Crowell Basketball Coaching System

Published Date : June 2, 2016
Categories : Basketball, Coaches Corner


Eastern Oregon University is offering B.S. and M.Ed. college credit for the CROWELL BASKETBALL COACHING SYSTEM.  Imagine earning up to 3 masters level credits for only $210 per credit hour!


Summer class:
June 20 – Aug 26

Current EOU students
Non-Admitted students


Northwest Basketball Coaching

Superior basketball coaching is logical and philosophically sound.

The Crowell system is based on over 60 years in basketball and life skills experience. Philosophy (love of study of basketball & emotional intelligence) is the foundation of Fred Crowell’s life work.


Knowledge + Understanding + Application is the foundation for Crowell basketball.




Course Outline:



Week 1

Building Your Coaching Foundation

 The clearer you are in what you expect, the better you are at setting your expectations.


Week 2

Understanding and Teaching the Game

Great coaches are effective in maximizing the rules of the game to their advantage.

Understand coaching methods, control the momentum and tempo of the game, and develop coaching systems.


Week 3

Understanding the Game

The goal for a coach is to prepare their team to have the best possible chance to play to their potential.

Learn the coaching errors to avoid, master game substitutions, build team leadership and unity, and the keys to quickness and intensity.


Weeks 4-5

Individual Basketball Skills

Understand what players, by position, need to know, understand and execute in order for them and the team to be successful offensively and defensively.


Weeks 6-7

Team Basketball Skills

The game of Basketball is often won or lost on the team’s ability to score or defend in special situations.

Learn offensive team skills, the art of scoring points, and defensive team skills.


Week 8

Designing Plays for Every Set

Learn how to use designed plays for offense, defense, sideline and baseline inbounds, presses, quick hitters, and defending a lead.


Weeks 9

Planning, Organization, Communication and Motivation

Learn the keys to communicating with players, parents, and administration. Organize practice schedules, scouting,
and statistics. Motivate your athletes and manage your timeouts.


Week 10

Developing Leaders and Captains

Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by people.  It is a spirit of the people who follow and of the ones who lead that gains the victory. – George S. Patton Jr

Use the four foundations of leadership to help create a great leader and help the captains and leaders learn their responsibilities.


Summer class: June 20 – Aug 26
Current EOU students
Non-Admitted students



Published Date : June 1, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

USA’s Best Buy, Russia’s Worst Sale.

For 67 million dollars, the United States bought all of Alaska. As I travel the magnificent state, I marvel how we were able to buy it from Russia.

When I look at the world politically, I thank the Lord Alaska is one of our states and not a Russian stronghold. We are fortunate.

Counting blessings, naming them one by one is easy for me to do as I spend two weeks in Anchorage, Sodoltna, Wasilla, Ketchikan and Metlakatla. Much of the time will be spent with basketball players who have hopes of becoming college players.

Check out the photo of the grizzly bear. Imagine for a moment this guy can run over 40 miles per hour.  Check out his 4 inch claws and arms strong enough to break the back of a moose with one swipe and a mouth big enough to hold a man’s head.

Then open your Bible and read Psalm 8. “What is man that you are mindful of”…….you will be richly blessed by taking a few minutes to delight in the psalmist words.



Published Date : May 25, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“One of luckiest men I know is me.”

This morning as I looked out at the Pacific Ocean from the 17th floor, I felt like the luckiest man on the planet.

My Bible lay opened to Psalm 20. In November 1977, my wife Susie read this Psalm. In the margins in her Bible she wrote, B.O.Y. Against all medical counsel, her daily prayer for a son was answered February 4, 1979.

Psalm 20 is rich with promises of hope. Psalm 20 is a place I run to when I face discouragement and challenges.  “May He give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”

Since I believe all things work together for good, it was not an accident my Bible was opened to Psalm 20 today.

As you know from reading Words of Hope with Fred Crowell know I have been walking through troubled waters. Psalm 20 is my reality. All is good with me and I pray with you as well.  

Luck is not a word I normally use, yet today I feel so lucky to be so happy, so in love with life and so blessed doing NBC Camps. Soon Susie and I celebrate 53 years of marriage. My two children and their life partners and five grandkids bring immense joy.

Today is Psalm 20 day. Today I will deeply mine the truths and promises the Lord gives us in this amazing Psalm.


FUNERAL - Victory or defeat?

Published Date : May 24, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“Death where is thy victory, where is thy Sting?” – Paul

Saturday was a funeral day for the Crowells. Hundreds came to celebrate the life of Dr. Felix Martinez, one of the three kindest men in my life.

Seems to me St. Paul had plenty of time to think about death as he awaited his Roman execution. The news of 65 year old Dr. Felix was a shock. My wife Susie and I are still reeling from the aftershocks.

Recently I met with a mortician to discuss my memorial service and burial. Sounds funny knowing I live by Mark Twain’s maxim, “If it weren’t for the last minute, I wouldn’t get anything done.”

Dear readers, know I plan to live until my granddaughter has her first grandchild. 11 year old Isabella, at age six declared, “Poppa you have to live long enough to see my first baby born, but not my second.”

I like this idea, as long as she waits to get married in her twenties!

In 2010, I asked a doc this question, “Doc, talk to me straight, no BS, what are my chances?” Doc said, “I give you two good years, then one year of chemo.”  

Well, we are going on six years and though there have been stormy seas, joy and peace have been my portion.

As I write these words, Susie and I celebrate six days in Oahu, our dear friends 50th in Alaska, then I do 3 NBC CAMPS in Anchorage, Ketchikan, and Metlakatla.

Can it be any better than this is? “Win the Moment” is my Motto. Be right here right now. Grandma Williams, who lived to be 108 said, “I want to wear out, not rust out.”

50 years ago in Fairbanks, Alaska I went all in as they say in Poker. I bet the house on Jesus Christ. I bet my life for His life. I bet He was my guarantee to see my dearly beloved mother again.

If I can be of any encouragement to those who read my Words of Hope, I have no fear of death. Because I love this life so much, I will fight to live to my last breath, but when these eyes close for the last time, I will see Jesus face to face. Then my mother and I, if I go before you, will be waiting with open arms for you.

As for now, let’s win the moment, so we can win the hour, so we can win the day!



Published Date : May 18, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“Cancer cannot steal my joy, rob me of hope, or destroy my love for life and people.”

These past six years have been some of the best years of my life.  As I walked out of Inland Imaging after the CAT scan, I was overwhelmed with the idea of how many sick people there are….in my brief visit, the office was filled with patients both young and old. Business was good, but not so good for the customer.

In church, the pastor asked for prayer for a 3 year old beginning chemo this week. As he prayed, I found myself saying, “Lord, give me this little girls cancer, I can handle it, she can’t.”

Today is bone scan day. Not a fun prospect. Popping out of bed at 6:30am was not as easy today.

Where can I find the resources to win the moment, so I can win the minute, so I can win the hour, so I can win one more day? This was foremost on my mind.

For me, a cup of coffee and choosing a place I call the Secret Garden Sacred Place is paramount. It is not always the same place each day.

Today, I settled in a cozy place where a picture of Jennifer was directly in front of me. This photo is 44 years old. On the shelf beneath this smiling miracle are Jennifer’s three Ferch daughters; Natalya Alexis, Ariana Alexis and Isabella Alexis.

To the right, is an 18 year old photo of an “all world” beautiful picture of Susie cuddled cheek to cheek with one year old Natalya. This brought sunshine to my soul.

Hope filled me, my cup “runneth over.” Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Beautiful girls have been one of God’s most precious gifts to our world. We must protect and honor them. This morning, I re-lived many memories. Our Jennifer has been my source of hope for a new and better tomorrow.

Isabella declared at age six, five years ago, “Poppa, you have to live long enough to see my first baby born, but not my second.”  We all erupted into laughter.

We all face some form of cancer. It may be depression, physical pain, loss of a loved one. The list is endless. Fact is, life is not for sissies.

Today, I will be like the Roman soldier St Paul used as a metaphor in the 6th chapter of Ephesians; Put on the full armor of God.

As I got dressed today, I thought for sure my red NBC t-shirt would represent the red badge of courage, the blue jeans; true blue character.  

The joy of Lord is my strength. If God be for us, who can stand against us?

Let’s win the moment.



Published Date : May 17, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

If you don’t look, you can’t see. If you don’t see, you miss glorious mountains, swift rivers, flowers that take your breathe away and, best of all, delightful people.  

This past weekend I visited the Crowell families. Anacortes is the gateway to the San Juan Islands. Fidalgo Island is the first of many majestic bodies resting above the Pacific Ocean. It is this side of heaven.


Our parents were born in this village once noted for fish canaries, pulp and lumber mills. Today tourism is the major industry, while two refineries provide many jobs. Two brothers and two sisters and a handful of friends draw me home from time to time.

As I viewed spectacular Anacortes, I imagined I tend to take the world’s artistry and grandeur for granted. I simply no longer see it. I don’t take time to look.

Someone was the first person to say, “Stop and smell the roses.”

Thankfully, three days in my boyhood town gave me opportunity to: see my mother’s grave; see magnificent rhododendrons and azaleas; see Mt Baker in her strength; see Guemes and Hat Islands with large and small boats pushing through blue waters.

My resolve is to use these two eyes the Lord has given me. Tonight on a walk with Susie, Spokane’s cherished flower, the Lilac, brought both beauty and fragrance.   


Gratitude brings the world into full color. When we take time to really see His creation, gratitude become our reality.

Enjoy this short video:

View Attachment



Published Date : May 13, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The world’s best corporation is looking for good people who are difference makers.

Not long ago, my Words of Hope spoke to the idea of kindness being described as useful goodness.

In 1967, Susie and I took a new job. Coach of Athletes in Action, a division of Campus Crusade for Christ. We left great jobs in Alaska will a combined salary of $22,000 to make $3,600, that is if people were kind enough to donate.

Gail Wright, a concert pianist, was given a tough job of being my secretary. Next year, we celebrate 5O years of continuous job sharing. Gail has kept NBC Camps at the highest possible level of financial integrity; in addition, she is a Bible dictionary and prayer warrior.  

After reading WOH on kindness, Gail encouraged me do take a look at the book of Philemon. It is a tiny one chapter book tucked between Titus and Hebrews.

When I do study work, it is important to me to know about the author. The most important site for me to visit in Rome is Paul’s prison cell. It was a nasty place.

I took a basketball team there to do a gut check on our lives. How was it possible for Paul to write, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice,” was the question I exhorted my boys to ponder.

Onesimus, a runaway slave from Philemon, met Paul in prison. Paul and Philemon became brothers in Christ.

This letter is a remarkable example of one person stepping in the gap for another. It is far too rich to share in this brief time with you. Inspire yourself as I did, and at Gail’s suggestion, study the book of Philemon.

To wet your appetite, realize Paul’s inspirational letter pleaded with Philemon, the slave owner, to give his slave, Onesimus, a new job. The job was freedom.

Two life lessons for me:

First, I want the feeling of a new job, every day, the rest of my life. This means acting the same way I did 50 years ago during my first day as head basketball coach at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. I was on fire. Today I am on fire.

Second, I want to imitate Paul and help people find a new job called freedom. Jesus said it best, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

Wonder how I am going to get one more village camp signed up for summer? Wonder who I will meet today who is looking for a new job today called freedom?

Retire? You’ve got to be kidding me!



Published Date : May 11, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“Work hard and continue to struggle.” – Timothy

Last week a friend sent me a text with this question, “Why do we have to struggle?”

Honestly, my first thought was, “why should we not have to struggle?” This beautiful, magnificent thing we call life is best experienced through hard work and struggle.

Yesterday was one of those days for me. It  was a struggle day. Ignatius called struggle desolation. It was his conviction that we are either in desolation or consolation.

The monthly visit to the oncologist was on the calendar, not my favorite appointment. I have learned that a sheet white face on the doc as he enters the room is not a good sign. This was a white faced visit. There have been three of these the last three years.

The good thing about struggle is it ends. It does not last forever IF you are working hard and are continuing to struggle. To fight through until consolation comes, is the game plan.

In struggle times, clinging to the promising words in Lamentations is the “work hard and continue to struggle” part of the deal to finish strong.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning great is thy faithfulness. I say to myself the Lord is my portion therefore I will wait for him. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him to the one who seeks him.” Lamentations 3:22

For most of us starting is relatively easy. The finish is the real beast, especially when it comes to worthy causes or tasks that have long-term commitments.

Nothing demands more hard work and struggle, than to live well and continue to struggle to the last breath.

Serious basketball coaching has taught me well the concept and value of finish.  

The MADE basketball shot in heavy traffic, with the prospect of getting driven to the floor by a defensive monster, is of one the the games most difficult skills to master, yet finish at the free throw line wins 25% of basketball games. Ever wonder why so many players can’t make the games, only free shot?

Fact is, in basketball terms the Crowell’s are in heavy traffic. We have our own opportunity to finish strong. Susie and I are so thankful for the folks in our lives who finished strong. We applaud and imitate them.

Words of Hope has been life giving to me the past 8 months. Six years ago, a doc in Seattle estimated Crowell had 3 years; it has been 6 and if you have any doubt let me make it clear.

God is who He says I am. Same is true for you! Who God says we are trumps even who we think we are.

Join me today to work hard and continue to struggle. Joy comes in the morning. It’s morning as I write theses words. Joy is my reality. How about you?


Crowell Basketball System

Published Date : May 5, 2016
Categories : Basketball, Coaches Corner, news, Players Corner



This is the reason a high majority of high school basketball players rate their experience as unhappy. Crowell has a solution! Athletes, here is the hard reality. It is rare a coach will do what is best for you! It is human nature to do what is best for oneself. If this offends the coach, it is indication this coach is among those most interested in their own personal welfare. Hope your coach in school or summer does not fit this description.

Message to Athletes, Parents, Coaches:

The Crowell Basketball System is based on over 60 years of life experience. If you master Coach Crowell’s basketball system as an athlete, parent, or coach you will have both emotional intelligence (EQ) skills, the most valuable, and IQ skills to know and understand both basketball and LIFEBALL to a high level of excellence.

1.) Basketball skill is a personal skill building experience. It is not a games only experience because 5 on 5 play is not an effective way to get better in the summer time. Basketball math proves this fact. High school games are 32 minutes long. 10 players all playing the same amount of time means each player gets 16 minutes.Crowell solution to personal basketball excellence: Learn to love hard work; delight in self-discipline. Become a life-long student of EQ!

2.) Coaches can’t have it two ways. They get one way. You either build individual skills or team skills. If you play to win the game only, the best players play. If you play all 10 to 12 players the same amount of time, you lose the game. The two or three best players will play the majority of the game and 8 through 12 get few game minutes. This is the reality of team camps. Not saying they are not a good thing; just saying this is reality.

Crowell Solution: In the off season, elite college teams and pro-players focus on these things:
• Basketball skill improvement – personal workouts
• Quickness and strength conditioning
• And the real smart ones learn EQ

3.) Exposure is a myth: Travel ball to big exposure tournaments is not the way to get a college scholarship. Hard work, dedicated to practice hours and hours all alone, is the answer. I guarantee if you are good enough, Coach Jim Harrick or I, at the Crowell Camp, can make one phone call and get you a look at any level of play from Elite universities like UCLA to Virginia to Gonzaga or Oklahoma. D2, D3, Community colleges, the same goes. The hard cold truth is, Can the kid play? First question asked: “Who is recruiting you in your local area?” If no one, you better get better fast!

Crowell Solution: Crowell Camps at NBC Camps are a good choice: We train each athlete to self-diagnose their weaknesses both physically and mentally and develop a personal plan to get better before the next basketball season. Each athlete will be coached on the “how to” of preparing a personal game plan to play at the highest possible level. Dreams to goals to reality is a learned process. We coach you how to coach yourself.

4.) Emotional intelligence training is the most important, least taught educational skill. EQ is the “I want to“ versus the “how to” element of life. For this reason, the Crowell Basketball System is unlike any camp experience I know of in my 50 years of coaching, dating back to my days as head coach at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Crowell solution: I fully admit Crowell Basketball is not for the games only coach or player. Athletes or coaches who do not prize self-discipline, honoring authority with respect, being on time, and personal excellence, should avoid Crowell’s programs.  Hard work is not nearly enough in my book. THE LOVE of HARD WORK is the essence of LIFEBALL and basketball success. If sleeping in, goofing off late into the night, and living on the cell phone is more precious than being right here right now, it is impossible to master the Crowell Basketball System.

5.) Basketball does not build character; basketball reveals character. When a serious basketball player gets a technical foul in a crucial part of a game, is not actively engaged in school with a commitment to get A’s and B’s, does not bring honor and respect for his family with quality behavior, and lies about breaking team training rules. All of these make the game of basketball of little value. Basketball is a short lived life experience for 99% of high school students.

Crowell solution: 
Basketball is a game; life is a game. The better you get at LIFEBALL, the better you get at basketball. The Crowell experience is three fold: 1) Create an atmosphere of safety both physically and emotionally. There is zero tolerance for bullying, bad behavior or abusive coaching. 2) Each athlete is a miracle and deserves to be coached with dignity and respect and receive equal playing time. 3) Respect for people, self-respect, and respect for property are prized virtues in the Crowell Basketball System.

Crowell Expectation: Each coach and player returns home a better person. Crowell’s hopeful reward: Parents see a difference in their son’s attitude and behavior. Love life, love family, love people, and love God is my hope.


Crowell basketball system



Published Date : April 29, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

New discoveries in music and in life.

This miniature guitar originated in Portugal. The Hawaiians fell in love with this nimble, fun instrument. They named it the ukulele, the jumping flee.  

