Published Date : December 22, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Three Crowell-Ferch sisters demonstrate the beauty, grace, and power of love.

Natalya Alexis is a sophomore at Oklahoma City University.

Ariana Alexis is a freshman at the Oaks Classical Christian Academy.

Isabella Alexis is a 6th grader at the Oaks.  

Parents Shann and Jennifer delight in surprise presents; the best kind of gifts.

With careful planning, Gran Ma Susie helped plan a precious present, a surprise gift.

Isabella heard the doorbell ring. She opened the front door.

Watch the Beauty, Grace and Love the three sisters share with each other.

Elegant Question.  In your mind’s eye (imagination) do you have a person(s) in your life that would ignite the scene you just watched?

If no, would you like to begin the hard work in building a relation of this magnitude?

If yes, who is this person or persons who would ignite these similar emotions in you if they surprised you with a front door visit? Don’t wait another second longer to let these cherished relationships know of your deep love.

Years ago I was challenged to do the following exercise. It was so meaningful I have repeated it for my personal edification and in seminars, many times.

Imaginary scene. You are at your personal residence. There is a pizza warming up in the oven. You are resting in your favorite chair or couch.

Doorbell rings. You open the door. Jesus is standing there.

What do you do? Be as specific as possible.

Enjoy and learn.


NO!!! no, no, no

Published Date : December 21, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

At the Crowell’s there is a big difference between NO! and no, no, no.

Early in my teaching and coaching career, the following story impacted me.

A teacher was hired specially to take control of a wild, out of control classroom.

The first day the teacher laid out some rules. He said very clearly, “Do not leave the classroom until I dismiss you.”

At noon the school bell rang. The class stampeded out the door. The teacher was angry.

After the lunch break, the teacher said, “I told you not to leave the classroom until I dismissed you. When the next bell rings I will be standing in the doorway. You’ll have to run over me this time.”

Unfortunately for the teacher one student was very big. Much bigger than the teacher when the bell rang this student ran through the teacher.

Growing up my mother taught her six children to obey on the 4th command. The first three asks were requests.  

Come to dinner, or time for bed.

Hey, it’s time for dinner, or get to bed.

BOYS, you better get going right now.

I’M MAD NOW! It was time to obey.

Learning to say NO! is a crucial skill for both giver and receiver. If you say NO! mean it and back it up.

NO!, and no, no, no, is a gigantic difference.

NO! Means stop, don’t do it or you will not like the consequences.

No, no, no, is a gentle warning. You better think twice about do it.

Some examples:

Crowell’s explain to drivers of family autos. If you drink alcohol, use drugs, or let friends drive the car, we cut up your license. This is a NO!

Fred on eating sweets. Too often it is a no, no, no. Saying NO! is very difficult. My new goal is… (I will keep it private  until I have some victory, telling others your goals often diffuses the energy needed to reach those goals.)

Girl with boy, “NO, if you touch me I will call 911 right now.”

Boy with friends invited to drink or take drugs. “NO! If you ever ask me again we are not friends.”

Some adult children cannot say NO! to controlling parents or in-laws. WHY?

Fear of people. Read WOH on people fear.

Some employees cannot say NO! to the boss, and some bosses let bad employees off the hook because they can’t say NO!

Some parents can’t say NO! to their child.

Some coaches won’t say NO! to star players

If you can’t say NO! your YES is in jeopardy.

No wonder Jesus taught you are either for me or you are against me.

Joshua 24:15 speaks loud and clear to knowing how and when to say NO!

But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. – Joshua 24:15



Published Date : December 20, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

These Chinese flowers give evidence to the elegance, beauty, and grandeur of the miracle of creation.

The China basketball experience continues to warm my heart and move me to gratitude.

This beautiful bouquet was presented to each NBC – USA coach. Steve Altmeyer, Preston Wynne, and I, all had the same thought as we held our massive bundle of magnificent flowers.

Wish we could give these to our wives back at home in the USA.

As I look at each flower, I see a parallel between them and people. They are alike yet they are not exactly alike.

Each flower has its own individual beauty.

Each human has its individual beauty.

Each flower draws the attention of a different person. Not all people like the same flower.

Each person is drawn to different people in the same manner as one is drawn to a specific flower.

People are more beautiful than flowers when our lights shine with love and kindness, joy and happiness.

People are more beautiful than flowers when our lips sing songs of joy and our words speak life.  

People are like Flowers. We need water and sunlight. People are like flowers when we bring beauty and fragrance to our personal worlds.

People like flowers are God’s gifts to all who come near us.

People are like flowers; easily damaged.


Slowly view each flower this remarkable beautiful bouquet.  Try to see each flower as a person In your life.  Try to imagine how you can fully appreciate them.

Susie and I went through all the family members. We chose a flower which resembled best the qualities if each person, it was a delightful time. Try it with your family.

Merry Christmas!



Published Date : December 19, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'” – Jeremiah 29:11-13

Jeremiah was a young man when he had a serious encounter with his God, Jehovah.

Israel was a nation in decline. Corruption was rampant. Political and religious leadership was dismal.

Jehovah and Jeremiah had a dialog, not a monolog discussion. Jeremiah did not like it one bit.

In essence, Jeremiah was ordered to give the nation terrible news. Jehovah had chosen Jeremiah as his spokesperson.  

Lessons applicable for those who call God their Abba Father and his Son, My Lord Jesus Christ.

LESSON ONE: Know for a fact God knows us well. He knows us before we were formed in our mother’s womb. We are no mistake.

LESSON TWO: An excuse is always just an excuse. Jeremiah said he was too young. I deal with, I am too old. Stop making excuses is the lesson.

LESSON THREE: Do not be afraid of people. This speaks to me. Most of my life I feared displeasing people; even those who didn’t like me in the first place. Cancer has been my mentor. I have no fear of anyone not liking me. I now can live fully.

LESSON FOUR: Jeremiah feared he had nothing to say. Jehovah told him He would give him the words to say.

People ask me, “Do you write Words of Hope yourself?” “How do you come up with these every day?”

Today is a good example. Read Jeremiah chapter one. These are God’s words, not mine.

Make these your words and experience the joy of doing it God’s way.



Published Date : December 18, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

37 years ago I discovered for the first time God loved Fred Crowell.

February 3 1979, was a great day for Susie and Fred Crowell. The Bulldogs of Samford University got a win on the basketball court. After the game, Susie said, “It’s time to go to the hospital the baby is coming.”

Jennifer was 10 years old. For years the Crowell’s tried to add a second miracle to the family. It was discouraging when we finally accepted the doctor’s view that there would be no more children.

Susie, always up before dawn, with Bible on her lap and a cup of coffee at her side, was reading Psalm 20 on a winter morning in 1977. Not given to emotional decision-making Susie had a profound impression she was not only going to get pregnant; she was going to have a boy.

Very carefully Susie added b.o.y. alongside Psalm 20 to her already marked up Bible. She placed a period after each letter so that it would not read boy. This was her secret and her’s alone.

February 4 came early for the Crowell’s. The baby was happy with its home and refused too come out. I say “it” because we did not know we were getting a boy or girl.  I should say I did not know. Susie, in her heart, knew but she had not told me.  

It was a long, difficult delivery. After about 12 hours a Jay popped into our world, My first conscious thought was, “See I told you I loved you.” At that time God spoke to me through my own mind and thoughts, not loud words.

Time doesn’t permit me to expand upon the relationship parallel between God, our Abba Father and the relationship of a father and child, so let me be succinct. As children mature at the subconscious level, they see their earthly father the same way they view God.  

Thus for me, my father was angry, unpredictable and unreliable. Therefore I viewed God in a similar manner. I never prayed to God. I went to Jesus. Thankfully today Abba Father is my joy and my delight. It has been a long journey to get to this beautiful place.

Jay’s birth was the beginning of a transformation in my relationship with God. Jay Crowell is 37 today.  Jay is my hero for so many, many reasons. The goal of any father should be to see his children become more than he could ever be. Jay has become more than me. Jay brings God honor. Jay brings me honor far beyond what I ever expected or deserve.

Psalm 20 is worthy of memorization. As I fight the cancer battle I thank My God for His many promises in Psalm 20.



Published Date : December 17, 2016
Categories : Basketball, Faith, Words of Hope

Never quit. Never, never quit!

A sellout crowd came to Indy to watch Kobe Bryant play his last game against the Pacers in the city famous for the Indy 500.

Kobe was having a terrible night. Late in the game he had just 8 points. His fans never quit on Kobe. Each time he had the ball they cheered. Each missed shot drew groans.

With the game on the line in the final minutes KB came alive. He made three 3-pointers! The crowd went nuts!

Indy beat the Lakers, but Kobe hung around letting the huge crowd know that he was grateful. Great lesson about never quitting.

Famous columnist, Charles Krauthammer called Winston Churchill the most important public person in the last 100 years. Krauthammer contends: if no Churchill, no Germany war.

Churchill’s famous speech about never giving in or quitting was the fire England needed.

Kobe and Sir Winston had plenty of fire in the belly. Jesus did too, when He went to the cross.

Lord give me fire in my belly as I seek to finish my days on earth.



Published Date : December 16, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

To experience the privilege of being honored it is best to first honor others.

Today it is a privilege to honor Walter Willis King.  Walt is Susie’s dad.

December 7, 1941 began just like most days for Americans. Walt rose early to prepare for work. He held his 22 day-year-old Susie in his arms and kissed her goodbye, and said, “See you soon!”

The King’s family and all of America changed that dreadful day when Japan decimated our Naval Ships at Pearl Harbor.

Soon Walt  King would be in the South Pacific.  For nearly four years Captain King led an artillery team. Susie lost her daddy for 4 long, scary years.

King’s ship was sunk.  He lived in a foxhole for 76 days;  73 days longer than supplies lasted.  He came home a very sick, lasting a lifetime.

Walt never forgot the days of the Great Depression.   He rode the trains as a teen with hundreds of men looking for work.

Early life was tough.  He attended 13 different high schools yet still graduated Valedictorian with a 4.0.

Walt never wanted to be flat broke again. After the war, for 16 years,  Susie’s Dad delivered rural mail 6 days a week.

From 4pm until midnight he worked as a shift leader 40 hours a week at a lumber mill until he had enough money to buy the Coeur d’ Alene business. All the while working his postal service job; in 32 years he never missed a day of work.

Walt made it crystal clear when Susie said yes to marriage I was never to ask for money.  He loved his daughter but now she was mine. All mine, I might add, to my delight, even to this day.

It took time for Walt and me to become best friends.  I remember sitting on a small porch on a hot day In San Bernardino, California.

We were drinking root-beer floats. We both liked Hires brand the best.  The conversation was as good as the floats. Simple pleasures like this made Walt and me great friends.

I loved Walt King. He was a good man. A mentor to me in many ways. He is the father of my amazing, truly remarkable Wife and the papa my two children adored and loved.

Thankfully I never had to ask him for money. He graciously offered to loan us $1200 dollars for the down payment for our first home. We paid it back in full at $25 a month.

The honor principle is not the reason I have honored Walter Willis King today. Honoring others is a good thing. If we honor to get honored the real joy of honoring is lost.

Honoring Walt is my reward.  I have wonderful feelings of love and appreciation for my father-in-law, my mentor, and my friend.  

Walter Willis King is one of the millions who gave so much to give us this day to be free and to live life fully. These soldiers deserve to be honored.

It is good to honor others. Honor produces honor.  No wonder the only one of the 10 commandments that promises a blessing is to honor father and mother.

This motivates me to honor people today and every day.  

“Let us consider how we can stimulate others to love and good deeds.”  Hebrews 10:24

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. – Exodus 20:12



Published Date : December 15, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“Do not be afraid of people or I will make you look foolish in front of them.”  -God’s words to the Prophet Jeremiah

Elegant question: Are you afraid of people?

If you said, “No” you are unique. You are one of a kind!

The Great Moses was afraid of his people.

Joshua was encouraged repeatedly to be strong and courageous and to not be afraid of people.

King David had a fear problem. He had to lie to cover his fear of people’s opinions.

Peter, the Rock, lied three times before he conquered his fear of people problem.

Genesis tells us when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered the world. We all inherited four distinct character qualities which we now enter the world with.

Fear – Inferiority – Guilt – Anger

Biblical counseling and many forms of psychological therapy systems have these four foundations.

Once again the elegant question: Are you afraid of people?

Of course we fear a terrorist, a violent dictator, and other forms of violence.

The fear of people I write of is fear of people’s opinion.

The son who has failing grades at college and lies to his parents hoping never to be caught.

The high school girl who fears what others think of her appearance.

The boss who lets an employee intimidate them.

The aspiring athlete or actress who is crushed by a bad review.

In most cases where one learns not to fear people, some major event took place.

This is true of Biblical character after Biblical character.

This is true of modern day heroes. Churchill, Kennedy, Helen Keller, Roosevelt, Reagan, Jackie Robinson, and others.

It is true in your life. You have people you know who have great character and do not fear people. They are rare gems we would be wise to emulate.

Unfortunately and fortunately it took cancer to teach me to no longer fear people’s opinion of me. It is wonderful to be set free. Now I can love God, love people freely and live life to the maximum.

Do you fear people’s opinion? Do you want to continue fearing people’s opinion of you?

If not, the first step is to fear His opinion of you and no one else’s, for when you do this you will be free.



Published Date : December 11, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away all things become new.

When my granddaughter built her snowman, I was really impressed with her imagination and her skill. If a child has the skills to build such a unique object from snow and create a life-like face, I couldn’t help but wonder what we could do, by God’s grace, if we allow his Spirit to rebuild us as new creatures.

As the snowman was fashioned from the skilled hands of a child filled with imagination, the God of the universe proclaims in Colossians that we are chosen and dearly loved. We are admonished to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, gentleness, perseverance and patience.

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

– Colossians 3:12-17

Col 3:12-17 is in Crowell’s, hide His word in my heart hall of fame.



Published Date : December 8, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

All things were created in Him, by Him and for Him. Colossians 1:16

Thanks to the incredible gift of imagination, given only to human kind, we have minds to take us to the past, present, and future.

Today I imagine the award winning 1946 Jeep my special friend, the late David Tucker built up from a pile of junk.

Today I imagine my 19-year-old grandchild in the play, ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE. I first saw this as a kid. Jimmy Stewart was my favorite. Next week the Crowell-Ferch families travel to Oklahoma City to see Natalya star in this amazing production.

Today I imagine my young 6’10” hero, Drew Sears, hauling down rebounds, blocking shots and scoring in double digits as the Whitworth Pirates lay a big one on Whitman. I will be there. Yes!

Imagination is a gift. Our charge is to use it well.

Today I read Paul’s famous words, “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” Colossians 1:15-16

Gratitude reigns supreme in my spirit as I imagine the Creator of the Universe; the one who holds all things together created my loved ones for His purpose and His pleasure.

As I experience the grandeur and beauty, I relish in knowing the Sea of Cortez, the flora and fauna and people were all created for our purpose and pleasure.

There goes a bright yellow butterfly.

Check out this amazing orange flower.

Look at the generous smile on the worker hanging Christmas tree lights.

All for His purpose and his pleasure. All for us to enjoy.

Imagine, He created us for his purpose and His pleasure.



Published Date : December 7, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

A basketball coaches analysis of the Lord’s Prayer.

Based on the prayer instruction of Jesus, how is it possible to have His Kingdom come and His Will be done here on earth?

Principle One – Acknowledge God the Father in heaven as king of the kingdom.  

Very easy to understand, ”the head coach is boss” period. The coach is king.

Until God is acknowledged as King, not only of His Kingdom but even more so of our personal lives, the words of this prayer have little meaning.

Principle Two – Today is His gift to us. It is not a right to be alive today. It can be taken away in a second of time. Today is a gift.

The tragic airplane crash and the death of the Brazilian soccer team confirms this principle.

Basketball is a gift. It is a game where only five play at a time. Playing time is a gift. It has a short life span. Most basketball playing days end after high school.

Principle Three – Our Daily Bread is His gift to us as well. The one who says “I worked hard to make millions. I deserve what food and pleasures I own,” would do well to ask themselves some serious questions such as:

What if possessions we have are a gift regardless of how we got them? If you think you alone built your wealth or life success, think back to 2008!

Millions of families lost jobs and homes. The world economy shrunk by trillions. Brilliant business folks lost empires of wealth and prestige.

Wise basketball players know that talent is a gift. Huge hands, long arms, and legs are gifts. Avoidance of injury and illness is a gift, not a right.

Hard work is what we do with these gifts of talent, size, and health.

Principle Four – Forgive us as we forgive others. This speaks to the power and benefits of forgiving. Forgiveness is a personal responsibility.  

Jesus hits a three-point game winner here. Love and forgiveness reign supreme in the Kingdom of God.  

Forgiveness is God’s offer to you and me. We seek the Lord’s sacrifices of His finished work on the cross.  We ask to be forgiven for our misdeeds, sins etc.

Bam! We are set free! The blame game, self-righteousness stops here. Forgiveness is His Gift. We now become ready to forgive others.

The Great basketball coaches are masters at stopping the blame game and self-righteous living. Players learn personal accountability and commitment to a higher cause.

Principle Five – Lead us not into temptation. Every second of every day is an opportunity to display the wisdom of being aware of temptation. When God is our King and Jesus is Lord we have a dynamic protection team giving us eyes and ears to avoid temptation.

Wise basketball coaches are leaders who make their players aware of temptations. There are many ways players are tempted.

Concluding Words of Hope:

In my humble basketball mind, I cherish the Lord’s Prayer. I walk step by step very slowly both during my day and through the watches of the night, meditating on each word and each principle of The Lord’s Prayer.

Thank you God. You are Abba Father. We are your daughters and sons.

I love and delight in calling you Abba Father.

I am for eternity your thankful adopted son!

– Fred Crowell



Published Date : December 6, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

If you can laugh you can solve most of life’s ailments.

One of my favorite early morning disciplines is to ask Abba Father one question.

The question is quite simple. The answer is not always easily coming or comfortable to receive.

Today as I watched the sun rise over the Sea of Cortez I asked the Lord God, “What do you want to teach me today?”

Let me be clear. I have never heard God speak to me. I hear God through His Word and His Spirit, (critics say this is talking to yourself).

Paul in Ephesians tells us God’s mark of ownership on us is when we can have a dialogue with the Blessed Holy Trinity.

If this seems wildly crazy, think of how you can have a dialogue with an intimate loved one.

Recently I was in China for 17 days. Susie was in Spokane. Many nights in my mind’s imagination Susie and I conversed.

After a half hour or so it was clear Abba Father wanted me to laugh. Laughter makes good medicine.

I laughed silently. I laughed softly. I laughed joyfully. I laughed with many of my friends who laughed easily and often.

