and electricity, Gates and computers, Jobs and iPhones. They are giant game changers.

Yet, the true game changers are mothers who do what it takes to give her child a better life. A father who goes to the tough job, day after day, to give his children a better future.

Joy fills my heart. Today a wonderful young man sent me the following email:

Excerpt: “Hi coach, it’s Josh from Seward. I thank you so much for a life changing experience. Camp got me thinking about my life and reflecting, and I have made a good decision to choose the right path. Fred Crowell said I am a miracle and it makes me have a positive attitude every day. I have been doing my spinach and touch, brush, swish every day. I thank coach Roman, coach Toman, coach Connor, coach Herrick and coach Conne for believing in me, it means a lot. My M/P (meaning and purpose) is to help my Mom and make her proud. To help her after her knee surgery, she is in pain. Thank you and all your friends. You are a miracle and God loves you and I love you guys. Thanks for everything.”

The beauty of life is we all can be game changers. If I am correct, and I believe I am right in saying, encouragement is oxygen.

What do people need? Encouragement and oxygen. Let’s give it to them.

Philippians 2:1-11



Published Date : November 14, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Never ever be discouraged
Never quit
Never ever let cancer win
Never stop loving people
Never cease to love God & His Son

One of the greatest men in the 20th century was Pope John Paul, the first Polish citizen to become a pope.

In 1979 Pope Francis visited his country to the consternation of the Communist Party. They reasoned that if they gave his visit little attention within a few days the thrill of the pope coming to their country would die down.

The opposite happened. Over 3 million people came to listen in a large field to his public address to the Polish people. One man’s courage, one man’s words, one man’s fearlessness destroyed communism in Poland.

Take a few minutes to listen to John Paul’s speech. Let it move you to build courage fearlessness and a never ever quit attitude.

Most of all remember John Paul knew that it was not by might but it was by his spirit, the spirit of a living God who has chosen to live His life through us; His children, His mighty ones doing His bidding. Jesus tells us through St Paul we are His ambassadors.



Published Date : November 13, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

If you don’t take time to watch/listen to Charlie’s story this is a missed opportunity!

Everybody needs an everyday hero. No one needs a superstar hero.

Americans are obsessed with superstars, yet are neglectful of everyday heroes like mom, dad, brother, sister or neighbor.

Superstars are who we watch on TV, stand in long lines to swoon over hoping they notice us. These are not legitimate heroes. They are heroes of the imagination. The one famous hero for me is John Stockton for only one reason.

John has been criticized because he does not like people swooning over him. He will not sign an autograph in public nor does he allow people to come to his gym to watch him play basketball.

Ranked as one of the 40 best players and he believes your stars should be those in your lives who truly deserve being a star.

John’s heroes are his grandparents. His huge apartment complex is named Matilda after his amazing grandmother.

Take notice, Stockton is not my hero because of his basketball stardom. I would never ask to join John to watch his Sunday night games with his buddies which include my son-in-law Shann Ferch. Never ever would I approach John or any famous person for an autograph.

Consider this, what right does the public have to expect and have the right to approach a famous person during one of their meals in public or while walking on the street?

Like John Stockton, I say, ”Get a life.”  Wearing a Russell Wilson or Michael Jordan jersey puzzles me.

If you have a great dad, get a jersey with their name on it. If your mother loves and serves you and swoons over you, get a jersey with her name on it. Do not be like so many who salivate or nearly wet their pants when they see their superstar hero.

Kids, wake up! Your best friends and real heroes may be the ones you live with every day.

Men, the best you have in your home is not the big screen TV, it’s the women you once loved and called your forever woman.

Women, just an idea, if you fall into being one who is quick to criticize and point out faults, be fun, be grateful and be the centerpiece on your dining room table. Be beautifully gracious yet be strong and protect your man as you would a costly vase with colorful flowers.

My neighbor Charlie is a real-life hero. Charlie is my hero.

You really need to watch this video at least six times. You won’t see life the same.

Everyone can be someone’s hero.

Whose hero are you?



Published Date : November 12, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“So, there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God.”

My beloved Susie asked me an elegant question last week.

“When do you think you learned to have peace and be free from anxiety, worry, and fear?”

This is a difficult question to answer because I am not certain that I have completely defeated these brutal enemies that rob us of the fruits of the spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

What I can say is, “For me the most beautiful and special place to be is to enter this place the author of Hebrews called a special rest.”

Psalm 23 has become my home plate, my place of center. “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want,” has become more than a group of words or a phrase that sounds good. The promises of Psalm 23 have become my special rest.

Big Dale, a construction contractor, took delight in teasing me about my soft, good job with NBC Camps

One day I said Dale, “If it were possible, would you trade places with me right now?”

Without hesitation, Dale said, “Yes.”

“Ok, then you get cancer along with my soft and good job,” I joked back.

Dale’s eyes opened wide. It didn’t take him long to say, “No thanks, I think I will keep my own life.”

As crazy as it may sound, yet it is my reality, my Abba Father allowed for me to have cancer. It has been this ugly disease that has set me free. 

Something beyond words of explanation happens to many of us when we are told by a trusted doctor, “Based on your profile, I give you 3 years of life before cancer wins.”

Some quit life at this news. Some get bitter. Some dive into God’s Word.

My choice was to fight. To battle cancer with all the resources available to me. 

I fight for my grandchildren who wish for me to live.

I fight for my amazing Susie who is a rock of support and encouragement.

I fight to prove what I have taught 1000’s and 1000’s of young kids and adults that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever; that he will never leave us nor will he ever forsake us.

Right now, five of my dearest friends are battling ugly cancer. If you don’t have cancer, you don’t have a problem. If you don’t have a life-threatening disease, you don’t have a problem.

There is a special rest, that in my opinion, only Abba Father and the Lord Jesus Christ can make possible for us to experience.

I know I am a living example of one of those who found God’s special rest

My hope and desire is to never leave or lose this special place. The earthly place our precious Lord calls His special rest



Published Date : November 11, 2017
Categories : Uncategorized, Words of Hope

The apostle Paul exhorted us not to be anxious about anything. Unfortunately, too few people take his admonition seriously or take the time to learn the skill mastery to defeat this common enemy.

Recently I had a stimulating and enlightening conversation with my oncology nurse, Laurie. Prior to her new job, Laurie worked 10 years in a hospice where she helped people get through the final two weeks of their lives.

Nurse Laurie is one of those special caregivers. I know her cell phone number by heart.  Kindness, compassion, gentleness, and professional excellence exude from her life.  Saint Laurie brings healing to me.

Candidly I marvel at one’s ability to work for 10 years where people die every day. To my surprise nurse, Laurie said it was some of the best and most filling days of her life.

Of course, I asked, “why and how is this possible?”

Her response was that during these final days you see the real person, with their mask taken off some beautiful wonderful things take place during their final days.

This conversation prompted me to ask nurse Laurie, “Please tell me three things that are difference makers in dying well during the last two weeks of your life?”

Without hesitation, these were the three things she listed that people do who die well!

6357405020812055051488693726_anxiety-charlie-brown1.  Eliminate all resentment and bitterness.

The final days as the body shuts down people relive their lives. Those who are bitter end their days on earth reliving their bitterness. It is not a pretty site. Those who have lived forgiveness experience joy and peace.

2. Be comfortable because dying takes lots of energy.

Just to live takes energy. Do what you must do to be comfortable.

3. Faith.

At this point, I asked Laurie, “How much difference does no faith and complete faith in Jesus make. Laurie said. All the difference in the world.”

Anxiety whether it thrives abounds in the prime of life or the last two weeks, it is a robber, a thief, a destroyer of peace, joy, happiness, and destructive to personal relationships.

Maladies like anorexia, attention deficit disorder, bipolar, Alzheimer’s and others are relatively new diseases on a historical perspective whereas anxiety has been with us since sin entered the world in the garden.

Anxiety is in every school, home, and business. Anxiety is as common as the cold. So common the Bible has much to teach us about it.

Terminal Anxiety has earned its medical name. It is real. For sure I don’t plan to die during the next two weeks but I assure you I plan to live fully without anxiety and resentment.

This is your opportunity to evaluate your life. How are you doing on the 3 ways to live well? If we live well we will end well.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

Nurse Lauri’s perspective on 10 years caring for patients in the last two weeks of their lives was an education in my favorite game I call LIFEBALL.



Published Date : November 10, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Time is the only sparse commodity on earth. Time does not honor, respect or bow to those of personal wealth or fortune. Time is the great equalizer; each person gets 24 hours a day, no more, no less.


TIME TRAP TEST – rank yours #1 through #10. #1 being your most common time trap.


#Too busy is an excuse. People do what they want to do!
#Too much to do is self-hero worship.
#Too many demands is self-pity.
#Too little quality help is devaluing people.
#Too tired is poor time management.

#Too selfish is being god
#Too distracted is lack of self-discipline
#Too anxious is indication of not trusting
#Too talkative is a sign of insecurity
#Too angry is evident of buried hurt and bitterness


TRUE STORY (Not a real name; it could be you or me):

Zoltan is a dear friend. He has a manager job. Big job. This is a typical conversation with Zman as he hustles by….

“Hey Z, Great to see you.”

“Fred, I love you. Great to see you; can’t talk now, I’m off to another meeting.”

Finally, I gently confront Zolt with these kind words,

“Zolt, you know how special you are to me. Is there any way I can be of value to you? You seem to be so distracted and anxious.”

“No, Fred, I am doing fine. Things will settle down soon.”

Which ones of the listed time traps would you diagnose Zoltan to be caged in based on this information?

My dear friend is living in the world of TIME TRAPS. Zolt’s thoughts are he is too busy, too much to do and not enough help, have become commonplace words. His words have become actions of walking at too quick of a pace, shallow conversations and face looking uptight. Soon these acts will become habits. 

If Zolt does not change, his destiny will be a new job in 2 to 5 years. This is my prediction

As for Fred Crowell’s time traps, I was able to escape my time traps for many years by running as fast as possible.

I suspect I listed the 10 Time Traps because each one of them has trapped me often over the past 75 years.

Too tired is the one I am fighting daily. The heavy med’s I am taking have robbed me if energy, but thankfully keep me alive.

As of today my thoughts and words will be focused on being strong and filled with energy. Actions will be hitting the weight room, walking, and golfing. Too tired will cease from my vocabulary.It is not my intention to brag about what I do for the Lord knows how often I have failed and been caught up in the time traps.

My hope is to inspire and encourage you dear Word’s of Hope friend to identify your time traps and get out of them. This is true freedom!

Action steps:
1. Examine the 10 time traps
2. Identify the one you want to escape
3. Make a plan
4. Do the hard work.

Your life depends on you winning the TIME TRAP WAR!

Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. – Psalm 90:8



Published Date : November 8, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

In the wee hours of this morning, it seemed crystal clear the challenge before me is to be strong & brave.

I expected Matthew 14 to have a teaching point for me on forgiveness.

Not so! Instead, the focus was on having courage, and not fear.

Thank you, Lord, for bringing this chapter my way today.

Important principles to live out starting anew today:

  1. When tragedy strikes, get alone and be with God. John the Baptist was beheaded. When John’s cousin Jesus heard the news, he departed to be alone.
  2. Get busy after being alone with God. Jesus performed spectacular miracles.
  3. Why get busy? Jesus told his followers, “DON’T BE AFRAID. TAKE COURAGE. I AM HERE.”

I’m so thankful for my heroes who have gotten busy when tragedy hit them!

I’m so thankful God is faithful and He says, “I AM HERE.”

I’m so thankful God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind.

Here I am Lord send me today to encourage others.




Published Date : November 7, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Aristotle said, “We become brave by doing brave acts.”

Clear logical definition of brave:

Courageous, dauntless, perhaps a little bit daring, a person who is brave, faces dangerous or difficult situations with courage. Possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching.

Rate yourself 1 – 5 on your brave factor:

1 = Low

5 = High

Courageous… 1 2 3 4 5

Dauntless… 1 2 3 4 5

Daring… 1 2 3 4 5

Face danger  of fear w/o flinching… 1 2 3 4 5

Brave stories:

Be Dauntless – facing danger or fear without flinching.

Montana’s most famous basketball coach Tom Ferch’s sons Kral and Shann laugh when telling stories about Tom shooting and hauling a mountain goat 10,000 feet down a jagged cliffside. Tom has been named MVP of the 70 and older world games basketball.

Display Courage – if you truly have courage others will see it.

Two-year-old Jennifer has Agammaglobulinemia. She was forced to have shots every two weeks.  Two people had to hold her down as they tried to comfort her. Each two weeks Jennifer would declare, only one shot this time.

The Doc replied each time, “No honey we have to do two shots.”

One year the Crowell’s were going on vacation. Jennifer would either miss her vacation or take an extra shot.

Mom carefully explained, “If you miss your shots you may get sick. This is the risk. “What do you want to do, Jennifer?”

After a very long pause, Jennifer said, “I will take the extra shot mommy.” Proud Tears streamed down the faces of her parents.

Die Brave – the ultimate act of courage.

All-time rebounds leader at Central Washington U 6’6” Chuck Hepworth, age 40, battled multi-myeloma cancer with dauntless courage. At Sacred Heart Hospital my dear friend whispered so softly to me as I stood inches from his mouth so I could here him.

“Fred I never thought it would come to this. I want you to remember Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever.”

At Chuck’s funeral, I was able to say to my dear, precious friends. “Now I have seen how brave men die. Chuck is my hero. Imitation is the best teacher. Chuck taught me well.”

Now the hard part. 

Do something brave today. For some, it may mean taking 3 steps, for another smoking one less cigarette, or for another asking forgiveness.

I would be delighted to have you email a personal brave story.



Published Date : November 6, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“Superstar heroes don’t love you enough to be with you in tough times.”

Today I lift up one of my most loved everyday heroes. These are the credentials that qualify this giant of a man for hero status:

  1. Proven track record – a relation grounded in mutual respect, trust and love since NBC Whitworth camps back in 1982.
  2. Passes transactional/friendship test. 7 out of 10 calls are friendship (no ask) calls, like, “Hey Fred, checking in and just want to tell you I love you.”
  3. Loyal-faithful to God first, family second and guys like me, third.

In the laws of the universe, Bill Stricker would be classified as an ordinary man who lives an extraordinary life.

With joy, I honor my hero. Bill was an All American big man at the U of Pacific when they were REALLY Good. Bill scored 44 points in one game and was drafted by Portland.

Bill and his amazing bride brought their two kids, Matt and Stacia to NBC Camps for all of their school-age years. He also brought in Scott Brooks, former coach of Durrant and Westbrook, (don’t be shocked if he coaches them again.)

Bill himself coached at East Union for 35 years and is one of the best coaches I have observed in my entire lifetime.

Do you want to talk about brave? Spend a few days with Bill and you will find a man with “fire in his belly.”  No one in my life exceeds “The Big Man,” all 6’9” as a coach, a father, a dad and an everyday hero.

Recently while walking together in Yosemite Bill, slipped on ice. He broke his hip which was further complicated because Bill has serious kidney failure.

I did not write these Word of Hope for my health (though that is a benefit). No, I write these words today to honor Bill Stricker.

And as always, knowing, revelation demands a response, I write these words so you will meditate on who is an everyday hero in your life; meditate on these words, then tell them in your own measured words why they are your everyday hero.

What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? What does it profit a man if he loves people but never tells them?

It takes an ordinary man to be an extraordinary hero.



Published Date : November 4, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The tactics used to get rid of ghosts in movies is never the same. Likewise, depression is unique to each person. Therefore, getting out of the deep black box one has built requires personalized plans for recovery and Lifeball joy.

Diagnosis of depression

Some have the DNA depression gene
Some have the DNA anxiety gene
Some have the DNA alcohol gene
Some have the DNA drug gene
Some have the DNA anger gene
Some have the DNA lazy gene
Some have the DNA perfection gene
Some have the DNA “I am a loser” gene
There are more of them…

Any and all of these, if not identified and guarded against, can lead to depression; especially as one grows older and does not have the physical inertia to power through with pure “guts ball” will power.

As I present ways that have worked for me, please be clear, I am a basketball coach who loves people; especially people who want to get up off their backs and fight to find joy, peace, and freedom. The Psalmist talks about this in Psalm 23.   