Six Years ago, a special man of uncommon joy and kindness came into my life. He brought his young son to our basketball camp in Maui.

At camp, he asked me to teach him how to shoot a basketball. He wanted to help his son master the craft. The foundation of the Crowell Shooting System, at its most basic level, is Touch, Brush, Swish. This became his homework.

Soon I learned Derick Sebastion was one of the world’s foremost masters of the jumping flea. Sebastion could make the Ukulele dance, laugh, cry, scream and jump for joy.

Weekly, Derick performs at the Hula Grill. Children get a free lesson. Adults can join too if there are enough instruments.

Isabella, third daughter of Shann and Jennifer, got her first Ukulele and lesson from coach Sebastion. I joined her for my first shot at a musical lesson.

Coach made it simple like I try to do in shooting classes. The right hand is the first key, not the left hand. The rhythm is tick tock like a clock.

The place of the fingers like basketball is crucial. The motion reminded me of Touch, Brush, Swish. The jumping fleas prime motion is down up, down up, up down.

Bella picked up immediately; not me. I was doing down up, down up, up down with my imaginary Uke as we returned to Spokane. This was my homework.

During the ukulele lesson and personal time with this gifted and beloved friend, I heard something I needed to hear.

Join me in wrapping your mind around these profound ideas.

The Ukulele coach says, “Talent is important; dedicated work is even more important but also remember, when you perform any act, people are more interested in how you make them feel as you do it.”

Bang! Mind lights come on. Let’s use the flight attendants on the plane. Three attendants had served me. All had done a professional job. They handed me drink or food alike; however, one of the three did it with joy and gratitude. She made me feel good. The other two simply performed their duties like it was a job.

Derick’s wisdom moved me to say this to my amazing 11 year old grandchild:

“Bella, I am proud of you for saving half the money. Thank you for choosing the Ukulele the manager suggested. I was blessed to pay the extra. I will never ask you to practice. If the Ukulele is the instrument you love to play, let it be your motivation. If not find your passion elsewhere.”  

I have known for years, if you really love something you can’t get enough of it.

Encouraging people to find their passion is my passion. It is my jumping flea.

What’s Yours?



Published Date : April 27, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“A dear friend to all dedicated to educating youth, to dream dreams, to love life, to serve family with no reservation and, in a quiet, gentle manner, be all His for the glory of God.

Gene Avey is my dear friend. Last week I called him to sing my Stevie Wonder song,

“Gene I just called to tell you I love you; I just called to tell you how much I care.”

Gene returned my call. I was not available. The cell screen recorded Gene Avey in red.  

I returned the call. The message recorded was, “Gene, when I see your name in red, my fingers can’t move fast enough to call you back. Let’s talk soon, I love you.”

Not long ago the family landed in Seattle. It was a long flight from Maui.

My cell showed a call from Gene. I listened to the message. It was not Gene’s voice.

Mrs. Avey wanted me to know Gene died in a four wheeler accident. The Aveys had just retired. Gene was superintendent of Annette Island Schools. Lecia, a dedicated teacher.

Both Gene and Lecia prayed for me daily. Gene brought NBC and me to Metlakatla to touch the minds and hearts of the youth he loved. Bobby Moore and I love Met. Gene was my hero. He believed in me and I believed in him. Still do!

This past year the Lord laid it on my heart to call or write those in my life whom I need to tell, “Just called to tell you I love you. I called to tell you how much I care.” I truly believed I would be the one at heavens gates waiting to greet Gene Avey with open arms and a joy packed welcome.

Gene Avey will be waiting for me with his generous smile and open arms.

Gene, as you join the cloud of witness we read about in Hebrews 11 and 12, my promise to you is to ask the Lord daily to help me imitate the way you loved people and served them so well.

Gene Avey, you fought the good fight, you battled for the prize, and you were the Lord Jesus Christ’s worthy ambassador. You imitated the Apostle Paul who said, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”



Published Date : April 13, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

Hope is the anchor to my soul.

The destination for Mr. And Mrs. C is our beloved Esperanza in Cabo San Lucas. We join the 4C’s. Jay, Jennifer, Kingston and Giovanna.  

The nice lady at the Alaska Airlines ticket counter said, “I am jealous.”

My response was, “I am really jealous of you,” which resulted in the response, “why?”

“Because I am 74 and I am not your age. I’ll trade you my trip to Mexico if we can change ages.”

Turned out 37 was her age. This would have been a bargain of a life time. Looks like I will have to suffer in Cabo instead of being youthful once again.

Esperanza means hope. I need hope.

You need hope. We need a strong anchor to keep us on task.

Peter called hope the anchor to our souls. Depression is the absence of hope. Suicide is the ultimate evidence of a life without hope.  

Peter held high regard for the word Hope. Paul was equally high on this word. He put the word hope in the same class as love and faith; with love being the greatest of the three.

Faith is the jet fuel to empower us to dream big dreams. Faith moves us to believe we can!

Love is the powerful rocket fuel that gives us the power to go beyond our given skill sets. Love is the greatest way to move people to greatness.

Hope gives us the never quit drive to push over or under or through the challenge. Hope keeps us centered.

During these 7 days at Esperanza, growing my hope factor is important to me. Thankfully we can grow our hope factor.  

How would you grow your hope factor?

If you are interested in what I learn about growing my hope factor, email me at within 7 days. I will send more information on all requests at one time.

We are all in this boat that we call life together. We need both life jackets and a worthy anchor. The anchor’s name is hope.  



Published Date : April 12, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

The one good answer is right here, right now.

At SEA-TAC while working on an intensely worded email, I lost track of time. Turns out I was not “right here, right now.”

The right place was at the boarding gate. The right time was ten minutes earlier.  

Fortunately for me, my wife Susie was right here right now. At her discomfort and inconvenience, she had to race across the concourses, rush into the Alaska boardroom and fish me out at break-neck speed.

At my age, break-neck speed is slightly faster than the turtles I watched race at a convention I spoke at in Mississippi years ago. They enticed the turtles with beer. I think I got across the concourse faster than those turtles did in Biloxi in 1978.

For you, human rights activists relax, I was the guest speaker. It was my first $2000 speech. It was an hour talk. The guy before me went 50 minutes over.    

They cut my time to 10 minutes. The drunken turtle race had “right here, right now” priority. I was simply a spectator at the turtle race. I placed no bets. (Smile)

Living in the present is no small task. Being fully present is a serious mind set.

I fail too often to be “right here, right now.”

Some of my former college basketball players had the attention span of a gnat. When I coached them to get B’s not D’s, I took them to the library. A large alarm clock was placed in front of them.

First, we started with “right here, right now” for two minutes. The goal was 10 minutes with undivided attention, then a five minute break.  

The first session for one of my athletes was to focus for 60 seconds. It was painful for him. Within a few months, he could do 10 minute intervals with five minute breaks for one hour of focused study.

Do this for two hours and you get B’s. Do it for 4 hours and get A’s.

Do it for 8 hours, you get a Masters with Honors.

Do this method until you know it, you earn a Doctorate.

Seems to me, too often, I return to the attention span of a gnat. Recently, I spoke to business people. One piece of advice I was given was to remember the attention span of the attendees was at an elementary grade level.

“Right here, right now” living begins with a “want to” attitude. Ironically, yesterday, I committed myself to be on time each time Susie made a request.

Talk about “right here, right now” being challenging. So far I am one for two today. My “want to” factor is a 10. My execution factor thus far today is a five. I resolve to get my score to an 8, and tomorrow a 9.



Published Date : April 9, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The Psalmist said, “The Lord knows everything about us.”

Imagine being able to say, “You know everything about me, even before I say it, and exclaim, such knowledge is too wonderful!

In my experience, I know we don’t know everything to be known about us. Who originated the saying, “Everyone has skeletons in the closet?”

Matter of fact, it is common for people to avoid the truth about themselves. Existential diagnosis is difficult even when you are 100% committed to self-discovery, and impossible if you are unwilling to humble yourself and open the closet to your inner life.

I vividly remember saying to two of NBC’s finest staff, “When I am long gone, remember my two favorite words, “My fault.” Why are they my favorite? Simple answer! In my experience, your fault is common; my fault, uncommon.

For those who wish to discover the reality of how precious God’s thoughts are about us, please read Psalm 139 out loud each day this week. Even better, read it with an important person in your life.



Published Date : March 31, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“We may finally be winning the battle to turn what was once a deadly diagnosis into a disease that can be controlled and cured.” – AARP Bulletin, March 2016

This AARP edition caught my attention!

The crucial question posed on the magazine cover got my interest, “Are we closing in on a cure?”

When the doctor says, “You have cancer,” three serious questions begin to dominate the way you think:

How long do I have?

Can I live a normal life?

Will I be cured?

At this point, you may be thinking, “Fred, I am reading your daily words for hope. Cancer talk is a downer for me. Bring the hope.”

Good idea. My hope for you today is to proclaim cancer cannot rob anyone of the true essence of life which is to live love. Love is the cornerstone of all virtues.

I absolutely delight in Paul’s letter to the Colossians. In Chapter 1, he declares Jesus is the visible expression of the invisible God.  In Colossians 3, we are told we are chosen, holy, and dearly loved.  Bam! This is great news!

This I know! Every human has cancer. For some it is the cancer of lazy; others bad attitude. Selfishness and self-pity are deadly cancers. Hatred, terrorism and all forms of destroying others is the most lethal of all cancers.

The one true cure for cancer is found at the cross. This is Fred Crowell’s cure for cancer. Dirty, nasty, lying Mr. C may beat my body but it will never, never, ever rob me of the joy of my salvation.

Want some wonderful nutrition to live free of the cancers of life? Memorize Philippians 4:4-8.



Published Date : March 28, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“The thrill of victory is worth the risk of the agony of defeat.”  – Mike Tauriainen, civil engineer, former Crowell player at UAF.

Spokanites are grieving Gonzaga’s heart breaking give away loss to Syracuse.

Michigan State fans remain in shock at the Spartans seeded 2 loss to 15 seed Middle Tennessee.

Seattle Seahawks loyalist will go to their graves hung up over the fatal pass that cost them the Super Bowl.

56 years years ago, my high school team lost in the semi-finals. It was a day of agony. Still conjures up what ifs.  

Is my buddy, Mike, right? Is the thrill of the victors cup worth the risk of the agony of defeat?

Bonhoeffer said in effect, “The greater the love the greater the loss.” The more skin you have in the game, business, or relationship; the greater the agony.

My Alaska friends Mike and Loren, lost their only daughter in a rock climbing accident. I saw Loren at a basketball game in Anchorage. One look was a graphic picture of agony.

Susie says, “When you have massive loss, the pain never departs; it becomes ordinary.”

For some, the agony of pain is not worth the risk. Safety is the highest priority.

For some this means no marriage.

For others, it means remaining in a terrible job.

Too many choose not to love deeply.

My life has been marked by many failures. There have been defeats of agony.

This I tell you, each breath I take for as long as I can breathe, Fred Crowell seeks the thrill of victory and declares, “Bring on the agony for it is in the pain you truly find life at its best.”

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20



Published Date : March 25, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

No pain no gain
No sorrow no joy
No work no pay
No crooked line no straight line
No hate no love
No late no on time
No defeat no victory

The Scriptures say.

” I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.”

This is my last day with my new hero Matthew, because I have come to the last chapter of his gospel. It is time to travel new places in the Scriptures. Matthew is an inspiration!

When he was called Levi I saw my early life in him. When Levi turned to The Lord he crucified his old ways and experienced a resurrection into a new life.

My decision to become obedient to the Lordship of Jesus Christ was foolishness to many who knew me well. Several years later I started NW Basketball camp, when the idea of combining basketball with faith was a foreign concept.

One way to build a great camp logically would be to team up with a super star from the NBA. In 1971 I wrote my 3 favorite NBA players; I confess Lord my wisdom motivated me to contact NBA stars to propel NBC CAMPS to great success. To this day NBA stars have never been involved with the amazing growth of the camp, and when none responded it forced me down another path; asking 1,000 people face to face in hopes of getting 100 students to attend the camp. This was my path. It worked!

At this time in my life I was not aware of the wise counsel in Proverbs which tells us not to chase after famous people. This is foolishness and unproductive. Thankfully the NBA pros did not respond, because there are no shortcuts to long term success.

In truth Jesus became the NBC Campssuperstar.” It is He Alone who makes life different and He alone is the One who changes lives; not coaches, not programs but by His spirit.

Crucifixion without resurrection is total foolishness.

Crucifixion followed by resurrection is a miracle.

Today I choose to pick up my cross, to be obedient; to me this means to trust The Lord to live His love, His light and His love in and through me.

Because He lives I can face today, tomorrow and the next.  No crucifixion; no resurrection.  No Christ; no life.  It is that simple to me.



Published Date : March 18, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“Fred Crowell is the happiest man I know.” – F. Crowell

74 years ago today I was born next to mother, Kathleen Mitchell Crowell at Providence Hospital in Seattle.  My courageous and tireless working mother brought 8 of us into this world in a period of 13 years. 

Today six men from China are spending five full days with me planning how to reach millions of youth in China. Imagine thousands of American and Chinese students learning to love life and each other. This is the best way to make a safer world. 

Today, 294 people fill a magnificent ballroom to learn about EQ, emotional intelligence. 

Today with great friends I will watch four NCAA basketball games at the Spokane arena. 

Today board members for Sports Leadership who come from Nashville, Miami, Alaska are here to plan ways to help more youth become game changers

I am reading my son’s birthday card. Jay, like his mother, carefully chooses cards that speak a very special message.

The card says, “It’s the simple things in life that make it wonderful, celebrate your day!”

My true confession is: Fred Crowell is the happiest man I know. What is the secret of my happiness? Thanks for asking, I’m glad to tell you.

Live the precious moment, be right here right now!

Know and understand that every person on this earth is a miracle.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your path.

Above all virtues put on love which is the true difference maker.

Thank you, my dear friends; who read Words of Hope with Fred Crowell. You’re a blessing to me and you are part of the reason I’m the happiest!



Published Date : March 15, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

“What is man that you are mindful of him?”

These Words of Hope were written from my home on an overcast Saturday morning March 12, 2016.  

A terrible cough and a tough reaction to new cancer medicine made being hopeful challenging.

This illness could not have come at a worse time. In the next 10 days leaders from China will be in Spokane, nearly 300 people will attend our huge Emotional Intelligence Event and the Sports Leadership board will be here as well. Plus the first round of NCAA March Madness is here in Spokane.

My mind raced through all the tasks needed be done. My heart pounded. I was not in a good place.

The circumstances motivated me to do some existential self-diagnosis.

The self-question that challenged me was, “Am I a human being or a human doing?” I confess too much of my life has been being a human doing and not a human being.

Amazingly, as I focused on who I was and not what must be done, peace filled my life cup like the rising sea fills a deep harbor.  

Wonderfully, worry and anxiety became ghosts and delight and hope swelled in me. The more I focused on being human and less on doing, the more joy of being alive was my reward.

My suspicion is many reading these words relate to my experience. Addiction to human doing is common in folks who seek to be high achievers.

This is my invitation to join me for 7 days to bring to our conscious minds the fact that “being” is more important than“doing”.

Fact is, the more we forget the more we try to do! The journey, the process, the experience, all are in the being not the doing. For example, when I think about being a father for 47 years, I recall being a father is the foundation for fatherhood.

The concept of human being and human doing is clearly expressed through the way Jesus lived and treated us; especially his disciples.

Paul understood and wrote about human being and human doing better than anyone. Jesus welcomed us as human beings. He embraced as who we are and not as what we do.

As a basketball coach it is clear when an athlete is valued as a human being; as a created being with unlimited potential and not valued strictly on performance (doing), in this valuation, the athletes performance becomes vastly superior.

These coming days of, “so much to be done” the focus on being a human being is the the best possible way to perform at a high level.

We are human beings, not human doings.

Celebrate with me.



Published Date : March 14, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“We were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight.” – Numbers 13:33b

March Madness is here upon us. For the next four weeks America will be fixated on college basketball. It is a grand time.

An essential element in preparing for a basketball game is scouting the enemy. Great care must be taken to make sure the coaches don’t give the opponent the status of a giant, so the opponent does not become an unbeatable giant in their player’s minds.

I remember a coach telling his team, “This is the best team you will face all year. You have to play a perfect game to win.”

Good luck team, your coach just convinced you that you are grasshoppers!

The reality is lower rated teams may see themselves as grasshoppers.   

The higher rated, too often, see their appointed challenger as grasshoppers. Over confidence can be as deadly as “grasshopperitis”.

Upsets happen when less talented teams refuse to accept grasshopper status.

They find their giants deep in their being while the highly favored team makes the costly mistake of treating their opponent lightly. They make the fatal mistake of thinking they’re playing against grasshoppers.

If you follow Joshua’s life story in Numbers 13 and Joshua 1, you  will clearly read that Joshua saw his army as giants, not grasshoppers.

Be strong and courageous was Joshua’s battle cry. St. Paul had it figured out, “I can do all things who strengthens me.”

Some present day challenges:

Math; especially calculus, brings out the grasshopper in students.

Criticized, bullied, laughed at brings the grasshopper out in nearly all us when faced with these people.

Too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, too poor, too ugly, too old, too dumb; you name it, they all bring out the grasshopper in us.

74 years is a long time to live. I have tried more ways than I can count to beat the grasshoppers who have robbed me of daily victory in my life.

This is the way I have learned to find the giant in me. And how to chase the grasshoppers away. The key is to trust the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul!  Choose to win. Joshua said boldly, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”

Thing about grasshoppers; they can be voracious. Many years ago Spokane had a grasshopper attack. They leveled Susie’s spectacular vegetable garden.