I laughed with the late Joe T who laughed for no reason at all.

I laughed with daughter Jennifer who has an amazing and medically soothing laughter.

I laughed with Fred Crowell.

I live to laugh.

I love how laughter makes me feel.

I will laugh often today.

You just read about laughter. What are you going to do with your laughter today?



Published Date : December 5, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Imagine an arrow being one of the most important people in your life. What lessons can be learned from an experienced bow hunter?

Imagine hunting with the finest bow without one arrow in your quiver. This is like a lonely soul going through life without one trusted companion.

Imagine hunting with the finest bow with damaged arrows; ones mistreated, dull points, crooked shafts. Much like the person who has mistreated friendship after friendship; a life of broken relationships.

In reverse, imagine the care a wise bow hunter takes in taking care of his arrows. They are never taken for granted. They are scrutinized with precise inspection. They are repaired after each hunt and stored in a safe place.

Likewise, those with life arrows in their quivers treat their trusted loved ones and dear friends in a similar manner to the best archers in the world.

During this holiday season, take a human arrow one by one from your human arrow quiver and do the following.

  1. Examine the relationship carefully. Delight in each of your human arrows as a bowman delights in his collection of arrows.
  2. Appreciate the amazing qualities of this person as a bowman would value the miracle qualities of each arrow. The feathers, the shaft, and the arrowhead given treasured looks of appreciation. Treasure the arrows as gifts from God.
  3. Check for any possible damages in each of the arrow relationships just like the bowman inspects his arrows.
  4. Find a way to repair any issue in this important relationship like a bowman does in repairing his arrows.

The marksman does not expect the arrow to fix itself. Likewise, don’t expect your human arrows to fix the relationship between you. Make the first step in resolving your issues with this human arrow as far as is possible.

Unfortunately, some arrows cannot be repaired to his prized arrow. The best the bowman can do is salvage some of the parts.

This is also true in the human realm. At this point, Biblical wisdom commands us to live in forgiveness but it does not command us to have restitution or relationship.

The human arrow relationship is no longer in our quivers. Sad, but fact. Yet freedom comes through forgiven not retaliation.

Make today your Christmas present to others and to yourself. Start with one arrow at a time. Let your arrows know how special they are to you.

Many of you reading Fred Crowell’s Words of Hope are my arrows. Thank you.



Published Date : December 4, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Photo: Papa Crowell delights in watching children; especially his grandchildren develop the prized self-discipline in their young lives.

Why? Because S.D. is a tool to solve a problem. Abundance of self-discipline means you have many tools to solve many problems.

Jennifer Crowell Ferch, COO of NBC Camps often exhorts the staff to use the correct tool to solve a problem. Without exception, when a parent uses the wrong tool to fix a kid problem, the problem expands.

The three Crowell boys delight in sharing childhood stories about our dad. Larry doubles over in laughter as he reenacts dad’s futile attempt to start the family lawn mower. After pulling a cord until sweat and fatigue took over, dad tried kicking it. Finally the chosen fix it tool was a hammer! Eventually the lawn got cut. The final solution was the purchase of a new lawn mower.  

Only those of us who have labored over starting a mower, or chainsaw, or boat motor can identify with this true story. 

As we roar into 2016, few character traits or fruits of the spirit can pay greater dividends in our quest for a rich and fulfilling year.  

St. Paul says that the fruit of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faith, goodness, gentleness and self-control. Without self-discipline integrity, honesty and hard work, many other character qualities are jeopardized.

In Meet My Head Coach there is a chapter titled No Longer A Slave. I confess, S.D. is my most difficult character trait. If chocolate were a defensive back, I’d never score a touchdown against that sweet goal defender. When I say no pizza, it can outrun me no matter how fast I run. 

Hebrews 12:11 says. No discipline is pleasant at the time however later on it produces a harvest of peace and righteousness for those who are trained by it. 

Self-discipline is at the top of my 2016 list of challenges.



Published Date : December 3, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

I plead with you brothers and sisters

These strong words by St. Paul to his Brothers and Sisters in Rome were written in times similar to the pain and suffering we see too often these days.

For strange reasons, people buy into the depraved idea that dying to kill others is a noble and honorable thing to do. Suicide killings are the ultimate act of deranged thinking, in my mind.  

To any rational human being, killing innocent people by killing yourself is beyond disgraceful. It is an abomination. However in this text, St. Paul goes far beyond this radical issue of killing. 

I think Paul is speaking to the idea that living pleases God, and “dead living” displeases God. To me it is tragic to see living people live without life; little joy, negative words, lazy living, sad eyes, and dying slow deaths in various ways, obvious to anyone willing to examine human behavior.

Paul is talking about subtle issues of the heart, because there are many forms of not being a living sacrifice. As I sit in front of the fireplace in the wee dark hours of this Sunday morning, I ask myself, “What does it mean for me to be a living sacrifice?”

The second question is, “Why was it so important that Paul would actually plead for his dear brothers and sisters to be living sacrifices?”

Thinking like a basketball coach, I like how Paul presents the body as a living sacrifice. This is exactly what I expect of my basketball players. This is why basketball is such a fabulous tool to teach character.

Paul understood, if you can discipline the body you can discipline the mind; if you can discipline the mind, you can discipline the spirit. Discipline begins with the body.  

Pleading makes me think of the ways that my wife Susie and I pleaded with God to keep our children safe; to help them to be strong, and be able to live lives of success; to have joy, peace, and happiness.

Paul pleads for us to be living sacrifices so that we can please God, and in turn be pleasing to all who come into our lives. Meaning and purpose for Fred Crowell, is to know God and enjoy Him forever.

Dear Heavenly Father I ask you to give me the power to be a living stone today. 

Crowell project:
One body, one mind, one spiritual sacrifice today. 

Physically – eat only healthy food
Mentally – do a mental workout
Spiritually – meditate on being a living sacrifice



Published Date : December 2, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

In the days of old a quiver full of quality arrows was a must. It was the difference between life and death.

The Psalmist used a quiver as a simile for a man having many sons. His sons would become both his workers and his warriors.

For these two reasons, the ancients placed great value on mother’s birthing boys not to mention the ego of having one’s name continue on in family legacy.

In the modern world, thanks to the teachings  of Jesus, women have been exalted to equal status.

What does it mean in today’s world to have a quiver full of reliable arrows as protectors?

For me, it is God’s grace to have two reliable and trusted children. If Jennifer and Jay were arrows they would be in the finest collector’s collection; world class.

For Uncle Walt, who never had children, it would be filled with arrows waiting and hoping to be chosen to be in his quiver.  Walter Mitchell was that good of man. I loved him more than my father.

Today there is really nothing more important than taking out each arrow in your imaginary quiver.

Imagine the care the warrior of old would have taken with each treasured arrow in his quiver. Think of how hard and long he would search to find one shot amiss. The one that missed the big elk.

Treat the arrows in your life in the same manner. Join me right here, right now in arrow appreciation day. How can we help them shot straight and true.

The human arrows in our lives are God’s gift to us. Who are these arrows in your life? Let’s get going. Our human arrows need some love and encouragement.



Published Date : December 1, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

If happiness encompasses all these virtues, no wonder happiness is a rare commodity in our world!

My empirical research on happiness the past few months has enlightened me.

My research subjects have been:

Basketball players, coaches and parents in China.

Tourists and workers at the Magic Kingdom. Disneyland is a fascinating research laboratory for emotional intelligence research.

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico at the world class Esperanza (Hope) resort. A place where every person should be extremely happy.

My beloved home region where the majestic Spokane River flows through the heart of the city.

Air Travel on Alaska Airlines, the best, and Hainan Air to Beijing.

These are my research questions:

What does happiness mean to you?

On a scale of 1 to 10 what number of people in your world are happy?  10 the most

What do you score yourself on the happy scale?

This is my conclusion. Happiness is both hard work and a hard decision.

Happiness robbers:

1,000 people who read today’s Word of Hope, 800 will do nothing with this life and will go on the same.

200 will begin the hard work and hard decision making to be happy regardless of circumstances! They will soon discover happiness is hard work and difficult decision making.

20 out of 1,000 will continue to embrace happiness as HARD work and hard decisions 90 days from now. 980 will live just like they are living today. No changes.

Happiness is what you make it to be!

Crowell’s Game Plan to live happiness:

STEP ONE: Make an honest existential self-diagnosis.

STEP TWO: Do the hard work. Brutally honest naming of your happiness robbers.

STEP THREE: Practice happiness daily.

Have a daily game plan to include in writing 5 gratitudes.

Practice laughing. Easier than you think.

Encourage three people each and every day.

Refuse to listen to your happiness-robbers. God’s Holy Word is a prime source to find Happiness. Search for happiness daily.

Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I may not let happiness robbers diminish my love for God, for people and for living life to my full potential.  (Paraphrase of Psalm 119)



Published Date : November 30, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

It took me over 60 years of my life to say hello to my Heavenly Father. Now my cup has run over.

As I sit looking out at the Sea of Cortez in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with the sun rising and the quarter moon fading, Thanksgiving is on my mind and in my heart.

For mysterious reasons, I drifted back to one of the darkest Augusts in my life.

It was August 1963. My moral compass, my hero, died a tragic death. Pancreatic cancer destroyed her over a six month period of time.

At the family Rosary the family priest told me forcefully that I was going to hell. Being a fierce fighter I told him “I will be glad to go to Hell as long as he is not there.”

Dumb response but I meant it! I was that angry at god (small “g” on purpose).

Vividly, I remember the despair, grief, and anger I felt as Kathleen Ellen Crowell’s coffin was lowered into the ground.

With tears streaming down my cheeks I promised myself I would never cry again. No one would ever hurt me again.

Three years later through the remarkable influence of my amazing wife Susie, I discovered the joy of knowing Jesus Christ personally.

Yet for me, for years I never said one prayer to God. In 1999, the kindest most truthful man I had ever known came into my life. He became my spiritual mentor! My spiritual father. We met every two weeks. One day I said to father Bernie Tyrrell, “I love you.” As soon as I said these words I began to sob. It was at this moment I decided it was time to say hello to God.

As I view Abba Father’s creative genius, it is joy beyond words to know he is my Father and I am His adopted son.

Through the years, a true man is both a warrior and a man of immense kindness. He fights to protect his family and sheds tears when he is moved with great compassion and sadness.

I chose ABBA Father. Thank you, Father, for introducing me to you. God (capital “G”) who is now my ABBA Father.

Say hello to Abba Father today. He will bless you.

Suggestion – feast on Romans 8.



Published Date : November 28, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“If you live for people’s acceptance you’ll die from their rejection.” – Lecrae

Through my many years on planet earth I have slowly, sometimes painfully, learned and relearned there is one wise choice between who is first; God or people.

I can choose to live for the acceptance and approval of people. This means making people BIG. This choice makes God smaller than people.

I can choose to live to please God first; people second. This decision makes God big and people small.

BIG GOD; Small People.

BIG PEOPLE; Small God.

Sounds simple to make God first. If it were so easy there would be far more God pleasers and far fewer people pleasers.  

If anyone understands this concept it is Fred Crowell. My brothers and sisters were trained to be people pleasers. Looking good was very important. It has been a long journey to learn to resist being a people pleaser.

Not only do people pleasers put people before God, but they also put people above the people most important in their lives.

There is no end to what some people would do to get 15 seconds of attention from their star who could care less about them.

For these reasons, when my son was ready for marriage I told him these words. “Jay, once you say I do you always please God first and Jennifer second, and always please her before you please me.”

What motivated me to say this to Jay? For 22 years I was Jay’s best friend. It was painful to give this counsel.  

I said it because so many fathers won’t let go of their children. I let go, as hard as it was.

Letting go of everything on earth and putting God first is hard to do. It is costly.

50 years ago I gave up my precious basketball. I told Jesus he was first. For a short period (two years) basketball was totally out of my life.

Abba Father had important things to teach me. Today, basketball has been given back 100 fold. God has used Crowell Basketball worldwide.

It’s not what’s in your wallet that counts; it is what is first in your heart that counts.

For 45 years my life Bible verse has been, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33



Published Date : November 27, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“If you love things more than people you will use people to get things, if you love people more than things you will use things to help people.”

One of my favorite men gave up his high school football job to join the Marine Corp. One night on patrol leading a squad of 13 men his team was attacked by over 2000 Viet Cong.  

That night his sergeant lost his life diving on a grenade to save his buddies. Clebe lost an arm and one eye.  

Clebe’s favorite quote I often heard him say was, “In this world of give and take there are too few men willing to give what it takes.”

The Psalmist tells us we are created a little lower than the angels and have dominion over the birds of the air, fish of the sea, and all land creatures.

To me, this is a powerful promise. Knowing this motivates me to love people way more than things. It never ceases to amaze me how today’s treasure is tomorrow’s junk.

I think of the boat story. The happiest day is the day you buy a boat. The next happiest day is the day you sell the boat.

Rockefeller was asked, “How much money is enough?” He replied, “a little bit more.”

It is crystal clear to me that things don’t satisfy for very long while special people satisfy for eternity.

Guess I better find ways to treasure people and use things to bless them.



Published Date : November 26, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later.  – St.Paul

For far too many beautiful people, this Christmas holiday season will not be a time of joy, peace, and laughter.

500 years ago Ignatius of Loyola came up with the notion that we are either living in consolation or desolation.

This wise saint taught his followers to know that desolation follows consolation and consolations is the doorway to desolation. 

In consolation rejoice Ignatius exhorted, but know desolation is around the corner, or in today’s jargon; the next phone call. 

In desolation rejoice for consolation, will come as sure as the sun will rise in the morning and fall in the evening. 

If you are blessed to be living in consolation this Christmas season you will be filled with joy peace and laughter.  

Savor each moment and thank Jesus. 

However, if you’re living in desolation, this Christmas season will be challenging, it will be hard, and it will demand your best effort to put one foot in front of another and win the moment.

Embrace the pain; don’t deny it or run from it, or bury it in destructive behavior. Trust the process by winning the moment.  

These are three of my favorite resources to help me win the moment. I have hidden these words in my heart for instant recall lying on my back, driving in the car or in times of reflection. 

The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing.
– Zephaniah 3:17

But now, this is what the Lord says — he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead.
– Isaiah 43:1-3

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
– Lamentations 3:22,23

One of my favorite questions to inspire kids at NBC is to ask, “How is your PPC?!”

With loud shouts kid yell, “Pain produces change!

Pain can be enemy or friend. Dr. Pain is a demanding professor. He grades hard. Tough to get an A in His class. Guess Crowell better put his big boy jeans on and get busy! 

For further study, master the book of James. 



Published Date : November 24, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Who is most grateful? The one rescued or the one who does the rescuing?

Going back to the four pillars that form the foundation for one’s belief system:

My life experience tells me those who have never been rescued have little desire or compassion to rescue others.

While those who have been rescued from deep misery be it poverty, illness, oppression, addiction etc., become people who look for opportunities to rescue.

My dear Hungarian friends deeply oppressed during WWII by the Russians are the most grateful USA citizens I know.

The man who had more home tragedy than you can imagine is one of the best fathers and husbands I know.

The friend in the wheel chair who gets up every day to try to take one more step than the day before exudes joy seldom seen in anyone I know.

Fact is, as I look over the past 50 years, it is crystal clear Jesus Christ rescued me from the misery that surrounds all of us.

My life experience exhorts me to be so grateful that He has rescued me from me and given me a new nature. For if any man be in Christ he is a new creation and all things become you. 11 Corinthians 5:17

For these reasons, I delight in looking for opportunities to rescue others. This has become the joy of my life.



Published Date : November 22, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“If you try to fix a problem with the wrong tool you will make the problem bigger not smaller.” – Jennifer Crowell Ferch

My true friend, the late Dave Tucker, was a master machine and wood-smith of the highest order. Mr. Tucker could build a house, fabricate a log splitter, superior to the finest model at the local store, design and make a bedroom set and build an award winning 1947 Jeep from the junkyard up.

Dave Tucker’s machine shop and workshop were hospital clean and surgeon organized with the precise tool ready to go at all times.

Let’s not talk about the Crowell shop. It is non-existent. It’s a victory when I find the correct screwdriver. Ever try to drive a Phillips screw with a flat head screwdriver. Not fun.

Anyone reading to this point clearly understands the concept. Wrong tools don’t work. Correct tools work, if they are in the right hands.

Pretty simple concept right? Wrong! If it were so simple people would use the correct tool in the machine and wood shop and even more importantly in life.

Let’s switch gears and address our life skills (emotional intelligence toolbox).

The most common tool is the anger tool.

Do any people have just one tool in their EQ tool box?

While I was in China it became clear to me the culture is highly reserved. Everyone is Mr. or Mrs. I was repeatedly told the Chinese are not emotional. I found anger as common in China as I do in the USA.

Anger is an important tool but it should not be used to fix anger. Anger produces more anger.

Parents should use sadness when a child is angry. Same for coaches when teaching hotheaded players.

A sigh, a few soft words like, “You’re too good a player to act like this” often defuses anger.

What’s in your EQ tool box? What skills do you want to add to your tool box?

Since you are both a miracle and genius I truly believe that you can discover what tools you need to add to your tool box.

I close with a funny story. Most of our funny stories were not funny at the time but later on become family favorites.

Dad decided to do a job he hated. Cut the grass. After pulling on the rope to start the mower, until sweat dripped profusely, he decided kicking the mower might jump start it. The pain on his face told his spectators (boys) his foot was hurting.

Out of Dad’s limited tool box came his trusting hammer, which he used to beat on his lawn mower.

It still wouldn’t start. So dad went to the local hardware store to buy a new lawn mower.

What makes this story both amusing and humorous is I have done nearly the same thing trying to get a snow blower to start on bitter cold days. Fortunately, I couldn’t find my hammer.



Published Date : November 21, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

The wise parent knows and understands that the ultimate test of successful parenting is the day when their son or daughter has matured to the place the parent(s) is able to say…

“Amazing child you now are ready to make you own life decisions. No longer am I your authority figure. I trust you to make wise decisions. From this point forward I will not tell you what to do, how to live or be your authority. I will always love you, be there for you, and be ready to stand with you.”

Tragedy is 50-year-old children still being run by parents.  

Tragedy is over protective and controlling parents being totally shut out of their Kids lives.

Tragedy is when children become adults, the parents are not among their best friends.

Tragedy is when parents can’t wait for their kids to leave home and when kids can’t stand being around parents.

Ideas to avoid these tragedies:

Work hard to be fun and loving parents.

Make home a sanctuary, not a war zone.

Find gentle, kind ways to invite Abba Father, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit to be welcomed and valued guests in your lives.