These are the ways I beat depression. These are the ways I suggest to those who seek my wisdom to win the depression war:

Prognosis for depression – The Hope

1. Brutal honesty. Confess it to only those who can help you.
2. Find a trusted mentor who is wise and has a PTR (proven track record) and are WOBI (worthy of being imitated).
3. Read Words of Hope’s two articles on depression:

Dealing with Depression

Depression is a Ghost

If you are depressed for long periods of time, get proper medication. Find a trusted friend who can guide you. Don’t take just any prescribed meds.
4. Change your self-talk. Make cards with positive statements; I love life, etc.
5. Have a spiritual mentor who is qualified.
6. Live in the moment. Just win the moment. Then win the minute.
7. Gratitude – write five gratitude’s daily.
8. Live in the beautiful, healing Psalms.

I live in Psalm 63, 103, 8, 1, 51, 23, 20 and others. Some are memorized.

Depression is real. It is part of life; it is not to be feared. It is not to be ashamed of because chances are pretty good the people you think have their stuff together are in some sort of depression.

My experience working on commercial fishing boats in Alaska and the Puget Sound gave me profound respect for the oceans. There is a lesson to be learned from the seas in beating depression.

My boyhood friend, Brian Rockom; a very wise man, has a successful career in drug enforcement and is a master seaman.

I asked Brian, “What do you do when you get in storms that threaten the safety of your boat and you can’t run away from high seas?”

Rockom answered: “You better be able to trust your boat. You must go into the storm, however, not head on. Approach at an angle; head on you will tip over.”

Seems logical to me! If you are not depressed, just discouraged, then run from it. When life smacks you down, believe in your boat, you, and in your trusted others and in your God.

When you are in the storm of depression, do as the wise boat captains do. Go into the storm at an angle. Trust as never before in yourself. Get HELP, get another angle on your situation. Form and trust in your game plan. I hope some of the 8 ways I coach beating depression work for you, and those you serve with your encouragement/oxygen.



Published Date : November 2, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Both oxygen and encouragement cure disease and negativity. Lack of oxygen and encouragement create poor physical, mental, and spiritual health.

One of the most amazing women living today, in Dillingham, Alaska, was transported to Anchorage. It was a scary moment for Charlene and her family. Strapped to a board for safety they always say Charlene, breath. 

Charlene inhaled 10 seconds of oxygen through the nose, let it warm for a few seconds, then released the oxygen with pursed lips slowly and evenly. Adding prayer to this exercise, Charlene began to have peace.

Meet Tom Zellar, former CEO of Spokane’s Deaconess Hospital. He poured oxygen encouragement into Fred Crowell’s life. This unexpected gift from God was food for my soul and medicine for my body.

It is absolutely amazing how kindness can change people’s lives.

It is incredible how encouragement elevates the human spirit.

It is unbelievable how words can make such a difference in our world. There are words that crush dreams and words that shatter lives. Thankfully there are words that elevate you to the highest of achievements.

Today is oxygen encouragement day. We have the privilege to speak love, hope, joy, peace, and goodness to every person today.

Thank you, Tom Zeller, for taking time to care enough to give me the oxygen encouragement I needed. My purpose is to bring oxygen and encouragement to those across my path today.

Be joyful always.

Pray without ceasing.

Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for your life in Christ Jesus.

Earlier today a fellow businessman and I had a long conversation. One of his statements continues to stand out. My friend said this, “I am not sure I could tell you my mission and purpose for life.”

My dear readers of Daily Words of Hope with Fred Crowell, I say this as kindly as I know how to form these powerful words: If you don’t know you mission and purpose for each and every move you make today, you are like a ship without a rudder; a car without a steering wheel; a home with a heater.

M/P are not limited to life’s most important question. Why am I alive today?


If a parent, know your parenting M/P.

If a grandparent, know your M/P.

If a teacher, know your M/P.

If you love God, know your M/P.

If you know your M/P and don’t do it, then you don’t know your M/P’s.

No wonder my young friend at the coffee stand said, “School is a joke.”

It is impossible to teach what you do not know, or think you know, and don’t live.

Next week Fred Crowell and Bobby Moore are in an Alaska village. Our M/P is to train students & parents to define their M/P’s in crystal clear written words, give a major community presentation on the black box with practical recognition and solution tools to recognize and solve depression and potential suicide.

When cancer took me to rock bottom November 5, 2010 my M/P in life became my foundation to beat dirty, naughty cancer. Cancer may take my body but it will never take my heart. 

My life MP is to love God with all I am, to love all people and to really live life one moment at a time.  Easy? Heck no! Worth it?  ____ Yes!


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18



Published Date : October 31, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

5 BILLION spent on Halloween each year; the second biggest money making celebration of the year. Who said capitalism is dead?

2000 years ago the Celts believed they could talk with the visiting dead. The invading Romans turned this Irish Celebration into All Saints Day. Americans added candy and lots of it. 

Let’s get to the truth about Halloween and in its proper place in our culture. It’s a fun day, a time for kids to go out and get candy. It’s the time of the year to dress up & act silly.

Halloween is not a time of year to believe there are ghosts and goblins or a time to talk and live with the dead.

“The Celts believed that the dead could walk among the living at this time. During Samhain, the living could visit with the dead.” – World Book Encyclopedia

However, the Bible clearly teaches that the dead “are conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Thus, they cannot contact the living.

Frankly, I like the Halloween of my youth better than the new present-day Halloween.

As a kid the Crowell boys were professional Halloween candy collectors.

Our costumes were made for speed. We traveled with two masks to take advantage of the best treaters. We carried hard wax for windows of homes who did not honor the celebration of candy giving. We carried two pillowcases to lug our haul home. 

We stashed our treasure under our beds. It was our candy vault. We were Halloween professionals.

It was a sad day when the old age of 15 forced us into retirement.

Tricks were a big part of Halloween in days of old. Dad told great stories of his youth. 

One Halloween he and his buddies placed an outhouse on a porch. 

My senior year a carload of sophomores hammered us with water balloons as we gather outside a burger joint. Nice trick!

Not to be outdone by these whippersnappers we hustled out to Christianson’s chicken farm. They gave us 10 or so cartons of very old eggs. They were perfect for a baseball pitcher, like me.

In the center of Anacortes, we faced off with the punk 10th graders. Water balloons v.s. rotten eggs; no contest. (it is amazing the advantage two more years education will do for you!”

Unfortunately, as I fired an egg like my fastball the night watchman at the Plymouth dealership stepped out of the garage door. Perfect shot! Dead center on his chest. As eggs flew through the air many found their targets on the underclassmen. What fun!

To make matters worse though, the night watchman’s wife was the secretary at the high school. The following morning the principal was having a not so friendly chat with us 6 seniors.

Tonight the Crowell Ferch families are all dressed in joyful, wholesome costumes. Great pizza, lots and lots of candy for treaters, no tricksters and even more love, make this night special.

So thankful God includes celebration, fun, silliness, candy, pizza, and even let’s us do crazy things like tossing a rotten egg.



Published Date : October 30, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Nearly 25% of high school students at a large school district in the state of Washington skip school every day.

Obviously, these teens think high school, at the least, is a joke or, at best, worth only 75% of their time.

Makes me wonder about their effort during the 75% they attend school!

David, a high schooler doing running start while working part-time said, “High school is a joke because up to 90% of the students at my school, on any given day, do not want to be there.”

David continued, “We have two niche groups. In the cafeteria; the athletes and popular group sit on one side. The rest of us on the other. Being bullied is the hardest part of school for my friends and me.”

Whatever you believe about schools in America, one would be hard-pressed to believe modern-day high school students are not facing the most difficult challenges of any generation.

A few years ago 385 student-athletes attended NBC; they came from multiple states and Canada. 135 of these students knew of an attempted suicide at their school. Shock is the best word to express my reaction.

Three weeks later 131 high schoolers came to another camp in a different state. This time the number was 51 attempts by their peers.

Suicides were once unheard of; it was a foreign subject to us grandparents during our high school years. Frankly, some would not have been able to spell suicide.

Not one student at my high school was taking anti-depressants. If we were depressed we didn’t know it. 

When encouraged to answer hard questions, teens have similar answers.

Why would high school or college students end their lives?

Common answer – they lost their purpose.

Why do you say high school is a joke? 

Common answer – they do not teach critical thinking. They don’t stop bullying.

When asked even more serious questions:

Do you know of friends who use illegal drugs?

Do you personally know of students who talk about taking their lives, being sexually active, deal with depression or drink alcohol too much?

Nearly all say “yes.”

My intent is not to disparage high schools. To the contrary, my purpose is to challenge educators to diagnose the problem, not make excuses or blame others.

In 50 years of educational experience, I think it is not lack of money; it is not inadequate facilities; it is not poor pay for teachers; it is not idiot parents.

In my view, these Words of Hope are about hope. In simplistic terms, high school education is in trouble today because we are teaching the wrong things. We are not teaching the most important crucial things!

Attitude is king. Attitude is more important than behavior. The “want to” in the learning process is superior to the “how to.”

The “want to” drives the human engine. We call this meaning and purpose. Motivation was, is, and will forever be the engine in education. 

After 50 years of teaching and counseling at all levels, my conviction says, “First we train, not teach, students how to win. Winning is learned behavior. It is a field of study more important than field trips, victorious athletic teams, cheer squads, or curriculum days.

To my knowledge, there isn’t a class in America on:

One of the fierce debates in American history was the subject of public versus private education.

William James, Thomas Dewey and other proponents of public education believed the government had a duty to provide free education to all citizens. Noble idea. They believed this was essential to the success of a country.

Antagonists of free public education believed once the government got involved morals and values would be eliminated from the school curriculum. Teaching right and wrong would disappear, moral judgments would be considered illegal to be discussed, and spiritual truth would be banned from the classroom. God would no longer be welcome in the American government schools.

The battle was as fierce over this matter 200 years ago as the present day debate we have over health care. It was Tongue War then and now! 

Free public education is a wonderful, beautiful gift to every American. Unfortunately, our forefathers and mothers who fought against government education were correct – Values and morals based on absolute truths are absent in most public schools. 

We tossed out teaching the most important educational skill; the skill of WHY & HOW TO WIN LIFE. To Win Life starts with the two things we can control, ATTITUDE & EFFORT. 

It is impossible to be educated if you have a negative attitude and don’t embrace hard work as a virtue. It really is that simple.

Each summer, for 45 years, thousands of students from all walks of life attend NBC Sports Camps. Our mission is to teach the WHY & the HOW to WIN.

One of life’s most difficult schools is to live in the precious present. Too many live in the past and too many live in the future. Too few live in the moment.

If you can win the moment you can win the minute. If you can win the minute you can with the hour. If you can with the hour you can with the day.

Where are you? “I am right here, right now!” This is a fundamental core value everyone should master.

Who are you? “I am a miracle!” This is the fountain of encouragement that takes students through the tough times life presents.

Who made you? “God made me.” This is the conviction that gives it meaning and purpose for life.

There is no greater joy. There is no superior trophy. There is no greater purpose. There is no better satisfaction than this.

Being part of the transformation of a person who learns WHY and HOW to win life is life’s greatest reward. It makes money look like dirt. Fame like tinsel.

Life offers two choices: You either live for things or you live for people. If you live for things you are using people to get things. If you live for people you will use things to help people.

Teaching the WHY & the HOW to WIN means giving students and adults the life skill tools to make all of life a miracle. This is called LIFEBALL; best game ever because it takes the joke out of high school and the hopelessness out of living.



Published Date : October 29, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Forgiveness asking is one of the world’s most important, yet least understood and practiced success principles.

What makes it so difficult to ask forgiveness?

What are the four best words you can say to restore conflict that is impossible for so many to say? “Will you forgive me?”

It is not hard to say I am sorry. I didn’t mean what I said, but it is so hard to say, “Will you forgive me for ______________(actually name offense).  

It is easy to say, I had a bad day, I was just tired, or don’t listen to me. Why not say, “would you forgive me; what was that like for you when I ______________(state what you did).

It’s far more convenient to act like nothing happened and all is good. Sweep it under the rug. Pretend all is good until the next blow up.  

Forgiveness is misunderstood. There is a gigantic difference between forgiveness and reconciliation.

From the Biblical perspective, forgiveness asking is a command. It is not an option.

Whereas reconciliation is optional. It is not a command.

Forgiveness sets us free. Unforgiveness puts us in an emotional and spiritual prison.

To not forgive both self and others, destroys relationships.

The Christ message begins and ends with forgiveness. “Teach us how to pray.” Jesus disciples asked.

At the cross Jesus’ final words just before saying “Is it finished” were: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

How are you at forgiveness asking?

Is there someone you would like to ask forgiveness from?

Forgiveness does not mean we must resume a toxic relationship. Forgiveness means we no longer hang onto bitterness. Reconciliation is a totally different issues.



Published Date : October 26, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The doctors told me I had less than single digit chances to survive the dreaded Whipple pancreatic surgery. 

My medical team was extraordinary. Medical science could offer me less than 10% success.

Faithful prayers of loved ones and many I have never met covered the 90 plus percent.

10% science; 90% the creator of the universe and His only Son.

Not only am I alive, I am in the best place ever in my life. Through this rock bottom experience, I now have a personal, living relationship with my new Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.  

– Glen Hyatt, Fredericksburg, Virginia October 2017

These five spiritual truths will give you the power to live above your circumstances:

  1. God is who he says he is; he does not lie.
  2. God does exactly what he says he will do.
  3. I am who God says I am, not who I, or you, think I am.
  4. I can do all things through Christ. With God all things are possible.
  5. God’s WORD is true, powerful, and active in my life.

I believe God, not my circumstances.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6



Published Date : October 25, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Research suggests gratitude helps beat cancer.

Dr. John Gottman has proven through extensive testing that when the heart jumps over 100 beats per minute when angry, the ability to solve problems diminishes.

Clinical tests are proving gratitude promotes health. Writing five gratitudes daily at bedtime helps beat cancer.

Personally, early morning is my gratitude gym time.

This morning my five gratitudes are:

  1. Quiet, still white noise.
  2. Blessed Holy Trinity. Abba Father, Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  3. Time – have all I need today. Not too busy.
  4. Reputation – I am who God says I am. He covers me. He calls us chosen, holy and dearly loved.
  5. Love – so grateful for the privilege of loving God, all the people I meet today and to be able to live life fully today.

My hope is you will take time each day to write five gratitudes. Sort of like making sure the car’s tank is full of fuel.

Gratitude is high energy for your life tank.

“Oh God my God earnestly I see you. My soul thirst for you and a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and I have beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, I will praise you all the days of my life. My soul will be satisfied with the riches of food and my lips will praise your name.”  – Psalm 63


How high is high? How low is low?

Published Date : October 24, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Unless you know how low is low, knowing how high is high is not possible.

My life experience tells me rock bottom is the low of lows. It is impossible to go lower than rock bottom.

At rock-bottom, two things happen. There are two choices. Quit and give up, or get busy and fight.

One farm girl’s daddy often said when the going got tough, “Put on your big girl boots and get busy!”

Cancer, the cruelest, the most demanding teacher I have experienced in my lifetime has put me at rock-bottom several times over the past 13 years.  For me, rock-bottom is a place where self-pity hangs out.

Why me? 

Dumb question! 

Knowing words matter it was important to come up with powerful words to get off rock-bottom and beat self-pity.

Self-pity is like the dog doing his business on a bush. Therefore, I came up with an acronym, POSP (Piss on self-pity) SP is rock bottom living at best.

How high is high?

The mountain climber thinks Mount Everest is the highest of the highs. Climbers die trying to experience this high. Too many die seeking the thrill of conquering this high.

2000 years ago a 33-year-old male willingly chose to hit rock-bottom. Is there lower than low than a Roman cross?

Caesar didn’t think so because crucifixion was not a permissible punishment to a citizen of Rome. It was too cruel even for the Romans.

Jesus the man-God did not have one ounce of self-pity! He did not stay at rock-bottom.

The resurrection is a game changer. All of human history pivots on this one historical fact.

The best, most emotionally profound musical I have ever seen is Les Miserable, the story of rock-bottom to God on High.

If you are at rock bottom take heart. There is a way up. Glen went through the dreaded Whipple surgery for pancreatic cancer, which has about a 5% success rate.  Through his rock-bottom days, he experienced the high of highs. Glen and Jesus became best friends.

A high for your author of Words of Hope is to listen back to back to two of the world’s best male vocalist sing Bring Him Home.

Bring Him Home begins with, GOD ON HIGH HEAR MY PRAYER.