I know with all my heart the Lord is my Shepherd and He empowers me to walk through the Valley of the shadow of death. Memorize Psalm 23.

Practice moment by moment the big five:

1.  God is who he says he is.

2.  God does what he says he will do.

3.  I am who God says I am, not who I think I am.

4.  I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.

5.  God’s word is alive and active in me, I am believing God

I found my Giant and His name is Jesus; the King of Kings.



Published Date : March 10, 2016
Categories : Basketball, Faith, Words of Hope

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

I’m reminded of a time when my fourth graders were playing for the city championship. At a crucial time late in the game, one of my boys made a bad play.

During the time out he was sobbing. Knowing the absolute wrong solution was tender comfort, which would only produce more tears I yelled,

Dry up!!!”

His river of tears appeared as if they had run back into his eyes. They vanished!

I screamed “game on” more through my eyes than tongue. This was the right medicine at the right time.

There were no tears as we cut the nets down and walked away with a championship trophy.  

There was no mommy holding son’s hand, going home to cry some more.

There was no daddy telling coach, “You ruined my son’s life. You are a mean man and need to quit coaching.”

There was no crying quoting son thinking the battles of life can’t be won.

I confess to tell you, I am not sure my Words of Hope have been touching readers’ life buttons.

Candidly, I am a home hostage to a terrible chest cold. I get into relentless cough spells. Add this to back to back “bad news” at oncology visits, I am not on my A game.

Just for the record, in case someone comes up to you and says, “Did you know Fred Crowell died?”

A year ago someone told an NBC staff, “I heard Fred Crowell died.”  

“Gosh, I better get back to the office to see if Fred just died. I saw him earlier today. He looked well when we talked.”

Tell them Crowell is a full of life, a fighting machine eager to live life to the max. I believe if you have breath, then breathe.

It’s DRY UP, GAME ON time for Freddy J!  No time for tears. No time for self-pity. I know it is useless because I have tried tears and self-pity.

Next week we have nearly 300 people coming to the event I host at the Davenport Grand Hotel on emotional intelligence.  

Six partners from China will be with me for 6 days to plan NBC China.

Special guests are coming for a Sports Leadership Ministries annual board meeting.

And the first round of NCAA basketball March Madness starts right here in Spokane.

With joy and gratitude, I shout with St. Jame’s solution to difficulty and hardships.

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way considerate it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow so let it grow for when your endurance is full you’ll be perfect and complete needy of nothing.”



Published Date : March 7, 2016
Categories : Words of Hope

With this February being a leap year, we got a bonus day. We will not have another 29th of February for four more years!

My bonus day started early. I needed to be at the clinic for blood tests.

The technicians asked me how I was. First thought, “Should I tell them the truth or make something up?”

I had to decide, was my day going to be mundane or momentous? Yet, would my answer really have any effect?

In Bridge of Spies actor Tom Hanks asked the spy facing death questions like:

“Are you afraid?”

“Are you worried?”

Each answer was always the same!

Would it help?”

If I tell people the total truth when they ask me how I am or how I feel, will it help?

If I tell them a lie about how I truly am or feel, will it help?

Many years ago in the hard,  cold reality of professional counseling, I discovered a life principle that actually works in real life.  It is, “fake it till you make it” or “act as if.”

Knowing that what we appreciate appreciates and what we depreciate depreciates, I often assigned clients to relive memories of positive experiences like the day you fell in love and wanted to marry your, now present problem. 

The assignment:  For the next 24 hours act as if your partner is the best person possible for you.  Act as if your life and partner is awesome.  

How long do you want to do this experiment for: 24, 48 or 72 hours? 

Choose the time period you think you can go with no criticism, no sarcasm; just kindness, encouragement and appreciation.  

So, based on what you just read, was Fred Crowell’s day mundane or momentous?



Published Date : March 4, 2016
Categories : Business, Faith, Words of Hope

March Madness is not only about the NCAA Basketball Tournament.  It is also about the madness in firing of coaches!

Nearly every basketball coach in America, at any level, even 4th grade YMCA ball, has somebody unhappy with them. If the unhappy person(s) has the power, the coach gets fired. Period. End of story! 

If you never want to run the risk of getting fired, don’t coach a sports team. Especially basketball. 

If you don’t want to run the risk of getting fired, don’t get married. Successful, happy marriages are a minority. 

If you don’t want to run the risk of getting fired, don’t start a business. Most startups don’t last five years. 

Well I have run the risk of being a basketball coach, a husband, and a businessman. 

In basketball, I heard the words, “You’re fired!” It is a great story and I will write it up someday.  

In marriage, Susie says, “Divorce no, murder maybe.”

In business, there are lots of huge challenges, yet by God’s grace, NBC is alive and well. Jennifer Crowell Ferch leads NBC into the second generation. 

So, Mr. Fred, what is the point of this WOH?

If you get fired, get back up off the ground and get busy! Imitate this unnamed coach:

Recently, an amazing college coach was fired unjustly. His courage and integrity shouts loudly as he moves forward, void of bitterness, yet rich in hope. 

If you have been fired in marriage, be like my hero who came back from the low of lows to love life with peace and forgiveness. Nine years after his getting fired, he was rewarded with a woman who truly loved him. 

If you lost your business, get back up like my friend who refused to take bankruptcy, and has repaid 1 million dollars at huge sacrifices to his family, yet the family lives joyfully.



Published Date : February 26, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Scott Rueck, sensational women’s basketball coach at Oregon State coined “Got Crowelled.”

Scott was a master coach at an NBC Camp in Hawaii a few years ago. One of our young coaches was doing some basketball drills.

While I was in the process of educating the NBC way to a new staff member, Coach Rueck smiled as he told another coach, “He just got Crowelled.”

Getting Crowelled is a common experience for many these days. I look for these opportunities. Hopefully I have learned do to this more effectively.

These past 8 days there have been many opportunities. I will share one that means the world to me.

Within a block of the Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos, California there is a winery. I met two members of the staff. I asked, “What brings you joy today?”

Quickly the response was, “You bring me joy today.” “Wow, thank you!”

“And what brings you joy today?” Asked this nice person.

I said, “Can I tell you a quick story?”

“Yes, please do.”

“I have a teacher. He is mean. He doesn’t play fair but he is a great teacher if you listen to him. He has set me free. I am the happiest person you will meet today. My mean teacher’s name is Cancer.”

The second staff member’s eyes glistened. A bright eyed 21 year old woman who had been laughing and smiling up to this moment.

She said, “I learned this week I have cervical cancer.”

In an instant, our hearts united. In the ensuing minutes the majesty, grace, mercy and love of Jesus took over. Both of us “Got Christed” which is far better than “Got Crowelled.”

I asked permission to email her. She signed up for Words of Hope. “Would it be ok to pray?” I asked.  

Both welcomed a prayer. Honestly, it was a moment in time when time stood still and His glory was with us.  

To You, Lord Jesus Christ, we praise Abba Father in your precious name.



Published Date : February 18, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The Chief Stands tall at 7353 feet.

For the first time in our lives Susie and I visited majestic Yosemite National Park with dear friends.

I have added two photos I took before seeing El Capitan. In comparing them you will see the absolute grandeur of the chief .  

What surprised me even more than the surreal beauty, was the way El Capitan grew in stature in my mind as time passed over the next several days.

It makes perfect sense to me that the Spanish called El Capitan “the chief.” El Capitan is clearly and obviously the chief  spectacular site in Yosemite.

El Capitan reminded me of the one and only chief cornerstone;  the rock that is the perfect image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation.

As I reflect on El Capitan I marvel at the impact the chief had on me.  Like the Chief Cornerstone who has been the rock in my life for 50 years, its value grows in value and appreciation.

In fact, El Capitan and all of Yosemite declares the glory of God and screams of the beauty and majesty of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Yosemite is a must see.  God is there in all His splendor. I rejoice Susie and I experienced Yosemite.  The best part is we now have memories for a lifetime.



Published Date : February 6, 2016
Categories : Business


phone: 509.232.6490




Published Date : February 4, 2016
Categories : Uncategorized



Published Date : January 27, 2016
Categories : Uncategorized

“Feelings are God’s precious gift”

Sadness is truly a precious gift from the Creator of the universe. No sadness – no joy. No feelings – no humanity. No sadness – no conscience. No conscience – no morality. No morality – no morality to right and wrong. No right and wrong – no God. No God – no life. 

Fact is, I dislike sadness. I run from sadness. I eliminate feelings of sadness with chocolate, pizza, and other fat producing foods. I hide sadness in many ways. I grew up avoiding sadness. My father punished sadness. “Hey, dry up or I will give you something to cry about,” or “Boys don’t cry & don’t be a sissy.”

It is incredible to think movie directors and producers work diligently to create scenes with the intent to emote sadness and tears; yet too many men stifle these emotions with ridicule or teasing like my father did to his children.

It makes sense to me that the measure of a man is one who fights like a warrior when necessary and tears up with tenderness when appropriate. Two opposite emotions required. Cut one off and the other diminishes or expands beyond reason. Another way to put it is, if you can’t show empathy, you can’t truly love. Anger is the flip side of love. 

Speaking of anger, it is my conviction, anger is a valuable, absolutely necessary emotion. When Luke was 9 days old he underwent the most serious possible heart operation. When they began to put all kinds of tubes into Luke, he fought like a gladiator. Luke was boiling hot, angry. The Doc said to the Father Roger, “Luke is a fighter; he is going to make it.”

If we want our “fight factor” to grow, sadness is a powerful emotion. Sadness is fuel to change bad situations. Sadness is energy to get out of terrible situations. Sadness is a fantastic motivational tool. Instead of using anger on a child’s poor behavior, sadness and disappointment is often a far better tool.

Sadness has the potential to turn to joy and happiness. Instead of eating away my sadness, instead of pretending it doesn’t hurt to be betrayed or mistrusted, I am learning to own my sadness. I am learning to say, “You hurt me. I am really sad you chose to treat me this way.” I am discovering it is not only okay to explore and examine my sadness, it is actually therapeutic and healthy to do so.

The Bible scene that has profoundly impacted me is using God’s gift of imagination in actually “seeing myself” in the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus and His followers. “Take a walk with me Fred, says “Jesus in my mind’s eye. Strolling down the path as the apostles slept, I witness Jesus literally begging His father to let this bitter cup, the crucifixion, pass. Make no mistake, Jesus was sad when His Father said, “There is no other way for sins to be forgiven. You must go to the cross, My beloved Son.”

Yes, indeed, I am here to say sadness is God’s gift to you and me. Let’s embrace it so that we can truly love those He has placed in our lives.



Published Date : January 26, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope


St. Paul has often been quoted, “Death where is thy victory, where is thy sting?” In some mysterious way, both the apostle Paul and German martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, discovered victory in death. “How did they do it?” is the question I want answered as I face my own mortality.

Death, like other forms of suffering, is avoided at all cost. It is also a subject few folks wish to discuss. Therefore, when someone dies, the agony of death is thrust upon us, and we are unprepared to deal with it effectively. Bonhoeffer called death the beginning of life. Paul said, “To life is Christ and to die is gain.”

What are they talking about? What has been wrong with my thinking? When Mr. Cancer, the dirty little cheater, knocked at my door, joy and victory fled far from me. With fear and trembling, I have gone to the oncologist nearly every month for the past five years with the exception of the last 7 months. I have never gone with joy and delight. Next week I will go again. How will it go? I will let you know next week, if you ask!

Bonhoeffer’s words amaze me:

“Death is only dreadful for those who live in dread and fear of it. Death is not wild and terrible, if only we can be still and hold fast to God’s Word. Death is not bitter, if we have not become bitter ourselves. Death is grace, the greatest gift of grace that God gives to people who believe in him. Death is mild, death is sweet and gentle; it beckons to us with heavenly power, if only we realize that it is the gateway to our homeland, the tabernacle of joy, the everlasting kingdom of peace.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed on April 8, 1945 at Flossenburg Prison. He died a noble death and joined the martyrs around the throne of Christ. He told a friend, when he knew he was going to be executed, “This is the end…for me the beginning of life!”

Today, I write these words for my dear friend whose brother died while hunting. I write these words for our beloved Mrs. Tucker who was with her husband the moment he closed his eyes for the last time knowing his life was just beginning. I write these words for my brothers and sisters who lost our mother to cancer 63 years ago. Kathleen Crowell is waiting for her boys and girls to come home. I write these words for you who have suffered the loss of someone dear and precious to you.

Death doesn’t win for those of us who have experienced the love, grace, and mercy of the one who conquered death on a cruel, Roman cross.  Because He lives, we live again.



Published Date : January 25, 2016
Categories : Uncategorized



Published Date : January 21, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex.”

These days as I am in Cabo San Lucas, two questions I have been asking people are:

Do you believe in miracles?

Have you experienced a miracle in your life?

These two questions become more intriguing when the language barrier is present. Unfortunately, my Spanish is at the baby stage. However, the language challenge often deepens and enriches the dialogue.

Play my favorite game with me right now. For new hope readers, my favorite game is lifeball. Life is a ball. Life is a game. Lifeball is living large.

Ok, here is our lifeball game this moment: Look all around you circumspectly. Do you see a miracle? If no, why not? If yes, find one more miracle.

Yesterday, I played miracle lifeball as I was swimming in the pool. Breast stroking or freestyle one way, and as I swam slowly back in recovery mode I saw a full moon. How many miracles do you think I was able to see?  

One miracle was my ability to see the moon. Last night, Professor Google told me the moon is 240,000 miles from earth. Are you kidding me?! These tiny two eyes can see an object that far away.

A miracle of miracles is when a child at NBC camps is told they are a miracle, and they believe it. They begin to act like a miracle.

Not because I earned it. Not because I deserve it. Not because of anything I have ever done. The fact of the matter is God in His grace and nerve tells us we are His miracles.

As we think, so we become. Think I will be what the King of Kings and Lord of Lords says I am today? His miracle.



Published Date : January 15, 2016
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Who God Says I am, is far more important than who you, or who I, say I am. 

In the early 1980’s I was invited to speak at Cordova schools.  I met the Blake boys, Scott and Brandin. Scott is owner of Copper River Seafood. Best seafood ever, you can order direct at

To my delight, my special friend, Dan Reum, a retired Montana & Alaska principal, superintendent, and best of all, champion of kids had invited me back to Cordova to do basketball camps three years later.

Great guys like Bobby Moore, former pro baseball player, Kevin Pangos and Drew Barham, Gonzaga hoopers and others, have all made a mark in this community. 

Dan was the people bridge to a remarkable family, Joe and Margaret Arvidson, who became tireless workers in bringing NBC to Cordova.  The result of all this is Cordova Boys placed 4th in state after a long dry spell. So proud of these hard workers. 

Joe blessed me this week. He sent me today’s Word of Hope message. Theodore Roosevelt is one of my American historical heroes. The picture of the quote is also from Joe. 

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Today’s hope has two messages:
1. Honor others and you will be honored. Today I honor Dan, Joe and Margaret.
2. Believe what the Word says about us. Psalm 8 and 139 is a good place to start. 

Who can you honor today?

What is one destructive thought about yourself? 

Do you need to turn from a negative to a positive?



Published Date : January 14, 2016
Categories : Life, Words of Hope

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Through the years, I have come to love beginnings and endings. The Creator of the universe gave us beginnings and endings. Sunrises break open new days. Sunsets end full days. Calendars break years into beginnings and endings. 

January is a new beginning. If we plan well, 2016 will end with many accomplishments. If we live like the bumper sticker, “Don’t follow me, I am lost,” next December will come upon us with little to show for our efforts.

One of my favorite ways to plan well, is to invite folks I care about to a Friday with Fred. 36 reservations have been made for those who want a life Time Out to laugh, plan, enjoy good food, and play some lifeball, the worlds’ best game!

You are invited to join me. There is only room for 36 reservations. If you can’t join me, maybe you will have your own lifeball with your crucial others.

Hebrews 10:24 is in my Bible Hall of Fame-Crowell Library.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24

Let us consider how we can stimulate one another to love and good deeds.

“Let” means to accept an invitation

“Consider” means to chew, to ruminate 

“Stimulate” means to stir, like a jockey wins a derby

Let’s stir and inspire those in our world; especially family, to love and good deeds.


Cindy Speers
The word of God is my rock and salvation! I am learning to except change as a good thing!


Published Date : January 10, 2016
Categories : Business, Words of Hope

Being the best you, is your best guarantee to success. Far too many people in business don’t realize the vast majority of business is based on relationships.

The best salesmen in business have mastered the art of relationship building. These successful women and men take time to understand what their client wants. Not what they themselves want. 

Before attempting to make a positive impression or sell a product, take some time to answer these questions. 

What does my client want?

What is the best way to influence this person?

How can I most effectively serve this person or business with gratitude for the opportunity?

How can I think like my client so, I can best understand him or her?  

One question will lead to another question. When this happens, you become effective at selling yourself.  



Published Date : January 8, 2016
Categories : Faith, Life, Words of Hope

A wise practice each morning is to dress for success. The best way is to dress two times, not once! First, dress for the day to look your best for the jobs at hand. As you put on each object, also mentally dress with a character quality.

Undergarments – put on a positive mental attitude.

Socks – put on an attitude of peace.

Dress or pants – put on a love of hard work.

Shirt or sweater – put on the breastplate of truth, justice, and righteousness.

Belt – put on truth and integrity.

As you prepare your face, clothe yourself with wisdom and right thinking.

Clearly Paul was one of the great thinkers of his day. As I study his writings, I believe his intellect is equal to Augustine, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and all the great thinkers past and present.