Live daily with “what you appreciate appreciates.” Truly and totally appreciate each other. Work at it.

Forgive quickly. Don’t store up wrongs. Forgiveness asking is vital. Will you forgive me? How did what I did to you make you feel? Please forgive me–name it, own it.

Give more than you get. Learn to love to serve.

Days are long; life is short. About college age is when the wise parent begins the celebration process. It is both a sad and joyous moment. Every child deserves to be taught by example to be prepared for this moment and every parent should give their child this gift.


You are a miracle IF you Believe it! 

Published Date : November 19, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Hebrews Chapter 11 is called the faith chapter. It is a detailed account about the life of the saints who have gone before us and have demonstrated a life of faith. One of the key ideas of the chapter is that without faith it is impossible to please God.

As I was taking my interior journey this morning, I discovered a new concept. At least, for me it is new. For 20 years I have been consistently saying to people, “I know something about you; you are a miracle!” 

Reality hit me! We are a miracle only if we believe we are a miracle. 

Repeatedly in the Bible God calls us his miracle. This is a fact. God speaks truth. He cannot lie. 

People may tell us we are miracles. This may be their reality. Unlike God, people don’t always tell the truth. 

Until we personally believe we are miracles, the benefit of being a miracle cannot be experienced. Take an airplane as an example: you must get on the plane to experience the benefits to you the airplane provides.

I believe that immeasurable joy comes from telling others that they are miracles and seeing them become this miracle. 

The one person in my life who has believed that I’m a miracle more than any other is Susie, my wife. One of my many hopes is that my children would always remember they are miracles in my eyes.

Action point for today if we want to win the moment: 

Believe what God says about us; we are his miracle. 

Live like a miracle today. 

See the miracle in every person you meet today, and if appropriate, tell them they are miracles. 


PEACE - A Fruit of the Spirit

Published Date : November 16, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Peace is a virtue that helps solve conflicts and bring common sense to the argument. 

“Operate in peace” is a core value at NBC Camps. Peace is easily achieved when the ball bounces our way. Peace is a strange bedfellow when life is hard and painful. It is during these times the hard work training for peace is tested. 

Peace is vital when the heart doctor works on the child’s tiny heart, no bigger than your pinkie nail. No tolerance for mistakes.

Peace is critical when making the really tough decisions of life; do I do Chemo or do I go natural? Peace is the fruit of existential self-diagnosis skill mastery. Check out Crowell’s 7 Day Crash Course on EQ.

How do we grow peace?

image001For me, it begins with living in the reality of Psalm 23. For me, this means memorization of these powerful, life-changing words. For me, it means saying these words of light aloud during the idle moments of the day, and especially at night when awakened by the smallest sound.

When we arrive at the place in life where enough is enough; when we shall not want; when we are willing to lie down in the green pastures and still waters of life, peace has a chance to grow in us.

Few virtues have a higher yield than peace.

Peace is more valuable than being right in an argument.

Peace is more precious than buying cars, houses, boats, clothes and all those wonderful things that one day become our junk and someone else’s treasure.

Peace is a golden virtue.



Published Date : November 14, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Both lands were created to be the happiest places on earth. What happened?

Walt Disney had a dream. He wanted children to be able to experience happiness. Disneyland is Mr. Disney’s gift to millions and millions of people.

For months, 5-year-old Kingston and 3-year-old Gia Crowell have been counting the days to experience the happiest place on earth. What joy to see their excitement as we got to Disneyland.

Livingland was God’s idea to have the happiest place on earth.

Disney created the Matterhorn; God created Mt. Everest.

Disney created Grizzly Bear Run with rapids and giant rocks; God created the mighty rivers and oceans.

Disney created It’s a Small World; God created the World.  

Disney created Mickey and Minnie Mouse; God created Adam and Eve.

Disneyland and Livingland have much in common.

Both Disney and God created miracles for us to experience; yet the happiness factor is a personal choice. Happiness is not automatic.  

Both are very expensive. A day at Mr. Disney’s fantasy world designed to remove us temporarily from the grind of daily living costs 150 dollars admission. Livingland is costly as well.

Some days Disneyland has temperatures beyond comfortable, lines lasting an hour for one ride. Some days Livingland is just plain hard.

Fact is both Walt’s land and God’s world are about as happy as we choose to make them.

The big sign should read, Disneyland Happiest Place on Earth if You Choose to Make it Happy.

The same goes for God’s world. God’s Livingland Happiest Place on Earth and in Heaven if You Totally Surrender Your Life to Jesus Christ.

Susie is a Disneyland pro. Our Ferch family has five day Disneyland marathons with Susie and Jennifer leading the pack from opening to closing.

Through the years I have often asked this question to the folks who work at Disneyland. In your experience, what percentage of the people act like it is the happiest place on earth? 25% is the typical response.

Sound familiar to the 80 – 20 rule? Sound familiar to the Parable of the Sower?  

In this incredible world called earth, how many people do you know who love Livingland?  

How is it possible for people to say, “I am bored, there is nothing to do.”  

How is it possible to go to Disneyland and be unhappy? Same reason, unhappiness is all about us.

The next 3 days at Disneyland are going to be exactly as happy as I choose to make them.

The same goes for the rest of my life in Livingland. It will be as I will it to be.

Not what happened; it’s make it happen.



Published Date : November 13, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Inventions are the results of women and men with exceptional imaginations.

In the animal kingdom, no creature has the gift of imagination. Imagination is a gift that separates humans from every living thing on the planet. 

Air travel began with imagination.  Neil Armstrong walking on the moon was the imagination of President John F Kennedy proclaiming we would walk on the moon in 10 years.

One of my favorite songs is “I Can Only Imagine.” 

“I can only imagine what it will be like
When I walk by your side
I can only imagine what my eyes will see
When your face is before me
I can only imagine”

Sports psychologists call imagination, visualization. I recall reading about a free-throw experimentation. 

Group A practiced shooting free throws in the gymnasium. 

Group B practiced shooting free throws in the classroom by imagining shooting free throws. 

Group B had better success!

Like any gift, imagination can be used effectively or it can be used destructively.  People close to me say I have a vivid imagination. I cultivated this early in my life to escape a negative environment.

My imaginary world was safe and successful.  However, it was a way to escape reality, not face and live life fully.

When St. Paul wrote, “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things pass away, all things become new.”

I believed he was talking about me. I prayed for courage to live in reality and to use His gift of imagination in positive ways.

Over the past 17 years I have endeavored to become an amateur Ignatius scholar. I am attracted to Ignatius because he was a soldier, who on his death bed, turned to God to find meaning and purpose in his life.

During studies of Ignatius with guidance from my spiritual mentor, Father Bernard Tyrrell, the most kind man I have ever known, I have learned to use the gift of imagination in a healthy way. 

St. Ignatius teaches the value of using imagination when reading the Bible. One example is using imagination to live through the scene with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Each time I experience this in my imagination there is a profound impact on me.

Imagination is truly a gift from our Heavenly Father. Thank you for this gift. I ask you to help me use it, to know you more fully and enjoy you more completely.


LOVE-what is it? Why is it important?

Published Date : November 11, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

For reasons I cannot explain the whole idea and notion of love has been gripping my mind and heart.

The easy thing to do is ask SIRI to give me a definition of love. Paul’s famous chapter 13 of I Corinthians is commonly used to define love… love is patient, love is kind, love does not seek its own benefit, etc.

But my mind and heart want a more existential experience of love and why it is important.

As I meditate on my life experiences with the wonder and mystery of love.

As I reflect on how wonderful love makes us feel and how terrible the opposites of love makes us feel.

As I see the pain of self-destructive behavior.

As I see friends run from love.

I wonder, why we don’t forsake everything for the joys love brings?

The simple task of holding a gorgeous flower in hand and giving oneself permission to love this magnificent creation.

The simple yet near impossible task of looking softly and kindly at another human and saying three words, I LOVE YOU.

The simply task of taking out the garbage and being in love with the gift of motion as opposed to feeling abused to do a chore for the family.

Personally, I delight in thinking about all the ramifications of what love is and what love is not.

For this I know, when I am in a state of loving, life is more kind, more rich, more beautiful.

I like being in the state of loving God, all of His creation; especially His people. I guess this answers the why!

Love just is! Love is not doing. Doing is the result of loving. God is love. Because God is in us, we are love. Unless, of course, we choose to reject God.



Published Date : November 9, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“Defense is the best offense in basketball and in lifeball” – Fred Crowell

One of my father’s passions I inherited was a clean car. When I stepped up to the counter to pay for the car wash, the cashier was sobbing. She rushed into the bathroom! Her boss stepped in to collect payment.

Evidently, a prior customer had ripped into her. This was not the  first time this had happened.

This event has given me an opportunity to befriend this young woman, so lacking in personal confidence.

Each time I have my car washed, I hope to help build her confidence. These are the tiny steps I take to teach her to guard her mind and heart:

1.  Encouragement: Speak life into her by telling her positive things I see in her. “I noticed how nice you treated the customer before me.”

2.  Ask permission to tell her a key to guarding your mind and heart. “Can I tell you how I learned to deal with difficult customers?” With a yes, I tell her to have an imaginary plastic shield between her and the customer. This shield protects you.

3. Recognize 20% of your customers have incredible personal pain. Therefore they hurt people. Don’t take their anger personally.

I wish I would have learned to guard my mind and heart earlier in my life.  The good news is, we can start right now by this very moment.

When we guard our minds and hearts, we have freedom to love others and live with peace and joy.

As always, I back up my belief system with the Word of God. Paul’s powerful request in Romans 12 is my source in guarding my mind and heart.

“I beg you my brothers by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you might prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1



Published Date : November 8, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

These past few days people have asked me questions that are extremely difficult. There doesn’t seem to be a helpful answer. 

Five years ago Bill Brick and I became friends for eternity. Bill had invited three of his buddies to vacation with him in Cabo San Lucas.

This vacation would be Bill’s last and final vacation. Bill had stage 4 prostate cancer.  

One of the friends asked me if I would come to Bill’s villa. Vividly I recall asking my son-in-law, Shann (who I call Doc), “What do I say to a dying man?”

Doc gave me a book by Henri J. M. Nouwen, Our Greatest Gift: A Meditation on Dying and Caring. This remarkable priest was wise in Godly wisdom. Chapter 3 was counsel on what to say to a dying man. 

In essence, Father Henri’s advice was to listen, to love unconditionally, to care and to pray. 

For nearly one week a good part of my vacation was at Bill’s side. We became brothers. For months Bill and I talked long distance. Bill read Meet My Head Coach. Before he was ready to close his eyes for the last time, Bill had discovered the grace and mercy of Jesus, his new Lord, and savior.

Ironically, as I listened, loved, cared and prayed for Bill, his kind of cancer that I had defeated 7 years earlier was back knocking at my door. It was months later when this reality hit home. 

It became my destiny to walk through the cancer valley of the shadow of death. Prostate cancer would be the stalker. To survive I would need to master the life skills only God is qualified to teach.

The learning curve has been very steep. It continues to be a monstrous climb. As others have seen the light, love, and life of Christ in me, many doors have opened. 

Today a highly depressed, sick man asked me, “Fred, how are you able to be so happy?”

This is how I answered this discouraged child of God:

“During the darkest days of my life, it was clear no one or no possession could erase my depression. Hope had vanished like a ghost. No matter how much my wife Susie and my entire family loved and served me, I could not find joy. 

At these times of intense trials, the discovery of the love and grace of God came to me. My focus is to win the moment.  if I win the moment, I can win the minute; then the hour and then the day.”

Psalm 20, 23, 63, 91, 103; Philippians 2 and 4; Zephaniah 3:17; Isaiah 41;1-3 are my home.  

This is where I invite my friends to join me, so they may fight to win the moment as well.



Published Date : November 7, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Opening words of song Bring Him Home from Les Miserables

For days these words “God on high hear my prayer” have been floating through my mind and whispering softly through my lips.

Les Miserables is by far my favorite musical. Our eldest grandchild played the adult Cosette to packed Spokane audiences for 32 performances. Susie made 17; me 13. It was heaven on earth.

For your listening pleasure and spiritual renewal go into silent mode, your sacred place I like to call my Secret Garden and listen to two world class performers sing Bring Him Home.

Between the two, Colm Wilkinson and Josh Groban, over 5 million people have listened to these inspiring words, sung with maximum skill.

For your convenience, I have given you the links to refresh your soul and help you move forward today with Hope.

Colm Wilkinson

Josh Groban



Published Date : November 5, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news.” – St. Paul

Today in reading Romans 10, I join Paul’s longing in his heart for people to be saved. Like in ancient Rome, in our time misdirected zeal is creating pain, hate, distrust and violence in our world, in our nations, in our cities, in our homes, and in our individual lives. 

Today our world is in grave conflict, nations on high alert against each other, cities unsafe, homes divided daily, and far too many people suffering. 

Personally my heart is hurting for a truly delightful young man who is being destroyed by heroin, and as of now I have not been able to help. 

In light of this bleak picture of our world, where do I turn for hope? What has worked for me all these years as I have traveled through the valley of the shadow of death Psalm 23 talks about?

Through my darkest days fighting cancer, it has become crystal clear my hope is in the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul says what I believe so well:

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”  For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” – Romans 10:9-13

Prayer for today:

Dear Lord,

Yesterday you inspired me to reflect on good byes and hellos. This holiday season I ask you to make each hello and each good bye a moment of letting the light, love, and life of Christ shine in and out of me so that I can be one of your messengers of Hope.



Published Date : November 2, 2016
Categories : Faith, Life, Words of Hope

What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which one can say,
“Look! This is something new”?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.

Recently I posted in the business section on the Crowell 7 to 10 business rule. This week I am reading the book: Essentialism.

The author traces this rule as far back as the 1790’s when Wilfredo Pareto came up with the Pareto Principle; 20% of our efforts produce 80% of our results. 

Quite possibly this is what Solomon meant when he wrote, “everything is meaningless.” Ecclesiastes chapter one is rich in profound questioning.

Jesus expounded on the 20/80 principle when he confounded the religious hypocrites of his day by telling them a parable of the farmer who sowed grain; 75% failed, while 25% succeeded. 

So what? Yet, what if life is truly meaningless unless we find the treasure of true meaning? What if true meaning is boiled down to knowing God and enjoying him forever?

Today life has great meaning as I live in the reality of Psalm 23.  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, for all I want is God, and He promises me I am all His. Life now has meaning.



Published Date : November 1, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

True success is how far you are able to rise above the place of beginning.

If you start at zero and end up at 10 you are a true success.

If you start at nine and ends at 10 you are not a true success.

Duplicate bridge is one game that rewards getting the most out of what you have been given.

Each team plays the same hands of cards. The win goes to the partners who get the maximum performance.

Real success in life is measured and rewarded in the same manner. Some have been given much, but do little with what they have been given. This is not success.

The Apostle James gives us a formula for success.

The Apostle James gives us a formula for success:


James tells us pain, troublesome times, are the fuel needed for faith. Faith forces us to have endurance; a never quit attitude.

Endurance develops pure character. A life toolbox filled with pure character provides the correct instruments needed to help us solve the most difficult problems life throws at us.

As we count it pure joy when tough times come, we are best equipped to win the battle. If we fall into self-pity, life becomes more difficult.

I like the saying when the going gets tough the tough get going. Sometimes all we can can do is BUCK UP.   

Bucking up is like “acting as if” or “fake it until you make it.”

Never never quit is a choice.

As we embrace pain we develop faith which grows endurance that compounds into pure character which empowers us with the ability to win.



Published Date : October 30, 2016
Categories : Basketball, Faith, Family, Words of Hope

“You either rise up and cross the bar, or you lower the bar to cross it.”

Essentially, there are two ways in life to have success:

1. You get better, you compete and you excel.
2. You tear down your competition, you bring them down to your level. 

In nearly every discipline in America we are dumbing down rather than rising up. 

Basketball, the game I love, is no exception. The NBA is a show. It is theatre at its best. Rules change to help the offense score more points. 

Scores like 71 to 70 in the NBA scare the owners. I am a fan of LeBron but let me ask, “If LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time, why does he get three steps and not two like other players?”

Anytime you see a dunk coming, watch how many steps the dunker gets, and how other players often get out of the way.

Education has been dumbed down. Expectations are so low, breathing gets a passing grade in some schools. I estimate 80% of kids in school have a motivation problem and no “want to.”

At the University of Idaho, my freshman class was greeted by these words from the president:  

“Welcome, I have good news and bad news. First the good news, 50% of you will move on to next year, the rest of you will be gone.”

Today, it is all about retention. Universities boast about high retention scores. It is considered success. 

Parents dumb down expectations of their children. 

Too often, parents are more concerned about their child’s happiness, than their attitude and their behavior. 

It is “What does my kid have to do to get an A in your class?” Instead of “What are they learning to be successful?”

Today, educators bemoan the fact kids have changed so much and not for the good. 

My experience in 45 years of youth education screams aloud, “Kids have not changed! Expectations have changed!

I back this up with these facts. At NBC camps we set the bar high. We expect positive attitudes. We expect hard work. We expect respect for each other. “Want to” is king at NBC. 

You either get with the program or you can go home. Seldom, very rarely, does a student go home. 

Dumb up, not dumb down is a good way to say it. You get what you expect to get. You make your own destiny.

Paul, the amazing Apostle said, “Be not deceived. You reap what you sow.”



Published Date : October 28, 2016
Categories : Life, Words of Hope

“Once we admit life is hard, it is no longer difficult.” – Scott Peck

It baffles me when people; notably Fred Crowell, think we deserve an easy life. Somehow the tendency is to believe if we are a good person and work hard, we deserve to have a prosperous life. 

A few years ago we did an NBC Camp for the Tulalip Tribe. The coaches were guests at the five star hotel. 

Each morning it was necessary to walk through the gaming area for breakfast. One morning, bitterness gripped me as I watched hundreds of folks smoking cigarettes, eating plates full of junk food, and getting one arm exercises, pulling the lever for the hope of a coin. 

My question to God was, “How come I got cancer, and these people who are abusing their bodies, look cancer free to me?”

I’m not going to answer this question, because I don’t know the answer. However I do know what God expects me to do with the hand that has been dealt to me. 

My reality is that life is very difficult, and the rain falls on the just as well as on the unjust.

In James McDonald’s book, “When Life is HARD” he challenges us with three assumptions:

  1. When life is hard, it is for a reason. Do you know what trials are? And do you know God’s purpose for them?
  2. Don’t be indifferent when trials come your way. If they are not already here, they are coming.
  3. Get the full benefit from these trials. Life is short, and eternity is very long.

My personal resolve for 2016 has been to embrace the fact that life is hard, very hard.