First, listen to Josh Groban over 5 million views:

Second, listen to Colm Wilkenson nearly 3 million hits:

Who is your favorite,  Josh or Colm?

Five easy steps to get up from rock-bottom living and experience to the highest of highs:

  1. Pray for help. Surrender to God.
  2. Zero tolerance for SP; self-pity. (POSP)
  3. Get busy. Act as if, or fake it until you make it.
  4. Write 5 gratitudes each day; speak them loudly as many as 4 times a day.
  5. Do something nice for somebody, anybody.





Published Date : October 23, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

A daily privilege so often taken for granted!

Ann, age 57, took a one hour nap. Ray tried to wake her at 1:30 PM. Ann never opened her eyes again. A brain aneurysm took her life. Awake, God’s gift was gone forever.

Brian, age 27. Suffered a heart attack in the middle of the night. Awake was no longer one of Brian’s gifts from God.

Today Josh Groban’s song with the African Christian children’s choir, You Raise Me Up, 

was a reminder of the privilege of being able to wake up and be awake today.

As you listen to Josh and this amazing African children’s choir saying watch for three things.

1.  Watch the beautiful faces of the children.

What is more beautiful and tender but a smile and eyes full of light on the child’s face?

2.  Be quick to listen. Read the words of this spiritual moving song.

When I am down, and, oh, my soul, so weary
When troubles come, and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up to more than I can be

3.  Let the soft sweet Spirit touch your soul.

Fred Crowell personal reflection: My life is living proof that this song about God is true to reality. Christ plus Fred C was, is, and forever will be a GAME CHANGER. 

Good news, every child is so special to our Abba Father that He will raise us up to walk on mountains, lift us up on His shoulders, and make us far more than we could ever be on our own.



Published Date : October 22, 2017
Categories : Life, Words of Hope

Existential Self Diagnosis -ESD

Between 1971 and 1975 hundreds of people came to NW Counseling Services for family and personal counsel. The following test was an instrument I designed to help with making an accurate diagnosis so that a correct prognosis could be given for successful recovery. 

Introduction: an ESD Gut Check is likened to taking your eyeballs out of your head and turning them back on yourself to take a 20/20 examination of both your exterior and interior life. 

The reality is the exam may reveal the accuracy of the quote, “I found the enemy and it is me.”

Even as poignantly, Dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote, “Of all the pitfalls in life a negative self-image is the most destructive.”

The root of one’s problems often begins within oneself, making an ESD Gut Check a necessity though possibly a rarity; even in the lives healthy people. It takes “guts.” It takes, even more, guts to seek a crucial other to validate or negate our test scores. 

The exam is a subjective test making verification by a crucial other important. The objective is to determine your boredom factor.  

Boredom is the result of being displeased with oneself to the point it is uncomfortable being with oneself.  

Being alone in a place of still water doing absolutely nothing is a skill too few of us master. Just being, doing nothing, is nearly impossible for one bored with oneself. Too often, people enjoy being with others but not with themselves. 

My research of several prominent therapists in my counseling days in the 1970’s led me to believe the four major emotional issues causing personal and interpersonal problems were and still are to this day:

1.  Fear – anxiety
2.  Inferiority – unworthiness
3.  Guilt – loneliness
4.  Anger – blame

It is my opinion, that every human is impacted to one degree or another in a negative way by each of these. For one individual the dominate emotion may be fear for another it may be inferiority. Guilt and loneliness are common emotional deficits. Anger is a secondary emotion; a mask for fear, inferiority or guilt.

It was a big surprise to me to realize that this diagnosis of the human spirit did not originate from experts in the fields of psychology or psychiatry.

Surprise, the origin is found in Genesis. Fear came upon humans when they disobeyed God in the garden. They heard God’s voice and they were afraid. 

For this first-time humans experienced inferiority; we have been trying to cover our emotional nakedness ever since.

The third emotion recorded was guilt. Have you ever noticed when guilt comes upon us the natural inclination is to disappear and hide from the issue and the people involved? Guilt drives people to isolation and loneliness.

And the fourth emotion is anger. Genesis tells us that Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake. Blame and shame are bed cousins of destructive behavior. We marry opposites so others blamers marry self-blamers. 

The wise person is willing to take a deep dive into existential self-diagnosis. It takes a high degree of emotional intelligence to take a serious “Gut Check”. 

The test begins with the BIG Four!

I find it helpful to examine them closely. Rank these four in order of negative impact upon your life. Write a brief sentence how each of these four affect your life. 

Name it and claim is important. Name one way each of the four hurt you and others:

Name one way you can correct this destructive hurt. 

Finding your Boredom Factor: The second phase of the test. 

Boredom is the difference between your maximum potential and your actual performance. 

BF Test.  Score on 70 to 100. 

90 – 100 = A; 80  – 89 = B; 70 – 79 = C

Category                Your score      Others score

1. Physical  Health          ____             _____

2. Emotional  Health      ____             _____

3. Family Health              ____             _____

4. Professional Health    ____             _____

5. Spiritual Health           ____             _____

The reality is congruency between your score and others who know you well. Willing to be brutally honest is vital!  You are responsible for encouraging this honesty. 

Total five scores; then take the average of the five scores. Subtract average score from 100 to get your BOREDOM FACTOR. 

Let’s say the average score is 77. The BF, boredom factor,  is a 23.  C+

100 – 77 = 23. 

The higher the score, the higher the boredom factor. The higher the BF score, the more frequently you will find yourself filling time with activities that enable you to escape doing activities that move you to reach your true potential. 

Prognosis is developing a game plan to decrease the BF factor. Think big but start small.  As an example, choose one small step in each of the five categories  to “get better.”  Physical: 10-minute walk daily; spiritual; five minutes of silence each day etc.

If you fail to plan you plan to fail. Now you have the test in your hands. Are you willing to take the test? The most difficult test is asking a trusted other you are totally sure they have your very best interests at heart to grade you.?  

Try it, you may find it of immense value.



Published Date : October 21, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The human gut has 80% of the immune system to fight disease. Best to take care of the gut. Don’t you agree?

Coaches routinely take “Gut Checks” on their teams. Great teams have guts!

Call it, “Fire in the belly.”
Call it, “The fight factor.”
Call it, “Never, never quit.”
Call it, RPE, relentless pursuit of excellence.
Call it what you will! It doesn’t matter!

Facts are:

Guts don’t ask if it is hard!
Guts don’t care if you try.
Guts don’t care if you fail.
Guts don’t care if you don’t feel good.
Guts get it done.
Guts don’t care if the whole world is against you.
Guts don’t quit!

Guts care if you seek help.
Guts care if you keep trying.
Guts care if you correct wrongs.
Guts care if you give it good nutrition in body, mind, and spirit.

It takes guts in our stomach to fight disease. Your gut is your immune system.

It takes guts to battle the diseases that seek to destroy the precious life force the Master Planner gave us. It takes guts to take a deep dive to do a total gut check on yourself and confirm the validity of your self-diagnosis by having a trusted other give you a brutal gut check.

The notion of doing a Word of Hope in TIME FOR A GUT CHECK has been brewing in Crowell for the past few weeks.

My experience says people hate gut checks of any kind.

Brutal existential self-diagnosis is avoided at all costs. It rarely happens.

A request to have key people in our lives give us an honest “gut check evaluation” is as rare as precious gems being found by avid searchers.

No other life gut check has been more honest and more brutal than oncology stats. For six years, each month, it is cancer gut check time.  

The months I was given permission to miss was like heaven on earth. The Cancer gut check is brutally honest. They tell me the score. They are a tool to keep me alive.

Why is it we dislike and avoid Gut Checks?

Why is it so hard to ask our boss to give us a job gut check?

Why don’t parents ask their kids to do a parenting gut check?

I confess, I resist asking for gut checks. I go to the oncologist each month in total dread. My blood pressure elevates regardless of the measures I take to be calm.

Prediction: if 100 people read Today’s Words of Hope, about 2% will actually do a full gut check.

Hope I will be one of them! If you want a copy of my GUT CHECK DIAGNOSIS FORM email me: fred@nbccamps, but don’t ask to read my evaluation ?.



Published Date : October 20, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“The ability to imagine taking your eyes out of your head and looking at yourself with clear vision.” – Fred Crowell

Psalms 8 and 139 inspire me!  They move me to think back to my days working on a BS & MS Ed.  Degree at the University of Idaho.

With respect for the excellent education I received, philosophy and psychology did not interest me. Either because I did not take them seriously, or the professors I experienced were lacking in teaching effectiveness.

Thomas Dewey’s book “Quest for Knowledge” was nearly impossible for me to understand; Rousseau’s theory of mankind seemed nonsensical to me. My course in the theory of educational thought covered 53 books in one semester. 29 out of 40 students failed to finish the class! It made me long to be on the basketball court.

I was intrigued with psychology. Unfortunately, each class I took was beyond boring. One prof actually read the assigned text for the entire hour with few comments.

It was not until I opened, studied, and began to understand the greatest philosophy and psychological book ever written, did I come to cherish these two intellectual disciplines.

I am not speaking of great writers like Tournier or Frankel. Not the amazing minds of Lewis, Augustine and Ignatius. No, I am speaking of authors like David, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, and Peter.

When I discovered that the Bible was more than a book; it is God’s word, I realized “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Often people say, “I need to find out who I am.” To find oneself, Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon claimed it is necessary to look to the Scriptures.  

I agree with Maltz. The most accurate portrayal of Fred Crowell is revealed in the Bible. If you wish to discover who you are, take a deep dive into the best philosophy and psychology book on the planet. Start with Psalm 103 before diving into Psalms 8 and 139.  



Published Date : October 19, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The first step in problem-solving.

Unless you can diagnose the problem it is impossible to fix the problem. Anyone who has an undiagnosed problem whether it be medical, auto, people, being lost, etc, faces frustration, confusion, and often anger.

It is in our human nature to want to know the WHY. 

Why did you do it?

Why didn’t somebody tell me?

Why wasn’t it stopped sooner?

Why, why, why, why?  One why can create a thousand more why’s.

We three Crowell boys grew up with an angry father. Brother Mike was a master at milking the WHY question. To this day I break out in laughter reviving this WHY encounter between Mike and dad.

Dad: “Why did you do this to your hair?”

Mike: “Who, me?” (Bewildered facial expression was classic.

Dad: “Who the ______ do you think I’m talking about, Mike?”

Mike: “Huh?”

Now, father elevates voice either out of anger or thinking Mike could not hear him!

Dad: “Why did you get your hair cut like that?!!!!!”

Mike: “I don’t know.”

Dad: “Why don’t you know?”

Blank look answer. Now Mike stands in silent stupefaction.

Dad: “Why don’t you answer?”

Mike: “I don’t know.”

Watch the news. The focus is WHY?

Change the narrative to WHAT. WHAT is a superior to diagnostic discovery than the WHY.

Basic fundamentals to help develop the skill of being able to diagnose any problem: 

  1. Recognize that it is easier to recognize another person’s problems but be blind to your own.
  2. Recognize nearly every person has an opinion. Ask a minimum number of counselors. They must have PTR & WOBI. (Proven track record; worthy of being imitated).
  3. Recognize when anyone says, “If I were in your shoes this is what I would do. Fact is, if they were in your shoes they would do exactly what you would do.
  4. If you have not had the exact same experience never say, “I know how you feel.” “I understand what you’re going through.” Fact: you have no idea what they’re going through.

Four starter steps to developing the ability to diagnose a problem:

  1. Seek the counsel of a wise person who has a PTR & WOBI.
  2. Ask pertinent questions. Let people tell their story.
  3. Discover their hopes, goals, and dreams.
  4. Identify the presenting problem. Know it is seldom the real problem. What is causing the present problem?

Diagnosis is not an easy skill to master. Commitment to learn. Leading with kindness and genuine care are vital skills to have in your LIFEBALL skills tool box.


MENTORS - A Worthy Coach

Published Date : October 18, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“A worthy mentor is one of the most valuable people leaders, parents, coaches, and peoples of all professions can have in navigating through life.”  – Jennifer Crowell Ferch

The two vital qualifications of a mentor is one who has a proven track record (PTR) and is worthy of being imitated (WOBI).

Crucial question – why is it rare for?

What makes it so difficult to ask these questions?

Who is your mentor?

18 years ago at age 59, I sought out a mentor. For the better part of 18 years, Father B has been my spiritual mentor. He has been invaluable.

For the past 14 years, Nate Riggan has been my financial mentor. He is very wise.  

Who are your mentors?  

It takes effort to find good mentors. It takes discipline to stay in regular communication. Until Father B, due to age and health, was forced to transfer to California we met every two weeks.

Who is your mentor?  

Young guy marries – No serious long term mentoring – Result – Divorce

Coach gets big time job – No quality mentor – gets fired

Parents – Train their children without mentoring – Kids get messed up

Businessman loses tons of money – No mentor

Christian wanders in the spiritual desert – No mentor

Who is your mentor?



Published Date : October 17, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

A father, with a soft hand on his son’s shoulder, whispered, “Son, stand up,” as they watched the son’s wife of 40 years being lowered in her casket to her grave.

From personal experience, rock bottom is watching the most important person in your life being lowered in a casket into a grave.

My mom Ellen Kathleen was lowered into her grave after a fierce cancer battle. Tears flooded down my checks. Instead of a father’s hand, I vowed to never cry again.

At this point, rock bottom can become the foundation for new opportunities or it can take you to the black box where depression thrives. It can also take you to anger and bitterness.

At rock bottom, you have two choices. One choice is to survive; fight and the second choice is surrender; give up.

You can choose to stand up and fight. Sometimes the pain is so great all you can do is show up and take one step at a time.

You can choose to surrender. You can choose to run from the pain and not show up. The problem with this approach is you not only lose the one you love but you also lose yourself. 

Dr. Rick Rigsby chose to listen to his father’s advice, “Son, stand up.” The doctor’s graduation speech will inspire you to stand up! Listen to this remarkable message.

The crucial question: Do you believe every person will at some point in their life hit rock bottom?

My life experience tells me every person will, at some point, experience rock bottom. Fame, money, success…nothing on this Earth will save us from rock bottom.

If this is a true statement, and I believe it is, another crucial question is:

What can be done to prepare for a rock-bottom experience?

These are the steps I believe will prepare us to deal with the rock bottom experience:

  1. Be right here right now. Live to win the moment. 
  2. Expect a rock bottom experience to happen to you. Do not be in shock when it happens. Be ready to fight.
  3. Accept the pain, don’t bury or run from it.
  4. Stand up! The strong will put on warrior gear. Fight one step at a time.
  5. Grow your faith daily so it is strong.
  6. Grow a network of very close personal friends. Treat them as you would a garden that needs tender care.

Rock bottom is the place where you discover the reality of who you really are and who God really is and what he can do for you.

Rock bottom is not such a bad place after all. It can become the foundation for a richer life and greater freedom.

This is my reality. Unfortunately for me, it took cancer to take me to rock bottom. No question that it has been a fierce battle. The good news is God has given me the power to stand up!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and he will give you all that you need to stand up regardless of the circumstances. This is the good news.



Published Date : October 16, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

There is a new world out there for you. It is a world of possibilities. Joy beyond belief and opportunity with no ceiling waits for all.

Wallace Ungwiluk has come to brave a new world. Gambell, Alaska, population 700, Wallace has left this wonderful community to attend Spokane Community College, in a new home of nearly 500,000 people.

Wallace often rides 8 miles on a bike to his English class. Wallace ordered a veggie burger expecting meat and lots of green vegetables. Laughter erupted around the table as he searched for some meat.  No more veggie burgers for Wallace.

His teammates are being introduced to whale meat his mother, Yuka, sends him. Wallace says his basketball teammates like it.

In my 51 years of experience in Alaska, few young men have inspired me more than Wallace. Take time to listen to Wallace and think about the challenges he faces daily and about his Brave New World. Then begin to live your journey in your brave new world.

No matter where we are, where we live, or what we do, there still is a brave new world out there for us.

The question is, are we willing to go into this Brave New World and be a difference maker, a game changer? 

On the basketball court or in the village of Gambell and now in Spokane, Wallace is a game changer.

Thank you, Wallace, for your example to all the youth of village Alaska. You are living proof there is a brave world out there for everyone.

2,000 years ago the Lord Jesus Christ created a brave new world for all of us.