For this reason, memorization of Ephesians 6:10-16 is a powerful and daily influence to win the day.

The challenge Paul gives boldly is to put on the full armor of God.

There is a war going on both globally and in the individual hearts of all people regardless of nationality, race, age, or social status. We are all at war!

The solution is to dress for success! For Crowell this means to put on the full armor of God.



Published Date : January 8, 2016
Categories : Basketball, Camps

The NBA now either calls you a SF/PF or PF/C or Guard

POINT GUARD and BIG MEN CAMPS are obsolete!  

They will become a thing of the past in a few years!  

There are only two positions in modern basketball. You are either a guard or a forward/center. If you are a guard you must master playing the point and the wing positions. If you play big you are either a power forward or a center.

Crowell University Basketball Camp – Point & Post
Whitworth University – Spokane, WA
June 27 – July 30
Boys and Girls – Ages 13-18
Overnight Only


Crowell University Basketball Camp – Point & Post
Auburn Adventist Academy – Auburn, WA
July 5-8
Boys and Girls – Ages 13-18
Overnight Only


Crowell University Basketball Camp – Point & Post
Southwestern Assemblies of God University – Waxahachie, TX
June 20-23
Boys and Girls – Ages 12-18


Boys College Prep Camp – CIC
Whitworth University – Spokane, WA
August 1-7
Ages 14-20


Girls College Prep Camp
Skagit Valley College – Mt. Vernon, WA
August 7-13
Ages 14-20

Crowell Basketball University is modern basketball at its best. You are coached to master the art of making your opponent guard you where they don’t want to guard you.

“I would argue the point (Steph Curry, Chris Paul, Damian Lillard, Russell Westbrook, Steve Nash) and forward/center (Tim Duncan, Lebron James, Lamarcus Aldridge, Marc Gasol, Dirk Nowtizki) are the two key positions.”  Coach Donnie Bostwick – National Champion College Coach

All 10 All-Americans, including 4 NAIA players of the year were PG or Forward/Centers who developed the ability to both score, assist, attack the paint, and run the show.

Great point guards can score inside & outside. They can take weaker opponents to the paint, beat any press, and run the show defensively.  Point guards deny dribble penetration and defend in the post.

Great point guards know how to “spoon feed” the post with excellent passes and “set the table” for the four teammates.

Great point guards have sensational EQ (emotional intelligence) skills. The ability to make others perform better is the single most important point guard skill!  Point guards will their teams to win!

Great post players have three scoring moves that work consistently. They know how to get open, receive the pass, and know how to take advantage of their opponent. The best ones can also dribble, pass, and shoot!

Great post players can defend and rebound the basketball. They are true warriors of the game.  Strong, dominant EQ’s are vital to playing the post.

Crowell Basketball University is the best point guard & post play camp because it is based on over 50 years of basketball coaching experience that supports the concept: point guard camps combined with post play camps provide the most effective environment to learn either or both positions.


The Crowell Basketball System places high value on the following:

Point Guards


Post Players

Together, a Point and Post master the screen and roll when isolated on one side or in the center of the court. They understand how to force defenses to break their normal assignments to help stop the ball.

Crowell Basketball University is the best camp in the world to learn how to play the point and the post. If you do all the drills and give your very best effort, Coach Crowell will refund your tuition (not lodging and meals) if you are not satisfied.

To register for camp go to or call 1-800-406-3926.

The Crowell Seal of Excellence. 

Fred Crowell

Founder/President of NBC Camps

America’s Finest Sports & Life Skills Camp



Published Date : December 24, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Dear Friends of Hope,

For the next 7 days, I have selected my 7 favorite Words of Hope written over the past four months. Many who joined near the beginning have received these words before.

My challenge: join me in applying these words and applying some advice my wife Susie and I received back in our earliest days, walking out our new found faith. Exciting days of discovery, new ways of seeing and experiencing life with Jesus as our Savior and Lord. 

The late Howard Hendricks  taught, “doctrine is dynamic; revelation demands a response.”

Therefore, be warned: if the Lord gives you light, act on it. 

As you read Words of Hope, don’t just read it; act on it. 

As I was shopping at Nike with my son Jay, the cashier said, “Thank you so much for being so pleasant!”

So I asked her, “If you had 100 customers today, how many would be angry or frustrated?” I was surprised when she shared that over 50% of her customers were either angry or frustrated that day. So, what are you today?



Published Date : December 17, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Each night when I go to sleep, I die, in the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.

– Mahatma Gandhi

Our amazing child, Jennifer, has done a beautiful job being the COO of NBC Camps the past two years. One of her gifts to the team is personal development; Jennifer selects excellent books for us to study.

Presently we are reading Essentialism written by Greg McKeown. I borrowed the title of chapter 8 Sleep for Today’s Words of Hope.  

Today I was set to fly to Texas to see three fantastic NBC coaches. RJ Barsh, who took his SE University team to the NAIA II quarter finals in his second year. Rhett Soliday who’s Vanguard U team was the NAIA I National Champs in 2013. Donnie Bostwick, who has won National Championships as well. He is the head coach of SAGU in Texas where the games are being held. 

This was going to be a slice of basketball heaven for me in Waxahachie.  

Going to bed last night I decided if I woke up early, I would catch an early flight, so I had to chose between rest or travel. I woke up at 3am to take Teacup our Pomeranian to emergency; left Keiki our other dog at the vet with my wife Susie, and raced home to get my bags for the airport. 

Should I go or stay home? The mind game question had me in high think mode! 

Health has forced me to call life timeouts. This was timeout time. Slow the bus down is the Crowell mantra to get huddled up for time with the Lord Jesus Christ and Abba Father. 

“Stay home and rest” won! To my astonishment I slept most of the day, did some NBC tasks, and dozed off repeatedly. Sleep was precious today.

Glad I read the sleep chapter. For old warriors, like me, staying home is difficult. Work is my hobby, but staying home was the right decision.

By the way, friends, how is your sleep? What is your exhaustion level?  

Let’s protect our asset! Our best gift is being healthy. These past five years living at the oncology clinic has proven to the Crowells: if you are healthy you have it made! 

Sleep well friends! Protect your asset????!



Published Date : December 16, 2015
Categories : Faith, Uncategorized, Words of Hope

30 days ago, football experts had written off the Seattle Seahawks. Today the Hawks are one of the most feared football teams!

Seahawks Coach, Pete Carroll, said, “We are really committed to the (idea) that you can teach and make people aware that they are in finishing mode.”

The Seahawks are 33-5 in the second half of the season and have been under Carroll since 2012.

Super star, Earl Thomas, said, “When it gets tough, you can’t quit. We never quit. We’re going to find a way.”

Finishing is crucial in basketball. Coach Jim Harrick, the only UCLA coach since Wooden to win the NCAA National Championship, preached, “Finish the play with a basket.”

Pete Carroll believes finishing is a way of life. Finishing mode is a mindset. It begins with finishing everyday tasks. Finishing can be as basic as putting car keys, eye glasses, and cell phones in their designated place. 

In sports, finishing means to complete every drill with excellence. In academics, it means to complete the assignment with perfection.

December is the 2015 finish month. The first step to finish the year well is to be in finish mode.

Romans 12 is a one chapter and a manual on finishing mode. St. Paul gives us simple, logical ways, to be in finishing mode. 

One of my favorite core values I implemented at NBC camps years ago:  EEA – Exceed Expectations Always, and it falls into Coach Carroll’s finishing mode. 

16 days left to be in 2015 Finishing Mode. Get’er done, Crowell. 



Published Date : November 26, 2015
Categories : Faith, Family, Words of Hope

“I will offer to YOU the sacrifice of thanksgiving & will call on the name of the Lord.” Psalm 116:17

Our Special Day dedicated to being extra thankful began in the early morning hours. As usual Susie by a warm fireplace reading her Bible.

Today as we give thanks around the beautiful table loaded with delicious food, the grace of love and gratitude will be the perfect setting to expand on the sacrifices of thanksgiving. We will read beginning in Psalm 116:17 all the way to the end of Psalm 118.

To kick start our thankful engines I offer these riches of thanksgiving:

Important Point: the only reason it is possible to be able to say these thanks is because they are the Lord’s Words not mine. Let it be known “Fred Crowell” is not who I say I am, or what you say I am. The truth is I am who God says I am. Thankfully all of us become equal as we come to the cross of Jesus. He alone sets us free.

Blessed Thanksgiving to all dear friends.



Published Date : November 19, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

I became fascinated with climate and weather in 1965. For nearly 30 days the temperature hovered between 20 and 30 below zero in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Two years later Susie and I were suffering in 110 degree summer heat. Smog infested San Bernardino, California was our new home. Two interns from Alabama having lunch with us talked about the crazy weather. One said, “You can work all day here and never draw a sweat. Back home we would be soaking wet.”

No wonder years later in another new climate, Birmingham, Alabama I was enlightened when 88 year old Doctor Joseph King gave me his very best piece of advice; “you make your own weather.”

As I write these words, it is a magnificent day in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. 80 degrees, blue skies, at the Sea of Cortez in all its grandeur.

However at home in Spokane the winds have exceeded 70 miles per hour, temperatures in low 20’s, several hundred thousand homes without electricity, and my daughter’s family is in a hotel. Yet the fact of the matter is we make our own weather. Today here in Cabo there are happy and sad people. Same for Spokane. Today is decision day once again. Do I serve self or others? Do I trust self or God? Do I believe who I think I am or do I believe who God says I am?

73 years on planet earth through rough life experience, I believe Jesus is the only way, the only truth and the essence of life. I choose to trust God to make my weather today because He gets me through all kinds of weather.



Published Date : November 17, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The world’s best vacation destination and it’s free!

IN CABO SAN LUCAS ESPERANZA and La Pamilla battle for the number one best resort.

On the seas the major cruise lines boast to be the best.

Fact is the best vacation destination is in the secret garden. Where is this five star destination? 

The secret garden is in you and me!  Each of us has a fabulous garden of majestic beauty where restoration, refreshment, inspiration, and peacefulness await us!



Why is it most people never vacation in their secret garden? 

The first reason is because it is a secret. Secrets are reserved for only the most trusted.  To be entrusted with a secret the burden lies at the door of the one being told the secret.

For me to find the secret garden in my life I first had to want to find it; then I had to make personal sacrifices to get to this amazing garden deep within myself.

The Psalmist in chapter 46 exhorts us to BE STILL and know He is God. 

The 23rd Psalm gives us a step by step instruction manual to enter our secret garden that is totally unique. 

As Susie and I meticulously planned for this week in Mexico.  Passports up to date, airfare, packing the right items, arranging ground transportation, lodging and meals. It is lots of work.

Likewise for me to get to my personal secret garden where the Holy Trinity patiently waits for my arrival, it requires precise planning on my part. Just as hurricanes closed CABO last year, the pressures of life too often block my daily attempts to get to my secret garden.

Today was one of those days, I lived joyfully in my secret garden.  Now I am ready to live my meaning and purpose for today.  Love God, love life, love people.



Published Date : November 14, 2015
Categories : Faith, Family, Uncategorized, Words of Hope

A son is a son until he takes a wife, a daughter is a daughter all her life.

The Lord’s promise made to us in St. Paul’s letter to the folks in Rome motivates us to believe all things work together for good to them that love God. (Romans 8:28)

I vividly recall wanting a boy when Susie and I went to the hospital in San Bernardino in 1969.

When the doc greeted me in the waiting room he wanted to play a game. What kind of baby is it, asked the doc?

Jennifer Sue has taught me a daddy’s girl is beyond special.  Jennifer was our resident butterfly. Today I call her GLORY.

Yesterday Danny Beard and I traveled by car to see our dear Alaska friend Brandon Blake who journeyed from Anchorage to see his daughter play for Hawaii Pacific U

Taylor’s relationship reminded so much of my journey with Jennifer.  The highlight of my day was seeing the love and respect she has for her father and the manner in which Brandon honors Taylor.

No wonder God created women. Adam was incomplete in spite of living in a perfect environment.

With deep gratitude, thank you Lord for the Godly women in my life beginning with Mom, Susie’s Mom and Jennifer who has given me a three miracle girls. Jay married well and has added his miracle girl to the Crowell ladies’ hall of fame.

Jesus had an amazing and remarkable mother. When I read of Mary’s life in the Bible my mind and heart are elevated in every way.

Lord I want to live in such a way that those who watch me, see a man who honors and respects women, and that men in our culture that have problems respecting women would be experience a new way of life as they elevate their view of women.


Fred Crowell
Hi Amy Delighted to meet you. Jay remembers Ryan; was blessed to know we met. Keep enjoying words of hope. Hope to see you soon, Fred
Amy Rau
Hi Fred It was wonderful to meet you and Susie tonight in the Alaska boardroom. I have subscribed to this website and am very excited to read your daily posts. I am going to pass this on to my family members who I know will enjoy your words of encouragement and truth. I hope to see you both again. You truly blessed me today! Amy Rau


Published Date : November 10, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“His appearance was like lightening and His clothes white as snow.”

Today my remarkable friend David Tucker will be honored at his memorial service. Mr. Tucker, the name his bride of 42 years delights in calling, him finished his days with us without fear!

In the same manner the saints who have gone before us with undaunted courage; confident heaven was a reality not wishful thinking. Dave knew His Lord Jesus Christ awaited His coming at heaven’s door.

Mr. Tucker traveled with me to San Diego for 14 days to fight the cancer battle. Sitting side by side on an ALASKA Airlines jet, we made promises to each other.

These were our promises:

  1. Win the moment.
  1. Be joyful always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks (even for cancer) for this is God’s will concern you.
  1. Win todayGod is who He says He is

I am believing God.

Tucker and Crowell made this solemn promise. Who goes to heaven first the second will get things ready and greet our loved ones for us.

David Tucker died without fear. My Tucker closed his eyes for the last time knowing his beloved Bonnie loved Him. When David opened His eyes, He was in the arms of His Lord Jesus Christ.

“Do not be afraid,” says the Lord, “for I will be with you always.”



Published Date : November 9, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“If you are filled with wonder the world Is a wonderful place.” — Winnie the Pooh

Yesterday at the Ferch families favorite breakfast spot 13 year old Ari was drawing in her journal book.

“Ari what are you drawing?”  To my delight she quoted Pooh Bear, my favorite character at Disneyland. I have stood in long lines to hug Mr. WONDERFUL.

I like the notion WONDERS can make life wonderful. Takes me back to Jay’s quote, “what you appreciate appreciates.”

MONDAYS AT NBC are very busy days. Six scheduled calls to amazing people in village Alaska. Each conversation has potential to be filled with wonder.

Today is a gift filled with wonder. Today I choose wonder as my focus.  Today wonder will spring from nature, people and most special to me, the living, Holy Spirit of Abba Father.



Published Date : November 7, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“If the Bible were a baseball game Psalm 23 would be my home plate.”

This first November 15th, Saturday morning the south fork of the Naselle River presents me with a colorful picture of the still waters the Psalmist writes about in Numbers 23 – “He leads me beside still waters.”

Home base for me is to live joyfully in the land of I shall not want. A small child interpreted this as all I want is God.

So thankful Lord for creating in me the desire to live. Moment by moment in Psalm 23. It is my home plate



Published Date : November 3, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“Death where is thy victory? Where is thy sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:55

David Tucker Story

My beloved friend is on his final journey to have victory over death. Dave and I visited the OPI-Optical Health Institute in San Diego this summer to fight our mutual battle with cancer.

We made these promises to each other:

  1. To finish strong – to run the race the lord has set before us. Hebrew 12:1-2
  2. To believe what God says about us, not what we believe about ourselves.
  3. Whoever goes to heaven first will wait at the entry and embrace the other upon arrival.

“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

What sorrow to see a dear friend go, but what joy to know where he does go.



Published Date : November 1, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

St Paul records multitudes of brilliant life giving principles.

One used often among motivational experts is in the Apostles encouragement to the Galatians.


The law of cause and effect proclaims every action has a reaction and causes an effect.

Delight falls into this truth. As we delight in life, in things, and especially in people delight returns with compound interest.

Recently Shawn Stetson and I visited Vanguard U in California.

We set a goal. To love, every person we encountered on the trip; on the plane ride home Shawn said, “I liked every person we met.”

No wonder! We experienced sowing and reaping.

This motivates me to grow my delight muscles. Life is a precious gift. Each human is a miracle. Christ our Lord loves each of us. The miracle is He loves me.

What joy it brings me to show and tell others they are MIRACLES.


TRUE SUCCESS! What is it?

Published Date : October 29, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Greetings from the Garden Island of Kauai. Few places on earth match the breathless beauty of Kauai.

Furthermore, nowhere do I travel where the spirit of ALOHA greeting is so rich, and so much more than just hello. As I was greeted by the dear friends who lead NBC KAUAI, our director Josh Burton takes Aloha to it’s fullest meaning of, “welcome with my entire being.” Grace, kindness, loyalty, generosity of spirit flow from the Burton family.

Upon my return to Spokane my home office will display TRUE SUCCESS as a reminder for me to live Aloha and finish strong, bringing more children to the realization they are God’s miracles.



THEORY OF 21 - Bryan Luci

Published Date : October 27, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

These past 30 hours have been lived in the fashion of a Crowell Core Value. I called it EEA (Exceed Expectations Always). Up at 2:30 to catch a 5am flight to Southern California, all day meetings at Vanguard University; then a 7am flight back to Spokane.

Upon our arrival at Vanguard Coach Rhett Soliday set the table for Shawn Stetson and I to explore bringing NBC THAILAND college bound, hopeful hoopers to the U.S. for premier basketball exposure.