Like the captain of the ship, I will not run from hardship, deny that it exists, or blame it on others. No, I will face my hardship by going into the storm, knowing that all things work together for good. To those that love God, to those that are called according to His purpose.

My game plan is to imitate those who have gone before me. Men, women, even children who have lived courageously. Lived fearlessly, embraced life with passion and loved relentlessly.

The book of James has played a major role in my 2016 foundation for winning the moment, so that I can win the day.

James admonishes and encourages us with these powerful words: 

“When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you’ll be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:2-4


Fred Crowell
Love you bro you stir me to life. - Fred
I'm on your team in this, Fred. Praying for you and Susie consistently James is awesome... "...he who looks into the perfect law of Liberty, and continues in it, this one will be blessed in whatever he does." E funk


Published Date : October 26, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

My professor early this quiet 5 am Saturday morning, Matthew, the former IRS agent (smile), records the Lords final encounter with Pilate.


Pilate asks, “ARE YOU KING OF THE JEWS? ”

Jesus replied, “YOU HAVE SAID IT.”

Jesus remained SILENT!

Silence worked then; it still works today.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking before the United Nations gave a blistery attack on UN members for not denouncing Iran’s blatant declarations to annihilate His people as Hitler did 75 years ago.

Then for 45 seconds which seemed an eternity, his eyes pierced member nation’s delegates eye to eye.

Even seeing in my home far from the scene I felt this incredible display of the power of silence.

Until 16 years ago silence was very uncomfortable for me. I remember clearly my first silence practice session. I set 3 minutes on my watch to see if I could be silent for this period of time. It was torturous!

BUT (50 years ago my U of Idaho prof said, “Look out for those BUT people”) BUT when the leading priests & elders made their accusations…

Lord today I renew and refresh my desire to be a Silence Master.

Today I raise my conscious to be mindful of:

Silence is my best friend for today.



Published Date : October 25, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“Evil destroys life.”

No chapter in the Bible has impacted me more than Paul’s Godly wisdom in Romans 6 where he teaches us to no longer be slaves to evil. I personally regard sin and evil as one in the same.

In my book MEET MY HEAD COACH, chapter 10 is titled, NO LONGER A SLAVE.  I confess Lord the life challenge I face daily, is to live a joyful life of freedom, free from sin, and free from any and all things that diminish the beauty and grace of life.

Lord, I think of so many who could experience freedom from evil if only they could experience the reality of Paul’s teaching in Romans 6, “alive to life and dead to sin.”

Amazingly Paul’s prescription for all types of evil is not based on human effort, hard work or sheer determination. To the contrary; the solution to addictions, poverty of spirit and all destructive behaviors is YIELDING and turning away from self, and turning to Christ.

The miracle of Christ’s message and the real kicker is that we don’t change so He accepts us, rather we come to Him so He can change us.

Such a mystery brilliant minds can’t even understand, yet so simple children comprehend and experience the joy of knowing Jesus personally, while often critical adults live without the joy He brings.

Today, this gorgeous autumn day I choose life. This truly is the day The Lord as made and I will rejoice in it. 



Published Date : October 24, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

  1. The priceless feeling coaching a 15 year old team to win the 16 year old Asian Championship.

  2. Waking up each morning in China.

  3. Traveling on a train at over 300 kilometers per hour.

  4. 20 to 50 high rise apartment houses being built  in what seems to be 20 to 50 individual towers. Each apartment 1500 to 2000 square feet. In 18 months you have an entirely new district. They finish one entire floor in three days, with 200 workers per building.

  5. Every American should see and breath China smog. Los Ageless smog looks good to me now. I wear face mask everywhere. Why are US leaders so panicked about how the USA is destroying the rest of the world?  We may very well have the cleanest air among the leading countries of the world.

  6. Amazing Chinese people. We see many genuinely happy people among the wealthy, as well as the normal people trying to carve out a living.



Published Date : October 22, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

When the going gets tough, stick with the game plan.

As I was reading the letter to the Philippians today, I observed Paul encountering STOPS. Stops can create negative emotions.  Each stop demands a new start. Starts require energy.

This week presented me with a stop.  Thankfully there is a life game plan in place.

This is my Lifeball Game Plan.

Be joyful always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks for this is God’s will for Fred Crowell in Christ Jesus.

Crowell’s. Big 5:

  1. God is who He says He is.
  2. God does what He says He will do.
  3. I am who God says I am.
  4. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  5. God’s word is alive and active in me.

I am believing God.



Published Date : October 21, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

This 3000 mile wall is for real! It kept China safe for centuries. Impressive in both length and height.

Even more sensational, it was built on jagged mountain ranges.

Considering strong hands, sturdy legs and powerful backs carried large stones by the millions to extremely difficult locations defies comprehension.

As big and strong as the Great China Wall is, the imaginary walls people can build (one word at a time), to keep them safe are just as real.

Essentially walls have two functions. Keep stuff out. Keep stuff in.

The Great China Wall is a man made wonder. It stands today as a symbol of man’s incredible gifting from a supernatural power.

If you asked me which fascinates me more:

The Great China Wall or the wall that can exist between families members, so deep, long and wide that there is total and complete separation.

The Great China Wall or two political candidates hammering each other word after word until the wall is so big and strong followers of one candidate cannot tolerate the other side’s followers.

Or how about this one?

The GCW (Good Christian Woman) or the teenager who is insolent to instruction. Their walls shouting loudly, “Keep your stuff out and know I am keeping my stuff in!”

In all three examples I chose people walls.

We are either building walls or tearing them down. We are taking people in, or keeping people out of our lives.

Wisdom is knowing who to take in and who to keep out.

Wisdom is Gods gift. Jesus walled off Satan. The Word is our WALL. In the beginning was the Word and it was with God and the Word was God and the Word became flesh.

In essence Jesus Christ is not only my Wall but He is my high tower, He is my rock, He brings wonderful people into my life and keeps negative people away.

One last thing about walls. There must be entrances and exits. Without these, walls become prisons. Without doors to our minds and hearts, we become frozen in time and in relationships.

The Great Wall of China is a powerful example of the need for careful construction of our personal entries and exits that protect us from destructive forces, from invasion and ensure what we treasure is not stolen.

Pure character qualities like the fruits of the spirt must be walled in, or they will be invaded and stolen; much like my newly planted Dogwood Tree. A hungry foe invaded my unprotected garden.

Fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patients, kindness, goodness, faith and self control.

Hall of fame Scripture instruction principle, “Guard your heart for from the springs of life” is crystal clear mentorship for wall building.

For a deeper read on the important of the Wall, read the book of Nehemiah.

Too often children come to NBC Camps void of parental instruction on Wall building. Often I wonder why children are not taught the skill of Wall building.

Do you have ideas?



Published Date : October 19, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

A dream is only a dream until you write out the dream in crystal clear terms; then it becomes a goal.

If only once in a lifetime you meet a person who brings inspiration and amazement to your life, you are fortunate and blessed.

Thankfully, I have had many once in a lifetime meetings, I have many friends that inspire and amaze. Friends that have truly changed my world, through their own personal excellence and passion for life.

For 15 years, beginning in 2001, I have been working on bringing basketball camps to China and Chinese students to NBC Camps in the US.

It has been a labor intensive experience. Two steps forward and three steps backwards has been the dance now for many years.

Have you heard of the theory of 21? A successful businessman told me the founder of his company was willing to work 21 years to win a major client.

This spoke profoundly to me. I still have 6 years to see NBC China happen! I will be 80 in 6 years. Get’er done is my goal.

Three years ago Mr. Gengqi Yang was introduced to me by the leadership at Skagit Valley College.  Mr.Yang is one amazing man. We are now business partners and friends.

My dream that started in 2001 is near reality. Mr. Yang is the owner and founder of NBC China. Our goal is to teach Chinese youth basketball and life skills.

Our big dream is to bring US and China youth together to make a better world, a safer world.

When we stop dreaming our dreams, life becomes mundane. When we write dreams down, they become goals and goals with a never quit attitude become reality.

What are your dreams?
Which ones are worth writing down?
Focus on one goal.
Pay the cost to get the goal done well.

Pray with me that I would finish this marathon of a dance, as this long awaited door slowly opens year by year.



Published Date : October 18, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

This thing I know, you and me are not what people think we are!

In fact, we are not what we think we are!

One of the great thinkers of our modern era wrote about this in his must read book, Psycho-Cybernetics.

Dr. Malts sets forth a strong case that it is only possible to know ourselves by knowing what God says about us. To know what God thinks and speaks about us, we must turn to the Scriptures.

For this reason, my wife Susie and I battle to win the moment, so we can win the minute, so we can win the hour, so we can win the day!

These are the five ways we prepare to win the moment:

We speak the big five relentlessly.

• God is who He says He is!
• God does what He says He will do!
• I am who He says I am!
• I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength!
• God’s word is alive and active in me!

Susie and Fred believe God; not what you or anyone says about us. We believe what God says about us; not even what we think about ourselves.

Psalm chapters; 8, 19, 20, 23, 32, 39, 51, and 63, give me a true account of who I am.

Romans chapters; 6,7, and 8, clearly describe Fred Crowell.

Who are you? It’s the most important life question, because you can’t become what you want to be until you know who you already are!



Published Date : October 16, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

Experience tells us when an exhortation is given in the negative, there is concern that the possibility of it happening is imminent!


• Don’t be late to the airport, you will miss your plane!

• Don’t cross the road without looking both ways, you might get hit by a car.

Guarding your mind and your heart against growing weary of doing good is an invaluable core value.

Because the apostles knew and understood the principle of crucial others, which requires a leader to have a proven track record (PTR), and are worthy of being imitated (WOBI), they too became masters of emotional intelligence (EQ).

Like Jesus, they dedicated and committed themselves to a life of never growing weary of doing good. Each apostle eventually became a martyr for doing good. Their doing good was good enough to change the world.

Today, not growing weary is doing good because according to some experts the ratio of receiving a high praise is 1 to 50. For every great email received, there will be 50 negative ones.

The two best ways I know how to not grow weary of doing good, is to do good for my Lord Jesus Christ and have no expectations of a thank you from people. Treating a thank you as a bonus and not a right is my goal.

Each day, I guard against writing an offensive WOH. Sometimes I lean to write about politics, school education or other issues that are on the agenda.

My reality is if I hit people’s hot buttons, 50 negatives may come back, yet it has never been my style to avoid controversy if it brings value.

Daily Words of Hope with Fred Crowell is to bring hope, not to hit hot buttons. It is clear to me hope is medicine I need today, tomorrow, and the next day.

Doing good is the fruit from my Hope Tree. At least one person we meet today needs some hope, presenting a perfect opportunity for doing good.



Published Date : October 15, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

For a father I’m not sure many joys surpass the privilege of having children becoming lovely, healthy, successful parents.

One of Crowell’s teaching principles is, “A son should become twice as smart as his Dad. Knowing everything his Father knows plus everything he knows, makes him twice as smart.”

Yesterday the only male on earth who calls me dad sent a great nugget, a valuable piece of information that makes you better for life, “What you appreciate appreciates.”

Reminds me of a counseling technique I often used to help save troubled marriages.

For a designated time period each partner was challenged to take the Crowell Marriage Mini Play. Both wife and husband pretended to be in a two act play. Their role was to pretend they were in love exactly like their courtship days. Usually the pretend play was for 3 days. During this time period zero criticism was allowed, and just positives were expressed.

Too often I could only get a single day commitment.  Yet as these couples focused on appreciating their partner an amazing thing took place. The major issues became less pronounced. Love returned. Appreciation grew.

Love is in the eye of the beholder.

This moment I choose to receive God’s appreciation for me so that I can grow in my appreciation for life people and my Lord.

Thank you Jay Crowell for being iron in my life. I appreciate you beyond appreciation.



Published Date : October 14, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Knowing, understanding and managing your feelings is the foundation of emotional intelligence.

Today the political debate rages on about three major factors: jobs, borders and safety. 

A couple hundred years ago there was rage over another political issue: publicly or privately funded education. 

As always, there were two opponents.  

One side claimed that the government was responsible to provide the citizenry with a free education, as education was essential for a democracy to survive.  

The opposition favored keeping government out of education because they feared that the primary purpose of education was to teach virtue and character. Their premise was if government took control, virtue and character in education would vanish. 

As for me, I did not come to my opinions doing a doctoral thesis. I am not a research scientist. I did not earn a doctorate from a prestigious university. 

Fact is, I am a basketball coach who happened to do marriage and family counseling for a number of years.

I happened to speak in both public and private schools on numerous life topics such as “Saying No To Drugs.” Of all my speaking engagements, I have really enjoyed sharing with teachers the Seven Laws of Learning, that I learned from my very best teacher. 

I did academic counseling for a couple years at a community college, where I happened to start a basketball camp, that in a sense went viral. Thousands and thousands of kids have learned “want to trumps how to” at NBC Camps

The use of “happened to” in the previous sentence is to accentuate these life experience were not planned. They just kind of happened which makes life both mysterious and exciting.

I tell you all this because I am going to challenge my reader’s EQ maturity level and it may evoke some anger in some of you. 

If you find yourself getting worked up, read my Words of Hope The Snake Line.

My goal today is to fire up your emotions. I want you to care. We all need to get worked up, but in a positive way. We need to act on what we learn from this WOH. Agreeing to disagree is a good thing. 

My pastor made a brilliant point, “Be wary when everyone in the room is perfectly in agreement.”

Here goes: Fred Crowell’s truth/opinions. Disclaimer: this is my reality. 

  1. The opponents of free government education were right. Their fear of government taking control of education, causing character and virtue to vanish from the educational process has become reality.
  2. In Soviet Russia, Lenin and Stalin took virtue and character based on Biblical principles out of education with military force. The United States has taken virtue and character based on Biblical principles out of government education with lawyers and legislation. 
  3. 95% or more of the educational process in the USA is IQ education. EQ education is virtually nonexistent.  
  4. I estimate, based in the principle of the parable of the sower, 8 out of 10 students do not want to be at school on any given day. 80% of students do not know the want to factor, which is sound emotional intelligence. The same goes for many of the teachers. Ouch!
  5. If it is true, that the USA is ranked 30th in educational excellence throughout the world, I believe it is because we do not teach emotional intelligence. We have a “want to” educational problem. Learning begins with attitude. Tragically, we do not teach EQ. 
  6. I disagree with the educators and politicians who preach the educational problems of America can be solved with more money. Money is not the problem. EQ is the problem.
  7. Attitude, emotional intelligence, the “want to” factor is the the key. Until you deal will “want to” the “how to” doesn’t even become relevant. The how to, or IQ will never take place.
  8. The holy grail of education should not be IQ tests. Help me understand, how is the SAT a measure of intelligence and life success?

A student of privilege attends a private school at nearly $20,000 dollars per year. Beginning at grade 7, practice for mastering the SAT Begins. On vacation trips to Mexico and Hawaii, this student practices SAT tests, and surprise! We have a national merit scholar and an Ivy leaguer!

Another student lived in a home without books. This child works 29 hours a week to help pay family bills. Never studies or practices SAT tests. Scores poorly. Surprised?

Conclusion. I am fired up. My question is two fold. How can Fred Crowell be game on today with my EQ? What don’t I need to be doing today? Today is a special gift, to breath life and to be fully alive. To be aware not only of my EQ but also the EQ of every person God brings my way today. 

Who can I encourage and be His light too, through His love and His Life today. As St Paul said, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”  Since we are alive, let’s live. 



Published Date : October 13, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“Do what you can with what you have left.”  – Jay Carty

Thank you Jay Carty for answering the questions to Words of Hope.

Jay is in the Fred Crowell Hall of Fame book for spiritual giants. The 6′ 9″ former Oregon State University All American and Los Angeles Laker stands even taller in the game of LIFEBALL (the best game on earth).

Jay is the founder of YES ministries. Jay has been saying YES to Jesus for 45 years. Between the two of us we have been teammates for Jesus for 95 years. As in hoops, I’ve tried to get him the ball.

Carefully read Jay’s answers to the questions I posed on a recent Daily Words of Hope.

Better yet, do the hard work; answer these questions yourself so that you can “Do what you can with what you have left.”

God bless you Jay Carty. Thank you for the 45 years I have seen you live Christ with all your mind, heart, and soul. You clearly have lived St. Paul’s definition, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” – Galatians 2:20 

Jay Carty’s Answers:

1. Why am I awake, rather (alive)?

I was given 2.5 years to live 5 years ago. I am supposed to do what I can with what I have left and get to know my Savior and Father more and more in the process.

2.  Why am I excited about what I get to do today?

My days are filled with divine appointments. It is always exciting to see what God is going to do.

3. What makes life worth living? 

After 60 years with one woman our love for each other continues to grow. I’ve spent 45 years walking with my Savior and my love for Him continues to grow. I am anxious for heaven but I’d like a little more time with my wife and I’d like to learn more about my Jesus before I meet him face to face.

4. What stops us from answering these game changer questions?

Busy-ness and the tyranny of the urgent. It is hard to keep the main thing central in our increasingly busy world.



Published Date : October 12, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“Each rowing the boat in the same direction.”

It seems to me there is a magnetic force of some sort trying to make us all the same; yet, at the same time an opposite force driving us to be unique. This dynamic power creates tension; too often stress; and even more damaging, broken relationships.

A university is the unification of many colleges; therefore, out of diverse intellectual pursuits we call colleges, comes a university. The beauty of diversity is that university is possible, but only if each independent entity seeks unity.

Few places on earth display more diversity than New York.  30,000 yellow cabs slipping, swishing, moving at all hours through a city that never sleeps. I marveled riding shotgun in a yellow Prius taking us to the Regal Princess. Honestly, I was mesmerized at the unity amidst diversity among the yellow cabbies. Too often I expected bent fenders only to see two diverse drivers fluidly flow through heavy traffic without touching each other.

How is it possible to have such unity in congested traffic? I did not see one traffic accident!

Yet, in our homes we have traffic accident after traffic accident. I read a few days ago the 2010 censes recorded 2,000,000 marriage licenses purchased and 872,000 divorces and annulments!  This is nearly 50% home accidents! 

Jesus tells us the answer in His last and final prayer. He prays, “Father, the hour has come, glorify thy Son.” In this amazing prayer Jesus asks His Father for ONE THING and one thing only!

What is this one request all of us should be asking?

Jesus asked for diversity to become university. He asked each of us to take our individuality, our diversity, to become united in our pursuit of excellence.

To me this means doing what I need to do to make my marriage work; to be a productive member of the NBC team, to live in peace and harmony with others so far as it is possible within me.

So much pain in our world; so much self destruction; so much violence; so many broken homes; so much PAIN. STOP IT!

The notion it is impossible to change others but by the grace of God I can change me wrings so loudly to me today.