His death on the cross and His resurrection mean that all of us can have his power, his love, and his inspiration to experience a brave new world.

Hello Brave New World. For some, it might mean restoring a marriage. For others ending an addiction. Getting out of the black box of depression; starting a new career. The list is endless and the task may be daunting.

The rewards are miraculous. Let’s start now!



Published Date : October 15, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The two things you can control are your attitude and your effort. The one thing, for sure, you cannot control is other people.

A very important elegant question:

In your opinion, what is the reason it is so common for people to try to control or change other people?

An even more important question:

What is it about changing something that is so difficult and so often resisted?

One counseling technique that was successful in helping clients discover the power of focusing attitude and hard work, was to challenge the client to do the following:

Step One: make a detailed list of the qualities that you do not like about the person or job that is causing your discontentment. Be very specific.

Step Two: take ownership for each of these negatives that you see in the person or job you listed.

Step Three: take control, change your attitude and begin the hard work to make sure you are living in the right attitude. Do the hard work to eliminate those things you dislike on your list.

The only person I can change is me. God has given me the power to change myself through His grace, mercy, and love.

Read 1 Corinthians 13


GAME ON - Win the Moment!

Published Date : October 14, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Basketball has taught me that victory comes when you bounce back from difficulty. Lifeball is a far tougher game to play than basketball.

Psalm 100 is my bedrock to come back from a rough day. I enter His gates with thanksgiving. I enter His courts with praise.

St. Peter is my mentor. Peter qualifies as my crucial other because He has a proven track record and he is worthy of being imitated.

Peter failed miserably. His failure drove him to humility, to become a man of immense compassion for all who suffered. His words written about 63AD to folks suffering, in what is now Turkey, rings loud and true today. Like in Peter’s day, thousands of Jesus followers and Christians are suffering in the Middle East today.

Game On is the challenge of the day. With God, all things are possible. Peter charged his followers with clear directions to be strong and courageous in the midst of serious difficulty. It was Game On with Peter!

For me, Game On begins with my M/P! What is my meaning and purpose? Why do I get to breathe; to live another day?

My M/P is crystal clear! To know God better today and to enjoy Him fully is my Game On!

This has to mean there is much for me to do before I draw my last breath. The saying, “If you have breath, breathe,” is from a movie Susie and I saw recently. It is a violent story. The idea of if you can breathe, you still live and if you are alive, it is Game On!

In Peter’s first epistle he challenged me to be willing to do the hard things; to show up and get ‘er done. To me, this means putting on the full armor of God. Peter invented the notion of Game On in my book.

Peter challenged me to be diligent, to be aware of the robber, the thief who comes to steal, rob and to kill all that is good in life. Peter experienced defeat when he denied knowing the Lord three times. Peter understood being robbed of his joy. Peter understood shame.

Peter shows us grace and mercy are God’s gifts to us because he experienced His Lord and Master’s forgiveness. Therefore, it is my privilege to extend grace and mercy because, I too, have experienced His mercy and grace.

I love life. I love being alive. I delight in being able to breathe. It is Game On! Lifeball is a delight. Win the moment, so we can win the hour, so we can win the day.

Because He lives I breathe and live abundantly in spite of whatever life brings. Game On!



Published Date : October 13, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Genius is being able to visualize the finish line or the finished product before you begin the race or the task.

The late Dr. Howard Hendricks, a brilliant seminary professor often said, “Any fool can tell you what’s wrong, genius is telling you what is right.”

At a race track, coaches will tell you the toughest moments are the last 5 to 10 steps. There is a strong tendency to coast the last few steps. Running strong through the tape is the extra difference between winning and losing.

In basketball, coaches will tell you the final two minutes of the 1st half and the final two minutes of the game are the difference between winning and losing. Easy to start, but hard to finish is an axiom in basketball. Finishing strong is crucial.

Home builders will tell you the final 1% is the most difficult part of finishing a house. One successful home builder said, “Never pay a builder all of the bill until all the work has been completed because you likely won’t see the builder again.”

finish line

The late Ray Eberley, an attorney, was a very wise man. Ray shared 3 pearls of wisdom with me:

  1. When you find your soulmate for life. It is not if you should get married, it’s how soon.
  2. You’re not ready to die until you’re ready to live.
  3. It is far easier to live well than die well. Dying well is really difficult. (For months and month’s cancer-ridden Ray prayed he would go home to be with his Lord.)

Squeezing the extra 2-3% out of the week makes a difference between good and great; great and sensational, and sensational to out of this world.

Finishing strong begins before you start. You need the eyes to see the end result before you ever begin the task.

This works in every area of your life, even parenting.

Two wise parents visualized, before their children were born, five qualities they wished their children to have when they left home. They saw the finish before they started.

These were the five qualities of the finish line:

  1. Children see the Bible as the ultimate truth and choose to obey these truths.
  2. Children will love and worship God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
  3. Children have an active, meaningful, and fruitful prayer life.
  4. Children would love to work hard and find their passion and purpose for their lives.
  5. Children would love people more than they would love things. They would use things to serve people; not serve things and use people to get more of them.

The greatest teachers of the spirit were a couple, where the father of learning was imitation and the mother of learning was repetition.

The wise parents knew if they repeatedly lived in such a way their children could imitate them and their children would reach these goals.

Cold hard reality. If you want to change, you first must change yourself. If you can see the finished outcome, pursue it with passion and run through the tape with the never quit attitude. You will do amazing things to the glory of God and for those you love.


Published Date : October 12, 2017
Categories : Uncategorized

Good Afternoon,

Please see below for the Inland Capital Fund Quarterly Update. Please feel free to contact us with any questions after you review the quarterly letter. Thank you!

First Quarter and Official Launch

Thank you for being a Preferred Investor with Inland Capital Fund. While we have been lending for over 9-years converting to a fund model was a new undertaking for us and we appreciate all of you who joined us at launch. Since launch, our business has continued to grow at a strong and consistent pace.

Inland Capital Fund launched on July 1st with $8,070,000 in preferred investor funds and a total outstanding loan portfolio of $16,587,934. In our first quarter of operating as a fund, we raised an additional $915,000. We want to thank our preferred investors that have assisted in spreading the word about this investment opportunity.


Since launch, with consent from 100% of our preferred investors, we wrote an amendment which added two additional investment tiers to the fund. We now have options for redemption in as little as 12-months. The three current investment options are as follows:

  1. 00% fixed interest rate and Non-Redemption Period expires after the third anniversary of issuance.
  2. 25% fixed interest rate and Non-Redemption Period expires after the second anniversary of issuance.
  3. 25% fixed interest rate and Non-Redemption Period expires after the first anniversary of issuance.

2017 Third Quarter Reporting

*Non-GAAP Measurement: Calculation used is bank line of credit balance divided by preferred equity.

PS: We will be requesting W-9 forms from preferred investors in the 4th quarter of 2017.

4th Quarter of 2017 and 2018 Outlook

Inland Capital is seeing continued demand for our loans and has developed strategic relationships with foreclosure specialists who assist our borrowers in purchasing properties at foreclosure auctions in Vancouver, Washington as well as Portland, Oregon. Our underwriting standards remain very high with every borrower and deal being vetted to ensure profit potential for borrower and security for Inland Capital. Given the continued strong demand for our loans, we will most likely be extending our fundraising period to June of 2018. We are currently accepting additional investments from existing preferred investors in amounts as low as $50,000. If you are interested in increasing your investment please contact us so we can provide the necessary form. Also, if you know of any potential investors who may have interest in investing with us we would love to discuss our business model with them.

Please feel free to contact any of our team members with questions.

Thank you,


Landon Cunningham
VP, Investor Relations
Cell: 509-944-6545
Main Office: 509-473-0096 / 253-642-6602




Back row left to right: Jason Delp – COO, Rance Brown – Account Executive, John Urquhart – President, Austyn Cunningham – Administrative Assistant. Front row left to right: Ty Rembe – CFO, Aaron Cunningham – CEO, Eric Davidson – Portfolio Manager, Landon Cunningham – VP Investor Relations.



Published Date : October 12, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Internal combustion – Internal motivation.

Gottlieb Daimler is known as the founder of the internal combustion engine. This engine was a game changer in the world of automobiles and trucks. The magic of this invention is that he captured the energy of explosive power in the interior of a cylinder. It does not come from external forces.

Speaking engagement this time: AutoNation Toyota Spokane, Washington.

I was asked to speak to the sales team on interior motivation and how one develops internal motivation.

Motivation has been a subject that has attracted my attention and investigation for over 50 years.

The story of Josh Burton is one of many stories about the power of internal motivation.

Josh Burton came to an NBC camp in Maui Hawaii with his daughter Brandee. Josh observed the camp for an entire week. He watched and listened.

A week or so after the camp Josh was driving down the road in Kauai and he made a life-altering decision. Josh, a chain smoker and a blackout drinker gave both up ‘cold turkey’. What happened to Josh?

Over the past 50+ years, I have heard hundreds of stories like Josh’s. In every case, interior motivation is the single most important factor in human performance and success.

Your personal energy is your thermostat for your health.

How is your energy for life?

What are you doing to protect your energy for life?

What are you doing to increase your energy for life?

May I suggest five logical action steps to increased energy and personal health?


One:  Increase your gratitude muscle. See the good in life around you

Two: Fill your mind with positives and eliminate the negatives.

Three: Move more, eat less.

Four: Hang out with positive people and not negative people.

Five: Love and embrace solitude and silence.

Practice being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

Mike Nilson, former Gonzaga University basketball great states, “if you know it and you don’t do it, you don’t know it.”

The 10-day practice plan. Commit for 10 days to do your best to complete the big five motivation plan.

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it-not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it-they will be blessed in what they do.

Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” – James 1:19- 27



Published Date : October 11, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The idea of teaching – coaching a child to win hit me like a ton of bricks.  As a general rule parents are not teaching their children to win. Teachers are not teaching their students to win. Coaches are not teaching their players to win.

Tragically children become adults and they do not know how to WIN.

Have you ever taken a class on winning?

Has anyone giving you specific instructions on how to win?

If you were to take 15 to 30 minutes and write down 10 ways to win what would you right down?

If you are not crystal-clear in how to win, how can you win?

When I had this notion, the idea that we don’t teach children to win, I began asking these kinds of questions to many many people.

What is winning to you, how do you define winning?

What are the key important characteristics of winning?

Is it possible to win and lose at the same time?

On a scale of 1 to 10 how well are you doing at winning the game of life I call LIFEBALL?

During the days ahead Crowell University will be exploring Coaching to Win LIFEBALL.

Coach Bobby Knight was credited with saying, “When we don’t teach our players to win we cheat them.”

I say, if we don’t train our children to compete to win in a very tough world, we cheat them.

Life’s most important skill is to learn how to win and to develop the skills necessary to win whether it is T-ball, math, beating cancer, or winning at marriage.

Are you winning? Do you know how to win? Are you teaching those you love dearly how to win?

So far I have come up with five characteristics of winning. You can find them in previous Words of Hope. Lessons from Italy and Destiny.



Published Date : October 10, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“O God I killed the wrong thing.”

In 50 years of life experience with suicide, it is becoming very clear from actual experiences with clients that the deception with suicide is that killing the body does not solve the problem.

Suicide survivors all tell me they are so grateful they were not successful. They realized killing the body was a mistake.

Imagine a suicide victim looking at his dead body lying on the ground and his spirit saying, “What did I do! I just killed the wrong thing. I’m still alive but my body’s dead.”

You can choose to believe these words or not. My life experience says it is real. If you commit suicide your body dies but you don’t. What a tragic waste.

The root problem with all suicide is self-focus. All human behavioral disorders can be reduced to four major areas.

Fear – of failure
Inferiority – not being good enough
Guilt/Loneliness – not belonging
Anger-resentment – bitterness. Not my fault

Each of these four demons are products of selfishness.

Psychologists have developed systems of counseling for behavioral disorders.

Interestingly we can look through the book of Genesis written thousands of years ago and clearly see these formalities presented.

It was selfishness that motivated you to take the apple from the tree. It was disobedience that cost so much.

Fear was the first emotion and experience after the apple. They heard God’s voice and they were afraid.

Inferiority followed fear. They hid and realized they were naked. They felt inferior. Humankind has been covering up ever since.

Guilt/loneliness. Wrongdoing drives to isolation.

Anger- The blame game started. Adam blamed Eve; Eve blamed the snake, and we have been blaming others to this day.

Once again the Christ message comes to the rescue. However, it is not necessary to commit suicide for “self” to die. This was the purpose of the cross. Jesus Christ died for our selfishness; therefore “self” died and it was crucified with Christ at the cross.

Paul said it best in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

No person is a big mistake. Suicide is the big mistake. The good news is that Jesus Christ is this new life, new hope, and a new purpose.



Published Date : October 9, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Winning big always begins from the inside out.

The championship trophy at the awards banquet was first invoked in the heart or the imagination of the mind.

Dustin Esco has been a dynamic GM of AutoNation Toyota Spokane for over 20 years. He knows what he’s doing.

Dustin asked me to please come and speak to his Toyota team.

I asked Dustin what he wanted me to talk to his team about.

Dustin replied, “Fred I want you to talk about how to sell from your heart from your inner being.”

This is exactly the kind of speech I like to deliver because I know from over 51 years of experience that “want to” always trumps “how to.”

It really doesn’t matter how much you know.

What really matters is how much you care.

If you care enough and you want it bad enough, you will discover the “how to.”

My message to the sales team could be boiled down to one sentence.

If you need to sell a car you probably won’t, because your customer will feel your greediness.

If you want to sell a car but you don’t need to sell a car your customer will sense you care more about them than you do about selling them the car.

This concept applies to every area of life. If a parent needs their child to get good grades in school the child will feel under pressure and too often fail to meet family expectations.

The wise parent does not need his child to be successful. Need creates desperation, anxiety, depression. “Want to” create desire, passion, and energy!

Ask this crucial question: How do you develop “want to?”

The first step is to choose, to make a decision. Life experience presents us with only three choices. Yes, no, and I don’t know. Generally, two out of these three choices are not in our best interest.

Example: You choose to make things happen, you let things happen, or you ask what happened. Only one good choice.

Amazing, remarkable, life-changing things happen when a decision is made to get busy, the “want to” makes it happen.

If you want it enough you will make it happen.

Do you want to win big?  No, I’m asking you… do you really want to win big!?

Vividly I remember the day I realized that God was for me and not against me, that my Abba father was my right hand, that I can do all things through Jesus Christ, that He promised me and that I have the mind of Christ. This gave me the “want to” and the confidence to win big at whatever I put all my mind, my heart, and my soul into.

Eight years ago Jay Crowell said to me, “Dad, as you fight cancer we’re going to find out if you really believe all the things you have taught us all these years.”

Make no mistake, Fred Crowell wants to win big over his battle with cancer.

Find your “want to” and you are going to win big!



Published Date : October 8, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

It costs so little to be NICE.

Few things in life are more fun and fascinating to me than people. From my earliest days in coaching basketball, motivation has been of keen interest to me.

The late Dr. Howard Hendricks defined motivation in its simplest form, “Motivation is what gets people off the dime.”  

It amazes me that I am still shocked at how being nice pays such huge dividends. People truly appreciate sincere niceness and often respond accordingly.

Often I ask flight attendants, business owners, clerks, and drivers this question: “What percentage of your customers are rude?”

The answers seldom varies. Twenty percent is the response.  

If we are not careful, the rude 20% can rob us of our joy. To be nice, it seems to me, we must monitor time, energy, and money.  When we are too busy, we miss opportunities to be nice. When we are too tired, we have no energy to see other’s pain. When we have money problems, life gets harder.

“Be nice” is a worthy habit to master. Today is a good day to practice nice.



Published Date : October 7, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

To belong and to have something belong to you, is fundamental to fulfillment in life.

Loneliness is a horrible life experience. People go to great lengths to belong and to feel emotionally connected. We call this connection and intimacy.

Dogs and humans alike crave intimacy. Daily our Pomeranians, Kiki, the mother, and her fifth child, Mighty Might, vie for intimacy. Each dog craves one on one time with either Susie or me.

Every human craves intimacy. It is more obvious in children because they do not know how to camouflage their intentions.

Kingston Crowell was so excited to have a little sister. The first day he was a great three year old brother. By the third day he told his mother, “Put it back mommy.”

Being Poppa brings me profound joy. Each of my five grandchildren crave one on one time.