Our meeting exceeded our expectations as Coach Rhett is a Master EEA man, so it was an awesome experience. Thanks Coach Rhett!

Yet, far too often the service we receive is unsatisfactory. Once I paid handsomely for a car to be detailed. I got a C job. When I pointed out the flaws the response was contempt. In this case my expectations were wrong, and it was actually a good job, but I still give it a C. 

I always experience delight when the job requested exceeds my expectations. We all know the feelings that go with expectations.  Expect a great meal; get a poor meal, a real bummer. Not sure about a movie, but it turns out to be fabulous, or a new favorite. Hurray!

Bummer is opening a big, beautifully decorated box expecting an amazing present then to have to fake joy and appreciation.

Years ago on an NBC basketball tour Susie and I led, we all had secret pals. My secret pal was not participating. Not one card or gift was given, so I began to complain saying, “What’s up secret pal?” No response.

Finally, one day I received a box. It looked like my secret pal had really deceived only to bless me. The gift looked great! My expectations soared!

Oh Jennifer, the daughter of all daughters, she was pregnant for the first time. She was ill, every day, and my gift was a bag of her daily sickness. To the entire team it was a hilarious moment…

Not for me.

These life experiences motivated me to challenge the team at NBC to embrace EEA as a core value.

Today as I was in the air, Brian Luci, Senior VP Marketing, PHILADELPHIA INSURANCE COMPANIES sat next to me on my Alaska flight. Bryan shared his companies core value; THEORY OF 21.

This means, keep trying for 21 years to get a client to say yes. 21 years? Wow!

Seems possible to me until I counted the years I have been committed to NBC CHINA without the expected success.

I figure about 14 years of my life has been given to the China effort. This means 7 more years living out Crowell RPR (RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE), and I should be there. 

Lord, thank you for the amazing privilege to travel with Shawn, a personal treasure, to be with Rhett and his Vanguard family.

You are so faithful to bring remarkable things into my life. Today I choose to embrace the Theory of 21.



Published Date : October 23, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

I marvel studying the world of dogs. Much more than cats, I understand dogs; they are predictable.

Early each morning my predictable friend Keiki comes to my office to sit on my lap while I take the interior journey to be in quiet, silence, deep in thought, learning how to live this new day with joy; finding treasures in His Word.

Because great basketball coaches have the genius of making the complex simple, watching, carefully watching “dog behavior,” helps me understand complicated human behavior.

Like reviewing a basketball game with equipment capable of running the play in slow motion, a dog’s life slows our amazing and often frantic human lives down for me.

With Keiki on my lap today, Paul’s ideas in Romans 5 make even more sense.

If this seems absurd, stop a moment, let’s watch a young child play with a puppy. Broadway has a play called the, “CURIOS INCIDENT OF THE DOG.” Starring a 15 year old boy who suffers from autism, unable to stand human touch. Yet when given a puppy, he rolls on the floor hugging and and enjoying getting his face licked by the pup.

Paul begins the chapter with, “THEREFORE, SINCE.” When I see these two words I light up. I know good is following.

Since we have been made right by God through faith, and faith alone we have reason for joy. We have a reason to live in peace.

We have reason to embrace pain because pain produces character and character produces perseverance, and perseverance produces hope, and hope does not disappoint.

So back to the dog world. It makes no sense for a boy to accept face licking by a puppy yet never allow his mother to so much as touch him. Just as it makes no sense for God to love us UNCONDITIONALLY and ask His only son to die for us, and accept faith as the one and only currency for this incredible gift.

Yes, just as Keiki literally begs for me to pick her up and place her on my lap, the exact same faith is required for me to climb into the arms of God and trust him today.

 I will follow my amazing Keiki today and place ALL MY FAITH IN GOD and expect to be a man of abundant JOY TODAY.



Published Date : October 21, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Clean car, clean house, clean body clean mind, clean heart – makes me feel good!

I confess I love CLEAN! Never ceases to amaze me how GOOD I feel after a “cleaning project”.

Yet, more often than not the idea of cleaning turns me off.

Hey, let’s clean the garage. Ugh…

How bout organizing closets. Sick…

Organizing files. No way! 

But the feel good happens when it is finally CLEAN.

Today on the way home from NBC my new Toyota Rav 4 gets cleaned inside and out. It makes me feel good.

This am at 5:30, the first act of the day was a hot shower. Those first two steps out of the sack were painful. Showers make me feel good.

I began a 16-week intense, building passion for God program with 14 other men.

Knowing God has cleaned my mind and heart makes me feel good. More than good. Supremely grateful. 

The best of the best cleans for me is Holy Communion. This is always a special time, Lord. Thank you!

What else can I clean today so I can feel even better?

Though your sins may be scarlet the Lord’s work on the cross makes them as white as snow in our hearts and minds. Clean is good. This is good.



Published Date : October 8, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

For a boy who grew up in a small Washington state town, the Big Apple can be overwhelming.

Last night walking through Time Square to the Rockefeller Center with our Alaska friends it seemed there were more people there than the entire population of all of Alaska.

Early today as I imagined hundreds of faces I saw last night the words of Paul in Romans 1 jumped off the pages.  


One of the books I benefitted from years ago when I was a family & marriage counselor was “WHATEVER BECAME OF SIN?” BY KARL MENNINGER, M.D.

Paul nails me in Romans. Before I discovered God’s truth I believed if it turned out there really was a God who judges sin, which I doubted, there actually is a heaven, and I would barely get through the pearly gates with a C grade.

Here Paul says God is angry at all sin. Too often today sin is called a slip, a mistake or a plethora of other excuses.

The truth is I am a sinner in need of Forgiveness. Today I come to you Lord in the same way I stepped into a shower. Crowell is scrubbed and clean on the outside.

Now you thru Christ’s shed blood on the cross I am showered and scrubbed on the inside.

Time for Crowell to go win the day. I begin by winning the moment. RIGHT HERE-RIGHT NOW!


Fred Crowell’s 7 to 10 BUSINESS RULE

Published Date : October 5, 2015
Categories : Business

Years ago I initiated the Golden Ruler Award.  It is a unique award for two reasons.  First, any coach or player attending NBC Camps can “earn” not win the award.  Second, it is so difficult to “earn” few attempt the challenge.

People ask me if youth are different today than 50 years ago?  I say “NO.”  What has changed is, EXPECTATIONS!
We no longer have the same expectations.

Let me give you an example.

In 1960 the president, Dr. Theopolis at the U of Idaho greeted our class with these exact words, “Welcome to the University of Idaho.  I have good news and bad news for you today.  First the bad news, 50% of you will not be here next year!

Today’s higher education presidents challenge is RETENTION, RETENTION, RETENTION. Let’s get as many of these students as possible to return.

What is the impact? Today’s youth are permitted to be softer, not to be hungry, not expected to be tough; not challenged to never quit.  Yet when youth are presented with high expectations, to be resilient, to fight through and be courageous their response is equal to the professionalism and integrity of their leader. Youth are the same! Leadership has changed!

Now for the 7 to 10 Rule.  Know what? I have already lost some because they don’t like the idea of having a rule. Well, too bad. I like rules, and people in my life experience who want to win BusinessBall believe RULES are important.

When you call a person in business or friendship, make sure 7 of the calls don’t ask for anything. These 7 calls are to say hello, thinking of you, have a great day, you are amazing.

When you are faithful to making 7 “no ask calls” the three ask calls get results!  Try it and see both business and friendship grows.

Never get in this position; “oh no Crowell is calling again.  Wonder what he wants this time?”



Published Date : October 5, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

DEATH “You aren’t ready to live until you are ready to die.” — Ray Eberle

My days in the book of Matthew are nearly completed. The last chapters are like the last days of our lives.

Death is the reality. What is it about death that makes us abhor discussing it? Imagine calling a friend today asking, “would you like to get lunch and talk about death today?”

Death discussions very seldom, if ever happen.

Hey Susie, “let’s talk today about our funerals; who gets my favorite eagle painting?”  “What will you do with the house if I die?”

How about having a celebration for our dear friend who has done so much for so many before, not after, they die? Novel idea? I think Susie and I will start a tradition of honoring those we love before they die.

I think I know why death is a subject seldom discussed. It’s just too painful.

Reading Matthew’s account of the death of Jesus was painful. It did not bring forth joy like reading any number of my favorite passages such as Psalm 103, “Bless The Lord O my soul and all that is within me.”

Death brings loss. Death is pain!

Jesus cried out, “ELI, ELI  lama sabachthani?” “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

52 years ago my life was shattered when we, Crowell boys and girls saw our mother die a cruel death to pancreatic cancer.

The one and only way to deal effectively with this experience is to know for sure what the Roman soldier who mocked Jesus said earlier, “Surly He is the Son of God.”

The Bible on my lap this morning lists 61 reference on death, dead and die; and lists 81 passages that contain life in it’s concordance.

Seems death is a subject worthy of discussion. What do you think?

As my dear friend, Ray Eberle spent his final days in hospice he truly lived fully because he had been ready to die before those final days hit.

Today, once again, I will have an imagination session where I will practice saying goodbye to planet earth and those who are very, very close to me. When I open my imaginary eyes; Jesus, my mother and those who loved me deeply will celebrate my victory over death greet me.

Death has no victory! 



Published Date : October 4, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope


As I read Matthew’s account of the brutality, taunting and abuse the ROMAN soldiers inflicted upon Jesus, I reflected on the hurt, pain, destruction and suffering in our world.

Clearly so much of this is self inflicted. Humans seem to systematically sabotage themselves.

Susie often said, “I kept shooting myself in the foot and wondered why it hurt.”

There are probably many reasons the Roman soldiers mocked the Lord. The one reason that stands out to me is, these tough men, experienced great pain and hurt in their own lives.

The degree of their hurt is equal to the hurt they put on Jesus.

Daily I see evidence of hurting people hurting themselves and others; too often the ones we love the most are recipients of this hurt.

As I eliminate, or at least reduce hurt in my life, there will be less subconscious destructive behavior.

The steps for me are:
Existentially diagnose hurt in my life.
Be wise in being socially aware of others. Be safe for them.
Develop action plan for personal changes.

A Worthy Goal: Seek positive solutions to deal with hurt so that I don’t hurt anyone today; especially those I love the most.



Published Date : October 2, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

JUDAS HANGS HIMSELF- a lesson in self-destruction. Matthew 27

Breaking news October 2015

Violent man guns down people in Oregon college. He hung others and himself with a gun!

Young, brilliant man full of life is hanging himself daily; heroin is his rope.

Daily a middle school child acts out to the point mom is in tears too often, and dad is beset with frustration.  Clearly not a life and  death issues.   Yet it is a form of hanging, joy, family harmony, and all that is good.

A lovely mother discovered the medical report was not correct. The new verdict is 18 months life expectancy. The dirty, thief named cancer, is a brutal noose hanging life from this woman.

Judas’ own words leap from the pages “I have sinned for I have betrayed an innocent man”.

Remarkably those who partnered with Him told Him, “THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM NOT OURS!”

So I ask Fred Crowell early this second day of October.

In what ways is your life being choked off from living love and light and life?  Knowing the Life Hangman has come to rob me, destroy me and ultimately kill me according to what Jesus said in John ‘s gospel

Yesterday at the NBC annual retreat in the self reflection session we were asked to identify 5 to 10 faults (sins). Then list the three biggest ones. Then ask a trusted other to pick the three they see in you.

Guess what Susie selected the same three as me.

In reality these three personal faults hang me. They rob me. Gone unchecked they destroy life. They destroy peace. The kill my dreams. They crush hope.

Today I face my faults. I choose to loosen the noose of self destructive thoughts and actions.

Furthermore, I choose to love people today. Too many are being hung by anger, hate, drugs.  You name it.

Win the moment. Breath life and live joy today.

Tough Words of Hope today Mr. Crowell.  Put on your big boy pants today and be a miracle. God is miraculous.



Published Date : September 30, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

A lesson from Matthew 26

Imitation is the FATHER OF LEARNING


At a crucial moment, when Jesus was being arrested, he told Peter to put away his sword.

Sports camps can be challenging businesses. Competition is tough. Like life, people don’t always play fair.

Recently I scheduled a meal with one of these competitors to find a way to work together.

This was the crucible of the conversation. “No longer is battling with others my desire. Meaning and purpose drive my bus. My M/P is to love life, to love people, and most importantly to love God. It would be wonderful to be a life changing experience for kids and families alongside you; however, because the programs are in your community NBC will not come without your approval.

The response was awesome. Both of us had put away our swords.

Today there will be opportunities to put away my sword.

It may be at a traffic light when an irritated driver honks their horn at me.

It may be when I am hurt by a rebuke or negative comment.

More likely it may come when something reminds me of a past, painful experience that takes a life time to heal.

These will be opportunities to put away my sword.

Jesus I love you for putting away your sword. A best friend betrayed you. Your Father asked you to go to the cross you obeyed. You paid in full for each and every time I failed to put away the sword.

Today my sword is put away because of your grace forgiveness and love.

– Love Fred


Life Ball

Published Date : September 30, 2015
Categories : Basketball, Coaches Corner

Hello All,

Each day I dedicate myself to my  meaning and purpose for living.

Love God
Love Life
Love People

July 20 to 23 at Skagit Valley College I have the profound privilege to coach/teach/inspire, encourage as many as 40 serious basketball players to two of the best games, in my view, on the planet.

Basketball, this amazing game of delight

Lifeball—my new invention of living life with EMOTIONAL intelligence, the way you win the moment, the hour, the day, the week, the month, the year.


Join me at CrowellU to be part of our journey together to win the most serious and rewarding game I now call LIFEBALL.


If you know of a young high school boy or girl who could get to Mt. Vernon, Washington July 20 to 23 it would be my honor to give the best I have to teach them the four skill sets of being a winner in hoopsball and lifefball.


As the Lord taught us…Give us this DAY and there is no need to be in want because He is our shepherd.




p.s.   Coaches, please forward this message to coaches and/or parents and players who you think qualify for our Point to Post camp. I also recommend our 14-Day Ultimate Basketball Camp Experience (July 26 – August 8) which includes Crowell’s College Prep Camp – CIC (August 2-8).



Published Date : September 29, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The parable Matthew records in Chapter 25 uses the metaphor of ten virgins, that reminds me of a story of the miracle rescue of five men who crash landed in the Bering Sea on a return flight from Russia.

Like five of the ten virgins these men did have enough fuel to get the job done.

Today we honored Inland Empire Toyota at the NBC office; and I learned a lesson in eliminating foolishness.

Coper River Seafood is the remarkable company founded by former NBC ‘er, Scott Blake and is the source of the world’s best halibut.

Susie is helping me prepare and cook the halibut dish, but with one too many foolish cooks in the kitchen, it’s no wonder many women grow weary of cooking.

Two times like the five virgins and pilots who ran out of fuel I ran out of
Grated cheese! Then later realized I needed more mayo!

Fortunately the grocery market is five minutes from home; without the proper amount of all the ingredients the halibut dish would have been a disaster

The key in this Daily Words of Hope is to plan twice the amount of time you expect to do a job right and to be fueled up to finish the task

Today is a great time to plan for a miracle October.

Fueling up wisely today is my goal.



Published Date : September 27, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The final week in September must be wedding weekend. The Crowell’s had three invitations.

In reading the Gospels Jesus clearly spoke highly of weddings.

Yesterday my former personal assistant married. All weddings are not equal. Some even create a sense of doubt! Will this one last?

On the contrary this wedding exuded long term success. The father of the bride beamed joy as he delivered a toast honoring his new son and his precious daughter he will always call, “HIS LITTLE GIRL.”

The father of the bride; in this wedding the master of the purse gave his beloved little girl a fairy tale wedding.

Why? In my opinion, because she was a five talent daughter.

Jesus told the parable of the TALENTS.
Based on ability the master gave three servants talents. To one he gave five who returned 10. To a second he gave two and received four in return. Both brought happiness to the master ‘s heart

The third servant buried his one talent for safe keeping. The master was furious.

What am I going to do with my life? Do I coast or climb? Do I retire or press on?

The picture I have for my life is a grateful father giving his FIVE TALENT daughter to a FIVE TALENT son-in-law whose marriage will yield FIVE TALENT CHILDREN.

My dream is to be a five talent son of the Most High Master.



Published Date : September 25, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Matthew 23 – Seven Woes.

Mathew quotes the Master’s scathing rebuking of those who don’t practice what they preach.

In this I saw myself all too often; and one of the rebukes that stood out was, YOU CLEAN THE OUTSIDE OF THE CUP BUT NOT THE INSIDE.

Today I am motivated to clean both the inside and outside of myself. It seems to me when I clean a cup it is more difficult to clean the inside; like a car the interior demands more attention to detail.

I guess because I am passionate about teaching ball players how to be smart players EQ (emotional intelligence) it is second nature to see EQ vital to having victory over the seven woes.

Today I will practice self-awareness, the first key in being people smart. How does my verbal and non-verbal communication impact others?

Personal note:
This past week I celebrated my 50th anniversary of being the head basketball coach at the U of Alaska. Days were filled with speaking engagements and NBC business dinners with former players. It was delightful yet so busy I did not do Words of Hope. Repeats of former days of Word of Hope will be sent to you.


A date with Fairbanks, Alaska

Published Date : September 21, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

My buddy the ex tax collector turned apostle won’t be asked for wisdom from me today, today St. Matthew gets a day off.

In 1965 Susie, brother Mike, the best kitty ever (Miss Missy) and I rolled into the University of Alaska Nanooks’ city. Where have 50 years gone?

Fairbanks is the place of my second birth; Seattle my first 24 years earlier. It was here in Alaska where I made the most difficult decision of my young life.