I am all in today to be seeking unity not diversity. To change me; not try to change you!



Published Date : October 11, 2016
Categories : Basketball, Words of Hope

So easy has become the favorite expression after a shot is made among our amazing 15 year old Chinese boys Basketball team in Jiaozuo, China.

An elegant question: When does so hard become so easy?

Grace and ease is the reward for the craftsman who has been willing to toil up to 10,000 hours, putting in the hard work, to the point that so easy is their reality.

How many, so hard times did it take for the carpenter to drive six inch nail after nail with so easy perfection, with only three blows and with grace and ease?

How many, so hard, practices does it take till learners say, I love you, I am proud of you, will you forgive me, in such a way it appears to be so easy, with Grace and ease?

How many times must a toddler fall, so hard, to walk, so easy, with grace and ease?

The number one goal given to my USA coaches who dream to teach shooting it to reach so easy.  We are now on the so hard faze.  We seek the so easy faze.

The Chinese boys are the most teachable and eager to learn basketball players I have ever coached.

When they make a score with perfect shooting form, we often yell, So Easy!

Maybe they like it because the words said slowly sound like music. SO O O O  E A S Y!

So easy has a beautiful ring to it. Living in grace and ease is maximum living. There is no better place to be than when we make living look so easy.

Jesus once again said it in the best way; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. – John 10:10b



Published Date : October 10, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

If we love people more than things we will use things to help people

If we love things more than people we will use people to get things.

Today I shift the focus from Matthew to Paul.  Romans is the book I will explore with the passion I imagine Columbus, Lewis & Clark, Shakleton and others had in their searches for adventure and treasure.

Paul wrote Romans with lawyer like precision. He wrote from personal experience as a Jew, a Roman citizen, and with an education equal to doctorate degrees from Yale, Harvard or Cambridge; Paul was the premier Rhodes Scholar of his day.

Like Levi converted to Matthew, Saul was promoted to a better man. He became Paul, an apostle of the Lord.

In his life as Saul, he was a master at using people to get power and to destroy lives.  He ended up on the road to Damascus to kill more Jews, blind and void of peace. Like Levi Jesus took notice of Saul.

Paul was his new name. He became the one called the greatest of all the apostles the most. Personally I delight in trying to imitate Paul; because no one, except Jesus, was more effective at using things to loving people. In fact, Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”  Either a gigantic brag or a humble truth.  I see it as the later.

Countless words from Paul have inspired millions of people to love people more than things, and I am most blessed to be one of them. The one passage that has sustained me above all in beating the dirty, little, stealer of dreams and life, cancer, is “Be joyful always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks for this I God will for you in Christ Jesus.”

In the days forward I pray, Lord, inspire me as never before to love people more than things. To use the things you give me, to be a blessing to people; especially those who are most close to me.  Help me love you more than the trappings, the gadgets, the amazing things this world offers, because in the end ALL THINGS BECOME JUNK.

Paul’s exhortation in his letter to the Corinthians rings loud to me this October 2015 morning.

If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation.  Thank you Lord of Lords and King of Kings for making me a new Creation. My old things have passed away. All things have become new.

Today like Paul I aspire to use things to inspire people.



Published Date : October 9, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

A lesson in excellence.

I clicked on Mr. iPhone when reaching the after deck on the Regal Princess. Dear Alaska friend Peggy Lasher sends many of us daily Bible verses. Today’s choice was a favorite; it’s home is Hebrews 12:1-2. In essence the challenge is to drop the backpack filled with the rocks of life, loading us down and preventing victorious living.

There are bleachers filled with those who love us, hoping and even some praying for us to “run to win!”

As Princess cruised towards Providence my mind rowed thru many thoughts about Lamar Odom who is fighting for his very life in a hospital in Vegas. Lamar was a superstar for my buddy Jim Harrick at Rhode Island.

Lamar’s backpack filled with millions of dollars, NBA championship rings, and the glitz fame demands have taken this gifted athlete to the sidelines.

My heart goes out to Odom. My heart goes out to all of us who find our backpacks loaded with rocks. In Romans Paul calls these rocks sin.

Today Lord I give you my backpack. Therefore, I run to win the moment, so wining the day is my reality at bedtime tonight.



Published Date : October 7, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Yesterday is today in China. Today is tomorrow in the USA.

Amazing things happen to the body when it is subjected to two times zones.

Spokane and Jiaozuo are 15 hours different in time. Now it is 3 AM in Jiaozuo. In Spokane time it is Noon.   

Why am I awake? Why am I so excited to be alive? What makes life so worth living?

These are elegant questions. There are no set in stone; right or wrong answers.

But these are questions worthy of being asked and answered.  

These are questions 9 out of 10 people never take time to ask and answer.

Why? What is the reason 90% of you’re and my friends have never taken time to get alone with pen and paper in hand a write crystal clear personal answers to the following questions:

1.  Why am I awake, rather (alive)?

2.  Why am I excited about what I get to do today?

3. What make life worth living? For you? For me?

4. What stops us from answering these game changer questions?

Some common excuses you may give:

Send me your answers; and I will send you mine.




Published Date : October 5, 2016
Categories : Basketball, Words of Hope

Anacortes basketball boy becomes basketball old man in China.

Today is my first day in Beijing. My partner Mr. Lao Yang tells me we meet some “Big People” this morning. Then we take a fast train covering 300 kilometers in 3 hours.

Serious basketball teaching and coaching starts tomorrow.

As I sit here with a glass of water and coffee, I think back to the little house near the high school where I picked up a basketball at age four. I vividly remember trying to figure out how to toss the ball up at the seemingly 100 foot rim.

Looking back moves my heart to tears of joy. Why me Lord? Thank you Lord!

Living in the moment thrills me. I am in heaven. The table next to me has four folks using chopsticks with their food. Wow! They are good.

There is talk all around me. I don’t understand one word. Yet I understand smiles and happiness. I see life. It is good.

Looking forward I see endless possibilities. I see adventure. New people to encourage with Oxygen and acts of kindness.

Life is a gift. This trip to China is a gift. I treasure it. I treasure you, my readers.

It is pure gold when you take time to send me some of your oxygen/encouragement.

Let us encourage or stimulate one another to love and good deeds; for there is no greater right or privilege on planet earth, than to help another find joy, grace, mercy and peace.


The Missing BILLFOLD

Published Date : October 4, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Peace is the virtue that moves frustration and or conflict to resolution and consolation.

The billfold is my best piece of exercise equipment. Rarely is there a day I don’t spend five minutes searching the house and two cars to find my dear friend, Mr. Bill Fold. 

Bill safely keeps all my important documents; credit cards, driver’s license, insurance card, Social Security card. 

Ironically I am prone to leave Mr. Fold here, there and everywhere. One day I leave it on the floor of my car, next time it’s Susie’s car. 

Other times it is my office at NBC or home office, kitchen counter or laundry room. Who knows? Billfold gets to go many places with way too much freedom.  

Sunday, church day, was especially busy. Cooking Crowell Specialty Pancakes for granddaughter, packing for China, lots going on.

To my chagrin, by early afternoon Mr. Bill Fold had decided to hide from me.  

A 20 buck reward offer to the granddaughters still did not find my sneaky friend. 

Susie the Hawk; eagle eye and all, did not find Bill. 

Pastor Ryan, bless him, crawled on his knees looking for the precious Crowell Wallet, but no luck. 

By 6 pm I cried uncle. It was lost. But how did I lose it?

At this moment of helplessness, and turning it over to the Lord, was the path to peace. As Corrie ten Boom said, “Nestle not wrestle.”

We decided to cancel my credit cards. We believed the Lord would get us to China and back without Mr. Bill. Sad because no matter how much I need him, he gets left.

After a great movie, Hill Song, and some fabulous (fake) Chinese food at P.F. Chang’s, I went to the parking garage to get the car for Susie, Guess What

Mr. Bill Fold had decided to ride to church on my roof rack. Bill wanted fresh air. How did Bill hang on at speeds of 50 miles per hour?

Can you imagine Bill Fold’s athleticism? He rode nearly 40 miles and sat on the roof of Susie’s car in a city parking garage for 4 hours!

Not one dollar was missing. Wow!

The lesson for me is no matter how hard I try sometimes, it just isn’t good enough. 

At these times I stop to find His peace. Remarkably grace and mercy were my portion. 

My Chinese aircraft just landed in Beijing. 

Bill Fold stayed Home. Mr. Pass Port is my companion. Best not be negligent with him or I may be in China a long time.




Published Date : September 30, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Every boy has a dream, every boy is a miracle, every boy has failures, every boy deserves a real chance to make their dream come true.

With deep gratitude I thank you Russ Stover, for trusting me to deliver 135 Seattle Post Intelligence newspapers in my beloved Anacortes, Washington. I was 11 years old.

The  life lessons were huge. The job began with some difficulty. My predecessor had cheated Mr. Stover by pocketing money. Russ asked me to collect payment as well, but he didn’t know who had or had not payed for the previous month.

Gingerly I knocked on door after door to collect. Initially it was going smoothly.

Some said, “Well son, we already paid for last month.” Others gladly shelled out the buck-85.

Yet, there is a villain in every story. There was a row of shacks, straddling a drain runoff to the sea. It was scary, even in daylight for a child.

Knocking at the door with great fear, an old man opened the door. “May I collect for the paper?” I asked.

Immediately I was running up the gravel road running for my life as a yelling angry man was chasing me with a cane in his hand. To make it even scarier, he was shouting at me in a foreign language. Thankfully I could out run him.

Mr. Stover made peace for me with that man. I began to faithfully deliver his paper. Each month he gave me a small tip. Some days in the wee hours of the morning he even asked if I wanted water.

One day, the man, once tall and powerful asked, “Would you put my paper inside my house?” It was no bigger than a backyard shed.  

Though fearful this began a daily ritual. An almond bar became a weekly gift for my extra trouble. Overtime, as I look back – we became dear friends. His paper boy may have been the only daily human contact he had.

After two years of faithful service Mr. Stover offered me a career advancement. The number one paper route. Bigger homes, the best in the town, more customers, and best of all, yes, filthy lucre. Money drives the bus.

Yes, was my immediate response. Thinking of the enormous tips and gifts at Christmas. My old town route produced amazing tips, thank you’s and immediate monthly payments. 35 dollars was my joyful bounty at St. Nick time.

Surprisingly collections were much more difficult on the new route. Since the Crowell’s lived in a borrowed house, we assumed folks in big houses were rich. Vividly my memory banks recall this scene.

Big, fancy house. Knock, knock. Door opens.

Five or six adults having drinks in comfortable chairs. Lady asks, “May I help you?”

“Collecting for the paper,” I say. She looks back to the owner sitting in chair with glass in hand.

He yells, “Tell him to come back I don’t have any money right now!” Boom. How can you live in a big, fancy house and not have a buck-85?

Christmas was a filthy lucre disaster. Few gifts, $15 not $35 in cash was my reality even though many customers demanded me to put the paper inside the screen door. A costly time eater for a right handed flame thrower on the pitchers mound who could lay a rubber band wrapped paper from sidewalk to perfection at 30 plus feet.

Russ Stover was my boss for nearly five years. I retired at age 15. No longer could I wake at 3:30 or 4 each a.m.  Basketball was my dream.  Giving up my only source of income was one of life’s worst feelings, no money, not a single dime. My dream was only possible because a college basketball scholarship, which was my ticket to freedom.

Mr. Stover, I thank you for giving me the privilege to work for you. You believed in me when I had no reason to believe in myself.

Paper boys of old learned the truth about people. These lessons shared here are the foundations NBC Camps are built on.

Honor all people; especially the paper boy, the busser, the garbage man, the maid. These are often the best people on earth.



Published Date : September 29, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“Without people to cheer there is no such thing as a ‘Star’.” – Arnold Palmer

Arnold Palmer was one of golf’s greatest players but more clearly Arnold’s greatest award is the “one who valued the fans.” Palmer is an icon because he was the best of the best in every way.

Make no mistake about it the biggest fans at the Crowell’s home are two miniature Poms; Mighty Might and Keiki.
They love us. They long to be with us.
They actually get depressed when we go on vacation.
They are true fans; not fickle, like those who fly with the winning teams and depart from the losing one’s.

I want to be your best fan are words every child delights in hearing from their Father. Fathers give boys their identity. Sons imitate fathers. Dads give daughters a sense of safety and security. Every daughter loves a father who treats her like a princess, yet expects her to be a lady.

The day a baby girl comes into the world, life changes for the family.  Something about a girl. The old saying, “A son is  son until he takes a wife but a daughter is a daughter all of her life.” 

When parents are the children’s best fans and children are the parents best fans look out!  It doesn’t get any better until the grandparents who long to be the worlds greatest fans!  Bam!  I love being my kids and their kids greatest fans.

Great question. Who are you fans? Better question who calls you their fan.

To have fans the best way is to be a fan. No question, do doubt, absolutely a fact, Jesus lived in such a way His followers knew He was their greatest fan.

I dare say there is not a human on the planet who could convince me that Susie, Jennifer and Jay are not my greatest fans. Fred C is a star in their lives; not because I deserve it; it is their gift to me. That said, not hard for me to believe knowing what I cannot see as fact; Jesus Christ is your fan and also my fan.

Jesus Christ is my star; I am His fan! I delight in being All His. He is worthy.



Published Date : September 27, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Tribute to the late Americo Makk, one of modern day’s greatest artists.

Americo invited me to watch him paint one afternoon in his home in Honolulu. It was a fascinating experience.

Check it out. I call it “Unfinished Man” because there was further brush to canvas work to be done to meet the artist’s high standards.

Unfinished Man is my reminder that The Lord Jesus Christ is still painting my life picture. I am an unfinished man. This inspires me, motivates me, and encourages me.

As I walk the hallway in our home Americo Makk’s two photos of Venice greet me with ease and grace; two ways I choose to live my life.

Americo and his wife came to New York in 1961. They were people without a country.

Americo was born in Budapest. In 1956 he fled Hungary in the middle of the night. He was the only passenger on a train headed to Vienna. He had no legal papers. Many of his friends had been sent to Siberia by the Russians who occupied his beloved country.

Miraculously, Americo made his way to Rome to study art on a scholarship granted by the Italians; if he could find a way to get there.  

There he saw the love of his life.

Eva, also Hungarian but was born in Ethiopia. Her ancestry was of royalty.

Germany forced Hungary to fight with them in WWI. Unlike the Swiss, they had no choice.

Eva’s father said, “Never again.”  He foresaw WWII on the horizon. He left his remarkable country that was robbed of over half its land as penalty for being slaves to the German War machine. He and his wife moved to Africa. He became Master of Agriculture for Haile Selassie, the Emperor where Eva was born.  

WWII changed it all for Eva’s family. Even though her parents had immunity, a British Officer had 5 year old Eva and parents arrested and placed in an internment camp. From luxury to communal tent living became their reality.

Eva was brilliant with paint and brush. She, too, earned a scholarship to learn from the best of the best. Italian art was the place to become world class.

There he met the love of his life. Today she is considered by many to be the greatest living Impressionist. The Crowell’s believe Eva Makk is one of the most gracious, generous people we have known in our lifetime.

As you meditate on Unfinished Man use this silent time to reflect in your unfinished humanity. It is wonderful to behold and to know unfinished as we all are, the God of the Universe knows us by name and is painting us to be like His Son.

Is there a more noble idea? Is there a more gracious act? Is there one reason not to surrender all that we are or ever hope to be to the one who died on the cross so that we may live?

We have enough, it is enough. We live in “want” and we never run out of “want.”

Enjoy Fred’s Americo Makk Mini Art Gallery. For the real thing go to

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Published Date : September 24, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

These days enthusiasm is spontaneous for me. There have been times when enthusiasm has been hard-work.

Those difficult days putting one foot in front of the other demanded a heart of enthusiasm. It was “fake it till you make it,” or “act as if” days.

The beauty of enthusiasm is that it’s a choice. We can clothe ourselves in enthusiasm by a determined decision. It is this simple. Today I live enthusiasm.

Nearly 50 years ago a man told how he became a millionaire. He sold Swipe Soap. He recruited about 50 salesmen. They all went door to door.

PMA was the key. Positive mental attitude. Each morning the boss demanded each sales person to attend a 30 minute PMA session.

How is your PMA?!,” he shouted. With immediate response everyone stood to yell, “boy am I enthusiastic!”

Hundreds of thousands of NBC athletes learned PMA!  One spine doctor told me, PMA got him through med school.

Enthusiasm makes the difference. Enthusiasm is God’s gift to you and me.

Tim Wirkkala

Pictured is Tim Wirkkala a senior officer of Naselle Rock and Asphalt Company. Tim attended NBC camps 9 summers, and was a star on legendary Coach Patterson’s outstanding teams. Tim Wirkkala holds his enthusiasm desk mount he received as a member of Crowell’s Challenger Club. It has been on his dresser for over 25 years!

“NBC camps is the place my parents sent me to learn to live out their awesome dreams for me.” — Tim Twirkka



Published Date : September 10, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“A life lesson in being an over-comer not under-comer”

Saturday in Spokane is a lazy day for me. Lazy means I don’t have important tasks for NBC. Lazy days are luxury for me because there’s no schedule and no deadlines. Just an opportunity to do the little things that need to be done to live my life peacefully and enjoyably.

The day began at 5 AM with time by the fire with Susie. One task I wanted to accomplish, besides getting my car washed, was picking up my test scores at the doctor’s office.

Cancer test scores always quicken my heart and give me a measure of trepidation. The nurse who greeted me told me it was not possible to release the score.

She was very nice so I asked her if she would like me to sing her a song before I left. She said “Of course.”

I began to sing Jingle Bells which caused both of us and several in the waiting room to laugh, and then I told her what I really wanted to sing and I asked if she knew the song “It Is Well With my Soul.” The nurse said no, but another patient knew the song and with a loud cheerful voice I say “it is well with my soul.”

Horatio Spafford wrote this song. He lost his fortune in 1871 in the Great Chicago Fire. Spafford lost four daughters when their ship sank. His wife, Anna, survived and telegraphed Horatio, “saved alone.”

It Is Well With My Soul has encouraged and inspired millions around the world. I am one of them and I shout as I sing today “it is well with my soul.” Join my choir and sing it. 

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,

When sorrows like sea billows roll;

Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,

It is well, it is well with my soul.

Well that was Saturday. We all had joy. Today is Monday. Today was test day at the oncologist. 

Like Mr. Spafford, my news was not what I wanted to receive. I give myself two hours to work through disappointment. Then it becomes time to live my life game plan. Be joyful always, pray without ceasing in everything for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Thank you Lord we offer you a sacrifice.