Years ago, I often drove the first born to school. One trip I got a call on the cell. Natalya informed me with these stinging words, “Poppa, this is my time, please never talk on your cell again when I am with you in the car.”

This was the wishes of a five year old. Imagine how a spouse feels when the cell is growing out our ears. TV also dominates precious intimacy time.

Just yesterday, I asked a special relationship, a college student, this question. “How is your time in your sacred place going?”

“Not good, I have been so busy with studies.” No wonder this semester has not been as enjoyable as the last one.

My reality is if I am too busy for one on one time with critical others, it means I am too busy.

Research revealed the average father gives their son no more than three minutes per day. No wonder so many sons never become men.

As Poppa, I delight in time with my grandchildren. I take the three Ferch girls on Poppa dates; usually shopping and a lunch. I ask, “Do you want it to be just you or do you want to bring a sister or a friend?”  90% of the time they prefer alone time.

Fact is, intimacy is hard work. It is focused on the other, and not focused on me.

Next time you are in a restaurant, watch a man and woman near your table eating their meal. Too often, there is no conversation between them. Why? Because they are married.

Fact is, people in our lives crave one on one time with just us. One goal I have is to tell, in writing, the very special people in my life my most intimate feelings about them. I don’t want to tell others this information at their funerals.

Thankfully I have many intimate letters to write.



Published Date : October 6, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

In basketball language, an excellent metaphor for shooting a basketball is an automobile, where the legs are the engine of the shot. If the basketball is short and doesn’t make it to the basket the problem is the engine (the legs).

In life, the legs or the engine to move with energy is evidence of health. People who have tons of energy have excellent health.

In basketball, the hands are the steering wheel to shooting the basketball. Soft hands on the ball make it possible to have proper backspin and arc. This creates a soft shot for the sweet sound of swish

In life, the hands can bring healing or harm. Wise fathers have soft hands when correcting a child. Ironworkers must have strong hands. Show me your hands and I will tell you about your work. A wise head means well-trained hands.

In basketball, the eyes are like the headlights on a car. Missing a shot by a small margin is an indication the basketball shooter watched the ball in flight instead of having a radar focus on the rim or backboard target.

In life, the eyes are the lamp to the soul. Doctors examine eyes to check the health of a patient.

Lights on is a choice we must make every single day of our life.

Lights on means getting rid of all anger bitterness and resentment. Lights on means forgiving others for their offenses and forgiving ourselves of our own.

Lights on means giving oxygen, encouragement to those who come into our lives on a daily basis.

Lights on and speaking with positive words and eliminating negative words.

Let’s all turn our lights on today and walk in the light as He is in the light.

Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

– Philippians 2: 1-11



Published Date : October 5, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope


Spending a lifetime in sports has provided me many opportunities to win. Winning is fun. Winning is delightful. Winning can be ecstatic.

As good as winning is, the effect of losing is worse. Often the pain of defeat is stronger than the joy of winning. This is a truism in sports that has proven itself over and over to me.

There is a win in life that far surpasses any victory in the athletic arena. The victory in which I speak of is the win over suicide.

Nothing compares to the joy of seeing a fellow human choose to live and not take his/her life.

Cathy, a single mom with a young child, came to Northwest Counseling Service in the 1970s. Kathy unfolded an incredible life story. Recently she had attempted suicide for the sixth time. Fortunately, someone always noticed something amiss. Kathy was found in her car with a hose attached to the exhaust pipe. She was nearly dead.

Cathy was my client for four years. She went on to get a master’s degree, marry the love of her life, have more children and have a successful career.

Cathy was a win. One of the biggest of my life. She is in my Hall of Fame.

Over the years there have been counseling sessions with clients who have lost loved ones to suicide. Their loss makes winning look small and insignificant.

Very recently I received a telephone call from a coach. One of his players had attempted suicide and the player wished to speak with me.

I am so grateful this young man chose to reach out to me at this crucial time. Those four years working with Cathy were so valuable in giving me the skills to deal with suicide.

Suicide is a far more difficult issue to discuss with a few lines in Words of Hope. For this reason, I am working on a suicide prevention booklet and DVD. 

As you read, be careful to take care of yourself. The healthier you are, the better equipped you are. Do you recognize the healthiness in another?

With clear eyes, attentive ears, a tongue slow to speak, and asking questions to those in our world of influence, we can help those in trouble. Let’s eliminate suicide in our community and homes.



Published Date : October 4, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

The black box is Crowell’s life skills term for depression. When defeating the dreaded enemy, the silent stalker called depression requires both accurate diagnosis and prognosis.

Sir Winston Churchill spoke of the black box as a metaphor for his depression. Winston, in spite of his brilliance, was prone to depression.

If present-day research is even close, approximately 50% of our USA population is experiencing some form of depression.

Let me explain my imagination of the black box. The black box is a very large metal container about 15 feet deep and about 8 x 8 wide. There are no ladders or ropes to climb out of the box once you reach the bottom.

The amazing thing about the black box is that each person digs their own unknowingly. Once they have dug too deep, they find they have no way to escape. They have become hopeless. They are trapped.

This is the best description I know of severe depression. The tragedy is the person at the bottom of the pit had no idea they were digging their way to depression. 

Only after a depressed person has been in the black box, to get out of the black box they must be willing to do the hard work of diagnosis and prognosis, then they will understand how they got there in the first place. This is the greatest guarantee they will not enter the black box for a second or third time.

Yet further studies reveal that once one falls into the black box and gets out it is likely they will enter for the second time and also a third time.

This follows the rule that if you don’t fix the problem, the problem will repeat itself over and over, the very definition of insanity.

The reason so many are in depression in America is because there are no easy answers or fixes. Too often drug prescriptions are the only remedy people are taking. This may be an important step, but it is simply treating the symptom not the root problem.

Coaching basketball and being a family and marriage counselor has given me some insights into depression. There is hope. There is a way out of depression.

The first step is to never ever quit believing you can get out of the black box. Seek help.

For the past 48 hours I have been in a quiet place, a place of solitude, asking, “Lord what would you have me do with the rest of my life?”

Today I begin a brief but insightful book on the black box. The how-tos of beating depression and winning life.

It would be very helpful to me if you would email me and let me know if you would be interested in this book.

May the God of hope bless you and protect you and keep you strong.



Published Date : October 3, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Not tobacco, alcohol, drugs, moral failure, apathy, dishonesty, laziness, bitterness, jealousy, anger, anything that takes you away from your full potential.

Darrell Garrison Junior second generation NBC student from Bethel Alaska. Father Darrell is one of my all-time favorite students.

His son Darrell is a wonderful example of all the qualities we strive to teach students at NBC. This commercial makes me so proud of the Garrison family and all they stand for.

Iqmik also called blackbull is reportedly used by 50% of Yupik-Alaskan Natives. Iqmik is at least 10 times stronger than major American tobacco. Too many children begin using it at much too young of an age. Tooth decay is rampant for habitual users.

All of NBC Camps salute Darrell Junior for taking a strong stand against tobacco and anything that Rob’s people of life.

Crave the world is a great slogan. The world is God’s creation. The world is God’s gift to each of us. Psalm 19 states, The heavens declare the glory of God; there is no speech or language where his words are not heard.

One of my basketball 44 basketball players joining our intensity camp in Canada said, “I am an atheist and I do not believe there is a God.”

Early one morning in Banff National Park Canada we took the boys on a hike. While standing on a large rock while gazing at the magnificent creation of the Canadian Rockies. The self-proclaimed atheist shouted, ”Now I believe there is a God!’

Every person I have talked to who has been challenged with a life-threatening experience also told me, “Never before have I loved life more than I do now.”

Let’s take a young man’s sound counsel, crave the world.

Thank you, Darrell and Garrison Junior, for having wisdom beyond your years.

“Thought you might like this. Thank you for helping me shape lil d into the young man I hoped he would become. I am proud of this kid.” – Darrell Garrison



Published Date : October 2, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

On the basketball court quickness is one of the most important athletic skills. Your quickness in athletics often determines what level of play you can achieve.

Famous coach John wooden trained his athletes to never hurry, but to be quick.

Being quick to the ball in football, basketball, soccer, and tennis are skills coach’s train for vigorously and with intensity.

Some athletes are gifted at birth with quickness, speed, and athleticism. Those who were not gifted must labor for years to become quick.

Being quick to listen is the same, some are born with the tendency to be listeners. They are call introverts. Ones who prefer to speak before they listen are labeled extroverts.

To be quick to listen is a difficult task for the extrovert. One father often said to his talkative, non-listening son, “We should’ve vaccinated you with a phonograph needle when you were born.”

95% of what we do each day comes from the subconscious mind. This means only 5% of what we do today is a conscious act.

Learning to be quick to listen is a conscious act. It is hard work. The conscious mind trains the subconscious mind. This is the pivotal key to character change.

Out of the conscious mind make your decision to be quick to listen. Set time periods to be quick to listen at the conscious level.

Athletes, be quick to get to the ball. Think quick, be quick. Repetition forms habits.

Lovers of the great game I call LIFEBALL, be quick to listen. Let the other person finish their thought. Find out what the other person knows rather than tell them what you know. Listen with your eyes more than your ears.

Be quick to listen is a form of loving people; be quick to listen is a form of being kind. Be quick to listen is a form of respect.

For the introvert, this may not be a difficult assignment. For the extrovert, without living in the conscious mind it will be impossible.

For the shy athlete, gifted at birth, look up to all the men living in that conscious mind when you play the game today.

Be quick to listen is the one quality the great leaders of history mastered.

Gandhi changed India with protesting in silence. He used peace to win.

Socrates was the master of the question. He brought you to his ideas through a process of questions. He listened more than spoke.

Jesus was the master of all be quick to listen masters. Socrates imitated Jesus’ skills at the art of the question.

Herod asked, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Is this your own idea or did you get this from someone else? Who do you say that I am?”

A woman caught in adultery was about to be stoned.

Jesus said, “Who among you who is without sin let you cast the first stone.”

Fred Dyson, “Coach Crowell what do you think of Jesus Christ?”

This question posed to be in 1966 change my life.

What do you think of Jesus Christ?



Published Date : October 1, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

In Romans chapter four, Apostle Paul rhetorically presents a dynamic question.

WHAT DID HE (Abraham), discover about being made right with God?

This question popped off the pages.
Last night Susie and I saw the movie about BEING MADE RIGHT. 

In the late 50 US pilot Gary Powers was shot down spying over Soviet Russia.
Jim Donovan played brilliantly by Tom Hanks negotiated a prisoner exchange. 

Gary Powers walked to freedom from East Germany with tears flowing down His face.  

Donovan had discovered what the Russians demanded for his offense to be made right. 

The second reason Paul’s question rings loudly in my ears, is the present world conflict between Israel and her enemies. Paul calls Abraham the Father of the Jews and also of many nations.

These words bring understanding, gratitude, joy, hope and love for the Savior.    


Abraham discovered Faith in God’s promises makes things right. His promises are a free gift.

Therefore, I stand on these five facts today:
1. God is who he says he is.
2. God does what he says he will do.
3. I, Crowell, am who God says I am.
4. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
5. God’s WORD is alive and active in me.

This moment; this hour; this day I know God makes us right through faith in His promises just as He did for Abraham and for Israel. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords writes the last chapter. It ain’t over till it is over.


The Gift of Gethsemane

Published Date : September 30, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Chapter 26, the converted tax collector, Levi, turned to the apostle

Mathew, takes us to the olive grove called Gethsame.

As I use His precious gift IMAGINATION I place myself with Matthew seated by a fire. All the Lord’s men are there.

I imagine Jesus reaching for my left wrist. Taking it He says, “Walk with me.”

Ignatius of Loyola teaches us to use this amazing ability to imagine. It separates us from all creatures.

Imagination got us to the moon.

Imagination is getting us to automobiles that drive themselves.

Imagination propels us to new horizons and enormous possibilities.

As I imagine being with Jesus in Gethsemane this morning, the incredible pain Jesus suffered; the high price Abba Father paid to give up His only Son for a cruel cross it becomes clear my present sufferings, yes, even cancer, does not compare.

Today I choose to pick up my cross and follow the one and only one worthy of my total obedience to His call on my life.

Lord. With gratitude I praise you for your love. Your grace. Your unconditional forgiveness. Thank you for the gift of life. May you give me courage to face the Gethsemane’s in my life.



Published Date : September 29, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

A house is not a whole lot until it is occupied by people. A house becomes either a sanctuary or a battlefield.

The definition of a sanctuary is a place of refuge or rest, a place where you can feel at peace or the holiest part of a temple or a church.

1 An example of a sanctuary is a church or temple.

2 An example of a sanctuary is a home

A fascinating place to visit is the bird sanctuary at the San Diego Zoo.  It is a perfect environment for birds to thrive.  

The intelligent goal of wise parents is to do what it takes to create a sanctuary home, not a battlefield home. 

Easy to say. Hard to accomplish. 

It takes careful planning, mutual commitment, relentless practice, daily forgiveness asking, and a never quit attitude

Years ago a dear friend of mine said, “When I drive home tonight I want to keep on driving and driving and driving and never go home.” He lived in a Battlefield. How sad!

Sanctuary homes are rare. The moment you enter a sanctuary home you know it intellectually and you feel it emotionally. You feel good, you feel at ease. You enjoy peace.

Battlefield homes are too common. Kind words, teamwork, encouragement are in short supply or they do not exist at all.

Sanctuary homes are for-runners to the home of all homes. The Home in Heaven waiting for us. 

For years Billy Thayer and I met at Vie & Pete’s Cafe.  Billy and I delivered the Seattle PI to hundreds of Anacortes’ homes.  From 3:30 AM to 4:00 AM we rubber banded our newspapers into throwing sticks so we could toss them on a house porch from 50 feet. None of this tossing your morning paper into the driveway from a car window.

Bill and I did not grow up in sanctuary homes, but by the grace of God, we were able to marry great women and live our adult lives in sanctuary homes. 

Bill became an accomplished chef. An accident forced him to leave his earthly sanctuary home. Bill has a new home. He now lives in his heavenly sanctuary.  

Helen emailed me recently.  These were her words, “I miss Bill so much.  I so look forward to being with Bill in our home in Heaven. 

When Helen told me about a song that really helped her I was amazed to learn the singer was one of my favorites,  BJ Thomas. His real name is Billy Joe. 

Listen to Helen’s favorite song and see if it doesn’t stir and touch your heart. 



Published Date : September 27, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

I love the movie, PATTON. Facing the remarkable German tank commander, Rommel in Africa, General George S Patton exclaimed after crushing the Nazi’s, “I read your book, Rommel”.

Patton was a fabulous leader. Seems to me Patton excelled because:

He was a dedicated learner. He studied military history. He knew facts.
He always prepared for future events.
He was relentlessly ready to attack.

Lack of effort, giving in to fear, and laziness were forbidden among his team, and a resolve to win embodied Patton.

My all time favorite soldier with the one exception; another George. Indeed our first President was the central figure in beating the British. Riding fearlessly into battle on his horse, always in fervent prayer and gutsy enough to cross the Delaware in bitter cold on Christmas Eve to defeat the brutal mercenaries from Prussia.

Matthew 24 is the former tax collector who word by word quotes how Jesus foretells the future.

As Patton and Washington read the British book, prepared to win, attacked at the exact critical time, and were relentless in their pursuit. Our Lord moves me to live life like my two George heroes leading their troops to victory.

Be ready -The Lord is coming.
Abhor laziness.
Be strong and courageous.
Read His BOOK.
Win the moment.
Win the day.



Published Date : September 26, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Newsflash, history repeats itself.

In my lifetime I’ve never seen the world in such terrible shape as it is today. I fear for our future.

Crowell’s reaction to this reporter’s statement:

“Well, son, I guess this proves that you haven’t lived as long as I have to believe we are simply repeating history. Today’s bad news is not worse than yesteryears bad news. It is just recycled bad news.”

Tell Walt King, if he were alive how that it is worse today. 22 day old Susie woke up with no daddy at home. Captain King spent four years in the South Pacific. The ship was sunk. He came home with malaria, jungle rot of the feet and bleeding ulcers. World War II days were far worse than what we’re experiencing today in my opinion.

Tell Martin Luther King. Tell it to Abraham Lincoln. Tell Danny Beard whose great-grandfather who was hung in the days of slavery.

