Imagine a valentine heart shape burdened with a heavy backpack running to jump and clear a high bar.

Recently I visited a very special person to our family who was heavy in heart and clearing that high bar into hope seemed out of reach.

In the storms of life, we need heart anchors. To be clear, I see our souls as being the essence of who we are. Heart and soul are synonymous in my opinion.  

Anchors are crucial on boats, and I have learned specifications matter. I purchased an anchor for our pontoon boat that was too small and it could not keep our boat from drifting away.

St. Peter used anchors to illustrate the importance of securing our hearts with hope.

If our hope anchor does not have the right specifications to meet our heart’s needs, it is ineffective in protecting our emotions.

The boat anchor’s job is to keep the boat off the rocks. Our hope anchor’s job is to keep our heart (emotions) off of worry, doubt, fear, and other destructive hazards of life.

As our dear friend opened up her burdened heavy heart, dropping tears as she spoke about her father’s imminent death, Susie and I grieved with her. In trials like these, we are given the privilege to help others re-anchor their hearts to perfect hope.  

Cancer has taught me not to run from a heavy heart but to lean into the challenge and put on the full armor of God. The goal is not to survive, but to thrive.  

As the three of us wrapped our arms around each other, our hearts did not stop hurting but the anchor and tether seemed stronger. It is in times like these the profound love of Jesus draws near.

What is weighing your heart down today?

“The LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” – Isaiah 30:18