– Crowell



Published Date : September 6, 2016
Categories : EQ 101, Words of Hope

Ask any person this question!

In your formal education experience have you taken a class in school or college on EQ?

No will be the answer 99% of the time. In my experience over the past 3 years 100% have told me they have not had an EQ educational experience.

My conviction, based on 50 years of empirical research is that 99% of the education system is cognitive driven. IQ is the holy grail. Even though educational experts believe IQ is innate. It cannot grow and mature. 

A bleak notice for the kid who scores average to low in achievement tests. 

IQ education is the “know how,” whereas EQ is the “want to.” 

Frankly, I want to hire and hang out with smart people – yet people with “fire in their belly” to make the world a better place are my kind of people. 

EQ is a better predictor of life success than IQ, but the majority of us cannot even define EQ. 

For this reason, I am taking 7 WOH to present the Crowell EQ 101 Crash Course.  

The class began September 6, so you may have to go back and review. Start slow and finish strong is the mindset. 

Each class day, 3 of Crowell’s 21 Character Qualities of EQ will be presented. For the serious life long learner, choosing one of the 3 to practice all day will prove to be both challenging, exhilarating and beneficial to oneself and others around you.



Published Date : September 5, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

The Pain Principle.
The David Principle.
The Mephibosheth Principle.

The Biblical story of two men, David and Mephibosheth, which depicts the pain principle so well; can be found in both Hollywood and life stories.

First, you have the pain element. There has to be pain in the story in order to have victory. The underdog becomes the top dog. The loser becomes the winner.

Second, you have the hero. The miracle benefactor. The star. The giver. The healer.

The one who always picks up the check at dinner, cooks and cleans for the guests, the person in victory. No pain. Life is good.

Third, you have the one in need of rescue. The one who requires something – be it money, love, sympathy, healing, a job, or attention. The person in pain. Life sucks.

Pain is not fun. We hate pain. No one volunteers for torture, yet suffering is woven in the fabric of life. No one, absolutely no one, gets through life pain free.

Everyone hopes and dreams of being a David, king of their castle or hut; boss of their business or tiny office at work.  

Being King is privilege. Being King may be as simple as mom being the boss of her house, coach being absolute dictator of the team, sibling being in control of brother or sister. Sports referee being able to say to a coach, “One more word out of you and you’re gone!”

Stories need pain, and a hero who solves that pain. Stories demand character progression.


Funny name by today’s English – Mephibosheth.

(Mephibosheth). Means Shame.

“Phib” was not his first name according to the historian who wrote the Old Testament story. His first name was Merib Baal. It means to run away.

Great movies often have a great chase scene. Someone is running from some sort of pain. Life is a series of either running away from pain or going into the pain to find victory.

This story is going to get longer and deeper. My fascination in personalizing the pain of David and Mephibosheth has been firing through my brain cells for several weeks thanks to our brilliant pastor, Ryan Miller, and dear friend, Steve Altmeyer, a Bible guru.

The Davids of the world avoid at all costs being a  Mephibosheth. When life’s pain takes away their David status, the learning curve is steep.

Heart attacks, car accidents, cancer, bankruptcy, death of a loved one, divorce often rip people of their David status. They now must ask for help. They become lame like our Mephibosheth.

Playing the character of Mephibosheth in a movie would be delightful. In some of the greatest movies of all time, Mafibs become the heroes. Movies like Patton, Bolt, The Princess Bride and Les Misérables are Crowell/Ferch Favorites.

Living “His legs were broken, he is lame,” is the the hard part.

We better learn how to live the Mephibosheth role when life is good, because some day it will be our part to play in our own life story.

Life lessons:

When living as a David – be a great King. Guard against arrogance. Be kind.

When living as a Mephibosheth – do all you can to win. Be grateful. Let people serve you if you have been a David all your life. If  you have never been a David find ways to be one.

If you are not in pain, shout for joy!

If in pain, don’t run from it; take it head on and win. Read 2 Samuel.



Published Date : August 28, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

What’s better than getting a text from a person you highly respect telling you that you are awesome?

Today one of my heroes, Roger Smith, texted me,”You were awesome on the NBC conference call today.”

My text back to Roger, “Takes awesome to recognize awesome.”

This reminds me when the Oarsman, Jay Crowell, sent me the nugget, “What you appreciate, appreciates.”

Matter of fact!

You can’t see what you don’t experience in your own life. 

You can’t give away what you don’t have in your own life. 

You can’t be what you don’t believe you can be. 

If awesome, greatness, love, joy, loss, pain, victory are not your life experiences, it is unlikely you can see these qualities in other people.  

Everyone enjoys a sincere compliment, however the compliment  that I received in this case was not the reason I was so blessed.  

Sometimes I am told, “You are awesome, Crowell!” But it does not impact.

Why is this so?

Because the compliment is tied to the giver of the compliment. The person who told me I was awesome, is super awesome in my eyes.  

For a person to see awesome in others, they must have awesome in themselves. 

The skill to encourage, inspire, love, and even suffer with those who suffer, begins with self. The healthier I am spiritually, mentally, and physically, the more quickly, and clearly I will see the needs and miracles in others.

Project for today: Spend 10 quiet minutes thinking about the awesomeness in yourself. Later, tell one person three reasons they are awesome.



Published Date : August 24, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Mike is an amazing example of a miracle.

Former superintendent of schools, coached two Washington State girls’ state basketball teams and one golf championship team.

Judy was the love of Mike and their son Eric’s lives. In their 43rd year of marriage, Judy ended a valiant fight with dirty Mr. Cancer.

Judy and Mike had built a beautiful home for their retirement years. An insensitive visitor during the final days of hospice said, “Judy you must be really sad you are not going to be able to enjoy your lovely, new home.”

Softly a very tired yet peaceful Judy said, “Oh No! I have an upgrade waiting for me in heaven.”

For the past three years Mike has allowed me to champion him as he did all my life.

Mike came into the world 385 days before me. I see him as the best older brother possible. He has cheered every success and suffered each loss during my life experiences.

Look carefully at the photo. It is a former train trestle. Thousands of logs came across Fidalgo Bay during our boyhood days in Anacortes to Uncle Walt’s log boom where we rafted logs.

Mike’s story moves us to compassion to all those in our world of influence. Fact is, we, or ones we love will walk alone on our separate paths.

Hope is at the end of the path. Gratitude is the path. The Lord’s love is fuel to our engine.

“All paths lead somewhere. Sunset in background. The path could lead to hope, happiness, joy, and home to a loved one.” – Mike Crowell

Thank you Mike Crowell for being a solid rock in my life. Thank you for your words of wisdom and photo that speaks a thousand words. I am not the only one who wishes to thank you today.

Mike you are a blessing to all who come in contact with YOU! Generous, compassionate, kind, trustworthy, character and integrity are qualities that come to mind when I think of you but what mostly what comes to mind is your love and commitment to family, friends and our Savior Jesus. You have been and continue to be an inspiration! Thank you for including me so I could share as well. God Bless the Crowell family!”
– Karen Evans

Tomorrow is a new day, whatever it brings.

Sometimes I wish I knew where it leads. I do know it is a lonely walk. These past two days I have walked over 28,000 steps. Hope keeps me walking to Him.



Published Date : August 21, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

If any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things passed away all things become new. – 2nd Corinthians 5:17

Attempting to change one’s self, this become clear: it is impossible. This is why the apostle Paul asked, “Why do I do the things I don’t want to do and don’t do the things I want to do?”

What is clear to me is, real change, deep personal change, is only possible through God transforming me. The founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill Wilson, proved this to be true in his life work called The 12 Steps, which begins with the admission that we must surrender to a higher power in order to change.

Early today, I took the journey to the Secret Garden which I wrote about in an earlier Words of Hope. I call it the “secret” garden because it’s very difficult to find, and the path there is only possible to discover by becoming quiet and still, then asking God to show you the way.

Once again, in Romans 12, Paul’s manual for success, gives us many principles to live by. For the remainder of this month, I’m going to work on three of Paul’s principles:

1. Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them.
2. Hate what is wrong. Hold tight to what is good
3. Take delight in honoring each other.

Heavenly father, thank you that your word is a light to my feet and a lamp to my path.


Published Date : August 18, 2016
Categories : Uncategorized

Augusta Precious Metals is an online retailer that supplies investors with physical gold and silver products at the lowest possible prices. Augusta pioneered the Home Delivery Gold IRA and coins have been the family business for over 40 years. With a commitment of helping Americans protect their hard-earned assets by making the gold and silver buying process EASY and SIMPLE Augusta has earned over 200 positive reviews on TrustLink. Stay up to date with the latest exclusive coin offers and precious metal investing on Augusta Precious Metals Facebook and Twitter.



Published Date : August 18, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“Cling to your faith in Christ & have a clear conscience.” – Timothy

Around about 64 A.D, which was 31 years after the crucifixion of Jesus, Paul was imprisoned for the second time.

These had to be days of desolation for Paul. Thankfully, he obviously did not waste time in self-pity.  

It was during this period of intense persecution Paul wrote his beloved son in the faith, Timothy, crystal clear instruction on taking on the leadership role he was no longer able to perform.

As I study Paul’s fatherly counsel to Timothy my mind drifts to the remarkable Timothy’s in my life. Paul had lots of think time in his Roman prison cell. I delight in my think time.

For 50 years my many Timothy’s have inspired me to strive to be a man of Holy Hands. I enjoy washing my dirty hands with quality soap. I love a hot cleansing shower with precious shampoo and conditioner.

Even more delightful is experiencing the reality of Paul’s penetrating words, “There is one God and one mediator, the man Christ Jesus” who makes it possible to pray with holy hands and a clear conscience.

Yesterday my Words of Hope spoke of my heart’s desire to finish strong. Today in my Secret Garden I asked the Lord to make it possible to go through the day with holy hands lifted high. Ironically, when the technician guided me through the KAT scan I was asked to lift my hands over my head.

As I close, it brings me immeasurable joy to say along with St Paul, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”


TIME TO BRAG - Time to be quiet

Published Date : August 15, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Until you become a grandparent you cannot understand the urge to brag to the point of ad nauseum about your grand children. No wonder we call them Grand.

Put six grandmas or papas together with iPhones in hand and the competition to, “show and tell” rivals many athletic events.

The bragfest is so competitive, the Olympic committee should consider making this an event. It would not be lacking for contestants!

King Solomon wrote a phenomenal book, Ecclesiastes, to make all who read it wiser. One of his many pearls was, “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.”

Wisdom is knowing when to brag and when too listen. Bragging becomes ad nauseum when the teller has no interest in being a listener.  

Your Words of Hope author openly confesses, this is brag time.  

Ariana (photo: left), a 14 year old 9th grader. After much coaxing Ari showed us one of her amazing skills she learned during a 4.5 hour sessions a Spokane’s Ballet Arts.

The other (photo: bottom right) is our Blonde Bomber, Natalya, a 19 year old sophomore, at highly competitive Oklahoma City University. This song sung with friend Laney is a very difficult piece. Impossible for me.

The reason these two inspire me is because both represent the three skills I teach all my basketball students.

  1. Master the art of LOVING hard work.
  2. Find your PASSION and live it.
  3. Plan – PREPARE to master the skills to the level of your highest level of competence.

For a good read go to your Bible and enjoy Solomon’s  book of wisdom.   

Thank you for listening to my brag time, my task now is listen and apply the 3 skills I teach. Join me. Let me know what you learned from this WOH.




Published Date : August 13, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“If you want to feel inferior, look at someone above you. If you want to feel superior, look at someone beneath you.”  – Walt King

Susie’s dad was a wise man. He grew up in the Great Depression. He road the rails looking for work. He lived in a fox hole for 78 days in the South Pacific. Walt had exceptional EQ (emotional intelligence).

Walt loved the saying “I used to complain about having no shoes until I saw a boy with no feet.”

When you compare, you always lose. If you think you’re better than others, you run the risk of being arrogant.  

When you think others are better than you, you run the risk of failure because you feel inferior.

Comparison behavior is learned at an early age.

Proud parents compare whose kid talks, potties, and has the first tooth.

Which kid is the fastest learner, tallest, cutest, and on and on.

Parents, coaches, and teachers high on the EQ scale don’t compare people.  

Compare is to despair because it demeans people. Coaches use it to motivate.  Mean people use it to hurt and berate people. People do it to make themselves feel better about themselves.

In USA Today I read about Robert Kraft seeing Archie Manning, father of Peyton and Eli.

Mr. Kraft gives us a perfect example of poor emotional intelligence. He said “You are the father of two sons winning two Super Bowls. My son won four Super Bowls.”

Does this comparison elevate anyone or does it diminish anyone?  Clearly this is proof that “to compare is to despair.”

As always, I turn to the Scriptures for ultimate and final truth. Each human is wonderfully and uniquely created. We are His workmanship. Fulfillment comes when we live out the miracle He has placed in each of our lives. We are one of a kind. There is no need to compare.



Published Date : August 10, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! – Psalm 133:1

Unity is 10 times more difficult to achieve than disunity.

As a career long leader in team building, I stand amazed at the difficulty of getting a team into the boat and all rowing in unity.

Seems like there are always obstacles to getting each person rowing in unity, harmony and effort.  

No wonder the last prayer Jesus spoke before being crucified was, “Father make my followers be as one as you and I are one so that the world may believe you sent me.”

Crucial question for me. What can I do to be a better team member in my home team; in my job team; in my friendship teams?

And most importantly, my team with Abba Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Abba Father, in the name of Jesus and in the power of your Spirit, empower all of us who call you Lord to seek unity not division, so that the world knows the reality of Jesus Christ.

Want to be a better Team Jesus player? Read John chapter 17.



Published Date : August 8, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Want some joy? If yes, read a children’s book to a young child.

Few happy life experiences mean more to me than having our 5 year old Kingston and 3 year old Giavanna sit on my lap entranced as I read Tootle; the young train engine working to be an American Flyer.

This delightful book was written in 1945. The American Flyer was the fastest train in the world. It covered two miles in 60 seconds. That’s an incredible; 120 miles per hour. The AF connected Chicago to New York in record times.

Young Tootle had to master three key skills:

  1. Working hard.
  2. Never missing a red flag.
  3. Staying on the track – No Matter What!

Day after day, the grandchildren wanted Papa Suave to read Tootle.

Later each day, I coached high school boys basketball. Great basketball players work hard, never miss Fred flags, and take care of the basketball No Matter What.

This wonderful book has inspired me to name my own, No Matter What’s. In fact, I play the Crowell No Matter What Game with family and friends. We take turns naming No Matter What’s.

These are a few of my favorites:

Your turn to play my new game, pick a friend and enjoy No Matter What and guess what, you’ll be like the American Flyer, you will stay on the course of life’s tracks no matter what!



Published Date : August 7, 2016
Categories : Faith, Life, Words of Hope

Stevie Wonder made famous the song, I Just Called To Say I Love You with the popular lyrics, “I just called to say I love you; I just called to say how much I care.”

How does it impact you when you get an unexpected call from a person you love and value?

This past weekend I received one of these calls! In these kind of situations I want to know what prompted the call.  

I guess I ask because past history causes me to wonder if this call might end up being a direct sales opportunity.

When the caller says, “I just called you because I love you. I called to tell you I care,” my heart soars!

A call from a friend fuels a ton of memories I have experienced with this person. Memories are so important. Bad memories motivate us to avoid repeating an experience, good memories inspire us to make more of them.

In my hall of fame Psalms memory book is Psalm 103. We are challenged to bless the Lord and forget not all His benefits.

Each and every special person in our lives is a gift from our Abba Father.

This amazing call this past weekend motivates me to do two things:

1.  Call friends who are of great value, just to say, “I love you and I care about you.”

2.  Treasure my friendships. Pray for my friends. Drop them a note. Be a friend.

No greater love than one would lay his life down for another.


Published Date : August 5, 2016
Categories : Uncategorized

Welcome to Augusta Precious Metals, where coins have been the family business for over 40 years. We are committed to helping Americans protect their hard-earned assets by making the gold and silver buying process EASY and SIMPLE. Learn about our Home Delivery Gold IRA.



Published Date : August 4, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and dies it abides alone…”

Do we destroy the huge bridge, let it stay as is and let it decay; or build a brand new one close by?  

Important questions. Tough decisions.  

Do we amputate the infected leg or do we try to save it at the risk of the cancer spreading?

Important question. Tough decision.

Do we totally come to Jesus Christ to die to self or do we take self help courses to make our old self better?

Important question. Tough decision.

Susie and I have faced each of these 3 questions.

Our beloved lake cabin began showing signs of foundation damage. To our shock it was so bad, the old section needed a new foundation. Expensive! We decided to totally tear it down and build new. Cost is high!

Cancer victims face tough decisions. Seems like everyone has an opinion, from all natural to chemo and more. Each month for six years we have been making tough decisions. Thankfully we have been making good decisions. Cost is high!

The ultimate and toughest decision of my life was to decide to be a Christ follower. To me the price tag was costly. Obedience is never easy. The Christ message is total amputation to our greatest enemy; our selves, the self nature. Like our totally dismantled, excavated and an amazing solid foundation to build a new home on.

Jesus is our new foundation. He is our new home. I tell you for 50 years my joy has been living in this new home, which will stand solid for all of eternity.


Published Date : August 4, 2016
Categories : Uncategorized

Welcome to Augusta Precious Metals, where gold and silver have been the family business for over 40 years. We are committed to helping Americans protect their hard-earned assets by making the gold and silver buying process EASY and SIMPLE. Learn about our Home Delivery Gold IRA.



Published Date : August 3, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Break your sternum and you’ll soon realize the reason Paul chose the breast plate of righteousness as a simile for protection of the chest; a vital part of the soldiers body.

In an auto accident a young man accidentally drove a Hyundai Sonata through the left front of my wife Susie’s car.   

Susie went into shock. She jumped out of the car seeking help for her dear friend who was seriously hurt riding shot gun. Only when Susie arrived at the hospital did she realize shad had a broken sternum, bruised face, back bruise and sprained ankles.

Her friend had a broken neck, broken ribs, plus a hole in her lungs. She has been been taken by ambulance to the Seattle area for recovery and to be with her family.

It will be a tough recovery for both; especially her friend. Thankfully it was not fatal.

As I watch Susie take up to 10 minutes to get out of a chair, or walk slowly down the hall with a pillow clutched to her chest, I am reminded of the Gladius, the Roman 20″ sword with a diamond shaped tip.  

If the Roman sword was able to penetrate the enemies chest protestor and break the sternum it was “game over.”

Likewise when we break our sternum, we are virtually helpless.

In Psalms we read, “He leads us in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Someone said reputation is what we live for; character is who we are and what we stand for.

I like the saying, it is always right to do the right thing and always wrong to do the wrong thing.   