Tell it to Chief Seattle. At one time it was against the law for a Native American to enter the city limits of Seattle. Ironic, one could not enter the city named after their own chief.

Tell it to Paul Nakai. His parents spent several years in Japanese internment cam,

Paul experienced the ravaging detrimental impact of racism as a boy. Yet today Paul is one of the world’s experts on reconciliation and healing.

Tell it to Clint Hooper one of the best players I ever coached and one of the finest men I know. In the 60s Clint was a black panther. In 1968 it was threatened that over 200 college campuses were going to shut down over racial matters. Burn America burn was the cry. During the Watts race riots, 5 students were shot and killed at Kent State University by the National Guard.

With over 10,000 fans and the greatest basketball player, Pete Maravich scoring 48 points against my team, Athletes in Action, changed history with 4  African-American players on the court at Louisiana State University. The year was 1968.

At halftime, Clint Hooper spoke to the huge crowd. “My father was a black panther. I grew up hating. Then I discovered the problem in the world was not a race problem; red black yellow white; it was a sin problem. Jesus Christ who forgives us is the only solution to our problem.”

History repeats itself over and over and over again. Unfortunately, we do not learn from history. The expert’s after World War II were deceived in believing they would never ever be another war. They thought wrongly that humankind had learned its lesson.

So where is the hope? There is only one place in all of history where you can find truth, love, justice, and mercy.

Do you know where this places? Have you experienced truth, love, justice, and mercy?

As the brilliant Ravi Zacharias tells all who are willing to listen to the only place you find these four beautiful qualities truth, love, justice, and mercy is at the foot of the cross.

Truth: Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. – John 8:32

Love: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. – John 15:13

Justice: God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. – 2 Corinthians 5:21

Mercy: In His mercy, he does not give us what we deserve but He gave us His son to pay our penalty.



Published Date : September 25, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Be quick to listen – slow to speak – slow to anger.

These 3 life skills are as important as a carpenter’s hammer, power saw and measuring tape.

Imagine a professional carpenter without a hammer, a power saw, or a measuring tape.


However, a correct bag of tools doesn’t make a carpenter a good one. Take it from a basketball coach/counselor trying to remodel a basement. 

Obviously, excellence in any pursuit demands having the correct tools. Skill mastery of these tools is even more important.

The beautiful and remarkable truth about God’s instruction from the holy book is that it is written so that all can fully understand. In one sentence James is able to say what a psychiatrist or psychologist would have to say in a long chapter or a three-hour session.

James says very clearly, be slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to anger.

So easy, yet so hard to do.

Slow to speak means the focus is on others and not yourself. Not a bad idea.

Quick to listen, means you are intent to hear and understand what is being said to you. Not a bad idea.

Slow to anger means you have a measure of control over your emotions.

Biblically speaking a metaphor for the tongue is a fire. As forest fires blaze across the western United States, human tongues have blazed throughout the world both internationally, individually burning and destroying relationships. Without control, the tongue is a destructive fire.

Quick to listen biblically speaking is a golden virtue call to silence. Silence is the time, the only time you learn. Speaking is giving, silence is getting. If you want to get more stop talking and listen. It’s that simple.

listen-to-your-discontent1Slow to anger. This is the big one. The world is boiling over, boiling over with anger. America is boiling over with anger. 

Rage and bitterness best describe the political scene in Washington DC, quick to listen and slow to speak do not exist

American schools have become unsafe because of many factors. To me, the starting point for positive change in schools is teaching children to be slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to anger.

The American home is on fire. Anger destroys home after home, family after family, and child after child. The divorce rate is out of control. Children do not have mentors to teach them to be slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to anger.

If each of us, today would be slow to speak, and quick to listen then it would be a good thing.

If each of us would ask three people in our circle of influence to join us in being slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to anger. I believe it would be a miracle. A new beginning in America. It can happen.

Day one: 4 people are slow to speak, quick to listen, slow to anger.

Each day for 30 days the number doubles not triples because it is likely one of the three will drop out.

By the end of 30 days, there will be proximately 10 million people practicing three important life skills.

What’s in your Lifeskills toolbox?

Will you join me today in being slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to anger?

Will you join me today and asked three other people in your world to join you in being slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to anger.

Remember the apostle Jame’s counsel, “Man’s anger never brings about the righteous life God desires.”

Read James 1:12-19



Published Date : September 24, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

1956 Hit Song by The Platters

56′ and 57′ for the Seahawks. The football team was 53-3 for these two seasons. In 57′ they gave up just 6 points, rolling to an undefeated season.

There was no marijuana, anti-depressant drugs, heroin, acid, or even for that matter, the “f” word was an anathema to be spoken.

High school dances were fun and safe. There were no burglar alarms. Parents tossed their car keys on the floor of the car for convenience; doors to homes were left unlocked.

You could understand the words to popular songs. Singers didn’t look like aliens from another planet and only sailors returning from war wore tattoos.

Sunday was church day. Kids went with their parents, dressed in church clothes; not beach comber apparel.

Do I miss those days? Do I wish my grandchildren could live in that bygone era?

The Platters hit song took me back to Friday night dances at the Eagles. I confess as a 14-year-old, free hot dogs and Cokes were my favorite attraction in 1956.

My buddy and I competed on who could get the most dogs down. One night Parker ate 23; I wasn’t far behind.

For your pleasure, I have attached The Platters, MY PRAYER. I loved the music of the 50’s. I vividly remember dancing to the popular Platters song.  I might also add there was actual logic to our movement on the dance floor.

1956 was a long time ago. I knew very little about prayer. Today prayer is my lifeline to Abba Father. My deep joy and peace come from praying memorized scripture.

Nothing has given me more consolation on even the darkest of all cancer days.

With prayer believing God in faith is our greatest weapon against all evil.



Published Date : September 23, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Being prepared for momentous sports, business or life events is not enough!

Being prepared to be prepared is the crucial first step to winning. Competitors who have prepared to be prepared have a decided advantage over an opponent who has only prepared to win!

Preparation to be prepared sets up the preparation phase with focus, passion, imagination and additional time to allow the mind to sift and massage vital information. Plus it creates added time to deal with setbacks.

Today I had a setback! I am reminded of a proverb that says, “You may fall 7 times before reaching the goal.”

Early this morning I enthusiastically spent over one hour on the concept of “prepare to be prepared.” What a difference maker this is!

Crucial question for you and me?

Are you ready to win today…?

Why, why, why, why, why? The discipline of mining down to the 5th Why!

#1. Why do I want to win today? To be fully alive.
#2. Why do I want to be fully alive? To live with passion, purpose and power.
#3. Why do I want to live with passion, purpose and power? To obey and honor my Lord Jesus Christ.
#4. Why do I want to obey and honor Jesus Christ? To be a change agent in people’s lives and bring joy to others.
#5. Why do I want to be a change agent and bring joy to others? Because Jesus changed me and brought special people into my life that I could imitate to escape a life of dysfunction and despair. Life is beautiful. I want to share this.

Matthew 12 – it was so good yesterday let’s go back and get some more fresh inspiration.

Matthew quotes the prophet Isaiah (Is. 42:1-4) “In His name nations will put their hope.”

Eighty-three days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor Fred Crowell was born in Seattle, Washington.
Seventy-three years later my life story has experienced the impact of WWII. Walt King, my father-in-law, spent 78 days in a fox hole in the South Pacific. His daughter Susie (my wife) did not see him until age four.
Lyle Patterson, legendary coach, flew over 30 missions in the Korean War. I was spared duty through amazing events being a 2nd Lt. in the Vietnam War. The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars have ravaged families.

Today’s media brings us daily doses of anger, hate, destruction and just plain bad news.

Where is there hope? How does one not become discouraged? Is it true as one gets older the two options are bitter or better?

Isaiah faced similar issues 5000 years ago! Yes, knowledge now doubles every two years as opposed to doubling every 1500 hundred years five centuries ago. It is my opinion humans fight and self-destruct every bit as much as we did in Isaiah’s day.

Why is this so? In my view it comes down to EQ not IQ! Emotional intelligence is dependent on knowing the truth because truth alone sets us free. What is truth? Jesus said, “I am way the truth and the Life.”

Psalm 1 provides some of the best pieces of advice dealing with emotional intelligence.

1. Blessed is the one who does not seek the counsel of foolish people.
2. Prosperous is the one who does not hang out with negative, destructive people.
3. Thankful is the person how does not join hands with people void of forgiveness asking and a commitment to excellence.

Rather the wise person:
· Delights in God’s Word through meditation day and night.
· Chooses to put into action the principles set forth in His Word.

Application: Conversation with Fred’s grand daughter and her best friend. “I will give each of you a one hundred dollar bill if you memorize Psalm 1 and be able to walk through it with an accurate explanation of each principle that springs forth life as a river brings life to a tree standing near the bank. My hope is someday you will be talking to your grandchild and tell about “PaPa Suave” giving you $100 dollars to memorize Psalm 1.” Money well-invested.



Published Date : September 22, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

What are you going to do with your dash?

– DASH begins the day you were born. Ends the day you die.

What are you going to do with your dash?

One of my young lions has an opportunity to play basketball for the local community college. Papa’s C has the opportunity and privilege to help furnish his apartment and help him be successful.

I stopped at a garage sale to see if I could find a single bed. The only thing useful I found was a helmet for the bicycle I am giving him.

Wallace is worthy to have a mentor in his DASH. I am that man. Wallace is a key player in my DASH.

Another customer asks the owner the price of an object.

The owner said, “My wife left me after 21 years of marriage. We never had a fight maybe that was the problem. I don’t care what you what you pay I won’t be here much longer.”

What is this man doing with his dash?

Without hesitation, I gently touched his shoulder.  “You can’t quit.  There is still hope for you.”

“No, I don’t plan to be here very much longer was his response,” poisoned words from a face with the saddest eyes.

Crowell’s dash has a defeated man in his mission of daily commitment to change the world.

This dear man has lost his dash.  He is now in Crowell’s dash. Thankfully, and most importantly this wonderful man is a miracle creation of God the Father is in The Lord Jesus Christ’s dash.

If we have Jesus Christ all things are possible.

What are you doing today with your dash?



Published Date : September 21, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

A young lion is a boy/man who is hungry, dedicated, loyal, hard-working, and willing to do what it takes to become a trustworthy man

I called these rare type of boys/men young lions because the lion is the king of the jungle. The lion has no fear. 

What are the qualities and characteristics of a young lion? 

In my mind’s eye, a young lion is frisky, full of energy, taking on the day with excitement ready to do what it takes to win. Old lions need young ones with them to win.

For these reasons I have called the boys/men, the Lord has put into my life young lions.

These young lions are the trophies in my life. Many who are now mature lions who are training the young in their lives to be lions.

Thankfully as an old lion I am still on the hunt to find those who want to become lions. These amazing young lions are our future. 

This past summer 18 young lions toured Italy with NBC. It was absolutely remarkable to see these hungry, dedicated hard-working young lions get after it. 

Imagine an AAA weekend traveling across Roma to visit where Paul wrote the book of Philippians. 

Imagine a serious physical development workout in the Paris airport where people stopped to smile at these young lions preparing their bodies for battle.

Imagine these young lions reading and studying to be all that God would have them be in their lives.

There are millions and millions of boys who would like to become young lions. They need an older lion to come alongside them and show them the way through example.

Philippians 4:4-9 is a simple yet effective manual of how to be a young lion trainer

You don’t have to be a genius to train a young lion. You have to be a lion.



Published Date : September 20, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Over 50 years ago Susie king Crowell said to me, “Fred, let’s make great memories for when we are old, all we will have left are our memories.”

After two years of courtship and 54 years of marriage Susie’s wisdom has proven to be accurate. We have a huge book of memories that have shaped our lives and given us not only great joy but a reason to hope for future memory building as well.

  1. Each experience in our lives has three components.
    The preparation component – this could be a fun exciting time.
    A little boy with his catalog of toys under his arm months prior to Christmas. Over $1000
    worth if Santa brings me them all.
    The diehard football fanatics eagerly waiting for the first football game.
    Parents expecting their first child. The better prepared the better the experience.
  2. The actual experience component.
    • How can we make this a great experience is the crucial question?
    • Living right here right now is one of the keys.
    • Living in gratitude is vital.
    • Have goals and plan to make the experience a memory maker.
  3. The memory component.
    This is the best component if there has been excellent planning making the best of each moment. Winning the moment is so important in building great memories.
    The remarkable thing about memories is that some of the ones we enjoy best are those that at the time or not really enjoyable.
    Recently 37 of us went to Italy on a basketball tour. The plane was delayed for hours and hours. Instead of spending our first night in Naples Italy, we were overnighted in Paris.
    The major problem was being restrained in the Paris airport for over five hours because a person left a green bag on the floor.
    Rather than waste time the players went through a one-hour Paris airport Crowell basketball workout. People stopped, looked on with unbelieving eyes, so I’m chuckling and we were all amused
    This negative experience turned into a very positive experience. 37 people will always remember this the rest of their lives. The Paris workout will be a chapter in their living memory book.

In conclusion, there are two obvious takeaways. 

One idea would be to write a memory book of your life for your children and grandchildren to read.

A second idea would be to make a great memory today and tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.

Therefore I will close this with the song that means so much to me.

The song is Because He Lives I Can Face Tomorrow and so can you!


Man on a Mission

Published Date : September 19, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Get out of my way if you don’t want to be loved; if you don’t want to receive kindness, if you don’t want to be told over and over again that you are a miracle if you don’t want to be challenged to live life to the maximum.

Saint Paul does a superior job with his vocabulary expressing his mission to brothers and sisters in Corinth. Paul used boxing and running a race as metaphors to explain his mission. 

Paul was not shadowboxing; he was looking for the knockout punch. Paul was not jogging he was running to win the race; he wanted first prize; he wanted the trophy.

Paul’s trophy was the heart and soul of people, all people, he loved so dearly.

November 5, 2010, changed Fredric James Crowell’s life forever. Stricken with a white face as Dr. Yates said, “Cancer has returned.”

“It is not possible,” was my only response! “Please retake the test, it must be incorrect!”

The second test confirmed cancer had returned with a vengeance. I went to the bathroom and vomited.

My journey with cancer has not been a solitary experience. 5 beautiful, amazing friends were attacked in a similar manner. Cancer doesn’t play favorites.

These were good people. They all loved life. They all fought to beat the dreaded, dirty Mr. c (he is not even worthy to get a Capital letter).

All 5 of my friends lost their earthly battle to lying, cruel Mr. c.

Jan Severan had over 1,000 people attend her funeral service.

Speaker after speaker said,  “Jan was the best person I ever knew; never heard her say one bad word about anyone.”

David Tucker, husband of Bonnie, 31 year NBC employee. Dave was a genius machinist and wood worker. He was among the kindest; servant leader men I know. Dave always kept his word. He died one year after retirement.

Judy Crowell, my brother, Mike’s, wife of 43 years. Never saw anyone die so well.  A friend said to Judy, “You must be so sad not to be able to live in your new house.” Judy’s words to this socially impaired friend,  “Oh no, I have a much greater upgrade in heaven waiting for me.”

My beloved. Joe Tremarello. Joe T is one of a kind, an Alaska hall of fame coach with a school gym named after him. Favorite Joe T saying, “You can never do too much for him who has done so much for us.”

Marie Ormsby was hit with pancreatic cancer; the same wicked kind that took my mother in 1963. Marie was a warrior. Six huge Chemo procedures over 7 years kept Marie in LIFEBALL. Marie showed me how to fight.

John Couch, toughest handball player I knew. Remarkable husband and dad. His son, Jack a high school coach, is one of best people I know; sister Jenni same mold. John loved and lived Jesus.

Ray Eberle, my attorney had the same disease as me. Told me three things over a 40 year period. 

“Until you’re ready to die you’ll never be ready to live.”

“When you find the right woman it is not when you get married but how soon.”

“I never thought it would be so hard to die. Every day I asked the Lord to take me home.”

We are all created in the image of God. Jesus is the visible expression of the invisible God. All things were created In Him, buy Him, and for Him. He and He alone holds all things together.

Over these past years, I have asked many times, “Why me, Lord?”

Logically I should have been one of the five who are now in heaven. Yet here I am.

There is only one reason that seems logical.

He has a mission for me to do.

It is perfectly clear. It is very easy to understand, impossible to do without the power of the Spirit.