No it wasn’t the high board – I climbed that 10-foot ladder with a 10-pound block in hand to demonstrate retrieving it from the bottom of the pool in front of 30 students. No it wasn’t breaking the news to a bunch of university students who failed enough classes and became ineligible to play, or doing graduate work, or letting UA know they would no longer play varsity teams.

These were huge challenges. It forced me to find courage!

The gravest challenge for me was to say yes to Jesus knocking at my heart’s door! My president taught me, any time you ask a person to do something there are only three choices:

Yes I will.
No I won’t.
I’ll think about it!

Two of them are bad for you.

Then abruptly the President gently did not answer my request to tell me if he was going to keep his promise of granting 10 basketball scholarships.

As I celebrate the experience at UAF I choose to say YES to loving God and every person I meet. Life is a gift.

If I win the moment the minute can be won. Attitude and effort are choices under each person’s control. Hard work is not enough for me. I choose to LOVE hard work.

Positive thoughts, words and deeds are identical to getting that black, heavy, rubber block off bottom of the pool. IT COMES DOWN TO WANT TO, NOT HOW TO.

Get’er Done SUAVE.


Effective Parenting Part 2 - The Power of Choice

Published Date : September 21, 2015
Categories : Family

Crowell’s Life Skills for Effective Parenting

by Fred Crowell


The Difference: A Relentless Pursuit of Excellence


The difference between poor and good; good and great; great and excellence is a “never quit” mind set. The difference between success and failure is a thin line. The relentless pursuit of excellence is the single most important life skill for children to learn. It makes all the difference. As Paul Meyer, author and founder of Leadership Management International once stated, “Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.” As you read the following Crowell Life Skill for Effective Parenting, practice integrating it into your life, and begin to set specific goals starting today that will lead to success tomorrow.


In my view, the perfect number is three. Every life situation has three phases. The first stage is the preparation or “getting ready” phase. The second phase is the actual event, “the experience” phase. The final phase, often the most valuable, is the “memory” phase.


I believe the third phase to be the most valuable phase because memories can be relived to our benefit or disadvantage. We can use painful experiences to help us avoid them in the future. Similarly, we can relive positive experiences for the rest of our lives. Many years ago, my wife Susie said, “Fred, when we are old the only thing we will have are memories. Let’s make great memories.”


The Power of CHOICE: Mankind’s Greatest Gift


To maximize each experience, choice is the single most important factor. Each life opportunity offers three choices; not four, not five, ONLY THREE. These are YES, NO, OR I DON’T KNOW. Two of these choices are usually poor choices. In my opinion, “I don’t know”, or simple indecision, is the worst choice that an individual can make.


My experience tells me, most people answer, “I don’t know” when presented with life opportunities. They fail to take initiative but instead allow time and circumstances to make their choice for them. They live aimlessly instead of living with purpose. As a parent, you must make the conscious choice to live with purpose. Your child will see your life example and learn to live with purpose when their life experience presents them opportunities.


Answer these questions right now:


Do you want to live? Yes, no, I don’t know. Two are poor decisions.

Do you love life? Yes, no, I don’t know. Two are poor decisions.

Do you live to work hard? Yes, no, I don’t know. Two are poor choices.


As a general rule, people do not like to make decisions. It is much easier to make a decision for another person than it is to make a decision that will directly impact your own life. For example, many can easily tell their spouse what to wear to an event but have difficulty choosing their own clothes. While dinning at a restaurant, many people ask a waiter to make a decision on the dinner they will eat. It is much easier to make decisions for others or to allow others to make our decisions than it is to take the initiative in personal decision-making.


Why?, because it is costly to make decisions. We are responsible for our decisions. If we find a way to delegate our decision-making, then we have also found a way to delegate responsibility. The delegation of responsibility often seems a very attractive option, but as parents we must learn to take responsibility and teach our children this lesson as well. As Joan Didion, an American writer once said, “the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” We must teach our children to take responsibility for wise decision-making as one of the first steps towards self-efficacy.


Children must learn to make decisions. It is a difficult but necessary life skill. The wise parent must be willing to teach a child to know and understand how to make wise decisions. The power is in the choice. Bill Gothard, the founder of the Institute n Life Principles Seminars, gives excellent advice to parent and child alike by saying that “wisdom is understanding that difficult family responsibilities are actually God’s way of building essential character” in youth “and that a far bigger ministry can result through” the responsibility that parents and children take on. Make decisions with responsibility and you will build character in yourself and rest of your family.




Three ways the art of teaching a child to make wise choices:


  1. Begin the training of choice early in a child’s life by making it simple and logical. For example, when shopping with a child, reduce all purchase opportunities to three acceptable choices. At this point encourage the child to make the final choice. Of course, make sure that all three are acceptable choices to you. When a compliment is given concerning the purchase, give the recognition for the choice to your child. Compliment your child publicly in making a wise decision.


When our son was very young I often found it difficult to decide between two choices of shoes. I liked them both. It was fun to look at our son Jay and say, “Son, I really can’t decide. Will you help me? Which pair should I buy?”


“Nice look shoes, Fred,” remarked a friend.”Ya I like them. Jay picked them out for me”, The look on Jay’s face was worth a million bucks to me. This technique can be a very effective confidence builder for your child.


  1. Teach failure as a necessary component of ultimate success. Sometimes our choices are not good choices, but no decision is often worse than a decision (either affirmative or negative). Making a decision sets a positive precedent for the future and gives the person making the decision an opportunity to learn and grow (even when the decision turns out to be the wrong choice).


Nothing teaches a child this success principle more than the example a parent provides through failure. This happened to me when I wrecked my daughter’s car. I made a stupid mistake: I ran through a stop sign. Jennifer’s new car was badly damaged. When I humbled myself and asked Jennifer’s forgiveness she said, “Dad, it is only a car. I am just thankful you are not hurt.”


  1. Practice decision-making initiative by holding family meetings to set family goals. Establish a family rule that “I don’t know” (indecision) is not an acceptable answer to opportunity or choice. It is acceptable to say “I can’t choose now but will decide later,” (if you do say this, set a time and date) but ensure that the phrase “I don’t know” is removed from your family’s vocabulary.


Setting goals is a difficult choice. The difficulty lies in the reality of choice and human free will. Free will is God’s greatest gift to us. However, free will is expensive. I have always liked stuffed animals. I bought hundreds for my kids. My wife, on the other hand, loves real, live animals. They have free will. Stuffed animals don’t make messes; they don’t destroy beautiful lawns or eat nice furniture. However, they don’t give unconditional love like pets. They don’t snuggle, lick faces or love us even when we are not lovable. We love pets because they love us.


God gave us the freedom to love or to hate Him. How we make choices is key to our success or failure. We love life because we can. We are thankful because we can be thankful. We love God because He has given us the freedom to choose to do so. The beauty of all this is we have been given the power of choice. What is your choice? How are you going to teach your child the gift of choice? For your family’s sake, I hope you will teach your child the power of initiative in decision-making and effective goal-setting by setting the example.



Meet My Head Coach, by Fred Crowell





Published Date : September 17, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope


Jesus clearly is the master of the popular “Socratic Method of teaching.” Using questions to discover knowledge, understanding, and most importantly wisdom.

In every encounter with deceptive questioners, the master teacher places the accountability and the responsibility back to the questioner.

When Pilate said, “Are you King of the Jews?” Jesus asked back. “WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?”

When a woman caught in sin is asked if she should be stoned he asked “who of you without sin cast the first stone?”

In Chapter 17 the former tax collector recounts a scene between the super religious leaders (sort of like our highest level political leaders of today).

Can you imagine a moderator asking the question Jesus asks the leaders of His day?


This one question was so challenging; Matthew tells us the critics asked no more questions.

The “Who is the Christ” question is as relevant today as it was when He carried His cross to Golgotha 2000 years ago.

Three days ago, Dale, a giant of a man, stopped by the NBC office. Last time I saw Dale his life was shattered. 45 years of marriage, gone. Sadness racked his heart. The second I saw his eyes it was evident He had found the answer to this powerful question that when answered correctly transforms lives.

What do you think about the Christ?

Only the questioner can answer this question. As for me Jesus is the Christ the Messiah. The Alpha and Omega. The image of the invisible God, Lord, and Savior.

He alone has been, and always will be, the only one who brings me hope, courage, joy, and peace during the darkest days of my life. Especially when the dirty, cruel Mister cancer tries to rob me of all that is good.

Today it is possible to win the day through Christ who strengthen me.



Published Date : September 16, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“If you don’t do it, you don’t know” -Mike Nilson

How often do we hear someone say, “I know?” You shouldn’t smoke, “I know it.” This is an obvious example. The “I know its” are the subtle ones like, “I know I shouldn’t eat this,” and then proceed to eat it just this once. Ha!


Jesus said to the “know its” of His day, “you do not know the Scriptures and power of God.”

My question runs along these lines. Was Jesus talking to only the people of His day or is He speaking to me right here, right know?

Contemplation tells me the absolute truth. I don’t know the Scriptures and the power of God. I want to know. I choose this moment to deepen my commitment to know.

What didn’t the “know its” of his day not know? They did not know the two greatest commandments!

#1. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind. [Interesting heart is the first mentioned; maybe this is way EQ (emotional intelligence) is the most important skill in basketball, business, marriage and every human discipline]

#2. Love your neighbor as yourself. (It always comes back to my MOVE. Jesus places the responsibility back on the individual just as He did Himself. He made the decision to be obedient to His Father.

Today I am at choice. Do I know the two greatest commandments. Well, going back to Mike Nilson’s quote, “If you know it and don’t do it, you don’t know it.” I best live these two commands with joy and diligence.

Mike Nilson, former Gonzaga Hoop Star and all time great NBC Camper, scored 48 points in one game for Coach Crowell in England.


WEDDINGS: “Getting married is like swallowing the sun”

Published Date : September 15, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope


Again Jesus speaks to us about an important life principle in a parable. He said, ”The kingdom of heaven is like
King who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.”

The problem was the ones the King wanted to come celebrate his son’s marriage refused to come. They were too busy. Thus the king invited anyone and everyone to come.

Why is this an important lesson for me and those important to me?

It is interesting to me that Jesus equates heaven to a wedding feast. As a former marriage and family counselor, the quote using the sun as a metaphor impacted my views of making a marriage successful.

“Getting married is like swallowing the sun; getting divorced is like vomiting the sun”.

Seems the same can be said for going to heaven or not going to heaven. I know for sure when I close my eyes for the last time on planet earth, when they open I deeply hope to see Abba Father and Jesus. The first person I want to see and embrace is my mother whom I have not seen in 52 years. It will be like swallowing the sun!

Another lesson from this parable for me is to delight in going to weddings and also significant events to honor people important to me. In two weeks three marriages take place the same date; Saturday the 25th. Susie and I can attend one of them. My question is to find ways to honor all three of these wonderful friends.

Last, but not least, is my desire to be in the 1% who want to live daily with the resolve to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; not the 20% average of people who make things happen, where as 80% ask what happened!


Meet Wallace Ungwiluk, the Stephen Curry of the Bering Sea

Published Date : September 15, 2015
Categories : news


Wallace attended NBC Camps all star and College Prep Camp (Crowell Intensity Camp) which NBC’s premier basketball experience featuring excellent players from all over the world.

Wallace was a highlight player because of his love for hard work, passion for basketball and his strong personal commitment to leading by example. Wallace’s life dream is to bring light and life to his community in north of Alaska. For Wallace this means getting college educated to equip him to be a successful businessman bringing many jobs to
His beloved people.

NBC was honored to be Wallace’s choice to spend nearly one month of his 2015 summer. Wallace has the skills to become a coach and life leader for NBC Camps when he is ready to pursue his life career.

Video: Wallace Ungwiluk basketball highlights
St. Lawrence Island junior has flashy game and big dreams of playing college basketball.

High school basketball player Wallace Ungwiluk considered transferring this summer.

Gravitating toward the local power program or moving on to a national preparatory academy is hardly a sizzling headline in today’s prep hoops landscape.

But Ungwiluk’s story is different.

By leaving remote Alaskan outpost St. Lawrence Island to attend school in the Lower 48, Ungwiluk would be stepping out in the world like few have ever done from his tiny village of Gambell (Alaska) — and bringing some serious game with him.



St. Lawrence Island

Ungwiluk — a rising junior — attended a camp in Spokane, Wash., in early August, hoping to improve his game and drum up interest among potential college suitors.

While that’s standard protocol for many college hoops hopefuls, it was a journey of discovery for Ungwiluk. He’s taken plenty of trips off the island — including a trip to Japan (where his mother Yuka is from) — but never tested himself on the court against players from the mainland.

“It was a great experience,” Ungwiluk said. “Not only basketball, but just meeting new people from all over. I noticed I have a lot of work to do still, but I think I did OK. I played in the top division at the camp.”

The weather was an adjustment. Temperatures in Spokane pushed 100 degrees during his visit. A warm day back home this time of year might reach 50 degrees, while 10 degrees or below is considered a “good” whaling day in April.

St. Lawrence Island is less than 40 miles from Russia’s Chukchi Peninsula. Just over 700 people call his village of Gambell home.

There’s no industry or major employer on the island. Cell phones weren’t useful until three or four years ago, and cable television is considered a luxury.

Most families — like Ungwiluk’s — rely on subsistence hunting to put food on the table. Walrus (Wallace’s favorite) and whale are staples of the Yupik people’s diet. Wallace has joined his father Rodney Jr. on whale hunts since he was seven years old.


Hoop Dreams

Ungwiluk has had little formal basketball training. His skill was developed through nightly open gym sessions in the village and YouTube mimicry.

A big fan of Derrick Rose and the Chicago Bulls, Ungwiluk would study the highlights he found online and attempt to replicate them during his next visit to the gym.

Ungwiluk averaged 27 points per game as a sophomore and became a full-blown basketball sensation locally. Gambell games became an anticipated community event.

While he will undoubtedly feel some pressure to succeed should he take his game off-island in the future, the expectations at home are also sky high. Ungwiluk’s talent and production has the Qughsatkuts (king polar bears, note the rug on gym wall in video above) dreaming of their first Bering Strait School District title since the late 1980s.

“It would be real big. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do,” Ungwiluk said of leading Gambell to a district title. “But I know Seattle is the best for me, not only for basketball but academically as well. I think it would allow me to challenge myself a lot more.”

Ungwiluk spent the summer exploring the idea of attending Seattle Lutheran High School and even visited campus during a layover on his way home from Spokane. But eligibility concerns loomed over the decision — he doesn’t want to risk moving 2,000 miles away only to be told he can’t play basketball.


Can he play?

The highlights are impressive, but clearly Ungwiluk isn’t facing EYBL-caliber competition on the 113th largest island in the world (according to Wikipedia).

Having Wallace back is exciting for the school, team and community, but first-year Gambell head coach Alvin Aningayou fears it could be a negative for his development in the long run.

“We are such a small school,” said Aningayou, also an artist who put his skills to work in Gambell’s gym with an incredibly lifelike rendering of a polar bear. “Going to Seattle Lutheran probably would have benefited him with the longer season and better conditioning program — that’s not even something that’s in existence here.

“We can’t even start organized practice until December 2. It’s a blessing that he is going to be back here, but it might actually put him a step behind.”

Ungwiluk concedes that a smaller college might be a better fit, as much from a social and cultural standpoint than a basketball one.

Aningayou has no doubt about his star pupil’s ability to play anywhere at any level, however.

“He’s a very incredible player, a very special player,” Aningayou said. “He’s able to do things with the ball that not too many people can do.”



Published Date : September 14, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope


These past 21 days the book of Matthew has become a strong tower in my life. I have come to have appreciation for Matthew, formerly known as Levi, the tax collector. Last week an auditor came to inspect the NBC books regarding employee benefits. Gail our accountant has a perfect 45 year history with NBC finances, yet I still had to consciously decide to like this man. I say this to show how people must have disliked Levi; yet Jesus chose an “unlikely to be one for his leaders.” This gives me confidence and courage to follow the MASTER knowing He chose me; one of the unlikely ones.

21 has too many lessons to digest; it will take six study sessions just to assimilate the powerful messages. It is a ruggedly tough chapter. This is where the reality of Christ’s life on earth hits home. I plan to apply the magic of six to this chapter……

Introduction to the Magic of Six: Many years ago a brilliant world leader told us it takes six times to experience a truth before it becomes your reality. Being very poor at the time it was a major investment to purchase 26 high powered messages given by world class leaders. These were my only cassette tapes so I listened to them to the point I could recite the speakers next sentence. At an early age in my career I learned the “magic of six”. It takes six asks to make a sale. It takes six asks to get the best woman in the world to say, “I will.” Yes, indeed, in any worthy endeavor it often takes six fall downs to win the prize.

Numbers have special significance. 3 is perfect unity expressed so clearly in the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Holy Family, Father, Mother, Child.

Number 6 has a unique place in the learning process. Watch the same movie, book or repetitive athletic skill 6 times and it becomes YOURS; All YOURS.


PTR- proven track record- In 10 years nearly 1 million dollars has gone to youth in desperate need of attending life changing sports camps.

Honest Leadership- 95% of every dollar received goes directly to people; only 5% is used for administration. No one in leadership receives compensation.

USA Citizens Benefit- all too often, both in politics and in humanitarian services, hurting people in the United States suffer while so much financial focus is overseas. SLM helps all over the world but first in the USA.

Gigantic Needs- so many youth and families are hurting; children, too often, have no father to guide them. SLM connects youth to leaders worthy of being imitated.

Accountability- too often gift givers have no idea how their investment is being used. SLM donors have unique opportunities to make their dollars count in ways to honor their family members.