Thank God He is a God of grace and mercy love and forgiveness, thank God the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness, thank God Jesus Christ became sin for us who knew no sin that we might be called righteous in His sight.

Lord God, help each of us protect our sternums; our righteousness.  



Published Date : August 1, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

A missile projectile, called a Dodge Charger, ran through a stop light smashing into Susie Crowell’s car.

Several months ago I wrote in the Words of Hope about Jay Williams book, LIFE IS NOT AN ACCIDENT; His story of his near fatal motorcycle crash.

Today I write about my wife Susie Crowell’s near fatal crash. Susie came out of it with a broken sternum, possible concussion, two sprained ankles, a bruise on her back and I never quit attitude.  

Susie’s dear friend came out of it with a broken neck, three broken ribs, a punctured hole in her lungs and a badly bruised body.  

Was Jay Williams correct when he said life is not an accident? As I watch Susie and Neta battle through with hard work, prayer and positive attitude, I’m encouraged to believe life is no accident.   

Once again I am reminded that life is precious, health is golden, love is enduring; all the pain, all the sorrows of all the accidents are worth the many rewards living life fully offers.

As always I try to link life experience with motivational and inspirational scripture. My first thoughts go to Peters words, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Another scripture passage that pops into mind, is Jesus’s remarkable passage about the worries of life, “Do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? “And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?” – Matthew 6:25-27



Published Date : July 29, 2016
Categories : news, Words of Hope

How one woman changes lives through hard work and loving people!

Char is a legend in Dillingham, a beautiful, one hour Alaska Airlines flight from Anchorage. The 2,500 population swells to 10,000 during the summer fishing season. Basketball is king in D’ham; home of the Wolverines.

Char is the boys’ teams’ best fan. Husband Deon, second generation Pilipino resident, is the head coach. Seeing his teams play at the state tournament, I can say Coach D has mastered the art of coaching. One of the kindest, serving others, men I have ever met.


Char is the mother of 3 amazing kids; Kylie,13; Ashley (Toot), 9; and DJ ,5.

Char holds down four important jobs. She is a workhorse leader. She is loved and valued.

Char attended NBC Camps as a youth 4 times. Char loves NBC.

Char is NBC Dillingham’s leader. She raised over 20,000 dollars to bring NBC to Dillingham and recruited about 100 students to the 5 day camp. Best organized camp on earth.

Char is fighting “dirty c”. (I have many more adjectives for this evil tool of Satan). We are kindred spirits.

Char’s example motivates me to fight harder, live with more passion, live more freely and serve with greater joy.

The Lopez family returns to Seattle soon. Char faces 14 days of treatment. Like my beloved late mother, Virginia Mason is her medical home. The five miracle Lopez’s will be together; a marvelous picture of the family fighting the C war together.

What are your take always from this story? Is it just another story or does it call you to action?

Knowledge (doctrine) is dynamic; it is alive like electricity. News (revelation) demands a response.

Make it a great day! This is the day the Lord has made.


Published Date : July 28, 2016
Categories : Uncategorized

Welcome to Augusta Precious Metals, where coins have been the family business for over 40 years. We are committed to helping Americans protect their hard-earned assets by making the gold and silver buying process EASY and SIMPLE. Learn about our Home Delivery Gold IRA.



Published Date : July 25, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

3 Vital Components for Future Success

Recently at NBC Camps, nearly 200 students came to Whitworth University to get better at basketball – one of the world’s great games, and life – the world’s greatest game.

At one of the four power packed evening sessions with the theme true words, I was privileged to share my convictions on how to achieve future success.

This is the essence of my presentation:

Your skill and ability to diagnose the problem is the first step in becoming successful, until you can find the problem and define it accurately, you cannot correct the problem. 

In technical terms this skill is called self existential diagnosis. In commonsense language, this is taking your eyeballs out of your head and watching yourself perform.

Once the problem has been defined in crystal clear terms, the difficult task beings. This is called the prognosis phase. In medical terms this is called the prescription, in basketball terms this is called perfect practice, in life terms, this is hard, hard work. 

Hard work often requires tools, three tools every athlete and every human must have in their tool box, are the following: 

1. Accepting failure – as the stepping stone to success. It is absolutely impossible to succeed without being willing to fail. Never quit is an essential mindset. 

2. Enduring pain – separates winning from losing. How much pain are you willing to go through to win?  

For the quadriplegic, how much pain will you endure the first six months, the critical time period for gains. 

For the 14 year olds like Michael Jordan who did not make the team. How much pain are you willing to endure to win? No pain no gain. 

3. Cultivation of one of God’s most precious gifts; you’re imagination! If it is true humans think 1300 words per minute, we must guard against having a “worm tongue.” We do this by speaking positive words. Our spoken words build our EQ (Emotional Intelligence) bigger and stronger. I can, I will, God can, God will. 

As always your author of Words of Hope trusts the true manual for life success. Some 

call it the Holy Book, or the Bible, or Good News, or The Word. 

My favorite title for the Old and New Testament is, Wining the Game of Lifeball.

Lifeball is summed up this way:

“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. – 2 Corinthians 12:9



Published Date : July 22, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Hello Special Friend among a legion of Fred Crowell friends.

Meet the Crowell Cornerstone Rock of Rocks.

My fascination with rocks began as a boy:

Who loved to skip thin rocks on the shores of Fidalgo Bay in Anacortes, Washington.

My rock affair amped up when the invisible God revealed Himself to me through His visible image. “He became the visible image of the invisible God and all things were created by Him through Him and for Him.”

Then there was Peter. The Lord called Peter His rock.

Paul expanded my love and respect for rocks, big gigantic rocks. He called Jesus the Chief Cornerstone.

The rock you see in the photo is the Crowell Cornerstone, a visible reminder of the invisible Rock of Rocks.



Published Date : July 21, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“You pile up enough tomorrows, and you will find you have nothing but a lot of empty yesterday’s. I don’t know about you but I like to make today worth remembering.” – Harold Hill from The Music Man

Two of our granddaughters were blessed to be part of Meredith Wilson’s sensational play, The Music Man. It is a fun play filled with joyful song and lively dance. It makes you laugh, feel good, and want to do more and do it better.

Last evening I spoke to kids and coaches at NBC Camps. Until you can diagnose and determine a prognosis you are stuck like a car in mud; doesn’t matter if it is your basketball shot, golf swing, math equation, diseases, or conflict with people.

To find greatness in people there are 3 things you need to learn at the subconscious level.

1. Fact: Master the skill of “right here-right now.” If you live in the past, depression is your reward. If you live in the future, tomorrow’s anxiety and fear is your reward. However, if you live in the right here-right now you will be alive and today will be a masterpiece.

2. Fact: Know exactly and precisely who you are, because if you don’t know who you are, you can never become what you could become. You were brought into this world and you were given the gift of being a true miracle. Your unique DNA spells miracle.

3. Fact: Take whatever time is necessary for you to logically and concisely love and know who made you. The architect, the builder, the master planner, is vital to the success of the object being built. I like Toyotas, I think they are the best car company in the world. Their track record proves it to me and my Toyota products don’t break down.

The strongest buildings in the world were designed by genius architects. When I discovered the architect of my birth was God, who calls himself by Abba father, who was willing to die for our sin, the Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross so that my life could be restored. Much like a restoration professional in classic cars is able to put in a new engine and make a brand new working car from the original design.

Now live these three facts and you will find that you will be like the tree planted by rivers, in that whatever you do, you will prosper.



Published Date : July 19, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

The incredible moment when man meets the woman who will be the love of his life.

For me the two best words in the book of Genesis came from a very lonely Adam, seeing Eve for the first time, he shouted, “At last!”

This at last moment has become too rare in the USA. Steve Altmeyer, head of an amazing men’s ministry reported these facts to a Chosen To Lead 16 week men’s group: In 1969, 72% of people living together were married. Today 27% of people living together are married.

Altmeyer delights in telling people he is trying to reduce the national debt. Divorce is costly, both sides pay legal fees; however much more costly is the damage done to lives; especially to children of divorce.

Where did we get the notion that keeping the at last emotion would be easy, or even possible in the context of the most difficult relationship to manage in our entire lives?

We tend to marry our at last who is totally opposite of us. The extrovert is attracted to the introvert. For some odd reason, animal lover’s at last doesn’t especially like animals. The really tall man’s at last woman is often rather short.  

Soon after the honeymoon, the two lovers begin the process of trying to change the other person. The at last now has the potential threat of becoming a grind. Too much of a grind leads to divorce court, or at best, two people living separate lives under the same roof.

Yet the at last can be restored! The at last can experience rebirth. The at last is one of the greatest legacies we can leave our children’s children. It is amazing to see a grandchild’s pure delight, when they see and feel the at last energy between grandpa and gramma!

At last success reminds me of the military slogan: “One is none two is done.”

At last is impossible if only one of the team members wants to play ball. Marriage counsellors would be well served to know and understand the at last principles.

Paul recorded in  Ephesians 5:

Step One –Walk in love. 5:1-7
Step Two –  Walk in light 5:8-12
Step Three – Walk in wisdom. 5:13:21

When we are truly walking in love, light and wisdom we are ready for the hard work that restores, refreshed and even redirect the at last phenomena. We read about in Genesis.

Are you ready to move into Ephesians 5:23-33. Don’t even go there if you are not willing to live the key to the AT LAST door.

“… filled with the Holy Spirit speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord giving thanks always for all things to God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Submitting to one another in the fear of God.” – Ephesians 5:18b -22.

Getting married is like swallowing the sun.
Getting a divorce is like vomiting the sun.

At last is reserved exclusively for couples willing to work hard together and give more than they take from the relationship.

How much will you give today?



Published Date : July 15, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

If we approach life from an inner beauty stance, we see beauty all around us, in all things; whereas if we are living in squalor life isn’t very pretty.

Many many years ago, Sports Illustrated ran a feature on star NFL football players.

In the main photo of the piece, one of the players chose to tell the readers he had an IQ of 1. As a small boy, Jay would have said, “Hey dad, that player is doing the bad sign.”

Uncharacteristically, I sent a letter to the National Football League Commissioner expressing my disappointment in this photo. I asked if their was any disciplinary action taken against this player.

Soon I received a dismissive letter, the key line read, “Beauty was in the eye of the beholder.”

The commish was absolutely correct stating beauty was in the eyes of the beholder, but dead wrong in using a truthful principle to excuse poor character.

I was actually more disappointed by the second offense. First, being the player, second the commissioner. The player used poor judgement and he was joking around at the wrong time.

The commish on the other hand went full lawyer. He attempted to make me the problem. He was so defensive, he missed an opportunity to make a decision of beauty; rather he chose to defend poor character which is never a thing of beauty.

So what prevents us from enjoying and appreciating the beauty all life can hold?

Just like in sports, the opportunity to display beauty in a performance is lost when a player is injured and their body can’t perform well.

When the heart is injured, beauty is very difficult to see and enjoy in people. The opportunity to be generous, kind and caring is in jeopardy.

When the mind is depressed or anxious, we miss the beauty in front of us. Life turns to  black and white. Full color living is now absent.

When we carry anger resentment or bitterness in our heart, we put on glasses that enhance the negatives and obscure the positives. Again no beauty can be seen.

When we become too hungry, too angry, too lonely, or too tired, our motivation engine knocks and pings begging for fuel.

As humans, our inmost being thirsts for true beauty.

Where are you going today for fuel?  

Hope you fill your tank to the top so that you can see and experience beauty today; it is truly all around us.  

“Be still and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10a



Published Date : July 15, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“At any given moment you are either in consolation or desolation.” – St. Ignatius of Loyola

The idea of “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” speaks to the fact that two people do not necessarily see or experience the same reality.

Ignatius understood this phenomena clearly. I have found this valuable when addressing people at speaking venues.

The audience receives the message based on being in consolation or desolation. For example, at NBC Camps a core value is honoring and respecting parents. The child who has an exceptional father hears differently than the boy who has an abusive one.

When I speak about gratitude and thanksgiving, one who recently received news they have cancer hears differently than one recently engaged.

The good news according to Ignatius; “if you are in desolation have hope because consolation will come. If you are in consolation enjoy it because desolation is coming.”

Cancer has been a brutally tough teacher. Mr. C tells it like it is. Yet, cancer set me free from living in the past or the future.

It is clear to me that each human is only a phone call away from desolation. Don’t believe me? Check out the news about Belgium.

Winning the moment is my mission. When I win the moment, winning the hour is possible. If I win the hour, winning the day is possible.

This is not a difficult concept. For 50 years I have coached my basketball players to win each possession. Teams who make less turnovers, make more free throws, get more rebounds, most often win the game.

People who master gratitude, say thank you the most and give more than they take, win the moment, the hour and the day.

Are you in consolation or desolation?  Regardless, cheer up!



Published Date : July 11, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

On average we speak 1300 words a minute each day of our lives. What are we telling ourselves? We better be careful of the worm tongue.

Being with kids for long days week after week, behavioral patterns begin to magnify.

Negative talk unfortunately is often the default. Ask a few questions about thought processes and it becomes crystal clear, kids destroy potential success with negative self-talk. They have worm tongues.

If imitation is the most effective and powerful teachers, and I believe it is, then it only stands to reason worm tongue kids are imitating worm tongue parents, grandparents, teachers, and peers.

Common worm tongue talk I most often hear:
Not good enough.
No one likes me.
Life is too hard.
I’m tired.
Ugly, short, skinny, dumpy, and slow are too common self-descriptive adjectives that identify worm tonguers. 

In Lord of the Rings, Worm Tongue was advisor to the King Rohan. Not until the King banished the evil Worm Tongue, did King Rohan experience success.  

When Solomon advised his son, as all fathers should advise their sons, to guard their hearts, he was talking about far more than heart issues.

The King was speaking about worm tongues. The Word from beginning to end has much to say about thoughts and words.

To sharpen our swords so that we can guard our hearts and banish worm tongue from our thoughts and minds and most importantly our speech, I share with you some of the worm killing words from the WORD OF GOD.

“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither- whatever they do prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3



Published Date : July 9, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The four P’s – Psalms, purpose, prayer & power.

Dr Shann Ferch tells the following story. One day my dad took me to Circle, Montana to visit his dad. Grandpa was living in a small shack. He was an alcoholic. It was so sad for me to see a broken man who had clearly lost all hope. 

“What happened to your dad,” I asked?  “He stopped dreaming his dreams.” was what my father told me.  

The Psalms deliver fuel to dreams. I know of no better source to find purpose and power than the Psalms. My home plate for dream building is Psalm 23. For power Psalm 20 has been my cornerstone beginning the day Jay was born February 4, 1979. 

The best way for me to pray without ceasing is to pray God’s Word. The Psalmist said “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

Inspiration and encouragement are the natural results of being intimate with Abba Father and our Lord Jesus. Saint John records in the first chapter of his gospel these powerful words. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. 14 verses later John said, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”

“Without vision people perish,” the Psalmist warns. 

Therefore, dream big dreams. Fuel your dreams from the Psalms to enrich your purpose and power. 



Published Date : July 8, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Gratitude truly is the linchpin to virtue. I chose to rerun this entry often, as when I go back over the Words of Hope archives, this article stands out. I believe gratitude; elevates, gratitude helps us solve problems, gratitude promotes health, gratitude heals relationships. Make it a practice to write five gratitudes each day, every day, your life will change for the better.

1. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

1. a pin passed through the end of an axle to keep a wheel in position.
2. a person or thing vital to an enterprise or organization.

For the second time this Thanksgiving week my mind & heart are drawn to the idea of embracing gratitude as a point of focus.

Weekday Mass has become a beautiful experience for me.  Gratitude, virtue, lynchpin, forgiveness, health, were the power words.

The mere mental recognition of a word is fuel; contemplation explodes its meaning, and acting out the word enriches both giver and recipient.

Gratitude – makes black and white living bloom into full color.

Linchpin – embodies trust, strength, unity and force of  a positive connection.  

Virtue – is the best of the best, highest of ideals, worthy of dedication to our most noble goals of living well.

Gratitude is the lynchpin to virtue.  The more we grow in gratitude the greater we grow in virtue.

Psalm 103 is my personal hall of fame Gratitude Bible passage:
Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me
Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits.

Five Gratitudes for today.  Join me in coming up with your own Gratitudes.  Ask others to join us and bless each other with these Gratitudes the lynchpin to virtue.



Published Date : July 7, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

5 letters to memorize in this order


Take Suicide threats very seriously!

The father demanded the nine-year-old boy  kiss his dead mother goodbye as she lay in a decorated coffin.  

Fearfully, he softly placed a kiss on his beloved mother. He thought mom looked beautiful in her coffin, but to his shock her forehead was ice cold. That image of her laying in the mortuary days before her funeral would haunt him for years to come.

He wondered how he was going to live with his dad. Who was going to protect him was his main thought. His dear mom; his protector was dead. Gone forever!

Two years passed quickly. Life was terrible for the boy and he became a street kid. The bowling alley became his second home, cigarettes his comforters – softening his loneliness and pain and too soon in life, alcohol became his new best friend.

One dark school day, while his father was at work, he decided to skip school. Sometime during the day he took a butcher knife out of the cupboard and sat at the kitchen table contemplating taking his life. Hating the sight of blood the boy realized cutting his wrists was not the best option.

The sad little boy decided the fastest and best way for him was to eat from a box of rat poison housed under the kitchen sink. So he swallowed the rat poison, but fortunately it turned out to be unsuccessful.  

Life marched on, it was a struggle for him, nothing was easy through the years, as the boy became a man; a husband; a father.

The one thing that kept him going was sports; it was the one thing that gave him meaning and purpose. Even though he smoked cigarettes and drank beer, he became a very successful basketball player.

His saving grace was remnants of his mother’s kindness, work ethic and genuine joyful spirit that lived on in him.

Losing his mother at age nine did not give him the knowledge and wisdom to make wise choices. His marriage crumbled. The only remaining person that gave him reason to live was a fabulous son. He loved his son. He was a great father to him.  

One lonely night he drank 3 beers with a friend. On the way home to his lonely apartment he was arrested. A DUI was issued.

This was the turning point, it was this night over 20 years ago that he dropped to his knees to say, “Lord I give up. Jesus I turn my life over to you. Please forgive me.”

Two intense years of counseling and choosing men friends of integrity, passion and kindness changed this man into a delightful, loving man who is truly free.

“If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things passed away all things become new.” – Paul



Published Date : July 6, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

We all need stories of victory.  The following story is, indeed, remarkable. It verifies the powerful impact one person’s love can have on another.  A caring sister saved a life. 

Oxygen is encouragement. Encouragement is oxygen. Our care, our love, our oxygen and our encouragement saves lives.