  1. Love God with all that I am moment by moment.
  2. Love people; love his creation by being joyful giving thanks and praying without ceasing.
  3. Live, really live life. Treat each day is a gift, treated like it might be the last of your life, treat it like it’s the best day of your life.



Published Date : September 18, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

What you don’t see is far more important than what you do see.

Imagine the excitement 2224 of the richest people in the world and some emigrants hoping for a new life were feeling the day in Southhampton, England when they boarded the majestic unsinkable RMS TITANIC.

Imagine the pride and sense of accomplishment of Captain Edward Smith when he was chosen to make the maiden voyage across the Atlantic on the world’s greatest vessel. 882 feet long and 92 feet wide and able to cruise at 22 knots per hour unbelievable!

Imagine the grandeur and opulence of the staterooms, halls, stairways, chandeliers, grand ball room etc.

The eyes could not absorb or get enough of the majesty of the great ship. Without being there to see it; it was beyond imagination and comprehension.

Now let’s focus on the iceberg principle.

As the Titanic gracefully reached the North Atlantic a huge iceberg loomed on the horizon. It was a solo iceberg drifting south.

The iceberg did not seem to pose a threat. The eyes of the Captain and his crew could easily see the massive body above the water, but it was the other 66% below the water that was important.

Unfortunately for the Titanic beneath the water the iceberg had an odd shape, shooting out like a long razor-like knife was a ragged arm extending deep in the water.

This treacherous; jagged arm of the iceberg tore through the great ship like a sharp blade slashing through a sack of grain.

What you don’t see is all too often more important than what you do see!

Too often marriages fail because the relationship was established on a foundation based on physical looks instead of pure character.

Too many coaches choose the player who looks good and by passes the “kid” with guts, fire in the belly and a never quit attitude.

Valuing what you can see over what you can’t see rewards natural talent over the hard worker. Yet hard work over time beats talent.

The prophet Samuel had it right when he chose David the “kid” over the bigger and the stronger.” Man looks on the outside but God looks on the inside.”

True Spokane Story: A Man had about 5 million parked in a local bank. One day he went to the bank to cash a check. He was poorly dressed and disheveled in appearance.

He asked the teller to cash a check. He was denied. He asked to see a manager. He was declined.

The bank soon lost a 5 million dollar account and even more damaging added some bad publicity in the local press.

St Ignatius taught his band of brothers, who for the past 500 years have had a profoundly positive impact upon the world, to see the Incarnation of Christ in everything and everyone, rich or poor.

When we see the golden strand of the Christ in all of creation; a flower, the stars, a sick child, a mother’s face, a man’s weathered strong hands, a baby’s smile, the last days of one ready to be greeted into the arms of the Savior, life becomes altogether a new ball game.

I call it Lifeball. Wanna play?



Published Date : September 17, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“The ability to appreciate is a learned behavior. Mastery of this skill of seeing the full worth  in people, in creation and all life is the difference between being a positive or a negative human being.” Fred Crowell.creation and all life is the difference between being a positive or a negative human being.” Fred Crowell.

January 22, 2016, was a banner day for me as I hosted Friday with Fred. I reserved 36 seats for folks who wanted to have lunch with me. To my delight, 34 were able to join me for a wonderful two hours. The theme of the event was EQ (emotional intelligence).2016 was a banner day for me as I hosted Friday with Fred. I reserved 36 seats for folks who wanted to have lunch with me. To my delight, 34 were able to join me for a wonderful two hours. The theme of the event was EQ (emotional intelligence).

A major component of your EQ is the ability to recognize the value of appreciation. A favorite nugget and new saying of mine is, “what you appreciate, appreciates”.is, “what you appreciate, appreciates”.

Former Gonzaga basketball sensation, Mike Nilson, gave an inspiring presentation on servant leadership. Jennifer Crowell Ferch gave us insightful data on living above the line.

Jennifer reported:

• Eight hugs per day decrease your chances of dementia.

• Singing together creates an elevated feeling of unity and increases pain tolerance.

• Statistically, improvement is apparent in cancer patients who keep a nightly journal of the things they are thankful for.

Lamentations 3: 22-24 fires my passion to be a master of recognizing the full value of all creation. Mr. Cancer is my life. Your ability to appreciate appreciation is your key to win the moment. Feast on and appreciate these words.

Through the Lord’s mercies, we are not consumed because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, therefore I hope in him.mercies we are not consumed because his compassions fail not.

Action steps:



Published Date : September 16, 2017
Categories : Coaches Corner, Faith, Family, Words of Hope

Athletics prove time outs are critically important.

The mark of great coaches is having the skill to take the complex and make it simple. The mark of a gifted athlete is making a very difficult skill look easy to perform. 

Taking time outs in sports is a difficult skill to master. Inexperienced coaches often fail to maximize the use of time outs. This hinders their team from being successful.

Smart basketball coaches save precious time outs for reasons like:

As a marriage and family counselor in the 1970’s, Time Out Education was a key learning experience for my clients. 

Families need time outs when:

Life is hard. Illness, job loss, bad news, loss of life etc. may need many time outs. 

Unlike basketball games that have a strict time limit, the Crowells time outs are variable in length and have a few additional rules:

  1. If one of us calls time out it is the rule; no debate. Time is out, discussion ceases.
  2. The person who called time out is the person who calls time in. (May take from minutes to days).
  3. Mutual commitment to eventually resolve the reason the time out was necessary. Time in must be called at some reasonable point in time. 

In John chapter 17 the Lord Jesus Christ offers His last prayer before the cross.

“Father the hour has come. Glorify your son that I may glorify You….. I pray our followers  will be one as you and I are one so that the world might believe you sent me.”

Our unity in family, in teams, in businesses, and in community give evidence to the reality of the Christ message.  

Homework:  Be a great team player today, starting with the most important team; home.



Published Date : September 15, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope


The job of a COACH/CEO/LEADER  is to train players how to WIN.  Winning begins in the mind and heart, not on the basketball court.

Winning is a skill; it is learned behavior!

Training to win is the most difficult, yet most important coaching skill to master!


 Words of wisdom from 50 years of coaching basketball & life skills. From Coach Crowell

  1. Training athletes to WIN is educated behavior.  Winning is a choice. If your players have the mental and heart skills to WIN it will show on the scoreboard.

  2. Winning is skill based!  Teach WINNING SKILLS and you and your team will know how to win.

  3. Winning at math, English, science; winning as a son or daughter; winning as a parent, teacher or coach is the product of winning skill training.


GAME CHANGER is a skills training program designed to give learners “The TOOLS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS”.

GAME CHANGER changes lives because the skill development is based on successful mental health fundamentals.

GAME CHANGER is based on sound physical, psychological, relationship and spiritual principles.



  1. Decide –  we need a Game Changer program for (team, school, business, community)

  2. Email – Michelle at NBC Camps ( to schedule a conference call with Fred Crowell

  3. Financial – do not let money stop you from having a Life Changer Event.  Ways others have funded Game Changer events:  Mental health agencies, Diabetes, Businesses.

Reduced fees for students who can pay; scholarships for those who cannot pay.


*Excellent way to fund the basketball clinics.




Published Date : September 14, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Fear is a dominating emotion that cripples performance and steals success.

Is it possible to actually live without fear?

Probably not because there are two types of fear.

First the good fear. The Psalmist said fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. This is fear of respect not failure. This fear means I respect you so much that I desire to give you my very best effort.

We want to grow this healthy fear day by day. This pleases God and honors people we love.

Second is the bad fear. The angel of the Lord said to young Mary in the garden, “Be not afraid.” James told us, “Perfect love casts out fear.”

Jesus was the master extinguisher of the dreaded fear of failure and rejection. Throughout His mission He challenged His own to trust Him and not fear, even the dreaded sword bearing Roman soldiers.

Too much of my life could be described as the man in a large ditch being chased by an out of control ditch digger. Running for my life to prove oneself worthy.

Amazingly, cancer slowed me down. I could no longer outrun the fear.

Running fast, out working the competition, initiating over 80% of phone calls, emails, and letters was no longer possible. I am not afraid.

How was I going to stop the fear-failure machine from eating me up?

What I now say sounds so simple and many can’t believe it. For me it was to stop running, turn around and face this bully.

My reality is Abba Father takes care of me. In Christ all His resources are mine. His Spirit lives in me.

Not because I wanted to stop running to please people, but because I couldn’t health wise. Yes the emails and phone calls have lessened. Yes once in a while someone will tell me I don’t care about them anymore. Yes I am alone a great deal more often. But I am not so worried about people liking me.

My reality is I am free. Free to live or to die. Paul said, “Death where is thy sting?”

My freedom gives me full power to Love God, love people, and to live life as never before.

Make no mistake, I would live like I live now another 20 years, yet I am ready to go see my Mom in heaven today.

I truly wish the same for you. Enjoy my amazing miracle Natalya. Sophomore at Oklahoma City U singing I’m Not Afraid of Anything.


What's in a name?

Published Date : September 13, 2017
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Consider words like power, vision, confidence, courage, fearlessness, focus, purpose, destiny. We feel strengthened with words like these.

Conversely, words can promote negativity as well and often these labels can impact behavior for a lifetime.

Part of the Crowell DNA is joy in giving nicknames. Over many years at NBC, kids have begged me to give them a nickname.
Jennifer is my “Glory” because she was our residential butterfly filling the home with song and laughter.

Jay was nicknamed the “Oarsman” because I hoped he would embrace having the work ethic of the men who rowed for the world class Washington Huskies. It was a name of immense honor. Oarsmen get the job done well.

In junior high Jay returned the honors and nicknamed me “Frederico Suave,” and soon all the hoopers on our Thunder team called me Suave. It stuck.

Today little dribblers in Alaska villages giggle calling me Papa Suave.

So what’s your name?

Today’s text is Matthew 14

Backdrop: When Jesus noticed a tax collector named Levi who was hated by the people, his new name became Matthew.

The takeaway today is what Jesus taught about humility.

Jesus noticed the people were crowding to get the front seats at the table near the place of honor. He taught them to take the worst seat, not the best seat. If you crowd to be first and are asked to move you will be embarrassed. However, if you are asked to leave the poor seat to join the place of honor you will be blessed.

Humility – just typing the keys to form the word gives me pause to reflect on how often I have lacked humility. How easy it is to expect to be treated in a special way.

Today I choose humility. Today I will choose to be the smaller ornament on the Christmas tree. Today my attention will be to do more giving than taking.

Once again I am reminded of St. Ignatius exhorting his people to “Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my knowledge, my understanding, my memory and my entire will. All I have and call my own I return to you. Give me only your love and your grace. That is enough for me.”

Win the moment. Today is a gift.



Published Date : September 12, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“You raise me up to more than I can be.” -Josh Groban

I vividly remember the first time I had to deal with a person who attempted suicide. The year was 1964. The place was the University of Idaho. 

One of my 110 McConnell Hall dormitory students chose to end his life. He was not successful.

Shaken by the experience, it was my responsibility and duty to visit him in the hospital. I had no tools in my life skills toolbox to help this student. 

This was a time in my life where “how to” was far more important than “want to.” I desperately wanted to help the student but my “know how” was at level zero.

Sitting next to his hospital bed I asked this question, “Why did you try to kill yourself?”

This 19-year-old boy had come a long way from his Chicago home. I listened to him tell me he was a loser. He said, “I have no friends; I am not handsome; people don’t like me. I have no reason to live.”

I tried to convince him he had lots to live for but in my heart, I knew he had correctly diagnosed his condition quite accurately.

I never saw this young man again. He went home to Chicago. 

Recently a parent called. Her son had tried to take his life. I agreed to mentor this 18-year-old boy.

His story was similar to the Chicago story. There is a common thread in all suicide attempts.   

The difference between the two stories is there are effective tools in my life skills tool box to bring healing to the human condition.

There are no easy fixes when the human condition breaks down, whether it be mental, physical or spiritual. 

Mentoring one in deep pain requires patience, kindness, understanding, and willing a level of trust. Tough love is often necessary if and when trust is established.

The single best tool in my life skills tool box is the grace, mercy, and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Josh Groban sings, “You raise me up to more than I can be,” and this is the single best message I can give anyone. 

This is the message the Chicago boy needed to hear. I couldn’t give it to him because I had not experienced becoming a new person in Christ.

With supreme confidence, I can mentor anyone offering these five foundations to raise up your life.

  1. God is who He says He is.
  2. God does what He says he will do
  3. I am who God says I am.
  4. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  5. God’s word is alive and active in me.

Take these five foundations and apply them to the Chicago boy story and it’s very clear that I could offer this young man hope for his future because each reason he gave to take his life was solved in one of these five foundations.

Take a few minutes to enjoy Josh Groban’s, You Raise Me Up. It’s worth your time because He truly will raise you up.




Published Date : September 11, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“Why did your father end up living alone with a bottle of alcohol in his hand with no hope?” -Dr. Shann Ferch

This question could be asked of every street beggar and homeless person. 

It could be asked to all who live without passion.

To the housewife who struggles to get out of bed.

To the worker slogging through the motions.

To the kid who repeatedly says, “I’m bored, there is nothing to do.”

img_0743Every child grows up with dreams of being somebody special. What happened to these dreams, to these hopes?

Who or what robbed these sad, discouraged, and hopeless people of their dreams and hopes for a wonderful life?

Tom Ferch told his son Shann, “I guess dad stopped dreaming his dreams.”

It seems like yesterday when Jay was sitting on my shoulders. When I see Kingston Crowell, I see Jay Crowell. 

Being a Papa is maybe one of the most special roles a man can have in a lifetime.

Destiny dream making for me is to be the kind of papa that brings life, joy, passion, and purpose into Kingston and my four other grandchildren.

Find your passion; do what it takes to find out what breathes fire into your belly; this is what will keep you alive all the days of your life.

NBC was God’s gift to Fred Crowell. Basketball has been, for me, the single best tool to teach and train young people to find their passion and purpose in life.

Until we take our very last breath on this earth, we have the privilege of being destiny dream makers

Unless the Lord builds the house we labor in vain.  – Psalm 127:1

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” – Matthew 7:24-27



Published Date : September 8, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope





Kindness Is Contagious is a valuable educational documentary on the magic of kindness.

Of all the species on earth, the most helpless for the longest period of time is in the human child. A child is helpless and unable to take care of themselves for months and months.

To be safe, to be protected, to be nurtured, and to mature, babies require and demand kindness.

Kindness was a foreign concept to me as a child, a teenager, a college athlete, and a professional basketball coach.

Criticism and backhanded compliments like “good shot, about time you made one,” smack talk and all out aggression were virtues that shadowed kindness. Being nice was a sissy concept in my world of growing up.

Late in my 50’s, I realized the wisdom God had in naming kindness as one of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. Kindness is ranked number five. Love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness.

We were born to be kind. We were born to be nice. We thrive on kindness. We delight and light up when people are nice to us.

As I study kindness and the reason for people to resist being kind, it is because they wait for people to be kind to them in order to be nice back. They focus on the getting, not the giving.

It is better to be kind and be nice than to receive kindness and niceness. This is the miracle of paying it forward.

The famous book Pay It Forward became a successful movie because people love the idea of kindness and niceness.

Pay it forward is based on the idea that at one dollar per day, multiplied by two every day for 30 days is for better than to receive a cash payment of $100,000. The grand total is about 500 million.

What if each of us were kind to three people each day? And two of these people were nice to three people. In one month each of our be nice acts of kindness could have a kindness impact on 5 million people.

Will you join me to be nice, do an act of kindness to 3 different people for the next 30 days?

Kindness has become my dearest friend in the oncology clinic. Kindness is the best possible medicine to cure grief, depression, failure, disappointment, and a heart break.

To be nice is so easy to do but so difficult to put into practice on a daily basis. Being nice is first a conscious act until it is in your DNA. Being nice is a habit. A good habit.

The ones who master the be nice principle are the happiest people on earth. The good news is that we all can be nice.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:4-9



Published Date : September 6, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

For years, NBC campers have been asked if they are ready. The expected response is a loud, “READY FREDDY!”

I have no idea who came up with this slogan but campers seem to love it. 

Ready Freddy speaks to the idea that we must be ready to operate at full capacity regardless of the situation.

In Crowell basketball language it means, “Anytime, anywhere, under any circumstance, we are ready to play.”

Years ago I got a call from Juneau, Alaska. A friend, Coach Leslie Knight, needed a team to replace the California school that had canceled for their Christmas Classic. They were desperate for a 4th team.