Changed Lives- one of life’s richest benefits is being a difference maker in another’s life. SLM gives our benefactors an opportunity to change lives.



Published Date : September 13, 2015
Categories : Uncategorized

Today, this 13th day of a Spokane “Indian Summer,” is no expectation Sunday!

My firm resolve is to reduce all expectations from others for one entire day. In addition, I will reduce all expectations from me. Liberty, peace, rest and joy will be the reward! No expectations are not an easy task for drivers and grinders.

In the 20 Matthew chapter, expectations of workers create… this was where I paused and did other things. Now it is a day later. Monday at the NBC office. This means I did not get back to finishing No Expectation Sunday.

Quite ironic this is the one day I did not finish my daily goal of doing Words from Fred, Inspirations from Suave or whatever I end up calling these daily words. Hope those who have come to enjoy reading them were having a “no expectations Sunday” as well.

So what did I learn from Matthew 20 about NO Expectations? Actually quite a lot!

Jesus relates the story of the owner who hired workers. Some worked all day; others the last hour of the day. He decided to pay them all the same wage. Those who worked all day felt cheated. They were not happy.

The story reminds me of a class I took on leadership. The subject matter was, division of labor. Dealing with team members who were not doing their fair share of the work load. I remember vividly the prof saying; “If you put two men in a ditch with the orders to dig a one mile trench and one of the workers does the majority of the work, frustration and bitterness is likely to take place before the task is completed.

The lesson in Matthew 20 goes back to the 80-20 rule. No matter where you live, work or play 80% of the team will most likely do 20% of the work or play.

The solution Jesus prescribes here is take care of your 20% and don’t focus on what the other 80% are doing. This attitude produces gratitude and thankfulness for the opportunity to use your talents. It comes down to a matter of EXPECTATIONS.

The second lesson Matthew gives clarity on is a matter of Expectations of Privilege. The mother of Zebedee’s sons kneels before Jesus. He asks, “What do you want?” “Can one of my boys sit at your right side and the other your left side”, asks mom!

TALK ABOUT EXPECTATIONS! This is a fabulous lesson for all of us parents. What are our expectations for our children?

Yesterday was no expectation Sunday. I plan to be careful about expectations of both others and myself. Today, Monday, is high expectation day for me. I am excited to feel healthy and productive. My highest dream is to live the light, life and love of Jesus Christ today.



Published Date : September 10, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“The art of changing foul days to blue sky days”


500 years ago a young Spanish soldier led his troops to battle against France. A cannon ball ripped between his legs, one being severely injured.

On his bed preparing for death he idled his time reading. The last book in the castle was the book titled THE IMITATION OF CHRIST.

1400 Jesuit universities, like Gonzaga and Georgetown, thank you St. Ignatius for turning your RED SKY Days to blue skies.

The founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, was introduced to me in 1999 by the wisest, kindest man I had ever met which is saying a mouthful in light of the profound influence of my mother and Uncle Walt.

Father Bernard Tyrrell was this man. 10 years my senior, crippled with MS, the single best professor of Mrs. Crowell’s academic career, and best of all one who actually imitated the life of Christ in everyday life experiences.

Father B was my mentor in building a TOOL BOX filled with the correct tools to turn red days into blue skies regardless of the events of the day.

Matthew 17 is a perfect text to illustrate the reality of red/blue days.

For the first time Jesus tells his team he is going to suffer greatly and die.

These past 5 years the Crowell’s have had some very stormy red sky mornings. These are the times we depend so heavily upon the remarkably reliable and effective tools Father B taught me to use these past 17 years.

Today for me is a blue sky day. This is a good day to organize my skills tool box. To make sure they are ready to use when red sky days come and surely they will come.

Which brings to mind Paul’s strong words in Ephesians 6. Put on the full armor of God. Happy I shined all my shoes last week. Good shoes are very important on the basketball court and in the spiritual battle.

Now I am ready to win the moment so I can win the hour so I can win the day.



Published Date : September 9, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

“The skies miracle windex”


“When it is evening.. It will be fair weather: for the sky is red….in the morning the weather will be foul…”

For days on end Spokane skies were filled with smoke and dust. It seemed like Washington state was going to burn up. Imagine fires burning 150 square miles!

Without rain and less wind we were helpless. Rain was our HOPE!

Rains came, dirty, filthy, blackened skies turn beautiful blue. We could breathe fresh air.

Life experience demonstrated to me as rain cleanses both sky and earth FORGIVENESS cleanses people’s lives.

FORGIVENESS heals relationship.

FORGIVENESS LIBERATES US FROM THE BONDAGES OF SELF HATE, anger, revenge, and other destructive behaviors.

Why is forgiveness seeking so difficult for many?
What makes these simple words “Will you forgive me for (name the offense)” so difficult?

What makes it possible?

The Lord’s Prayer is my best haven to find The Lord’s Rain to cleanse my mind and heart.

Forgiveness is a gift. My hope is to apply it more consistently


THE ULTIMATE CRUCIAL QUESTION? Who do you say that I am?

Published Date : September 8, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Vital lesson from MATTHEW 16.

Lesson one: Watch out for unhealthy people who influence you in negative ways. “Guard against the yeast” is the metaphor used by Matthew. Why yeast? Maybe because it takes a tiny amount to make a huge difference!

Amazing how one negative person on a team can create havoc! Amazing how one positive person can elevate a team’s performance.

Action point: Avoid the influence of negative people; keep them at a distance; especially emotionally. Focus on not being a negative person. Find meaningful ways to be filled with gratitude, kindness, grace and light to others.

Lesson two: Discover who I am; not who people say or think I am.

The master of master teachers asked his disciplines the crucial questions? Who do people say I am? Who do you say that I am?

My conviction is, it takes a lifetime to discover who I am. The journey through the twists and turns of life, like one of those rivers in tundra Alaska that form new routes, who I am has changed through the years.

The one thing that has never changed in my life is not who I say I am but who God says I am! This fact alone has been my ROCK. Interestingly this is what Jesus said about Peter when the apostle declared, YOU ARE THE CHRIST, the Son of God.

With delight I have asked for at least the past 20 years three important questions and provide the answers to them.


Today, this 8th day of September I am a rock. I choose to be right here, right now, and to know I am a miracle because God made me.

Knowing this has given me purpose to rise early, live fully, and embrace both the drudgery, and the delights of the day.



Published Date : September 7, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Why is hard work not enough?

Because love and passion bring meaning & purpose to HW?

Why is meaning and purpose essential to hard work?

Because if you love hard work your motivation will be inspired?

Why is inspiration important in hard work?

Inspiration is the fire power to be more productive, creative and excellent?

Why is production, creativity and excellence important to working hard?

Work is a gift from God not a discipline of drudgery and pain. Work combined with love and passion becomes master pieces of expression.

For 45 years the NBC MANTRA HAS BEEN. HARd WORK-Pays off!

My new challenge is to embrace fully LOVE of HARD WORK- this brings glory to God and refreshment to those being served

Early today. I reorganized my closet, shined all my shoes, de-junked closets and loved the process. Attitude is king.

Good start! Think big year start small shining shoes.

MATTHEW 15. Speak Lord. I am here. Ears open and eyes to see.

Clarification to all friends. When i said i was evaluating sending these daily words some expressed concern about my health.

I had pause if I should send out these Words from Suave because too often I share what I have not mastered.

A mentor asked, why are you sending this to others?

After asking 5 Why’s two reasons surfaced:

#1. This discipline is what I need for me on my journey to live where I want and need to be.

#2. To call it your own it is vital to share what you are learning. Note Learning not learned. As I share with you I learn at a deeper level.

One responder told how the family of five used one as a family time.

Soon those who wish to get Words from Suave can connect to my website.

Back to Matthew

Point One. Matthew has not been my favorite Gospel book. Yet as I have spent time with this former tax collector I have come to value him. He is a straight shooter and when he met the Savior he was ALL IN.

The fact is Jesus noticed him. Good news. If Jesus noticed a tax collector he can notice a coach.

Action point-spend quality time w the important people in my life this year because my appreciation for them will grow.

Jesus question. “Do you nullify the word of God for your traditions”.

“People honor God and people with their lips but not their hearts. ”

Matthew is speaking to me this Labor Day. Embracing work not only with hard effort but even more importantly with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving. To actually love the act of working hard has dramatic positive consequences.

Work has the potential to be beneficial to people when done cheerfully, enthusiastically and with perfection.

One of my favorite passages from St. Paul’s writings comes to mind.

“Therefore as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, cloth your selves with compassion, kindness, gentleness, humility and patience….
And whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of The Lord.

I choose Loving hard work today.

Win the moment. Then win the day.


Green Lights Red Lights

Published Date : September 1, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

The first day of September is Crowell’s January first day?

Why? Always a wise question because if you know the why the “how too follows” like a dog on a leash.

For 45 years NBC has operated on a school year calendar. As summer ends sports camps end. The last camp is a red light and the next, green light camp season begins.

I truly love Spokane Septembers. This one may be an exception with so many fires destroying land, homes, businesses and most of all people.

September 1 is Crowell Red Light Time
‪#‎review‬ miracles of past year-come up with top 5 out of 10
‪#‎rejoice‬ in past 12 months of victories. Celebrate them all week
‪#‎confession‬ week-search for hidden areas of “cleaning the interior home” of Crowell.

Green Light Day. The first day of a new year for Crowell. Dream BIG plan small.

Goal. All 2015-16 goals in place
With these 3 core values
‪#‎expect‬ less from others –
‪#‎operate‬ in abundance not lacking
‪#‎red‬ light all “should statements”
‪#‎Focused‬ attention daily on following M/P’s
1. Triple E life living
2. Crowell Basketball University
3. Family
4. Native Alaska
5. NBC China
6. Business consulting
7. NBC camps

Plan a one day personal retreat day
Done by September 16

Matthew 12.
God ‘s WORD is alive and active and able to produce love and light and life into all who seek its power.

I come on great need do that today is His MIRACLE IN MY LIFE.

Matthew lays it out on the hypocrisy of being super religious and

The critics of The Lord condemn Him for doing good on the sabbath.

In my life experience Matthew’s message rings true. Today it seems to me common idea equates religious behavior to external behaviors like church attendance and obedience to rules of conduct.

Jesus dramatically shots this idea in the foot.

Speaking of church a wise Christ servant said. “There are three church opportunities available. The first church is in the home. The heart of the believer; then the family church and finally the community church. All have value.

Psalm one and Proverbs one will have to wait until evening. Playing with a two and four year old; yoga class and now lunch with four miracle ladies. Wife, daughter and 3 granddaughters.



Published Date : August 31, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Marvelous day?


Because it is a new day
Because it is a new week
Because it is the last day of the month
Because it is an opportunity to really live
Because we can exercise the gifts of choice, imagination and memory

Today I relieve memories of Nellie. King, Susie’s mom. An amazing cook a better grandma to Jennifer and Jay.

Today I made some good decisions.
Jay and I started the day going to Mass and followed it up at the athletic club.

Here is my nugget from Mass. Father Bob spoke of fond memories of a professor who inspired him to reflect every day on closing his eyes and think what it will be like to close your eyes for the very last time on planet earth and wake up in heaven.

The notion here is if you are ready to depart this earth your are more likely enjoy being here on earth

Guess what? I think this was a wise professor. I plan to follow his advise.

How about you.

Since my morning was so full I am looking at Matthew 11 at the end of the day.

So let’s see what St. Matthew has to say for us from Chapter 11
Hope I find one exceptional principle to elevate the way I live.

“Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”.

These words are precious to me because these past few years the amount of human suffering is enormous and tragically much is self inflicted. Just today I learned of divorces that hurt many and fires and burned homes and illness and pain.

My life experience has shown me when u really are in pain often the only place one can find peace is from our Lord.

It is now past. 8:30. Bedtime for this warrior for joy and living in abundance.

Yes This Monday was marvelous.



Published Date : August 30, 2015
Categories : Faith, Words of Hope

Today is a pajama day. (Many years ago Jay loved pajama days).

Welcome rains are cleansing showers for smoke filled skies and respiratory relief for all.

Today for too many is pain and hardship for lost homes, death to live stock and destruction to hundreds of thousands of acres throughout western USA; especially the Pacific NW.

In Paul ‘s message to the Romans He lays out incredibly significant promises in Chapter 8.

He tells us there is no condemnation for those in Christ. We are promised the God of the universe has adopted us. Abba Father is our Heavenly Father. We have full inheritance.

As the present days present challenge after challenge it is my privilege to stand firm resting in His Word.

MATTHEW 10 is the lesson for today.

Jesus sends out the 12. His message is very clear. It is not for the feint in heart. This is total commitment.

Can I pick up the cross daily and follow Him. I am ready to serve right now and every moment for the rest of my life.

Jesus you alone are worthy of a person’s total obedience because you have a perfect proven tract record.

Psalm 30
Prayer of praise
“That my heart may sing and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.

Proverbs 30

Every word of God is flawless

Sacred Sunday is a day of rest for me. Grateful to be in a state of consolation today.

Songs family of Crowells sang today
JAY wanted old nbc song from early days, OUR GOD IS SO GREAT.

Today is a win the moment kind of day.


Published Date : July 10, 2015
Categories : Camps

Hi Mr. Crowell this is Gavin Tarvin I talked to you at the camp at EOU after the all-star game and you told me to keep in touch with you and I was wondering if I could get information on the post and point camp I’m interested in it and look forward to seeing you again,

Gavin Tarvin


Published Date : July 10, 2015
Categories : Camps

Hi Mr. Crowell this is Gavin Tarvin I talked to you at the camp at EOU after the all-star game and you told me to keep in touch with you and I was wondering if I could get information on the post and point camp I’m interested in it and look forward to seeing you again,


10yr NBC Italia Anniversary

Published Date : July 6, 2015
Categories : Basketball, news

Dear Coach Fred,

As we celebrate our 10 NBC ITALIA year I wanted to remind you of the great days you were  here in

Italy with us to start the camp.  We miss you.  Please come next summer! 

NBC Italia celebrates 10 years…..Fred is honored to visit the Italian Military Base with top Leaders.

Timos, president of NBC ITALIA is second from right.

Salvatore is NBC Camps fitness guru and member of the Italian Military.

NBC ITALIA is a wonderful member of the worldwide NBC Camps family.


Crowell Point to Post Basketball Camp 2015 - Skagit Valley

Published Date : June 9, 2015
Categories : Basketball, Camps, Players Corner


Skagit Valley College hosts



YOU ARE INVITED! July 20-24, 2015

“The Crowell Guarantee” – 100% Coach Crowell leadership involvement with exceptionally qualified assistant coaches.

Each player will be given the knowledge and understanding to return home with these four pillars:

  1. Master Individual Basketball Skills – Take care of the ball; play smart, play hard and finish the play.
  2. Master Team Basketball Skills – Skills necessary to function as a 5 man team, not a one person show.
  3. Master Emotional Intelligence Skills – Self-control, operating under pressure, meaning & purpose.
  4. Master Leadership Skills – Making others better, tools to inspire fellow teamates.
Fred Crowell
COACH CROWELL on the Point to Post System: “Being able to play both the perimeter and in the paint made the great teams I played on in Anacortes successful. While I was coaching at the University of Alaska (Fairbanks) my point guard, Milo Griffin averaged 21 points per game. My post players averaged 21 points per game at just 6’4”. Guard him with a big post player, we would make you play him out on the perimeter. Guard him with a smaller post player, we would make you play in the paint.”

Cost per player: $585 (includes: Tuition, Crowell Ball, Uniform, Learning Materials, Room & Board) Scholarships available: email for applications.

Coach’s cost: $500

$250 (Bring one player)

Free (Bring two players, only pay for your meals)

Contact Fred Crowell for more information.   509.953.8282


When a DREAM becomes an Opportunity



Answer:  One, if you have LeBron James and two, if you have a high school team!


Answer: Typically, teams lose 5 to 6 games by five or fewer points?


Answer:  Typically teams lose 2 or 3 games (and too often up to five) in the last minute.

Coach, send me your best perimeter player and your best post player and I truly believe you will win more games next season.  The “Law of the Inch” is so true in basketball.  You will lose by not finishing each possession with ultimate focus and mental toughness.


*Personalized expert coaching to a maximum of 50 students.  (Call Coach Crowell to learn how this camp will impact your two key players for the 2015-16 season.  You will be impressed.)

*Emotional Intelligence IQ Training – the one skill most coaches cannot teach.  Coach Crowell has mastered this skill over the past 50 years.  Call to get specific information.

*Each players gets 3 essentials: knowledge, understanding, and take home a game plan to master the 4 pillars of being a great player at all five positions & being a team leader.




Fred Crowell

Fred Crowell

Founder/President of NBC Camps

America’s Finest Sports & Life Skills Camp





Published Date : June 2, 2015
Categories : Basketball, Coaches Corner, news, Players Corner

 “Games don’t make you better, they reveal your skill. Fun D’ mentals make you better.” –Fred Crowell




If you are satisfied, read no further. If you are eager to get better, read on!

Introduction: Similar to Coach John Wooden, I did not become a coaching master until my late 40’s, even though at age 23 my University of Alaska team was the first Nanook team to have a collegiate winning season at 13-3. Similar to Jim Harrick, I also discovered how much more I learned from watching many practices and games after we retired from college coaching.

The System:  Great coaching is the product of great systems. The Crowell Basketball System is based on 50 years of playing, coaching, and mentoring college players to young dribblers. The goal of Crowell teams is to play with great intensity, take care of the ball, do not allow offenses to play in rhythm, take high percentage shots and play with freedom and love of the game. I have learned that Emotional IQ is more important than Skill IQ.  Individual Skill IQ is a far superior way to master games-only. I am convinced that summer ball, with little to no individual skill training, actually makes players less effective.