20 years ago, after multiple failed suicide attempts, a note was written as the finally entry in a gradleshool journal, it had not been seen or touched by anyone in well over a decade.

I figured the police would uncover it, eventually. But my kid sister found it first.

How had she found it? Impossible! She was not even alive when I came into it’s possession.  Even more, as the hater of God that I was at the time, while my sister answered me, “God showed me where to go and how to find where your journal was hidden, He told me to open it, and to read the back of the very last page.” I still could not believe!

My kid sister, had found, read, and delivered the journal to my Mom, and my final (and what would have certainly been permanent) attempt at suicide was thwarted. I went to suicide prevention, then my family was on watch. For one full year I brought my family (specifically my Mother) to hell with me. One full year of insomnia (I never slept, I just laid awake on a bed at night wishing I was dead).

My little brother was my reason to keep on living, even in my misery. My Mother had made me promise her I would not take my own life, so I kept breathing for her, but I kept trying to live for my little brother.

It would be through my little brother that I came to hear about Jesus, oh I had “heard” before, but I wanted nothing to do with “that God” whom I was angry with, and assumed hated me right back. Until I was told He loved me.

Unfathomable!!! Unbelievable!!! Impossible!!!

I will never forget what the man ministering the gospel said when I shared with him that I did not believe God could forgive me even if He wanted to and that while I now believed Jesus did die on the cross for sinners and rise from the dead, I was worse than those sinners Jesus “really” died for. He said to me, “You may be correct, you may be too far gone, and God will simply send you to hell… but, you will never know unless you ask Him.” 

So I asked, and God responded, and now I sleep and I have 3 amazing and beautiful angels of my own, and the best wife in the Eastern Hemisphere. My wife is from the other side of the globe, and we all know Fred’s wife Susie is the best wife in the Western Hemisphere 😉



As a reader of Words of Hope, Fred’s series on depression led me to share my story:

This post and this series is for everyone. Depression and suicide will effect every person on this planet on some level, merely by statistics. I hope non of us experience depression as believers, but I have seen crippling depression in believers just as well, and I have experienced it in my past even as a believer. We must be sensitive to the Lord’s leading, after Fred’s first post in this series, I immediately contacted someone I know who is struggling with depression after receiving a poor health related prognosis.

So thankful and so glad Fred pulls no punches. Likely these posts will be used by the Lord to preserve life that will ultimately bring glory to His name.

Have a blessed day everyone, God’s love for you in Christ Jesus is rich and fuller than we can know in this life!



Published Date : July 2, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Today on the Freedom Trail a guide told the history of stories of New Englanders who gave ALL their financial resources to win FREEDOM from the English King.

At famous North Church, two men climbed to the top of the church tower at risk of treason to shine either one lantern by land or two if by sea. This heroic act saved many lives.

These last 9 days we have been protected by countless policemen; visited numerous cemeteries and monuments honoring heroes who gave their lives for FREEDOM.

Boarding the Princess cruise ship with 3500 other passengers my being soared with gratitude. Safe from tyranny, safe from landmines, safe from sniper bullets, safe from a dictatorship, these are all gifts those who fought for freedom in the USA made possible.

God bless America. Our country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty……

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

 by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.

He said to his friend, “If the British march
By land or sea from the town to-night,
Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch
Of the North Church tower as a signal light,–
One if by land, and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm,
For the country folk to be up and to arm.”

Then he said “Good-night!” and with muffled oar
Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,
Just as the moon rose over the bay,
Where swinging wide at her moorings lay
The Somerset, British man-of-war;
A phantom ship, with each mast and spar
Across the moon like a prison bar,
And a huge black hulk, that was magnified
By its own reflection in the tide.

Meanwhile, his friend through alley and street
Wanders and watches, with eager ears,
Till in the silence around him he hears
The muster of men at the barrack door,
The sound of arms, and the tramp of feet,
And the measured tread of the grenadiers,
Marching down to their boats on the shore.

Then he climbed the tower of the Old North Church,
By the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread,
To the belfry chamber overhead,
And startled the pigeons from their perch
On the sombre rafters, that round him made
Masses and moving shapes of shade,–
By the trembling ladder, steep and tall,
To the highest window in the wall,
Where he paused to listen and look down
A moment on the roofs of the town
And the moonlight flowing over all.

Beneath, in the churchyard, lay the dead,
In their night encampment on the hill,
Wrapped in silence so deep and still
That he could hear, like a sentinel’s tread,
The watchful night-wind, as it went
Creeping along from tent to tent,
And seeming to whisper, “All is well!”
A moment only he feels the spell
Of the place and the hour, and the secret dread
Of the lonely belfry and the dead;
For suddenly all his thoughts are bent
On a shadowy something far away,
Where the river widens to meet the bay,–
A line of black that bends and floats
On the rising tide like a bridge of boats.

Meanwhile, impatient to mount and ride,
Booted and spurred, with a heavy stride
On the opposite shore walked Paul Revere.
Now he patted his horse’s side,
Now he gazed at the landscape far and near,
Then, impetuous, stamped the earth,
And turned and tightened his saddle girth;
But mostly he watched with eager search
The belfry tower of the Old North Church,
As it rose above the graves on the hill,
Lonely and spectral and sombre and still.
And lo! as he looks, on the belfry’s height
A glimmer, and then a gleam of light!
He springs to the saddle, the bridle he turns,
But lingers and gazes, till full on his sight
A second lamp in the belfry burns.

A hurry of hoofs in a village street,
A shape in the moonlight, a bulk in the dark,
And beneath, from the pebbles, in passing, a spark
Struck out by a steed flying fearless and fleet;
That was all! And yet, through the gloom and the light,
The fate of a nation was riding that night;
And the spark struck out by that steed, in his flight,
Kindled the land into flame with its heat.
He has left the village and mounted the steep,
And beneath him, tranquil and broad and deep,
Is the Mystic, meeting the ocean tides;
And under the alders that skirt its edge,
Now soft on the sand, now loud on the ledge,
Is heard the tramp of his steed as he rides.

It was twelve by the village clock
When he crossed the bridge into Medford town.
He heard the crowing of the cock,
And the barking of the farmer’s dog,
And felt the damp of the river fog,
That rises after the sun goes down.

It was one by the village clock,
When he galloped into Lexington.
He saw the gilded weathercock
Swim in the moonlight as he passed,
And the meeting-house windows, black and bare,
Gaze at him with a spectral glare,
As if they already stood aghast
At the bloody work they would look upon.

It was two by the village clock,
When he came to the bridge in Concord town.
He heard the bleating of the flock,
And the twitter of birds among the trees,
And felt the breath of the morning breeze
Blowing over the meadow brown.
And one was safe and asleep in his bed
Who at the bridge would be first to fall,
Who that day would be lying dead,
Pierced by a British musket ball.

You know the rest. In the books you have read
How the British Regulars fired and fled,—
How the farmers gave them ball for ball,
From behind each fence and farmyard wall,
Chasing the redcoats down the lane,
Then crossing the fields to emerge again
Under the trees at the turn of the road,
And only pausing to fire and load.

So through the night rode Paul Revere;
And so through the night went his cry of alarm
To every Middlesex village and farm,—
A cry of defiance, and not of fear,
A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
And a word that shall echo for evermore!
For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,
Through all our history, to the last,
In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
The people will waken and listen to hear
The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,
And the midnight message of Paul Revere




Published Date : June 30, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“The difference between a ghost and depression is one is imagination the other is for real.” – F. Crowell

Depression is real!
Depression is devastating!
Depression at its worst renders its victim helpless to make good decisions.
Depression’s ultimate act is suicide.
Depression is real!

As is cancer or heart disease;
As is a troubled child;
As is a war torn country;
As is spiritual bankruptcy;
The foremost critical action step is an accurate diagnosis.

Key factors:

WORDS – they build or destroy. What words is the person speaking?  Life or death words? Killer words like, “We’d all be better off if I were dead or gone.” Listen carefully to what is being said.

THOUGHTS – a crystal clear sign of clinical depression, is when an individual has obsessive thoughts and is unable to stop them. Repetitive, internal, destructive thoughts. The depressed person needs to be encouraged to share those thoughts with a trusted other.

PLAN – is there a plan to end life? Is it written down? This may require trusted others to investigate; cell phones, journals, etc. This is serious business!

Diagnosis is much easier than than prognosis. I can tear a car apart but can’t put it back together.

If the diagnosis is severe depression, there are only two motions in my opinion.  

Correct medication from a trusted doctor and 24 hour surveillance. If the trusted others cannot guarantee a 24/7 eyes on care, then the place for safety is a psychiatric ward.  

These words of hope on dealing with depression will continue. As my spiritual mentor, Father B taught me and continues to teach me over the last 18 years often said, “At any given moment are either in consolation or desolation. If in consolation enjoy fully because desolation is coming. If in desolation take heart because consolation is coming.”



Published Date : June 29, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Depression is a ghost that haunts millions of Americans.

Depression is a ghost because it is very difficult to see and understand. The ultimate evidence of a depressed life is suicide.

The common question is why? It makes no sense, except to the person in the black box. Sir Winston Churchill was prone to depression. He called it the black box.

Imagine digging a large hole twice as tall as you stand; then have the hole lined with slick siding. It is impossible to get out of without help. This is the black box. It is the scariest place on planet earth and you never ever want to be there!

This is the deepest level of depression. Sadly only the person in the black box knows they dug the hole.

Tragically some people live in such a manner that even those closest to them do not realize the depth of their despair. They do not realize that suicide is imminent.

Until you have either experienced the black box or suffering the loss a special one to the ghost of depression, it is difficult to understand all the whys.

Presently hundreds of us are grieving a dear friend who was in the black box. We did not know it. The ghost was doing his bidding (a metaphor for depression; not a real ghost.)

This week I plan focus on dealing with depression. My hope is to expose the ghost so we can defeat him.

Start today by living His word. Meditate deeply on Psalm 8 and 23. Then turn to Philippians  4:4-8.



Published Date : June 24, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

The sword that conquered the world.

From the time I was a small boy I have been fascinated with knives and swords. So much so, in fact, my son Jay and I began a knife collection 30 years ago and we have all sorts of knives. It’s fun just to look at them.

The sword that fascinates me the most is the Roman gladiator’s sword. It is 20 inches long and very sharp on both edges with a diamond tip for affective penetration. The Roman soldier was never off-balance because he could wield his sword in any direction.

It seems to me St. Paul was an expert on swords because he had to be very careful being around Roman soldiers for fear of being sorted.

Therefore, when Paul compares the Bible to a Roman Galdius he is comparing the power and strength of the Bible to the most powerful fighting weapon of his day.

Paul’s words, the word of God, are more powerful, active, and sharper than any two edged sword and able to penetrate into the deepest inner parts of the man.

St. Paul’s respect for the Bible was infinite. He obeyed it fully to the point of martyrdom.
For 50 years my life experience confirms God’s Word is alive and active in me. I am believing His Word.



Published Date : June 17, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“Above me lay the day blind stars waiting for their light.” – Wendell Berry

Twinkle twinkle little star is a delightful childhood rhyme. Sun, moon and stars all fascinate me. Once stars were a sailors GPS.

Last night the NBA gave the workers a fierce basketball battle. Two superstars went shot for shot. Cleveland has never won an NBA championship, but the city is hungry for it.

One of the Cleveland players in the post game interview quoted his team leader, Labron James, “Be a star in your role.”

This hit me. If we are a star in our own life role, we experience life’s best. We all have a specific role in life to play.  

Once again I borrow a line from Berry’s poem, The Peace of Wild Things, “I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forth ought of grief.”

As the North Star guided sailors the conscious thought of, “Be a star in your life role” guides us to live and love the best game ever. I call it Lifeball.  

Today’s Words of Hope resurfaced a song I deeply loved in the late 1960’s. Had to dig deep into the subconscious to remember the words.

He’s  Everything to me

‘Til by faith I met Him face to face
And I felt the wonder of His grace
Then I knew that He was more
Than just a God who didn’t care
That lived away out there
And now He walks beside me day by day
Ever watching o’er me lest I stray
Helping me to find that narrow way
He’s everything to me

In the stars His handiwork I see
On the wind He speaks with majesty
Tho’ He ruleth over land and sea
What is that to me

I will celebrate nativity
For it has a place in history
Sure He came to set His people free
What is that to me



Published Date : June 15, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

The Apostle James encourages us to consider trouble when it comes our way, to be an opportunity for great joy.

Common sense tells us this is foolishness, however, the Bible clearly states that God’s ways are not our ways. His wisdom exceeds both our wisdom and common sense.

So why in the world would James encourage us to consider troubles as an opportunity for great joy?

James goes on to tell us that when your faith is tested you’re endurance is fully developed, so let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you’ll be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

This is where the beautiful words and wisdom instruction of Psalm 23 comes into play. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

My life experience tells me compassion and pain go hand in hand. I often say, “show me a man over 60 who has an abundance of kindness and I will show you a man who has overcome great pain.”

Yesterday was great news. PSA test scores dropped for the first time in 3 months. Yet going into the oncologist, Susie and I prayed our baseline, foundation motto, “Be joyful, pray without ceasing, and in everything, give thanks for this is God’s will for Fred Crowell in Christ Jesus.”

Too many of our friends and relatives are going through really tough tests. They could use good news and even better, great news.

One of my great, great friends has been fasting one day a week for me. This means so much to me. Who can you pray for today? Remember encouragement is oxygen.



Published Date : June 13, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“God’s best gift to man”

Careful study of Genesis 1 & 2 brings us to an obvious conclusion that God’s ultimate, most lovely gift to man is a woman.

Think about it! When man saw woman he said, “At last!”

When a man meets the woman of his life, I think he is thinking, “At last!”   Someone said, “Getting married is like swallowing the sun; divorce is like vomiting the sun.”

Clearly there is a no more graphic simile to describe marriage and divorce. The joy of saying, “I do,” and the pain of saying, “I quit,” are extreme opposites on the scale of human emotion.

Women have been on my mind this past week constantly. Susie and I celebrated 53 years together. I was asked the key. There are many keys. My first thought was, marry the right woman!

I owe it to my mom. Kathleen Mitchell Crowell. Mom modeled the right kind of woman to be married to. Over the last 53 years, more than a thousand college algebra students have spent nights in our home. Countless young men have said, “When I get married, I want one like Susie Crowell.”

Thanks mom for being my hero during those childhood years when I was learning to become a man.

The second reason women have been on my mind, the Lord Jesus Christ has blessed NBC Camps with so many young ladies. I marvel at how hard they work to get better in basketball. I delight in how they smile when given encouragement which is like oxygen to the brain.   

Oh what a terrible thing it would be if women were not here with us. Women are God’s ultimate gift to man. Let’s treasure this gift.

Read Genesis for yourself. MY hope for you is you can say “At last“; then treat all women with the same respect that you expect.



Published Date : June 11, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Emotions are unreliable; change suddenly; are easily influenced by circumstances, and words; they work better when you lead them with strong and decisive leadership, with fact, and logic.  

Emotions can’t think, they can’t make decisions. Emotions are great followers, but terrible leaders. People who are emotion driven are unpredictable.  

You must train emotions by telling them what you expect of them. 

My wife Susie and I are in crazy mode. Last night we boarded an Alaska jet with New York as the destination. Upon arrival at JFK we boarded a return flight to get us back to Spokane.  

Logically the trip makes perfect sense to us. Cheap airfare to get 75k Gold Status, which pays huge dividends in 2016 ALASKA Air travel. 

Emotionally it makes no sense, but thankfully emotions can be changed by our will power.

We get to choose how we want to feel, emotions don’t drive our proverbial train. Imagine a train with 3 cars: engine, passenger, and caboose. The engine represents facts. The passenger car is our faith, and the caboose is our emotions/feelings.

Since emotions are so fickle when we have what I call, “sensational, positive experiences,” the Bible exhorts us to remember them. 

The following story illustrates the purpose of this Words of Hope.

Our excellent ALASKA flight attendant was a perfect person for today’s Words of Hope.

This was our conversation:

“How long have you been flying?”

“7 months,” she said with a big smile.

“How did you feel when they told you the job was yours?” I asked.

“I was surprised, I teared up I was so happy,” she said.

Smiling back I said, “Don’t forget that feeling! If you forget that feeling you might lose your appreciation for your job. It will become just another job.”

Only God Has the character to total forget. He tells us, He remembers our sins no more. 

Humans were built by God to remember both knowledge of past experiences, and also feelings of past experiences.

By not forgetting, we can avoid doing things that brought pain, and we can relive experiences worth reliving.

Kenna can reenergize herself time after time just by remembering the joy she had when she heard, “you’re hired!”

The Crowell challenge: think of some of your greatest experiences. Each day for one week, relive those wonderful, joyful, and maybe tearful memories. And next time your emotions go south, Stop, take a Time out.  Shower those negative emotions with PMA (positive mental attitude).

Psalm 102:2 has and will always be education for emotions I wish to relive to empower me to live joyfully and productively. Try it. It works!



Published Date : June 9, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Ketchikan, Alaska

When was the last time you took a prayer walk? It has been awhile for me.

Ketchikan is a delightful place nestled in southeastern Alaska. I’m told it rains 212 inches per year. That’s only about 17.6 feet of water every year. California would love to have some of that.

At NBC Camps we talk about gratitude, kindness and honoring others; especially family members. We talk about how oxygen and encouragement are similar. We need both to thrive.

On my prayer walk, I reflected on the people in my sphere of influence who need encouragement.

Prayer is encouragement. Prayer is oxygen.  

Through prayer we can can pray and bring oxygen and encouragement to others around the world.

My wife Susie and I have a theme verse for our lives:

“Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. “

The fact is, a sunny day in Ketchikan made it all the more a glorious prayer walk, if you haven’t had a prayer walk in awhile, take one, you’ll find yourself refreshed, rejuvenated and joyful.



Published Date : June 6, 2016
Categories : Basketball, Coaches Corner, Words of Hope

“Come to me as a little child.” – Jesus

My days are filled with wonder and joy, because I’m living in the world of kids.

Kids who want to become men and women.   

Kids who want to become college basketball players, kids who want to win the game of LIFEBALL.

It brings me great satisfaction to be able to be able to say, “Fred Crowell loves kids.”


For three days I have been coaching today’s kids, who will become tomorrow’s leaders, three ways to be successful. The foundation for success is to know your M/P (meaning and purpose).

Three crucial M/P statements:

1.  M/P for life: ______________________________

2.  M/P for basketball: ________________________

3.  M/P for job(school): _______________________

high school

It is so exciting to watch high school boys buy into the love of hard work, the commitment of self discipline, and the desire to bring honor to their families.

I am living my dream here these few days in Alaska.

Thanks for prayers!