Coach Leslie called NBC for help. The only team I could find was an eighth-grade girls’ team.

These young ladies were quite good but had never played before a large crowd. The Juneau gym was packed. My girls were in shock. It wasn’t a sure bet they would come out of the locker room.

After a short, ineffective pep talk all of us joined hands in the middle. The girls half shouted, “Let’s win!” 

Face to face, with as much fierceness in my eyes and the sternest voice possible, I yelled, “At the end of this game it’s going to be blood on the floor and it’s not going to be ours. Now get out there and play!”

Remarkably and astonishingly, these eighth graders had the defending Alaska state champions on the ropes. With three minutes to play and in the lead. 

There was no blood on the floor with these young ladies, but they left their hearts out there. Except for some missed free throws, we would’ve won the game.

NCAA champion Jim Harrick often told his players, “It is absolutely amazing what you can accomplish when you have prepared to be ready.”

Question is, are you ready?

cardsReady for what?

Ready deal with whatever the cards you were dealt today.

Dr. Shann Ferch, in a deep conversation last night, “Some people who really want to save their marriage, turn their life around, make more money or live a better life do not have the skills to make it happen.”

To me the slogan Ready Freddy means, am I ready for the daily grind to win? Personally, the battle with cancer is a 24/7 deal. There are no free throws. Parenting has no holidays. Assuming you want to win.

Winning at LIFEBALL demands blood on the court, not ours at the end of the day. Metaphorically at the end of each day, I see blood on cancer, NOT on me.

What’s in your hand? What cards have been dealt to you?

Are you ready?

Ready Freddy?

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-27



Published Date : September 5, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

As a boy I was expected to look adults in the eyes when they spoke to me. If they extended a handshake my father’s orders were to call them Mr. or Mrs. as I looked at them face to face.

Brother Mike was standing side by side with me, our backs to the oil stove. We were warming our bed partners; a heated brick to weather our icy bedroom. Bennett, our dad, was leaving at 11 p.m. to manhandle sheets of plywood all night for two bucks an hour.

Bennett opened the door to step into an extraordinarily cold, winter night.  Abruptly he closed the door as he turned back around to glare at us.


Our eyes were fixed on the floor. We had no interest in a lecture.

Pops screamed loudly, “LOOK AT ME!”

Fearing a slap we met his gaze eyes to eyes.

Young Cherokee boys were taught to have clean hands and straight eyes. These were prized character traits to master.

Most cultures place a high value on honesty and truthful talk.

Honest hands and true eyes are more valuable than silver and gold.

No wonder the good book calls the eyes the window to the soul and good work with your hands represents a man or woman of character.  May sound harsh but the Bible says if you don’t work you don’t eat.

There was a day not too long ago when a handshake was more trustworthy than a contract. The keeping of one’s word was more important than financial success; even more important than life itself.

In today’s business world a contract is only as good as the character of the person or persons behind the contract. For this reason God never call marriage a contract in the Bible.

Because of the devastation of divorce and the subsequent consequences to the second third and even fourth generation of the divorced, the God of all wisdom called the union of man and woman a covenant, never to be broken.

chief_joseph-1877In the amazing Indian Nation, clean hands were symbols of truth, honesty, and integrity.

Straight eyes validated the righteousness and motivation of the heart. One chief refused another because “I don’t trust his eyes.”

One of my Indian heroes was Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce. His native name meant Thunder Over The Mountain. Thunder was a man of clean and straight eyes.

Today I talked to a business man about removing trees that died on our property.

Though we did not shake hands, I believe this man had clean hands and straight eyes.  In fact, I told him, I see kindness and integrity in your eyes.

The sink and warm soapy water clean dirty hands from work.

The manual for life tells us that as far as the east is from the west He has removed our sins from us. Psalm 103

This life giving manual we call the Bible has promised that our Creator will create a clean heart in us and renew a pure spirit.

An elegant new shower with the perfect shower head combined with the finest shampoo cleans and refreshes our tired bodies.

God’s WORD cleanses and purifies hearts and souls. We can rejoice in the blood of Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for all the darkness in our minds and hearts

Truly we are a new creature in Christ, the old things pass away, all things become new. He gives us clean hands and strait eyes.



Published Date : September 4, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

When position is more important than destiny the focus needs to be reversed. Research reveals focusing on destiny increases performance and health both individually and within a community.

Position focus means:

I am the father. Obey me.
I can’t do my job well until you reward me with an impressive title.
I graduated from a prestigious university. I deserve success.
My parents are wealthy. I am entitled. I deserve to live at the same level of wealth, now. 

Destiny focus means:

I have to earn everything I get. There are no free lunches.
Before I reach my destiny I must learn the remarkable skill of fail and recover.
To learn to love hard work is a precious skill. I need to master this skill.
Being more interested in giving than having is sun and rain to my thirsty soul.

Examples of Destiny Focused Living:

Before you go up, first, you must go down.
Before you can walk, first, you must crawl.
Before you run, first, you must walk.
Before you can ride a bike, first, you must fall and crash.
Before you can win, first, you must lose.
Before you can be successful, first, you must learn how to fail.
Before you can truly love, first, you must practice forgiveness asking.
Before you can know and understand gratitude at an EQ level, first, you must experience pain.
Before you can master any significant skill be it piano or golf of quilting, first, you must give it 10,000 hours of your intentional focused practice.
Before you become a leader, first, you become a servant.
Before you are honored and respected, first, you honor and respect others.

Before you can be saved from your destructive self, first you must have a savior.

Who is worthy and able to save us? This is the most important question amid the ages.



Published Date : September 3, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

When tragedy or misfortune strikes there are two choices. The most difficult choice is to survive. The least painful way is to surrender.

WIND RIVER it’s a movie based on a true story.

The storyline is about two fathers who lost their beautiful daughters to brutal murders.

This powerful story is based on the reality that native American women are not reported when they disappear. No other race of people in the USA are treated in this manner.

This movie is the finale of a trilogy directed Taylor Sheridan. It’s a good one.

The one scene in the movie that jumped off the screen for me was the scene between the fathers. One had survived. One was in the decision process to survive; enter into the pain or surrender to it; run away to drugs or even suicide.

These are the two choices:

  1. Survive. Enter the pain. Relive all memories of the life experiences both good and bad.  Let the pain have full play.
  2. Surrender. Ignore the pain; kill it with what works. Run from the pain.

My mother died a very painful death from pancreatic cancer.

At her gravesite, Fred Crowell had no tools in his life skills toolbox to deal with such pain. As mom’s coffin was lowered into the grave, I promised to never cry again.

I would accomplish this by never allowing myself to think or speak of my mother again.

For three years I did not allow myself to think or speak of my mother. My heart was cold and bitter, not so much as a teardrop fell from my eyes during those years.

surrenderSurrender was my choice. It cost me dearly, until the night in Fairbanks, Alaska. Ironically it was 53 below zero. In a group of 12 loving people, the Lord opened my heart and gave me the survival tools to enter the pain and find heart and mind healing.

For these personal reasons, WIND RIVER resonated in my entire being.

Special and valued WOH readers are you in survival or surrender mode?

As one father said to his friend, “If you are not willing to enter the pain you will lose yourself and you will lose your daughter.”

I know this to be true. For three years I lost my mother and I also lost myself. Only when  I was willing to go into the pain could  I find my mother and myself again. 

Jesus Christ not only enters our pain but gives us the power and the courage to join others in their pain.  We find our true self in pain, not success.  This is a reality of life.



Published Date : September 2, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

“But Jesus didn’t trust them because He knew human nature.”  – St. John

The words “protection” and “guard” have been on my mind and my heart these past days.

I confess, I really don’t know why.

Could it be March Madness?  Basketball games are won or lost based on a team’s ability to protect the basketball and guard against team’s scoring baskets or stealing the ball. I saw games lost because they did not do this well.

Or it could be due to the daily news I read or hear where terrorists kill; tragic violence is reported incessantly. Protection and guarding against violence is on all of our minds.

Regardless of the reasons, protecting and guarding the mind has been heavy on my heart, it is vital if we wish to function without fear, worry and anxiety.

Clearly, each of us are one call away from good or bad news. Ignatius called this being in a state of consolation or desolation. The wise saint said, “Cheer up if you are discouraged because joy is coming. Enjoy if you are in consolation because bad news is sure to come.”

Think of ways you protect your mind. What is your best go to method for protecting or guarding your mind?

My best go to is a technique my beloved spiritual mentor, Father Bernie Tyrrell, taught me. It is called Mind Fasting, Spirit Feasting.  

You literally starve the mind of negative thinking and speak only positives. Stop negatives totally by quickly turning those thoughts and words to positives.

With consistent practice and faithful prayer, the Lord transforms the way we think. The Psalmist said, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your site oh Lord my God.”

Bonus: Write down five gratitudes each day.



Published Date : August 31, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Accountability without inspection leads to irresponsibility.  Responsibility without inspection leads to mediocrity. Inspection is vital to winning. Winning is a choice.

Elegant question:

Why is inspection commonly rejected? We strongly tend to reject being inspected.

In your life experience do most people reject inspection? Why?

We don’t seem to mind having our car, home, teeth, eyes, or even our body inspected.

These are wear and tear issues. Fear of the consequences forces us to go to the dentist. Fear of failing car brakes motivates us to have vehicle inspections.

The most challenging are the inspection of the heart/soul of woman and man. The fear of discovering the negative is too often stronger than the freedom of knowing the truth about oneself.

The Psalmist exhorts us with these words, “Search me oh God and see if there be any wicked way in me.”

The interior journey into one’s life is the scariest, challenging, and potentially the most exciting experience anyone could ever have in their life.

It is not a one time trip. The more trips to the interior the more discovery,  the more discovery the more freedom.

Often in the counseling setting my clients would be asked to imagine a closet door.

Inside this imaginary door was their interior life;  all past experiences real and imagined.

The client would often say I’m afraid to open the door for fear of what is in there. 

Take a moment to imagine your interior closet. Are you willing to open the door? Will you take an inspection of your inner you?

What ever you find, God is more than enough to restore you. He has promised to create a clean heart and to restore a steadfast spirit within us.

Open the door. It may prove to be a life-changing decision.

Psalm 103 is in my memory bank of God’s precious promises. In a spirit of kindness

please take some time to let the psalmist’s words grow in you.



Published Date : August 30, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

A well-developed EQ is evident when one knows and understands that intent must ultimately be measured by its impact.

Growing up the statement was, “You can go to hell with good intentions.”

Not until I spent hundreds of hours counseling people did I come to fully understand the depth of wisdom in this slogan.

As a child I focused on the possibility of going to hell if naughty.

As an adult I focus on my impact not my intent.

Recently I received an email. The intent was good; the impact was wounding.

At this stage of life, to win the cancer war is to avoid sugar; to eat green as much as possible.

Even more important than nutrition is feeding the mind thoughts of grace, mercy, kindness, love, and forgiveness.

“Will you forgive me?” are healing words for both giver and receiver of these gentle words.

It has taken me nearly my entire lifetime to realize in relationships, being right is not important.  

Yes, it is hurtful when intent is pure gold and the recipient responds with unkind words or lack of appreciation.

Forgiveness is the jailers key to freedom.

A small percentage of our culture practices the simple, yet profound, “Will you forgive me?”

My email friend responded to my forgiveness email in this way: “I get things off my chest; then it is over just like a play in basketball.”

If we cling to intent the focus is on oneself. If the focus is on impact the focus is on the other.  

My counsel as a man, almost 75 years old, is to focus on impact and not intent.

The book of James is a manual of practical wisdom. James 1:19-26 is worthy of being memorized.

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it-not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it-they will be blessed in what they do. Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.” James 1:19-26



Published Date : August 28, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Your tongue can speak over 130 words a minute. Your mind can think over 400 words per minute.

Recently a friend said to me, “Follow your heart and do what it tells you to do.”

This is exactly what I do not want to do. This philosophy of doing what your heart tells you to do is what is causing pain, heart ache, betrayal, and scores of other tragedies in our world today.

Saint Paul and his powerful words to the Romans did not say, “I plead with you brothers and sisters to present your hearts as living sacrifices.”

No, to the contrary Paul said, “present your bodies as a living sacrifice.”

Never, never, ever, follow your heart unless your heart and your mind are in unison.

A man with a long history of doing the right thing said this to me. I never dreamed I would find myself in this situation!

Without specific details, the situation looked something like this. His heart was going in the wrong direction; he was breaking his moral code of truthfulness, fidelity, and doing the right thing.

The heart was at war with his mind and his mind was losing the battle. In the end, his heart won the battle and relationships were destroyed.

Candidly I cannot think of one example of LIFEBALL, (The game I call living a life to the maximum) that does not demand to make the body our first sacrifice, and secondly the mind, and last to follow our heart.

Tell me where I’m wrong. Tell me how the body is not the first step in making these choices.

If you say the mind is the first, my counter is that it doesn’t matter what your mindset is if the body doesn’t follow through and do what your mind is thinking, because if you don’t do it you don’t know it.

Take any one of the choices listed above and do the following:

  1. Dedicate your body to the choice
  2. Conform your mind to the choice
  3. Let your heart be carried by your body. Follow the path your informed mind has chosen, and eventually, you will come to the realization of your choice.



Published Date : August 27, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

If you have eyes, use them to see both external and internal beauty.

How our eyes observe color through tinted lenses is comparative to how our emotional state affects our outlook on life. Our current mood can taint and distort the world around us, just like looking through shaded lenses of gray, green, yellow, red or blue glass, changes the object under observation.

In depression everything is colored gray, all creation is viewed in dull gray colors.

In envy and jealousy everything is colored green, all creation is viewed in scarcity not abundance and enough is never enough.

In eating, drinking and being merry colors everything bright yellow for a time, but addiction is likely an end result.

In anger and bitterness everything is colored red, aggression, harsh words and violence are the outcome.

In laziness and sloth everything is a shade of blue, an unproductive life of dependency is the result.

Jesus taught that the eyes are the light to our souls. Only when we see and live in harmony and rhythm with all the colors in God’s creation will we be able to truly see.

Important questions:

Did you see a magnificent flower today?
Did you see pain in a tired face today?
Did you give anyone oxygen (encouragement) today?
Have you asked forgiveness and wanted to know how your transgression felt to the other person?
Have you enjoyed a deep laugh with someone today?
Have you noticed how you feel about life today?
Have you let God love you today?

Eyes are a precious gift. The human eye can see a lit candle one mile away, yet if not focused correctly they cannot see pain or sorrow and another opportunity to shed light slips away.



Published Date : August 25, 2017
Categories : Words of Hope

Fall in love with children and you will be in love with life.

Find joy in children and you will always be joyful.

Play with children and you’ll always be playful.

Laugh with children and laughter will become easier for you.

Smile at a child and your face will smile most of the day.

Pretend you’re a child and you will never grow old.

Children, especially babies, have an incredible capacity to bring out kindness, happiness, big smiles, and sometimes baby talk.

If we could learn to treat each other like we treat a baby, we would have many more friends and far fewer enemies.

One of the many privileges that I have experienced in my life is the privilege of living in a kid’s world.

When I look into the youthful face of a child I forget how old my face looks.

When I shoot baskets with a young basketball player, I remember all the great moments basketball brought into my life.

When one of our summer athletes sends me a text, email, or letter expressing deep gratitude and appreciation, that makes me feel life is worth living and the hard work of the past was worth it all.

Children, we need them in our life. Children have a unique capacity to love us in ways an adult cannot.

Take for example six-year-old Isabella proclaiming, “Papa you have to live long enough to see my first baby born….. but you don’t have to see my second baby born.”

The room full of people erupt into laughter at Isabella’s declaration!

Fact is, Isabella has repeatedly encouraged and inspired me to fight and never quit, and to live each day to the max. This is what grandchildren expect from their grandmas and papas.

Do you want to be young again at heart?

This is a good goal because all of us can be young at heart every day of our life. It’s really quite simple.

Acting like a child is the perfect solution to being young again.

Three ways even beyond the “right here – right now”:

  1. Laugh – chuckle on purpose. Laugh out loud so you hear your laugh. Practice this until your laugh becomes natural and not acted.
  2. Act like a child for a few minutes – you choose the age. Great if you have a child. Practice acting like this child.
  3. Be delightful, be fun, celebrate what you do today as a child would be excited. It is not hard to do. Eliminate grumpiness.