The Player & Coaching Opportunities to learn the Crowell Basketball System

Point to post

Crowell Point to Post (Own the Perimeter and Dominate the Paint) – 5 Days – Includes 40 hours on the court with Individual, Team, Emotional IQ, & Team Skill mastery. 3 great meals, lodging & gear.

Cost: starts at $450 (*prices vary per site)

It is Crowell’s belief that 5-on-5 play is not the best way to improve. It only proves what you can or can’t do! See Crowell’s Basketball Math to prove this point. From an early age the “tallest kid” plays with his back to hoop. The “smallest kid” plays point guard. This camp will teach you how to play both positions and will include minimal classroom time because Crowell believes “doing” is superior to sitting while learning.

Coach Donnie Bostwick, NAIA National Champion coach, said, “I decided to become a Director with NBC Camps and Coach Crowell because of their mission.  Not only is the quality of teaching and skill development second to none, they also focus on developing a player mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  An athlete will leave the experience a stronger leader and communicator along with tools to manage fear and cope with adversity.  CP&P is a game changer for players and teams.”

*Coaches cost to observe and learn: $300 fee (*$100 deduct for each player you bring – up to 3 players). WIAA Clock hours available.

E-mail for more details on these opportunities or for coach observation inquiries.

 Intensity Camp

Crowell Intensity Camp – College Prep Camp – 7 focused days – including 56 hours of skills and games.

*Cost: $1280 (includes $15 Registration fee) – Compare this to going to four weekend tournaments (2 hours and 41 minutes of playing time on the court) to 7 totally focused days which enhances learning.

Coach Crowell believes this is one of the most unique & dynamic training experiences. 100 athletes each year travel from across the USA and many foreign countries to have 56 hours of FUN D’ MENTALS. It is a great opportunity for athletes to learn a quicker game speed, a tougher mindset and compete in game-like situations to climb the camp success ladder.

*Coaches cost to observe and learn:  $500 fee ($100 deduct for each player you bring – up to 5 players). WIAA clock hours available.

DaVonte Lacy, Washington State University All Pac 12 guard, said, “Crowell Intensity Camp is the best camp I have experienced. The way I play and think basketball and life is directly related to my experience at CIC. As long as possible I will now reserve time to be on the coaching staff at CIC. If you want to play college ball, this is one of the best places that can provide the opportunity.”

E-mail for more details on these opportunities or for coach observation inquiries.


The Experience

The Experience – 14 days – The 14-day Ultimate Basketball training features 98 hours of on-court hoops, plus highly effective off-court Emotional IQ and Leadership Skill mastery and games.

*Cost: $1885 (includes $15 Registration fee) – Includes All-Star Camp, Weekend Position Camp & CIC – College Prep Camp

Crowell encourages you to compare this to the athlete he spoke with who spent $8,000 of travel ball playing 21 hours and 33 minutes.

The Experience is a total basketball immersion training. Research shows that total immersion is one of the most effective ways to master skills in language, music, computers, and sports. Sign up for the ultimate basketball experience today!

*Coach cost to observe and learn: $600 fee  (*$100 deduct for each player you bring – up to 6 players)

E-mail for more details on these opportunities or for coach observation inquiries.


The will to win is not as important as the will to prepare to win. The Crowell Pure Basketball System teaches how to prepare to win!


Crowell Point to Post Basketball Camp

Published Date : June 2, 2015
Categories : Basketball, Camps, Coaches Corner, Players Corner


Southwestern Assemblies of God University hosts



YOU ARE INVITED!  July 27-30, 2015
Each player will be given the knowledge and understanding to return home with these four pillars:

  1. Master Individual Basketball Skills – Take care of the ball; play smart, play hard and finish the play.
  2. Master Team Basketball Skills – Skills necessary to function as a 5 man team, not a one person show.
  3. Master Emotional Intelligence Skills – Self-control, operating under pressure, meaning & purpose.
  4. Master Leadership Skills – Making others better, tools to inspire fellow teamates.
Donnie Bostwick

Donnie Bostwick; CAMP DIRECTOR

NBC Camps is glad to welcome Donnie Bostwick into the position of NBC SAGU Director. Donnie has coached basketball for many years. His record of 223-49 places his 82% winning percentage near the top of active college coaches.  National Championships (2005 & 2009) and National Coach of the Year (2009, 2010, 2013), while reaching four final fours. Donnie has directed and worked camps nationwide for nearly 30 years.

Cost per player: $450 (includes: Tuition, Crowell Ball (Shooting Training and Game Ball), Uniform, Learning Materials, Room & Board)

Scholarships available: email: for applications.

Contact Fred Crowell for more information.   509.953.8282




Published Date : May 12, 2015
Categories : Camps

I’ve looked at the NBC camps but can’t tell which ones offer the Point & Post System. Can you direct me. What is the age this Point & Post camp?


Published Date : May 12, 2015
Categories : Camps

Looking for summer camps.


The Crowell Point & Post Basketball Camp

Published Date : May 4, 2015
Categories : Basketball, Camps, Players Corner

The Crowell Point & Post Basketball Camp is going to be one for the most unique basketball camp in the world. Join us this summer and revolutionize your game. Regardless of where you play, the Crowell Point & Post Basketball System is going to make you a complete player, and give you advantages over the person guarding you.

Contact us or sign up for out eNewsletter or visit for more information about this upcoming summer basketball camp.

Find our more about the Crowell Point & Post System here.

Contact Us




Published Date : May 2, 2015
Categories : Uncategorized

“The best in fundamentals and game preparation”
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the Crowell Point & Post System from Coach Fred Crowell


Q.  Why is it best to combine point and post players?

A. The two most critical positions are point guard and post.  If they play well together you have the foundation for a great team.  Point or post camps alone do not provide the dynamic of playing inside and outside based on the defender’s size.  This is a philosophy and area that has been neglected by many coaches.  We want to equip a player to be effective at their position’s skill set but we feel there in increasing value in understanding at the very least the basic skills of the alternate position as well.


Q.  What is the main difference between Crowell’s teaching of the point and post positions compared to other point and post basketball camps?

A. In my 50 plus years of coaching I’ve learned the importance of combining individual skill development with team skill play.  In this system, players learn to play inside and outside based on the size of the defenders.  You learn to play the game based on who guards YOU, not just the position you’ve been told you need to play.  You learn to take advantage of a defender’s weaknesses.  You learn to master the 6 major offensive skills to play both positions & more.  You learn to shoot, play hard, take care of the ball and share it to your team’s best advantage.  Plus, it’s a high priority for us to develop mental toughness is NBC Camps, we have been doing it for 45 years. 

Q.  Who is the Crowell Point & Post best suited for and is it worth the cost difference between Complete Player NBC Camps?

A. I believe NBC Complete Player Camps are a great place to learn and improve on all of the critical fundamentals of the game.  Crowell Point & Post Camp is for very serious players who already can pass, dribble, and shoot effectively.  At Crowell Point & Post Camps, we promise to deliver intensive on-court personal instruction.  We, like the majority of coaches, do not believe real learning takes place in the classroom taking notes but rather hands-on.  Crowell Point & Post Camps will provide some small group teaching team and discussion, but at a minimum.  IF you let us coach you “up” you will learn more in these camps that will impact your game, your view of the world and your personal confidence.   The method we use at Crowell Point & Post is TEC (teach, encourage, correct).  We know less is more and we want to teach you how to train yourself; therefore, Crowell Point & Post coaches, regardless of which site you select teach  until you know it, understand it, and can DO IT!  Then, when you go home you have FREE access to a unique (restricted) CP&P Learning Center to connect with your coach/mentor throughout your entire basketball season. CIC is offered once per year.  These two camps will change your game and they will change your life.  If you have a deep desire to play at your highest level of play, this camp is a bargain.  The added costs are due to the following:  additional personal attention, video analysis of play, reduced number of campers, uniform/gear package, and follow up communication from NBC Camps.


Q.  What specific skills will be taught at Crowell Point & Post Camps?

A.  One of our trained coaches will be happy to discuss this in detail.  Many of our competitors got their start in the basketball camp business at NBC Camps.  Our brand is recognized by many who have attended NBC Camps and Crowell Intensity Camp.  Crowell Point & Post is our newest product of “top” camps.  In order to remain what we aspire to be, “the best basketball camp experience in the world,” we realize we must be on the cutting edge of new ways to teach the game better.  This is our promise to you.  I have dreamed and planned for many years to have a Post and Point Camp where these two positions learn the same two positions and master the key element of great basketball.  I want to keep this information only for coaches and players who participate in the Crowell Point & Post System.  Therefore we will not put our specific curriculum online.  We will be pleased to discuss both Crowell Point & Post and CIC with you.


Q.  Do you agree with professional players and scores of college coaches that contend that USA basketball shooting and fundamentals have digressed because of players exclusively focusing on travel teams? 

A. Absolutely! In 1965, I took my University of Alaska Team to Europe.  In 1969, my Athletes in Action team visited South America.  USA basketball was light years ahead of the rest of the world.  They copied the USA system of fundamentals first and games second, while the USA drifted toward games first and fundamentals last and sometimes not at all.  From the earliest basketball ages to college athletes, USA hoopers crave 5-on-5 play and disdain skill development.  Pure shooters and masters of vital basketball skills have diminished.  These days, very few interior players have the ability to face up to the basket or even finish standard post moves.  Point guards are often poor shooters, can’t make 80% of their free throws, and do not finish plays with baskets.  With this camp, we aim to elevate the play of aspiring point guards and post players everywhere.


If you have questions please email Lindsay Dietzen (, Personal Assistant to Fred Crowell, or you may call either Coach Crowell or Brandin Elliott.  800.406.3926


Food for Thought

Published Date : May 1, 2015
Categories : Basketball, Players Corner

Basketball has two seasons:  school ball; off season ball.  In each season there are two options.  The focus is either on building a great team, or working on individual skills to improve.  Time does not permit players to do both.


Kobe and LeBron came out and said they dislike travel ball and tournaments.  Later we will talk about how EURO BALL is impacting the Pro Game. If you don’t work on skills you don’t get better.


Summer ball is time to get better as a player; not as a team.  5 on 5 is not the best way to learn to play the game of Basketball. 


Basketball  Math: proves fundamental play is vital to building great teams.  1 on 1 and 5 on 5 play reinforces bad habits in the offseason, if no skill development has happened.


        32 minutes X 5 players equals 160 minutes of playing time. 

        10 players each get 16 minutes of playing time.

        10 games gives each player 2.6 hours of basketball court time!   (No wonder a parent called our office this week asking if kids would be laying around all day between games.)



NBC Camps has dedicated our company to individual skill development.  We promise each of your players will return home with serious on court skill training including taking care of the ball, knowledge to correct poor shooting form, and a plan for personal improvement. As the summer approaches now is the time to make a decision on where you want to be as a player.


Be on the lookout for more posts on this hot topic currently in the basketball world!



-Coach Crowell


Playing in the Fifth Dimension

Published Date : March 14, 2015
Categories : Basketball, Players Corner

THE BODY The human body is like the body of a car, truck, airplane or train. They come in all sizes, have different purposes and are loved based on the bias of the operator. The body must become servant to the mind.

THE MIND The electrical system in any vehicle has a similar role as one’s mind. Amazingly enough each vehicle, like humans, has a key unique to its ignition. No other key will work. Likewise, the only person who can turn your mind on is YOU! You control your attitude, your mindset, your focus. What happens when you turn on the light switch to your mind?

THE EMOTIONS The difference between a thermometer and a thermostat is one registers the temperature while the other controls it. In today’s cars, technology is so efficient the thermostat can control the driver and passenger temperature separately. Fear, anger, rage, self-pity, pouting, joy, attitude, confidence, and courage are all emotions controlled by you.

THE SPIRIT Transporters without appropriate fuel cannot operate. Run a car tank out of fuel and it becomes worthless. Run an athlete out of desire and losing is soon to follow. The spirit of a person is the fuel found in the inner most being, the heart. Find the fire, the passion, the will to fight and you have a chance to win. When athletes develop health (wholeness) in these four dimensions, a miracle takes place. They are able to perform in the fifth dimension. Observe how most champions or championship teams are able to elevate their performance to new heights.

NBC Camps empowers athletes to live in the fifth dimension. This means living up to your potential, being the best you can be.

Fred Crowell

President & Founder of NBC Camps


Slam Dunk

Published Date : March 14, 2015
Categories : Basketball, Players Corner


Girls Basketball Camps

Published Date : March 14, 2015
Categories : Coaches Corner, Players Corner

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Boys Basketball Camps

Published Date : March 14, 2015
Categories : Coaches Corner, Players Corner

For more information about our upcoming boys basketball camps please fill out the contact form below.

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Crowell eNews

Published Date : March 14, 2015
Categories : news

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Letter from the President

Published Date : March 14, 2015
Categories : Coaches Corner, Players Corner


When I took a leap of faith to begin NBC Camps in 1971, a lot of people thought I was crazy. That was a long time ago and a lot has changed. One thing that has not is the purpose and mission of NBC Camps. Basketball is a great game but it will betray the dreams of 99% of all the boys and girls growing up wishing to play in the NBA and WNBA.

It is my firm conviction that there has to be more to make basketball worth it. I honestly believe if BASKETBALL does not make you a better person it is a WASTE of time, money and energy for the 99% who do not make it to the professional level to earn a living.

Basketball is a fabulous tool to teach self-discipline, trust, hard work, honesty, commitment, courage and confidence. Many basketball programs and coaches talk about making players better people without delivering. NBC Camps’ core value is to prepare players for success in life. At the foundation of what we do is a desire to build life and joy into each individual that crosses our path. We want to convey that the real value of playing this game is to look back on a career of competitive sports, not with regret, frustration and hurt feelings, but rather an appreciation for what the game has taught us both as athletes and people. The secret to success for athletes is to learn to play in the fifth dimension. If an athlete can learn to perform in the fifth dimension it will not only translate to a higher degree of success in sports, but also equip them with the tools to be successful in life.


THE BODY The human body is like the body of a car, truck, airplane or train. They come in all sizes, have different purposes and are loved based on the bias of the operator. The body must become servant to the mind.

THE MIND The electrical system in any vehicle has a similar role as one’s mind. Amazingly enough each vehicle, like humans, has a key unique to its ignition. No other key will work. Likewise, the only person who can turn your mind on is YOU! You control your attitude, your mindset, your focus. What happens when you turn on the light switch to your mind?

THE EMOTIONS The difference between a thermometer and a thermostat is one registers the temperature while the other controls it. In today’s cars, technology is so efficient the thermostat can control the driver and passenger temperature separately. Fear, anger, rage, self-pity, pouting, joy, attitude, confidence, and courage are all emotions controlled by you.

THE SPIRIT Transporters without appropriate fuel cannot operate. Run a car tank out of fuel and it becomes worthless. Run an athlete out of desire and losing is soon to follow. The spirit of a person is the fuel found in the inner most being, the heart. Find the fire, the passion, the will to fight and you have a chance to win.

When athletes develop health (wholeness) in these four dimensions, a miracle takes place. They are able to perform in the fifth dimension. Observe how most champions or championship teams are able to elevate their performance to new heights.

NBC Camps empowers athletes to live in the fifth dimension. This means living up to your potential, being the best you can be.

Fred Crowell President & Founder of NBC Camps


Guide To Sports Activities Jerseys Cheap

Published Date : September 19, 2013
Categories : Coaches Corner

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Published Date : May 14, 1017
Categories : Words of Hope

How does a boy become a man without a good mother? This is a mystery to me.

When I journeyed to my secret place or the place I also call the secret garden, I held the notion that loss of a father, (the absence of a dad who has a proven track record and is worthy of being imitated) is a child’s greatest loss.

This changed in me this morning. How? Why? Valid questions.

Today, time in my sacred place was profound for me. Inexplicably I changed gardens. My sacred place today was in the family room. The walls and shelves showcase years of family photos.  

“As I became into still water where my life is not taxed with forethought of grief” -The Peace of Wild Things, William Berry. I asked the Lord to give me today’s Words of Hope. Lord, what do you want to teach me today?

Out of the multitude of pictures, the Kathleen Mitchell Crowell picture became the only photo in the room. Mom was probably in her mid-thirties. As all the Mitchell Irish ladies, she was beautiful.

A few days ago, I used oxygen as a metaphor for encouragement. Mom birthed 8 children in 13 years.

Fortunately for me, I had oxygen for 21 years. Mom was my oxygen. Her gifts to me included a moral compass, work ethic, spiritual guidance, respectable manners, and kindness to people of less station in life. Mom was my role model. It dawned on me this morning, I believed the loss of a father was the most significant child loss.  

My remarkable, truly amazing brother, Larry, lost our mother at age 9. He ran the street and was forced to take on man duties as a child.

Yet, how about the child who lost both a dad and a mom?

This is all a mystery. My life experience is full of kids who had amazing parents and tossed their lives away.  

Parents have one child who becomes a champion; the other a jail bird. Some kids come from abject depravity and become remarkably successful.

As I teach huge numbers of young people hoops this summer, one idea that looms large in me as I look into their eyes is this fantastic reality.

We do not get to choose our parents, yet we do get to choose the parents we become!

As I looked into mom’s beautiful face this morning, I asked the Lord to help me live in such a way to bring honor to my mom. Mom died of pancreatic cancer in 1963. She had a tough life. Today she is in Glory. Her most precious gift to me was to live such a way so I could learn to choose the right woman for me. She trained me well. Don’t believe? Come check out Mrs. C my life partner for 53 years.
